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18382950 No.18382950 [Reply] [Original]

>religions sucks
>except Buddhism, Buddhism is alright

>> No.18382952

typical westoid

>> No.18382965
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>no I won't be taking questions
>no I don't want to collab with you on your book project

>> No.18382982

Buddhism is cool but it still kind of sucks in ways westerners arent even aware of for the most part.

Religions can have varying degrees of beauty but they are all fundamentally false if they promise to tell a whole truth.

>> No.18383293
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>> No.18383329

>get in your mental health Zen cage or be fired, drone

>> No.18384823

I was told to get a meditation app by my psych, so I got his one because it was one of the few that didn't look either overly corporate or overly new-age crystal healing. Anyway that convinced me to give his essay on truth a read but it was so disappointing. It promised to be some deep dive into the topic but I felt blue balled. He barely seemed to get started before it was over. Are his other books so under developed?

>> No.18384834

Pick one

>> No.18384844

My friend... don’t waste your time with his books, from one anon to another. Perhaps read a real philosopher if you are curious about the topic, but why do you even want to explore it would be my question

>> No.18384851

>Are his other books so under developed?
Yes. He is considered a joke among scholars. See: https://old.reddit.com/r/AskPhilosophyFAQ/comments/4i89pc/whats_wrong_with_sam_harris_why_do_philosophers/

>> No.18384881

Oh that's so cringe. I dislike some of what Harris does but if your justification for him not being a good philosopher is that he's pro free will and not a compatabilist (there may be enough qualifications after that justify this statement but I didn't go forward) then you're commiting an insane argument on bias. I don't even care if it's the only position that is thoroughly developed, that is a dumb argumemt.

>> No.18384902

>he's pro free will
He isn't, lol.
I actually think his free will book is okay despite what r/askphilosophy says, because I don't really buy compatibilism. But just look at the Moral Landscape video I linked to see how awful his scholarship usually is.

>> No.18384904
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>the buddhism not religion meme
It makes a claims about the nature of reality based on the supernatural revelation of its founder, who was tempted by demons and saw his past lives while meditating under the bodhi tree. Even if you take that very much not literally, the vast majority of Buddhists practise in a manner similar to other religions.

>> No.18384927

>overly corporate

>> No.18384950

>meditation app
How the fuck is that a thing? Meditation is something internal, in your head, how would an app help?

>> No.18384962

Oh my goodness. Everything about that video just reads horribly. I find it odd people who study philosophy academically simply repeat what they've learned and never actually think.
I don't think Sam Harris has formally linked is and ought but conceptually it works he's just missing something that ties them together. Humans obviously don't solely choose happy choices over suffering especially in more emotionally-loaded situations or when they're not fully cognizant but saying the "naturalistoc fallacy" proves is and ought are separate necessarily is anti analytic and misses the forest for the trees.

>> No.18384995


>> No.18385002

Scheduling and keeping track of things if I had to guess.

>> No.18385007

His criticism of Christianity is wholly: “Jesus didn’t condemn slavery.”

>> No.18385011

Some people need guidance and these sort of apps help. I downloaded mindspace, did the 10 free meditation guides and after that I went my own way. But to this day even after a year of meditating every day I still use techniques I learned from those 10 sessions

>> No.18385022

So it's just a timer, plus some text telling you how meditation works? lmao

>> No.18385032

Sam Harris is the biggest pseud on planet earth.
He tries to present himself as some open minded free thinker, but he is as dogmatic as any religious person.
Secular humanists are fucking clowns who LARP as people with profound ideas.

>> No.18385042

some are just that, most popular ones have more features. They often have a the first few meditations free if you're actually curious.

>> No.18385102
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>> No.18385112

I like to think Jesus did condemn slavery but then the Romans edited it out when they were compiling the bible 400 years later, as retribution I always put cream in my authentic pasta cabonara.

>> No.18385141

you win the internet

>> No.18385171
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Your internet levels are off the charts

>> No.18385178

Buddhism is nihilist as fuck so of course they like it.

>> No.18385190

>as retribution I always put cream in my authentic pasta cabonara.
That's a bit like cutting your dick to punish your wife for not having sex with you.

>> No.18385202
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>> No.18385244

The issues isn't his conclusion on free will. There are plenty of legitimate philosophers who share his conclusion. The issue is his arguments for his position suck.

>> No.18385268

but cream makes it better.

>> No.18385285
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Sam Harris is a philosophical eunuch. In his debates with Peterson and Lane Craig he literally just spouted out a bunch of rhetoric about how the Taliban are objectively morally evil because they impede ‘human flourishing’ by preventing girls from going to school.
Funny how the gay issue doesn’t matter anymore to conservatives but they still fight against abortion. In about 15 years they’ll have given up that fight too.

>> No.18385360

The issues are they don't have to debate people who can actually talk about it fruitfully

>> No.18385436

the hungry ghosts are gonna get you anon

>> No.18385828


>> No.18387251


He's right. Buddhism is Materialism.

>> No.18387276


>> No.18387284

We're getting closer and closer to the day when Harris will ascend from making normal booktube videos and start creating eccentric and abstract pieces of art,like all the greats before him

>> No.18387310

Of all the IDW, Sam is perhaps the biggest fraud, even more so than Rogan. He's a high IQ drone of our times similar to Pinker. His rise really just shows how easy it easy to trick the goyim.

>> No.18387330

Why do you socialists try so hard these days using anti-Judaism to gain followers? Its so cringe so how you've adopted /pol/ to gain popularity - you're so fucking fake.

>> No.18387388

>assuming I'm anti-semitic
>assuming I'm a socialist

I'm neither. I only said goyim to get a (You) and because I actually align myself with the Jewish way of life. That said Pinker and Harris are still idiots. I much prefer the Weinstein brothers and Peterson over the bungle bangled brain of Harris.

>> No.18387699

Sam Harris is so inauthentic in the manner he speaks. He forces certain words in order to show off how rich his vocabulary is and also i think it's an attempt to mask how his ideas are completely devoid of substance. I don't like Jordan Peterson neither but at least he's organic and natural when he speaks and also eloquent and uses beautiful sounding language.

>> No.18387704
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All humanists are empty headed nincompoops. Nietzsche destroyed them

>> No.18388527

Sam Harris is based. Scholars are just jealous

>> No.18388536

It’s a guided meditation

>> No.18388543

If you know how to cook you don’t need cream

>> No.18388557

>slob on my knob like corn on the cob

Yeah real eloquent. You must have loved his book the “art of sucking dick”

>> No.18388561

Its helpful for those that wouldnt know how to meditate otherwise. My brother had a lot of stress at work and started using a guided meditation app, it helped him.

>> No.18388609

>in therapy

>> No.18388614

Literally the opposite of based. He is cringe

>> No.18388884

I mean, is he wrong?

>> No.18389113

>Ackshually literally the opposite of based. He is cringe

Sam is great