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/lit/ - Literature

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18363522 No.18363522 [Reply] [Original]

Whats your favorite book?

>for me its Walden, always read 2 or 3 times a year

>> No.18364004

Heart of Darkness

>> No.18364037

The Grapes of Wrath

>> No.18364042
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>> No.18364064


>> No.18364069


If I could choose one author's work in a single volume, for example: "Shakespeare's complete works" or "The Complete Fiction of Tolstoy" then it would be one of those. To me these are the greatest writers of all time. Dante deserves to be with them, but I only like a few passages from his work.

On second thought, if I could pick the "complete works in one volume", it would be Shakespeare, no doubt.

>But since the thread is about a single book, by far my favorite book is 100 Years of Solitude.

>> No.18364086
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>100 Years of Solitude
ive tried chronicle of a death foretold and drop it
kind of boring

>> No.18364089

Favourite novel is The Brothers Karamazov. Favourite book overall is A Thousand Plateaus.

Just recently bought the Ignat Avsey translation of The Idiot, am pretty excited to read it since his translation of TBK is by far the best.

>> No.18364104

We have always lived in the castle

>> No.18364139

good choice

>> No.18364146

Der Zauberberg.

>> No.18364150

Don Quixote

>> No.18364160
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>> No.18364224

American Psycho,
admittedly only finished it decently recently however im sure itll stay high on my list for a long time

>> No.18364384

I hope you're joking, Heart of Darkness is among the worst books I've ever read.

>> No.18364469


Nothing in Marquez body or work comes even close to 100 years.

>> No.18364501

Infinite Jest
I want to Kill myself
Why am I such a meme
Why am I so alone

>> No.18364512

Jerusalem by Alan Moore

>> No.18364604

Reading this rn. Very funny. Like a 1980s Kafka set in wallstreet

>> No.18364615

Like a lot of Dosto there are parts in The Idiot that can drag on or need editing but still a great book. The recounting of a prisoner’s execution near the start remains among one of the top scenes I’ve read in literature. Must have been therapeutic writing that given dosto’s own experience

>> No.18364756

It's really fucking hard to read isn't it. I can't seem to binge it.

>> No.18365258

Why's that your favourite lad? I literally just finished it yesterday, and while I did like it a fair bit, it's not even close to a favourite book of them all type thing

>> No.18365313

Candide by Voltaire

>> No.18365633
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based, for me is a close second.
pic related is number 1

>> No.18365650

I agree with 100 years but I also enjoyed chronicle. I read it first though so that’s probably why. I don’t think I’ll ever read anything again that will compare to 100 years of solitude

>> No.18365668
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>> No.18365696

The Trial

>> No.18366555

Les Essais

>> No.18366562

Emma by Jane Austen!

Fight me.

>> No.18366567


>> No.18366572
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i wanna kiss you, not fight you.

>> No.18366592

Napoleon by Yevgeny Viktorovich Tarle,a Jewish bolshevist.

>> No.18366603

unironically The Goldfinch

>> No.18366820

that one wasnt great but I still enjoyed it. but yeah not groundbreaking or anything

>> No.18366833

Based OP.

Picture of Dorian Gray here

>> No.18367148


>> No.18367171

Mason and Dixon, read at least once a year for the past five

>> No.18368124

The Recognitions. It's so good I keep re-reading it.

>> No.18368160

Canterbury Tales

>> No.18368170

Paradise Lost by Milton

>> No.18368245

Alternates between The Idiot or Blood Meridian

>> No.18368641

The Hobbit because it invoked the greatest emotional reaction out of me, as I read it as a child.

>> No.18368903

I'm reading Walden rn because I like nature but it's so boring that I think I'm going to drop it. Maybe as a non American it's not clicking with me

>> No.18368929

Is it worth it to keep going /lit/bros or should I drop it?

>> No.18368937
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Cringe & pseud
V based
This is a 25+ board, buddy
Ehhh comme ci comme ca
Cute & probably a woman
How is that? I'm reading the Roberts biography
Cool B-)
Basado! and comfy
Also based & comfé
>Meanwhile: picrel

>> No.18369023


>Cool B-)

Stop dilating you fucking transexual, ywnbaw.

>> No.18369042

thats the problem if you read 100 years of solitude first and then try Marquez other works. They all suck balls in comparison.

>> No.18369050

The Sound and the Fury is the GAN as far as I'm concerned. It's fucking drenched in raw humanity with prose that's nothing short of literal mastery. Faulkner is the greatest American novelist and The Sound and the Fury is his masterpiece.

>> No.18369055


>> No.18369056

Dilate & seethe, fagnoramous

>> No.18369059

t. has never read Moore

>> No.18369062

Yes I have.

>> No.18369086
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>> No.18369244

Why do you like dicks so much?

>> No.18369310


You're the tranny that uses autistic reddit jargon and hates right-wing works. Literally a deranged transexual. The cleansing will come soon. Get ready.

>> No.18369318



>Cute & probably a woman

Omg it's a woman guys !!! Wow I think I might have identified a human of the female gender on an anonymous board !!! I'll say that her book pick is cute (because she's a female and its a correlation, totally not because I simp for every crumb of female presence so I jump at the opportunity to call someone's favorite book "cute", instead of any other suitable adjective).

Tranny simp.

>> No.18369341

Take your meds, immediately.

>> No.18369358


Only if you stop mutilating your body and dressing up as a woman, subhuman tranny.

>> No.18369382
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>> No.18369651

The Horse and His Boy hands down, I love that book.

>> No.18369907

Aplogy - Plato

>> No.18370562
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>> No.18370573


I prefer The Silver Chair myself

>> No.18370584

Lolita. Probably the book I revisit the most. That may partially be because it isn't too long.

>> No.18371674

the bible
>what's your favorite section?
all of them

>> No.18371807

Yes lad

>> No.18371990

i hope this is a joke. everyone on this board has bad takes

>> No.18371997

It's a short book isn't it? Just power through it desu just to say you've read it.

>> No.18371999

no yr right

>> No.18372026

I'll always love the Hobbit and the Two Tower. I don't care if it's normie as fuck. My grandma would read them to me as a kid and ever since I've been fascinated with living a slow life.

>> No.18372033

the Two Towers*

>> No.18372070
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Romance "les miserables"
Novel "death of ivan il'ic"
Short Story "the overcoat"
Play "the lady from the sea"
Memoirs "my prisons: memoirs of silvio pellico"

>> No.18372075


>> No.18372077

I love them too. I'd like Fellowship more if pages 100-250 were heavily edited down

>> No.18372238

Coming up for air from George Orwell. Honestly I related to it the most from anything ive ever read. There's better books out there for sure but this one hits me in the feels.

>> No.18372303

Blood Meridian. No Country was great as well but BM was fantastic

>> No.18372870

either skylark by kosztolanyi or the unconsoled by ishiguro.

>> No.18372994

I just started reading last year but so far Siddhartha has been my favourite. :)

>> No.18373976
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>> No.18374099

Fathers and Sons. I don't know why but it's always stuck out to me.

>> No.18374114
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>> No.18374146
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Anna Karenina.
Raised in the Deep South where "Society" is still very much a thing including the Debutantes, loved trains as a kid, and am a child of divorce.

Plus Levin is max /comfy/

>> No.18374250

I know taste in literature is subjective but Heart of Darkness was trash.

>> No.18374302
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All based and good choices. Pic related is my number one. Peake is a master.

>> No.18374318


>> No.18374326
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>> No.18374370

It's hard to choose but Middlemarch is up there for me.

>> No.18374404

get fucked, bitch.
name one (1) better book

>> No.18374434

why do you choose this over Gormenghast? both are good I'm just curious

>> No.18374455

A Single Man by Isherwood

>> No.18374470


>> No.18374476

Based. The best Narn by far.