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/lit/ - Literature

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18367352 No.18367352[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Dylan read The Great Gatsby

>> No.18367357

Baruch read Mein Kampf

>> No.18367362

Take this gay thread to >>>/b/

>> No.18367365

Levy, read the Quran. Now!

>> No.18367366

Gornodo read Hamlet

>> No.18367367

Hans read Der Judenstaat

>> No.18367370

Shlomo go read the Talmud

>> No.18367373

Funkel read Mordred by Vivian Vande Velde

>> No.18367376

Okongo, oh wait

>> No.18367377

James, read Ore no Imouto ga Konna ni Kawaii Wake ga Nai

>> No.18367380

James, read the industrial society and its consequences and thank me later.

>> No.18367384

James, read the Illiad and the Odyssey.

>> No.18367390

Jack, read Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix

>> No.18367401

Mohammed, read the three Theban plays

>> No.18367400

John go read my diary desu

>> No.18367412

Mark, go read The Republic.

>> No.18367413

John, go read Tampa by Nutting

>> No.18367416

Michael, go read the latest issue of Playgirl Magazine, you gay fag

>> No.18367417

Lucas, read Flatworld.
I'm Brazilian so my name never gets called on these threads, feelsbadman

>> No.18367432

Aden go read The Consolation of Philosophy ~

>> No.18367438

Pascoal, go read Moby Dick

>> No.18367439

Porsueno go read Das Kapital

>> No.18367447

Kevin, go read the Improvised Munitions Handbook 1969 (Department of the Army)

>> No.18367453

George go read White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism

>> No.18367455

Jose read Baudolino

>> No.18367519


>> No.18367524

Gonzalo leé Las Argonáuticas

>> No.18367531

Thomas read Harry Potter and the prisoner of Azkeban

>> No.18367539
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Already on it cheef

>> No.18367543


>> No.18367545

Wang, Li, Zhang, Liu, and Chen go read Art of the Deal by Donald Trump

>> No.18367550

Gustavo, leé la Crítica de la Razón Literaria

>> No.18367552

You gotta be fucking kidding me

>> No.18367559

No now go read it cuckboi, enjoy your Stephen King or whoever it was that wrote it.

>> No.18367583

William read Call of the Crocodile

>> No.18367601

Robert, go read the first five books of the Bible, Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy.

Linda, go read Lolita.

>> No.18367618

Maxwell read the pythagorean sourcebook
>forcing myself to read

>> No.18367633

Bilchsnak read Danton's Death

>> No.18367646

Tristan read Growth of the Soil

>> No.18367664

fuck me, my name never gets called in this shit. was honestly interested in seeing if these meme books were worth checking out, guess this is a good excuse.

downloading it on libgen though, not paying you, Gardner

>> No.18367667

Alonso, go read chivalric romances

>> No.18367672

Putin, go read the Compendium of the Social Doctrine of the Church.

>> No.18367680

Christopher read The Soft Machine by William Burroughs

>> No.18367683

Paul, go read Treasure Island

>> No.18367693

Danielle you fucking bitch - read 'Land of the Losers' by Niceguy

>> No.18367697

Billy the Pirate! Nice, matey.

>> No.18367706

Lawrence, read Lawrence of Arabia.

>> No.18367709

Can I watch the movie instead?

>> No.18367711

Jessica read My Awakening by David Duke.

>> No.18367716

Knut read The Growth of the Soil

>> No.18367725

>name is so unique that no one will get it

>> No.18367751

Abednego read A Tale of Two Cities

>> No.18367755

Max, go read Memoirs of a Geisha

>> No.18367765

Hunter, go read Being and Time

>> No.18367793

Rumpelstilzchen, go read Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales.

>> No.18367837


>> No.18367843
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Putin is a lastname, the first name is Ras

>> No.18367852

Where can I get a copy

>> No.18367859


>> No.18367864

Mason read The Aeneid you stupid peasant

>> No.18367899

Jack finish the Iliad and the Odyssey

>> No.18367901

Cameron read the Bible

>> No.18367949

Serena go read Twilight

>> No.18368039
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Tfw I've been called out and it's very specific.

>> No.18368177
