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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 176 KB, 231x338, Merchant_venice_tp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18390722 No.18390722 [Reply] [Original]

/lit/bros, why don't they typeset books like this anymore?

>> No.18390732

niggers get confused at the s vs "f" distinction despite them referring to different sounds

>> No.18390748

Literally LN titles.

>> No.18390847

if we still used it regularly no literate person would make that error

>> No.18390852

Let's rewrite the title pages of a few other works in the splendid style you cited.



Fantastickal Hiftory of that Monfrouf Fpirit of the Deep,

——— MOBY DICK ———

Including many Diverfe and Edifying Interludef regarding the Theory and Practice of


and introducing a gallery of splendid and memorable fellowf including the obfeffed CAPTAIN AHAB and QUEEQUEG the Noble Cannibal,

by the celebrated author Mr


All handsomely bound in Durable Green Leather

and ornamented throughout with a number of fine ILLUFRATIONF.

>> No.18390855

Little-known fact. The ſ was used in the past as more people used to have lisps in the past and a normal s wouldn't have made sense. This is why it resembles a t combined with an s somewhat.
It's amazing how far we've advanced since then.

>> No.18390891
File: 31 KB, 327x565, poemsofalexander00mont_0037.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18390900

American humour is really...

>> No.18391082


>> No.18391306
File: 170 KB, 1207x838, laughing turtle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18391392

Seriously, why did people tolerate this? It's just such an effort to write and read like this.

>> No.18391403

What the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.18391437

A comment made on the Original Post, being a most sturdy and insightful reflection arrived at by the Noble Anon, and being made in reply to a discussion thereof commenting on the nature of olde works

Printed on the most senpai'd 4 Channel in courier font

This ^

>> No.18391472

Reading books isn't for you.

>> No.18391482

I love reading but I just never understood this long-winded preamble that emerged suddenly in Elizabethan England for some reason.

>> No.18391499

>he thinks it only existed in elizabethean england
Reading really isn't for you then.

>> No.18391508

Give me prior examples then and examples from other cultures where half the plot is explained on the first page

>> No.18391525

It was an advertisement for the text. "Buy it, buy it, it's so exciting!", like today's capeshit trailers.

>> No.18391543


James VI Guide to Poetry in the Scots language

THE CAUSEwhy (docile Reader) I haue not dedicat this short treatise to ony particular personis (as commounly workis vsis to be) is, that I esteme all thais quha hes already some beginning of knawledge, with ane earnest desyre to atteyne to farther, alyke meit for the reading of this wirk, or any vther, quhilk may help thame to the atteining to thair foirsaid desyre.

>> No.18391570

>Written around Elizabethan times literally next door to England

Come anon, don't be so lazy

>> No.18391577

Fuck off you racist cunt

>> No.18391586
File: 90 KB, 355x533, Richardthird.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Richard III is my favorite
>the whole course of his detested life, and most deserved death

>> No.18391615

I have no idea how that was racist but I guess that's your kneejerk reaction when you're exposed for a pseudointellectual I guess.

>> No.18391622

Yeah that's what I assumed, given a lot of posters were written this way too

>> No.18391743
File: 94 KB, 750x550, Mike_Tyson_t750x550.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>William Shakefpeare

>> No.18391790
File: 349 KB, 2000x1312, Foundation_of_the_American_Government_by_Henry_Hintermeister.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


It was about manners I think. communicating information wasn't enough, you had to do so while flattering the intelligence of your audience. This is done in many different ways, complex grammar, addressing the reader directly and assuring him that the author is aware of his insight and intelligence, but will nonetheless explain things in the following passage for the sake of progeny and literary accuracy... etc...

Things like that. IMO makes for a much more engaged reading experience. Now everything is written like some incel screaming at his mom who doesn't care about what he has to say.

The confidence that these people had in their writing is remarkable, they were certain that they were engraving their words into the very foundations of history, it was no doubt a result of the high intelligence that was required to collect and memorize information. There was no google, you had to memorize information and keep it at recall, and structure your writing so as to reference materials accurately and vaguely at the same time. This likely also participated in creating complex sentence structures. Everything was pouring out of their own mind, not footnotes, hyperlinks, or reference points, everything was demonstrated inline in the text.

>> No.18391812

The moſt tragickall Hiſtorie of Lieutenant TYRONE SLOTHROP

by Miſter Thomas Pynchon.

Contayning his flighte from Them, his numerous ſenſual Eſcapades, his conqueſt and ſubſequente loſs of the luſtie BIANCA, and concluding in his ſcattering acroſse the forſaykene Zone.

Alſo including the doomed romance of ROGER MEXICO, the miſterious departure of Lieutenant TANTIVY MUCKER-MAFFICK, the moſte unſavourie meale of Brigadeere Generall ERNEST PUDDING, the exploytes of Colonel VASLAV TCHITCHERINE, the moſte miſerabell tayle of FRANZ PÖKLER and his louelie Daughter, the peruerſe and acktions of the depraued CAPTAIN BLICERO, and many more ſplendide ſtories too numerous to recounte in fulle.

With ſeverall learned Diuerſions into Mathematicks and Hiſtorie.

As it hath latelie beene ſhitpoſted on Four-Channell's /lit/.

>> No.18392417

agggh remove "and" after "peruerſe"

>> No.18392528

It's just because all books were leather/sewn hardcover back then and they only embossed the covers with the title and author's name. The title page just serves the purpose of the modern book's blurb on the back cover and the frontispiece is like an illustrated cover art.

>> No.18393565

Have you never seen modern legal writing or official statements between different states? They are every bit as formal today.