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18390516 No.18390516 [Reply] [Original]

How do i become a better writer?
I read Camus, Mishima, Vonnegut and italian literature (i am italian myself)
I attend a writing school but it keeps my writing to a boring and stressful state
Only stoners are enjoying my school becausd ma' weed
I can't fucking write until I can free myself from this school

What shall I do?
Keep reading and leave my school?
How is your experience with beign a self made writer?

>> No.18390517

not by browsing 4chan

>> No.18390518

Unironically, you should write, either Italian or English, and put your work on Amazon KDP

>> No.18390523

>What shall I do?
How many words do you write per day?

>> No.18390530

I think this anon has the right idea. In order to get better at drawing, a common technique is to just keep pumping out drawings and practising as much as you can. I wouldn't be surprised if writing is the same.

>> No.18390533

3k/5k characters, I don't count words
Is it safe? Can I get famous/renowed by publishing on Amazon?
I have some friends in the italian publishing but never sent anything because I think I am lame

>> No.18390536
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Well this is how to become good at writting:

>Know to write main sentence and explanatory sentence;
>Know to write metaphor and descriptive sentence (in case you are interesting to writting fiction)
>Read many things (books, online articles, journals, etc) to enrich your vocabulary and writting technique;
>Keep practicing writting. Make it as your habits.

>> No.18390539

Safe? I mean, it's secure because Amazon isn't a scam. They won't steal from you.

Famous? No, but at least people can buy your works and you can publish them. You don't have to rely on an external gatekeeper like an editor or judge. You can also publish under your real name or a pen name.

>> No.18390544

You can save the cautious tone. Writers have to write. Being a writer means writing every day, for many hours (as many as they can handle). If you don't write every day – perhaps because you don't feel like it right now, eh? perhaps because the stars aren't aligned favorably and you're waiting for the kiss of the muse – then you're a dreamer, not a writer.

>> No.18390547

The exact opposite they are teaching me at school
>Just copy Carrére and change some words goyim
>And Remember your pay check this month

>> No.18390552

What is this writing school anyway? Do you get a masters degree at the end of it

>> No.18390576

A writing school in Milan (Mohole)
It's an academic course, something something you get a degree at the end

>> No.18390587

Academia is tough. I'd finish the school and when you're done and mentally less stressed, you can write what you want to write. Or you can write a rip off of Calvino

>> No.18390686
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>i am italian myself
Based, you're a decent writer by default, anon. Italian is a beautiful language.
>I can't fucking write until I can free myself from this school
Stop making excuses. There will always be some detrimental situation or another one in your life. Do you have free time? Good, then you can write.

>> No.18390712

That loli tomboy maga gave me the strengh to write, thanks anon
Wholesome big chungus reddit

>> No.18391056

That is stupid as fuck. People don't get good at art by pumping out chicken shit all day every day. They get good by learning the fundamentals of art, and practicing that.

Practice doesn't make perfect, perfect practice makes perfect.

>> No.18391254

I think the idea is that people naturally notice the mistakes in their own drawings as they draw them and rectify them as they practice. At the very least, this is the advice I've seen manga artists give.

>> No.18391300

Basato anone italiano
Che scuola frequenti?

>> No.18391310

Mohole, con tutta la merda che ne consegue

>> No.18391911

you can notice your mistakes and not know how to correct them or why they are wrong. That is why fundamentals are important. You can't learn anatomy just by winging it, you need to do thoughtful studying in order to understand.

>> No.18392406

Spàrati, ridicolo pirla

>> No.18393156
