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File: 24 KB, 220x347, lolita.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18374733 No.18374733 [Reply] [Original]

do you have to be a pedophile to read this book? what reasoning would you give to someone to explain why you would read it if you aren't one?

>> No.18374736

it's a good book

>> No.18374746

I don't remember this book at all besides liking the prose. I should reread it and actually pay attention

>> No.18374771

Just shared this on another thread. It's not his best lecture and it's been condensed by 2/3 for TV/general audience. He answers your question though (kind of).


>> No.18374781


>> No.18374800

I don't think so. I know a girl who read it a while ago and she wasn't a pedophile. Nabokov is a good writer, and it's not exactly endorsing pedophilia.

>> No.18374844
File: 51 KB, 709x595, 1573260905260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just got done reading the Enchanted Huntress part. Woo lads that was a doozy. Im just replacing 12 years 7 months with 18.

>> No.18374861
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>> No.18374902

Call them retards who can't into fiction and ask if they have to be a superhero to read a comic book

>> No.18374964

It's funny

>> No.18374983

if you get a boner yes

>> No.18374994

the only people i know who have read it are complete normals, from what i've seen they don't get any shit for reading it and think it's a good book.

>> No.18375074

15 at most

>> No.18375306

Do you have to kill someone to read Crime and Punishment? It's a good book with great prose, and this thread has motivated me to read it right now after putting it off for quite some time.

>> No.18375337

at least two is required for the allowed to read C&P loicense

>> No.18375397

I posted this like a thousand times but this book is against paedophilia, I don't want to spoiler you anything but HH really is in love with Dolly and even ***** a guy who wanted to turn Dolly into a porn star. of course brainlets who can't appreciate not NPCs stuff label this masterpiece as "paedo book"
for women this is erotica I'm not even joking

>> No.18375404

How do you even buy this book? I'm not a nonce but have social anxiety

>> No.18375442
File: 51 KB, 678x525, 1598673466861.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cutie librarian
>She looks up at you with sweet green eyes
>"I-I was looking for a book"
>"Well, this is a library, isn't it?"
>"Well, I was looking for a book called Lolita"
>"You mean the pedo book chud?"
>Pants shidded and pissed
>"Oh, it was just a joke, come on, it's in the end of that hallway"
>Turn around
>She can clearly see the brown in your ass pressed against your white pants

I guess it would go something like this.

>> No.18375455 [DELETED] 

>a nigger lectures on morality

>> No.18375470

this book filtered me for like 50 pages when Humbert was searching for that relative of his who pretended to be lolita’s uncle or whatever

>> No.18375482

part 2 was the better half of the book
>clare quilty

>> No.18375509

The professor is a white guy retard.

>> No.18375551


You pick the book and go to pay for it. Keep a straight and apathetic face even when people make eye contact with you.

Or just order it online.

>> No.18375560

This, and if you want buy it with another pair of books so it doesn't stick out.

>> No.18375633

This book will make you a pedophile. It definitely made me one

>> No.18375674

>Blames the book for being a closeted pedo
Hang yourself.

>> No.18375695


I'm into cunny but nothing about this book was particularly arousing to me. Some of the descriptions of Lo maybe, but overall its not written to appeal to pedos. It only reiterated that you could never engage with a little girl in real life without permanently damaging her. Its message is clearly anti-pedo.

>> No.18375735

yeah that was it. I think I spent the time thinking it was that Trapp guy he mentioned when the car stopped behind them on the highway and never did again. I thought their encounter at his mansion was kino as fuck

>> No.18375742

To argue with people about it imo
it's an /alright/ book, good writing in my opinion but not the most memorable for me. the most I've gotten out of this book is from discussions I've had over it

the book isnt as pedo as people play it off as
shows a lot of the dark side of what the girl went through although kind of subtly

book definitely doesn't advocate for pedophilia

shows struggles and how things were subtly covered up

lots of nuance lots of inferencing

read it for the interesting perspective and a insight on issues many people are uncomfortable to address

>> No.18375892

>reading lolita at bookstore (I am not a cuck so I dont actually pay for books)
>some old roast with her daughter walks by
>smile and wink at the cunny
Thats how you are supposed to read lolita

>> No.18375998

>against pedophilia

>> No.18376014

I had my mom buy it for me.

>> No.18376027

>I'm into cunny
>I have all the characteristics which, according to writers on the sex interests of children, start the responses stirring in a little girl: clean-cut jaw, muscular hand, deep sonorous voice, broad shoulder.
Is this you?

>> No.18376031


>> No.18376033

Why is every one of Nabokov’s books about forbidden love/sex/college professors? It sucks ass. He’s a great writer for prose but all his works have the very similar structure and characters and relationships.

>> No.18376032

No, but it helps.

>> No.18376041

there is also the one about chess

>> No.18376045

>>Or just order it online.
>Ordering a book printed on physical media online, a digital medium.

>> No.18376047

I kek’d. One inaccuracy I’m gonna point out is that I don’t think women even know the word “chud”

>> No.18376327

can confirm

>> No.18377533

And, retard?

>> No.18377588

What about his book Despair?
Plot: The owner of a chocolate factory plans to commit insurance fraud by having his doppelgänger killed.

>> No.18379261

she was possibly a rape victim

>> No.18379308

>that Trapp guy
this is the same person, humbert just calls him trapp because they look similar

>> No.18379445

any fembot that like to share your opinion on the book/movie or any anon that happens to know the opinion of a femenine being about this regard?

A friend of mine once told me his theory, that depending on the backgroung of the girl they could react diferently to the movie, some saying that is a beautiful love story, some saying that its the little girls fault, some others stating that the protagonist remember then to their father. I've came across some cases with different similar opinions but im still intrigued about this movie/book reaction on women

>> No.18379592

my mom said she felt sorry for humbert. im inclined to agree

>> No.18379622

no, but you have to be a pedophile to make this thread

>> No.18379688

this made me laugh way more than i expected

>> No.18379862

I'm not even halfway throught the book and sometimes was so disgusted by Humbert's degeneracy that I had to put it down and call it a day

>> No.18380191

What books have writing you believe is worthy of the praise Lolita gets?

>> No.18380815

this guy gets the ladies (or little girls i should say)

>> No.18380822

So what is the book actually about? I know the adoption things etc etc but is there anything sexual? I don't like reading erotic literature.
Besides, if I buy it online, will I get put on a list? Im afraid to even look it up on amazon lmao

>> No.18380849

>or little girls i should say
nymphets, even

>> No.18380941

You should.

>> No.18381635

Growing up a poor fag, it wasn't uncommon for girls as young as 12-13 to have boyfriends twice their age, it would be interesting to hear a females take on Lolita.

>> No.18382255

>So what is the book actually about? I know the adoption things etc etc but is there anything sexual? I don't like reading erotic literature.

The book is a filter. Nabokov's goal wasn't something so prosaic and tame as mere titillation. His aim was to hold a mirror up to the reader whom he knew would overwhelmingly allow Humbert to charm them down his horrific yellow brick road. Anyone who says anything different is compromised.
It's about a man holding prisoner a young girl for the purpose of sex. It's also an unbelievably beautiful piece of writing, though again that beauty is in service to all the filtering it does.
No, you won't be put on any list for reading a worldwide beloved novel by one of the finest wordsmiths in the game ever, perhaps the finest. And if it weren't clear already, it's not sexually explicit.

>> No.18382854

I just finished the book, what exactly were Humbert's lies which everyone keeps talking about?

>> No.18383715

What is the best translation to read?

I’m being sarcastic.

>> No.18383726

I don't see what's wrong with reading a book about a pedophile. It's an interesting subject matter, isn't it? You wouldn't call somebody a murderer for reading a book about a serial killer. Pedophilia is just a touchy subject that makes people feel dirty.

>> No.18383753

>Besides, if I buy it online, will I get put on a list? Im afraid to even look it up on amazon lmao

Jesus christ anon they read this book in universities

>> No.18383842

moralfags are one of the most boring people

>> No.18383971

There are so many books you could read instead.
its just shilled here a lot more than i should be because pedo kek desu

>> No.18383993

>There are so many books you could read instead
sure, but none as good

>> No.18384507

What the fuck?

>> No.18384597

>what reasoning would you give to someone to explain why you would read it if you aren't one?
You do not owe anyone an explanation as to why you are reading a book. They can read it and find out for themselves

>> No.18384737

What a retarded thread. So you have to be a murderer to read a book about murder? An astronaut to read a book about space? This is peak autism.

>> No.18385521

I would wager a substantial amount of the people in this thread spend more time posting here than reading. Peak Reddit if you ask me. Sage and ignore

>> No.18385534

Is this a zoomer thing? Because 10 years ago in highschool and college Nabokov was a decent currency for flirting

>> No.18385883

Any more examples?