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/lit/ - Literature

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18388582 No.18388582 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.18388589
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>> No.18388600
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>> No.18388606
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>> No.18388684
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R8 my most recent amazon delivery

>> No.18388698

/pol/tard tier

>> No.18388713
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>> No.18388725
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>> No.18388755

>The Torture Garden
Patrician detected

>> No.18388758


>> No.18388788

Nice lomax

>> No.18388806

These are the most based shelves I've seen

>> No.18388815

t. newfag

>> No.18388837

Post something more based. The only I remember is that library but that dude seemed like he just bought books at a lot

>> No.18388842

I have 21 Days of a Neurasthenic on another selve

>> No.18388846


>> No.18389018

Gonna read any of those kiddo

>> No.18389081

Shame about the Napoleon that doesn't match.

>> No.18389093

Shut up F Gardner

>> No.18389098

I don't think there's anything so narcissistic on this board as the people who take multiple pictures of their shelves and post them as such.

>> No.18389138

I swear i'm not Gardner

>> No.18389153
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That is one smug Alice.

>> No.18389172
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>> No.18389200

Is the Louis XIV book good?

>> No.18389255
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>> No.18389373
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>> No.18389413

based on cringe
very based
very based

>> No.18390775


Are you a Harry Potter fan ?

>> No.18390789

What's the bottom right edition called?

>> No.18390800

Is it revolt against the modern world good?

>> No.18390825


damn an actual collection of the story of civilization, cool guy

>> No.18391054
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>> No.18391071

>carl schmitt - the sovereign collection
i'm still mad you guys can get an affordable schmitt collection while us krautfags have to pay 25€ for a 100 page paperback

>> No.18391170


The story of civilization is out of print or what ? Why did they stop printing it, I can't find it anywhere without being used and expensive.

>> No.18391501


>> No.18391503
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I don't have a shelf I only have a shoebox which i use to store the only 3 books i own

>> No.18391511

Funko pops are just Precious Moments for Millennials

>> No.18391578
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Ignore the pokemon

>> No.18391582

Have you read them?

>> No.18391651


>> No.18391665

Why should we ignore the only good thing on your shelf?

>> No.18391678

It means Mythic Fantasy Role-playing Game.

>> No.18391702

Miss Bernard said core

>> No.18391734


>> No.18391810

>CCRU writings

>> No.18391814


>> No.18391835
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ok. weird thread.

>> No.18392447

Yes. Also checked.

>> No.18392661


>> No.18392766
File: 465 KB, 828x609, D60A0B4A-103C-4724-889E-8412A6EBB55A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess my age

>> No.18392826


>> No.18392912
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>> No.18392923
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>> No.18392933

how's life in chile, pablo?

>> No.18392938
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>> No.18392939


There is no salvation outside the Church.

>> No.18392958
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>> No.18392970
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>> No.18392983

I don't disagree.

>> No.18392996
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I have a lot of fiction that I won't be putting here.
nice shelf
absolutely kino

>> No.18393028

nice troll, reddit LARPer :-)

>> No.18393042

>over 300 USD in (((funko pops))) alone
>i can't afford my college debt, BERNIE HELP ME!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.18393085

where did u get that copy of Decline of the West?

>> No.18393237

how do you prevent your books from turning yellow?

>> No.18393258

Not OP, but I:
1. Keep them out of the sun
2. Buy good editions with pine paper (the whitest of all paper), or at least high quality paper; even if you don't do (1), and it does yellow on the outside, it'll remain crystal clear on the inside.

>> No.18393346
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>> No.18393350
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>> No.18393356

Before you post the rest, you the mansion invader anon?

>> No.18393359
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>> No.18393364
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>> No.18393369
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>> No.18393375
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>> No.18393387
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>> No.18393396
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8/8 Books with no spine text. Missed Foucalt’s second volume of History of Sexuality.

Please recommend some good books, that’s why I post in these threads

>> No.18393413

>Post something more based
muh based. You fucking retard.

>> No.18393419

>javajeets are also stephen king fans
Why I'm not surprised?

>> No.18393430

First try oh fug

>> No.18393530

What's your top3 puritan works?

>> No.18393784

The Evil of Evils by Jeremiah Burroughs
Come and Welcome to Jesus Christ by Bunyan
The Saint's Everlasting Rest by Baxter

>> No.18394170
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Kill em all
God bless

>> No.18394281

have you ever read marx's primary texts or lenin? If not, they would round out the lefty political economy/ideology parts of your collection

>> No.18394844

Arh the guy that cannot defend why the Iliad ought to convince you to become a fascist but still claims it

>> No.18394861

Blessed /fitlit/ poster

>> No.18394897

For what it's worth, I fundamentally agree with him.

>> No.18394901

No that was someone speaking for me in the last thread

>> No.18395743

Sort of
It’s the original American edition
No they’re based
Read a book
I supported Buttigieg. Bernie betrayed his supporters in 2016.

>> No.18395753

the most sincere reader in this thread, very based

>> No.18395974

You pop enough pills you fucking drug addict

>> No.18396327

Which one? The institution or the people?

>> No.18396328

>I supported Buttigieg
>Zuckerberg’s dog
Bootygig betrays everyone but his donors as a career strategy. Why would you care what Bernie does to his fans? Stupid neoliberal con

>> No.18396344

False dichotomy.

>> No.18396369

Buttigieg is gay and I like that. I don’t like Bernie because he stands for no true principle, he’s a phony, a fraud.
Buttigieg on the other hand truly is gay, and stands for SLGBTQ rights, which are drastically needed now more than ever. Biden is a joke. He doesn’t care about the gay community at all.

>> No.18396383

Also what could you possibly have against Zuckerberg? He seems like a good man.

>> No.18396401

>lucky strikes
hell yeah

>> No.18396415

Look everyone he posted it again

>> No.18396640

But Bootygig is a phony fraud too. What’s his sexuality have to do with anything? Weak.
> stands for SLGBTQ rights,
Only if they have lots of money.

Okay that tears it. Weak troll 1/10

>> No.18397300

I’ll bet you’re not even a Democrat and you’re just talking out the ass on issues you don’t have any understanding of.
Fuck you buddy.

>> No.18397750

Oh mein gott cabbage-slurper in my country I'm lucky to have to pay 25EUR delivery.

>> No.18398135

Holy shit you are fucking based, you seem very well read

>> No.18398176

Meant to reply to this anon

>> No.18398179
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Ok I'm returning this bookshelf and just getting the Billy bookcase. Fuck Ikea and bookshelf manufacturers for not making an affordable bookshelf that doesn't look like shit or cost a fortune.

>> No.18398181
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>muscle milk
>lucky strikes
>books on warfare
>"Kill em all"

>> No.18398188

Based and Emil Cioranpilled

>> No.18398503

If want to go down that conversation tree, try going back and read >>18351909

Maybe that's why it was so incoherent. So are you not a fascist?

>> No.18398701
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More of an Italian Futurist, but for all it matters to most, yes I’m a fascist. I believe in their system of economy and I don’t believe in democracy or the capitulation to the side I heavily disagree with.

Not as racial about the whole thing, but certainly do not care what happens to minorities in any way.

Violence is as valid as a means to and end as any other method, as all political goals hold some method of power to achieve them, and violence just means you have the willpower to go beyond the expectation of diplomacy or personal respect for someone who wishes you a horrible life under their system.

>> No.18398850

I was in that thread, and I still stand by my position that the classics lead to a modern understanding of fascism.

>> No.18398880

Is that your place? Where do you live?

>> No.18398902

>he took the funkopops out of the box

>> No.18398967

Seattle. I’m in hell.

>> No.18399051

What books do you recommend for a better understanding of fascism?

>> No.18399207
File: 3.17 MB, 4032x3024, 210AA280-CE4C-4B0C-B837-27F01004E453.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Doctrine of Fascism (pamphlet length) to see what they’re laying down
>The Futurist Manifesto (only a few pages and it’s basically poetry)
>For My Legionaries (posted a lot, but great insight into what makes someone become a martyr for a system like fascism)
>The Bhagavad Gita

Those are the very basics. The Greeks/romans are essential, as well as the western canon of philosophy. Nietszche wasn’t fascist, but his ideas had a major influence. Further theory could be found in writings like
>No More Hunger by William Dudley Pelley
>Spring Comes Again by Jorian Jenks
>Sun and Steel (a meme for sure, but one should always ignore the opinions of others when reading or engaging in art)

There’s much more out there, but I won’t bog you down with the heavier stuff. Start here and you’ll understand what fascism stands for and it’s intentions.

>> No.18399360

idk looks nice

>> No.18399400
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>> No.18399586

Are there any critics of fascism you respect and think make fair arguments against it?

>> No.18399943
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>> No.18399960

soulless and tryhard

>> No.18400133

great collection

>> No.18400352

how are you gonna prove to guests that you have a superior intellect if they can't see the covers of your books?

>inb4 guests

>> No.18400439

I only picked up Leaves of Grass for the first time yesterday, but the edition I have is the 1855 First Edition which is quite short. Beautiful all the same anon, good taste.

>> No.18400488

Trotsky has a pamphlet that is respectable. I despise the Frankfurt School but Eclipse of Reason by Horkheimer raises fair points. I embrace the main criticism by the Frankfurt School that fascism is a libidinal, sexually repressed reaction. I am a sexual person and I do believe there are Vedic, tantric qualities to fascism, and that the libidinal (I.e. violent and sexual) aspects should be heightened and controlled to achieve a life-affirming conquest of power.

Propaganda by Jacques Ellul is one of my favorite books and does a good job of dissecting how Fascism utilizes propaganda and the “myth” of the nation it is trying to use as a means to its own ends. Though I see this as a necessary tool for gaining the support of the masses, who do not deserve a say in the matter of what they believe in, because they will ALWAYS need someone else to tell them

>> No.18400528

Its strange but interesting how I have been finding more and more fascists that are influenced by the Frankfurt school and postmodernists. For a while most people in fascist circles seemed to just disregard them.

>> No.18400533

CCRU next to vikernes holy fuck hahahaha

>> No.18400548

I’m a firm believer in reading every side to an argument or philosophy. That being said, they should have been executed and the damage they did to the western world is probably irreparable.

>> No.18400571

This guy may interest you if you have not heard of him, he is a fascist sort of guy that is very well read in leftist theory, Frankfurt School, and post modernism. He has a lot of good vids.

>> No.18400582

Fascist Foucault lel

>> No.18400588

I’m already interested.

I HIGHLY recommend Chaos, the Charles Manson CIA book. It blows the lid off a million things and essentially proves without a doubt that the CIA maneuvered and created the hippie movement.

>> No.18400637

He has lots of other great vids, very well researched vids on stuff like nationalism, Junger, violence, Nietzsche, and some interesting history content.

>> No.18400666

Really cannot stand hippies for ruining the study of eastern religion in the west

>> No.18400736

unfathomably based

>> No.18400750

The average twitter poster.

>> No.18400756

Any more political/economic theory dear Vampire?
There's Pelley, but since your favourite part is the economic, maybe share some more.
You know I wish to serve you some tzatziki and garlic bread
but since that is not possible, maybe serve me a book instead?

>> No.18400775

Not the orignal anon but Zeev Sternhell and A. James Gregor have good writing on fascism I have heard

>> No.18400781

Georges Sorel is also important for understanding the development of fascism

>> No.18400785

I remember you posted your shelf long ago, it is still great. How'd you like Hunger's Brides? The book interests me, I'm particularly interested in how he chooses to portray sor Juana, but I'm not sure if I should look into buying a copy or not.

>> No.18400961

>Will Durant
You should check out his Story of Philosophy. It's not the best, but I love the way he explains the authors and events.

>> No.18400975

>Diários de motocicleta

>> No.18401010

I was going to put that on the recommendation but wanted to focus on books that had to do directly with fascism

>> No.18401300
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"Io pippo" and "la faraona da carne" are all I need to show off, the rest can read in epub format on my kobo or phone

>> No.18401540

Are you a teenager? Why would you feel the need to show off your interests so blatantly and precariously? Word to the wise, keep interests secretive and on a need-to-know basis. Much cooler

>> No.18402468
File: 894 KB, 722x1439, Huhwhodathoughy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's about 80% of my read books

>> No.18402974

Where are some good places to find shelves? The walmart shelves are god awful and I picked up some chinese garbage from amazon and its already bending.
>400+ books.

>> No.18402993

Nice IRA books, man. You should pick up more Evola and look into The History of Central Banking.

>> No.18403404 [DELETED] 
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Your local hardware store should have all the materials you need.

>> No.18403410

Your local hardware store should have all the materials you need.

>> No.18403637

All you need is wood and nails man

What is the point in posting if we can’t read a single title?

>> No.18403760


>> No.18403777

I really envy you just due to that copy of McElroy's

>> No.18404262

>lit anons recommending giuli

>> No.18404334

I hope not over 15

>> No.18404416
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>> No.18404420
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>> No.18404425
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>> No.18404430

4/4. I need a bigger shelf, I have tons of books in stacks currently because my Donald Duck books and films take so much room

>> No.18404442
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Forgot pic.

>> No.18404785

The waist-height Billy bookcases in white actually don't look too bad if you have two or three in a line.

>> No.18405016


>> No.18405193


>> No.18405282

Are you a teenager? Why would you feel the need to show off your interests so blatantly and precariously? Word to the wise, keep interests secretive and on a need-to-know basis. Much cooler

>> No.18405292
File: 375 KB, 754x1596, donald.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's the Donald Duck shelf (two rows of books on one shelf), I have all the 500 pocket books published in Finland. I also have the magazines from 1975 to 2021 which I have stored in boxes.

>> No.18405318

What do you mean? I genuinely don't understand why you're posting that to me in particular, I just posted my bookshelves which is the topic of this thread. If you dislike sharing shelves, fair enough, but why target me in particular? It's just books on my shelf I liked to share.

>> No.18405555


I too got my Bhagavad Gita from a dude on the street.

>> No.18405598


Paglia's viewpoint that the psychedelic movement robbed us collectively by sidelining the best minds of her generation has made me incredibly uneasy. I'm a different anon, but I'll be looking into that Manson book. If they can wreck the working classes with crack and opioids, they sure as shit could've poisoned intelligentsia.

>> No.18405602

holy based

>> No.18405679
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the shelf of a man who wish he has his own house...

>> No.18405829
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>> No.18405868
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>they sure as shit could've poisoned intelligentsia
truth is, it was rigged from the start.

>> No.18406116

I wanted to do this, but wood has gotten expensive. My wife was looking at IKEA, I'll just pick up that.

>> No.18406128

There are a lot of businesses winding down right now. You should check locally online to see if any businesses are selling their old bookshelves.

>> No.18407422

>old spice

giga-fucking based

>> No.18408487

Rogue Scholar Press

>> No.18408511 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18408518
