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18381365 No.18381365 [Reply] [Original]

books about being resentful against people living a carefree normie life?

>> No.18381376

Elliot Rodger's manifesto

>> No.18381458


>> No.18381462

notes from the underground
welcome to the nhk

>> No.18381526

My personal diary written by myself

>> No.18381568

You should check out Diary of a Wimpy Kid. I know it's for younger kids, but it's good for adults too! It can really help with these sorts of feelings. Some days when I get really mad at everything I will reread it. I've probably read the whole series at least four times through by now.

>> No.18381724

Evasion by Crimethinc

>> No.18381731

Catcher in the Rye
Notes from the Underground
Infinite Jest

>> No.18381740

This guys personal diary written by him desu

>> No.18381755
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My diary desu

>> No.18381889

Convenience Store Women. I guess, she isn't exactly resentful, but fairly autistic.

>> No.18382101

Nightclubs should be banned

>> No.18382142
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>carefree normal life

um normies don't live care free lives. they are wage cucks and family cucks

>> No.18382149

if you have a wife and kids and a precarious job you're life is not care-free

you have to worry about kids and wife getting hurt and dying. you have to worry about your job to feed them

>> No.18382152


>> No.18382162


how is that cope? it's the truth. it's easier to be single than it is to have a wife and kids

you make your life more stressful and difficult by having kids. you increase responsibilities and your worries

>> No.18382164

Harassment Architecture by Mike Ma
Not even a meme, it's exactly what you want.

>> No.18382166


increase your responsibilities*

>> No.18382188

you can only have a carefree life if you are single and childless and have no family. you have no obligations and you only have to worry about yourself

>> No.18382269

Whatever by Michel Houellebecq

>> No.18382295

You're delusional. The longer you stay alone the more you start to feel your sanity slipping.

>> No.18382581

anything by houellebecq

>> No.18382641


>> No.18382804

You're unironically too weak to be alone if that was your experience.

>> No.18382810

nearly everyone is like that anon

>> No.18382823

you think any of those people are carefree? They're all fragile egotistical people looking for love which they find in temporal sexual flings with other people, only for them to wake up in the morning feeling the same craving. A never ending cycle of desire to be desired.

>> No.18382916

my 400 page google docs diary to be perfectly genuine

>> No.18382934

its notes from underground

>> No.18382942

Feed by mt anderson is an amusing YA book about this premise, just kids in the annoying musk founded moon colony of the future dying of hypercancer beside the meatfarms while being total idiots.

>> No.18382945

The Bible

>> No.18382948

I don't resent anyone as an outsider looking in.
I don't hunger for love, friendship, camradarie, I want only to perceive of it.
The incredible pettiness and tiny deeds of evil, that man treats another man with, doesn't make me want to engage, but when a divine spark lights through, I want to behold it.
I am too tired for will and want, I don't experience anymore, I just watch.

>> No.18382953

I fucking hate you narcissistic faggots so much

>> No.18382957
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But anon, I love you!

>> No.18382968

Why would you say that?

>> No.18382996
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I love you too, anon
People come here with a superiority complex because they read a few books more than the average person. I wager that the average person could teach an anon here more than the reverse.

>> No.18383000 [DELETED] 

Jazakallah anon

>> No.18383002

>t. booklet

>> No.18383028

>He doesn't keep his diary as a .txt file on an encrypted usb.

>> No.18383063


So there's this guy called Houellebecq

>> No.18383139
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pic rel

>> No.18383258

schlechte dosto übersetzung. die von geier (fischer verlag) ist deutlich besser

>> No.18383287

Works of Theodore Kaczynski, Catcher in the Rye (albeit in a slightly immature or appealing-to-teenagers way). Explicitly can't think of much else.
Anything ascetic in nature, like some religious sects, and or, in general, eastern non-theistic religions such as taoism, buddism (albeit no emotion or vitriol there)

>> No.18383391

me in the white

>> No.18383431


DostoJEWski ????

>> No.18383438

Aren't there several translations? I always liked notes from the underground more

>> No.18383480

ich weiß, war aber damals der erste dosto den ich gekauft hab. hab dämonen und raskolnikow in der geier übersetzung gelesen, kein vergleich.

>> No.18383693

true. i feel like notes from underground is a more accurate translation but i guess notes from the underground is more fitting, since the main character does refer to it as "his underground" and give it a more personal value

>> No.18383702

Catcher in the Rye..

>> No.18383734

>paper >pen
Simple as.

>> No.18383777
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We'll see if you keep thinking when you're old. I've worked with a lot of seniors and I can state as a matter of fact the most miserable ones are those without families. The ones who never wanted to have kids or grandkids and now hear from an estranged niece once a year around Christmas. Most of them are just sitting there at the nursing home waiting to either die or be invited to a mahjong game.

>> No.18383933

We aren't boomers. There will be no nursing homes for most of us.

>> No.18383951

I’m 31, a virgin, don’t feel the need to find anyone.

>> No.18384576
File: 888 KB, 931x654, 4659A4AB-667D-4AD4-8C73-C195555AA14D.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can someone tell me what people actually do at places like this?

>> No.18384615

Dance drink mingle
It's not that hard, unterschlagen

>> No.18384638

>zero impact on the world

>> No.18384645

The people in your pic do not live carefree lives. Even the ones who you think are too dumb to have existential problems are wrapped up in pointless drama that would numb your mind

>> No.18384647

Its an event
>group of friends suggest clubs to goto in coming weekend
>figure out who can go and who can't
>peacock all the new/nice clothes you have
>pregame party and have some drinks at home, maybe with another friend or two you're traveling with
>all meet up in the city and park
>chug another beer and some drugs in the parking garage
>meet up w rest at venue and smoke butts
>get overpriced drinks inside
>dance for a bit
>try and get grinded on
>stand around a table trying not to look bored
>see everyone else having fun so effortlessly
>hate that you can't because you're not a normie and get bitter while you drink a weak $9 cosmo
>at least they still invite me out even though I know it's half pitty half obligation
>Irish goodbye and get home without being pulled over
Pretty standard

>> No.18384785


>> No.18384788

I never thought about it like that.

>> No.18384790

Under communism, techno will be the only music allowed in clubs.

>> No.18384793

>it's easier to be single than it is to have a wife and kids
this is so plainly wrong its hard to believe it wasnt written by a teenager. you understand being responsible for only yourself is "easy" in the sense of simplicity but family is the cushiest safety net you can ever hope for

>> No.18384817

>wanting to impact the world

>> No.18384819
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I cant imagine a life more boring and pathetic. Thank God I have no desire to interact with normalfags in any capacity. Actually wanting to fit in must feel so cruel.

>> No.18384822

>no impact
I've been blowing up ATM's at 5am in the morning since 4 years ago.

>> No.18384860

I've worked with tons of seniors and they're all about equally miserable. Most of their families barely ever come and visit them anyways and they grow resentful.

>> No.18384866

The vast majority of people have an extremely negative impact so anon is doing pretty good.

>> No.18385062

both are correct. пoдпoльe can refer to an actual space under the floor, like a crawlspace

>> No.18385135

Oof. I do not miss partying

>> No.18386543

Families don't protect you from the inevitable death you're flying towards. Don't post Rust if you subscribe to such copes.

>> No.18386550

>he thinks he can or will impact the world
You'll be forgotten very shortly after your death lol

>> No.18386594

This anon gets it.

>> No.18386605

Notes from underground sounds more like notes is referring to musical notes, whereas notes from the underground would seem to refer to physical written notes.

>> No.18386729

Russian doesn’t have definite article so either way is correct.

>> No.18386994

My job is a joke though. I get paid to sit around and surf the internet and occasionally reboot some retarded boomer’s pc.

>> No.18387122

It seems your carer let you out of your pen.

>> No.18387123

Wow that's depressing. It has always struck me as weird how invisible the elderly are in contemporary society ... just like slaughterhouses...

>> No.18387145

Not true. I have been alone most of my life and I am as sane as ever.

>> No.18388079

Checked and this is true

>> No.18389070

Just read 4chan posts.

>> No.18389463

This, came to say it, checked first, well done, blessed.

>> No.18390205

>The vast majority of people have an extremely negative impact
That's mostly non-whites, though

>> No.18391033

What if you've always been insane but never noticed?

>> No.18391090

People would have to know he exists in he first place.