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/lit/ - Literature

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18374486 No.18374486 [Reply] [Original]

How do you guys feel about starting a "forbidden /lit/" book club? every week or 2, we'll pick a piece of literature that has been banned or heavily censored in at least 1 major country and we'll discuss the lit and the circumstances of its banning or censorship

if yes, post so the thread stays alive please. I'm willing to start on sunday or monday

>> No.18374494

roaming /pol/ack here. im in.

>> No.18374495

pwease join my nazi-club uwu

>> No.18374541
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Okay, which one should we start with? for me, it's Tango makes Three

>> No.18374563

that's ok officer, i'll pass

>> No.18374590

This is popular culture-level stuff.

>> No.18374604

good point, thank you anon. I thought OP had a good idea for a moment. I might have actually signed up LOL

>> No.18374608
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most forbidden book in /lit/

>> No.18374612

Read Catcher in the Rye and I'm in

>> No.18374656

this makes no sense. If the black rulers are breeding with white women, their entire system of government will implode in 2 generations

>> No.18374664
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Can someone explain this? Was it targeted for censorship by limiting the number printed? I picked it up for $20 or so back in 2017. Should I sell my copy?

>> No.18374676

its the future, black genes are enhanced to survive breeding with white women

>> No.18374780

If with "forbidden /lit/" you mean a book club that talks about the same 5 alt right books all day then not really. Just discuss them here or on /pol/, it's an anonymous website for a reason.

>> No.18374809
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>alt right

>> No.18374815

You know what I mean faggot, call it third position if you want.

>> No.18374869


>> No.18374920

Not “here” that is what pol is for

>> No.18374929

For my Legionaires does not even make it into the building to be challenged. That's the kind of book we're looking for here.
>inb4 call of the croc

>> No.18375004

Ummmm, sweaty, do you think these books ever make it into the buildings in the middle-east or russia or eastern europe or north africa or sub-saharan africa or south-asia or china? they're even burning Tango makes Three in Singapore. https://www.theguardian.com/world/2014/jul/12/singapore-libraries-pull-gay-penguin-book
Do you really want to discuss forbidden and banned books from around the world? or is Tango makes Three too controversial even for you?

>> No.18375071

>book details and predicts what the jews are going to do to white nations
>book is suddenly out of print after people gain interest in it


>> No.18375158

No it's just no one here cares about child grooming books written by faggots. Take it to reddit.

>> No.18375169 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18375226 [DELETED] 

The most accurate answer kek

>> No.18375248

It's going to be Mein Kampf for 50 weeks of the year, Ayn Rand for 1 week, and Call of the Crocodile for the other week.

>> No.18375344


>> No.18375347

Anón, these are groomer tier books

>> No.18375349

His followers were considered fucked up even by Nazi standards, would he approve that?

>> No.18375434
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>> No.18375483

So too controversial?

>> No.18375506

2 months later
> We start our evening news: the CIA has arrested a group of young Neo-Nazi men who have self-radicalized via a website called Four Chan. We go to Thomas for more details.

>> No.18376048

Grow up

>> No.18376077

Make me

>> No.18376125
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i'm in

>> No.18376129
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>"forbidden /lit/" book club?

>> No.18376151

Lets start with Salman Rushdie, he got death threats for his books, that's quite serious and it looks like he is talented

>> No.18376581

Books about sexual degeneracy are just that: Books about sexual degenercy.
They will not inspire something that challanges the system nor are they critical of the current status quo.
As kaczynski said: They are challanging the system "Liberal Democracy" from WITHIN. Meaning they are accusing the current system of not holding to its principles of liberalism.
Works that challange the system from the outside are dangerous, since they often call for the abolishment of the current system while works about sexual degeneracy in a system that promotes or tolerates sexual degeneracy anyway only wish for the system to become even more system like.

>> No.18376603

Don't touch my homie Corneliu Zelea you nigger faggot from /pol/
Go back playing Hoi4

>> No.18376645

Just so everyone knows, the American Library Association 'Challenged Book' list this refers to is a total scam. Whenever some local school board anywhere in the US doesn't like a book and has it pulled or attempts to have it pulled from classrooms or from being in the school library for whatever reasons, that's how they make the list, which is why they're careful to call it 'challenged' and not censored. The ALA is a big influence on curriculum and summer reading lists for kids, it's a huge vehicle for exposing kids to liberal propaganda about refugees and sexual abuse etc. They're also a big proponent of the Drag Queen Story Hour stuff. Needless to say, highly Jewish organization.

>> No.18376657

Also this thread is full of seething leftshits

>> No.18376663

>Also this thread is full of seething leftshits
Are you really surprised? They'd love for books about molesting children to be normalized yet want to ban all intellectual opposition.

>> No.18377574


>> No.18377928

That is what the post says, yes

>> No.18379004
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Hello. You're probably referring to the Bucharest Pogrom which was neither sanctioned by Legionary leadership at that time nor can it be connected to its well-known founding members, who were all dead by then. There is a specific reason why Codreanu's movement produced one of the greatest elders and saints of the 20th century who are venerated to this very day. After Corneliu died his movement got perverted by his "successor" Horia Sima which is known as a natsoc larper that committed those acts of crime. Remember, it was a spiritual movement that wanted to end corruption, economic exploitation, and communist agitation and not the mass-murdering of the jews.

>> No.18379019

>produced one of the greatest elders and saints of the 20th century

>> No.18379154
File: 1.35 MB, 1183x621, Corneliu Codreanu cu legionarii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can give you examples such as Gheorghe Calciu, Justin Pârvu, Arsenie Papacioc, Valeriu Gafencu, Dumitru Staniloae, Ilie Cleopa
, and many more in which many of them were legionaries who became well-known monastics. I recommend you read The Saint of the Prisons if you wish to study more about it.

>> No.18379199

Sounds cool until you realize that the banned books are just whatever pissed off some christcuck karens enough for them to screech about it to the pta.

>> No.18379207

This one? https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/23508438-the-saint-of-the-prisons

Any other related reccs? I liked the book in the OP. What are the best Romanian books?

>> No.18379263

Good, tranny faggot propaganda has no place in schools. Arrest the authors and all of the faculty involved in promoting this trash and put them in prison permanently

>> No.18379376
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Yes, it is this one. I am not quite sure what reccs means since I am not that well acquainted with internet slang but I think you should check Corneliu's manual called "The Nest Leader's Manual" which serves a good introduction on how a Legionary should behave, how they are disciplined and how they organized the movement. You can also read this short essay called "Work Camps, Commerce, and the Education of the 'New Man' in the Romanian Legionary Movement" by Rebecca Haynes if you want to know their struggles and their objective of creating a "New Man", an anti-thesis of the materialistic democratic politician which replaces them with elites that know what is hard work, discipline, pure in body and soul that had graduated from the legionary work camps.

As for the best Romanian books I recommend Enigma Otiliei by George Calinescu, Forest of the Hanged by Liviu Rebreanu, Baltagul by Mihail Sadoveanu and Poor Dionis by Mihai Eminescu.

>> No.18379400
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>> No.18379411

Thanks anon, I knew about the Nest manual because Codreanu quotes some segments from it in the Legionaries book, but I'll check out the others you mentioned and the Romanian books. Also by reccs I meant "recommendations" but maybe it's more common in music communities.

>> No.18379522

>Should I sell my copy?
What a Jewish thought. Never mind the subject material or potential truth or ramifications of this book. How can you gain Shekels is your only concern.

>> No.18379552

We are in the West here. We are all post shitpipe sex organ acceptance. No one cares that you are gay. No one thinks about your gayness, it’s boring. It’s cool to be gay. And coolness among the normies is a sign of banality and cringe.

>> No.18379593

Insipid desu. They don't ban books anymore. Just stop publishing them and let them slowly fall from public conciousness.

>> No.18380919


>> No.18381580

Oh gosh I wish that was me

>> No.18381611

>intellectual opposition
that sure is an interesting wording of 'nazi diapershitting'

>> No.18381826

>Shekels is your only concern
it's not, hence I still have it. This came up a while ago on /pol/ and people were trying to get me to sell it, but I abstained.

>> No.18381932

I'm not who you are responding to but if you want to read more about the spirituality that the legion produced, and the saints which came out of it, I would recommend literally any book by Fr. Dumitru Staniloae (soon to be glorified), Shepherd of Souls: The Life and Teachings of Elder Cleopa (also soon to be glorified), Eternity in the Moment: The Life and Wisdom of Elder Arsenie Papacioc, Father George Calciu: Interviews, Talks, and Homilies as well as The Saint of the Prisons which was mentioned earlier. All these Elders largely gave up on politics but all of them agree that the Legion was an essential part of their lives which gave them an education in the Christian life which allowed them to survive the horrors of Communist prisons.

>> No.18381935

This book looked fucking based until I saw the antisemitism. Any books like this that won't get me canceled?

>> No.18381939

No it was out of print but no one knew about it so it was cheap until /pol/ picked it up and put in their reading list

>> No.18381954

>until /pol/ picked it up and put in their reading list
There was a 2018 edition though, and I bought mine in 2017, well after it was already commonly recommended on /pol/. I wonder when the "Steve Bannon's favorite book" campaign took off, that would've had much more of an effect. Even then, you think they'd print more copies in that case.

>> No.18381958

better than tranny gaping wound diaper shitting

>> No.18381975


>> No.18381981
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>I am Jazz
Did they write a book? I've gotta read it.

>> No.18382031

we are talking about the real world here

>> No.18382084

Dear Lord above.

>> No.18382151

I've recently come across the tools necessary to print my own books. I haven't had the time to typeset and such so I haven't printed anything yet but how feasible do you guys think it would be for me to print out these books and sell them to people online? I don't have the rights to any of this stuff so it would all have to be anonymous and for that reason alone, I doubt many would be willing to trust me but I think it's a real shame that they can just do this to books.
Also, how expensive is it to get say, a 200 page book translated into English? If you guys think I can get a reasonably good quality translation for under $10k, I might be able to do more than just republish works illegally.

>> No.18382236

There's multiple publishers on the right that have sprung up and are doing this as well, the most recent being Antelope Hill. There's also Mystery Grove, Rouge Scholar, and Imperium Press. Maybe reach out to Antelope Hill if you want to help/want advice. I'd stay away from printing books I didn't have the rights too, I don't know how common it is to be prosecuted for something like that.

>> No.18382305
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What books were you thinking about publishing? Anything printed before 1963 in the US that never had it's copyright renewed is in the public domain. But for foreign books like Camp of The Saints a translation is considered an original work so you could have one commissioned and republish it that way. 10K is more than enough for 200 pages but you'll want to hire someone you trust who has an interest in the book they're translating.

>> No.18382423

I'm a physicist so largely just a certain set of academic works which deserve more popularity than their high price allows.
I am sure that does not appeal much to the people here but regarding literary works, I'm not sure. I am interested primarily in obscure texts of literary and academic value that for whatever reason, are kept out of the public eye.
I have access to one of the largest University libraries in the US so getting un-scanned texts and hiring typesetters to create clean digital and physical copies is something I would like to do.
I am also looking at publishing my own translations of academic texts, Japanese philosophy, bilingual references, and so on.
If you guys have any recommendations, I would be more than happy to hear them.

>> No.18382529

don't know if it's forbidden but why can't you buy a copy of Genesis, Creation, and Early Man: The Orthodox Christian Vision?
can't they just reprint it

>> No.18382550

Print copies of translations are a good idea, but for academic piracy I'd just upload the PDFs to libgen. Make sure you check them for identifying watermarks in the document, and strip any tracking metadata. This is my script I use to do it:

>> No.18382589

yeah and i'm sure they completely ignore the amazon shadow banning shit

>> No.18382741

Thanks anon, I'll keep that script handy.
I do plan on simply digitizing a lot of texts only but in general, I feel that it is easier to read and use physical copies and I believe a lot of people would be willing to pay for a decent quality hardcover.
For personal use as well, there is a large number of academic texts that I would like a hard-copy of but I am not willing to pay thousands of dollars. I am sure many others feel the same way.

>> No.18382783

How the fuck did codreanu inspire so many people? Was he God sent?