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18365888 No.18365888 [Reply] [Original]

The french postmodernists made so many profound points in their writings. A lot of the postmodern relativist stuff is virtually irrefutable.
But at the same time, their work is an absolute disaster for the human race. Just an utter debacle.

What are the implications of fundamentally correct assertions simultaneously being an existential threat to civilization?
What is the answer to this ethical dilemma? Destroying texts is bad for obvious reasons, but what if those texts threaten to destroy us all?

>> No.18365929

If it's a negative proof it has less truthiness than a positive proof (which includes a negative by inverse). Negative proofs don't have inverse that can distinguish a positive or negative solution.

There's nothing wrong with it, take the good and go much farther in a positive direction. Truth is truth, dw about it

>> No.18365956

It doesn't matter that someone objected the present argument for an objective reality and morality and they are right, it just means we need other reasons to defend it.

>> No.18366020

I think Nietzsche writes pretty eloquently on this. Perhaps the solution is to decouple our moral judgement from the truth or falsity of claims. Sometimes the things we now hold to be false have had net benefits for society. Treating assertions as positivisticly "right", as evident of some underlying realty, makes no claim of their utility.

>> No.18366033

Whatever is disastrous for “the human race” is only what renders its previous (mis)conceptions untenable. If enough of these conceptions have collapsed to the point where we no longer have working definitions of ‘civilization’, or ‘human’, then we should celebrate the derelict crumbling of these ideas. A lack of imagination or trajectory is symptomatic of constipated futures. Whatever hybridizes with the apocalypse has exponentially more potential than any neurotic, anal maintenance machine set on stasis.

>> No.18366452
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This is part of the historical dialectic. We are at a moment of tension right now. Post-structuralism is the determinate negation of structuralism. But preceding movements as well as post-structuralism are going to be sublated into a higher formation of spirit.

>> No.18366637

>postmodern relativism
I don't believe this is correct. How do leftists square "moral relativism" with radicalized concern for victims post-WW2?

>> No.18366658

It's a filter for civilization, not a threat. Great things will come after the many pathetic horrors.

>> No.18366666

>The french postmodernists made so many profound points in their writings. A lot of the postmodern relativist stuff is virtually irrefutable.

>> No.18366690

Jules Lacroix's spoonful theorem is based

>> No.18366699

based on what? finish the sentence

>> No.18366707

on irrefutability.

>> No.18366715


What the other anon said. Stop being a useless fuck.

>> No.18366718


What is disastrous for the human race is our current ravenous global capitalist system, that is hollowing out the planet like a bunch a fucking termite colonies. Not only that but its cancer like culture enforces egoism and embracing illusions as something good.

Whatever one faggot frenchman said in the 70's pales in comparison to the mega crimes are commited today against future generations.

>> No.18366719

>But at the same time, their work is an absolute disaster for the human race
The original group of postmodernists just wanted to see the way that society actually worked. After they made groundbreaking discovers, a bunch of people latched on and started using their philosophy to dictate how the world should be. You're upset because of the "clouds about the fallen sun".

>> No.18366723


You are like a cup of warm diarrhoea.

>> No.18366724


>> No.18366726

that theorem was retroactively refuted anon

>> No.18366727


Well said anon, couples with the current crisis that is this >>18366718 , people should be waking up from that ideological stasis or a whole lot of suffering isgoing to be happening, never before seen in the history of humanity.

>> No.18366732

They are not relativists but a product of 20th century developments in linguistics anthropology and mathematics which have the opposite effect a prision world of total determination. Levi strauss was a spenglerian a wagnerian and a jew after auschwitz, sound the last chords of the gotterdammerung the last man awaits death, naked and bereft of all his myths. strauss accepts a chair at l'academie francaise which after all is no different from the vanishing tribes of the amazon.

Derrida an algerian jew shares a french department at yale with pau deman a bigamist con artist and nazi collaborator and harold bloom who must have felt like a character out of borges if only because this was preferable to the alternative.

>> No.18366734

A lot of their observations were kinda 'nothing we can do about this phenomenon'.

>> No.18366742

the epitome of pseudposting right here

>> No.18366744

the same way they square every other logical inconsistency--by not thinking about it

>> No.18366746


Paul de Man was actually a good guy, and the later character assasination of his character was shamefull, done by petty little acedemics who had nothing on their name but publication on DeMan and Derrida. Nowdays peope can't understand the nobility of having either a friend or even a true opponent in the academe, because its all yesmen.

>> No.18366753


>> No.18366754

Based digits
Deconstruction. It is both a very good idea and also a weapon of mass destruction

>> No.18366768

Postmodernism is destructive for the Christian world and implicitly good for Judaism. The likes of Derrida, Husserl, Marx, Benjamin, Freud, Adorno, Butler knew what they were doing (ie. just following the teachings of the Talmud and, broadly speaking, the post-Christ Judaic cultural hatred of the Christian world) but what really infuriates me is the complicity of good goys like Althusser, Deleuze, Foucault, Negri etc. No wonder so many of them are fascinated by madness: one must be absolutely mad to undermine your OWN culture.

>> No.18366771

>a weapon of mass destruction
How so?

>> No.18366775


>Muh capitalism

Piss off, you mindfucked imbecile.

>> No.18366782


Stay the course then wageslave , see where it gets you.

>> No.18366783

>one must be absolutely mad to undermine your OWN culture.
it's called leftism

>> No.18366789

global capitalism is a deleuzian notion, industrial technological society is the actual source of the problem.

>> No.18366792
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Irrefutable, eh?

>> No.18366791

too soon

>> No.18366797


Maybe all of that is part of western culture you had no idea about. Deleuze studied medieval metaphysics just as much as he studied Nietzsche and Bergson. It seems to me its you who has a lack of knowledge of your own cultures intellectual history , rather than any fault of Derrida or Deleuze.

>> No.18366812


You are just muddying the waters, technology has always existed, and the industrial revolution itself was a product of capitalist work relations. The logic of wageslaving , of submition to the dicisplining of the master, commodity feitishism and the protestant logic "that everyone is going to make it" is at the root of the current cancer, not the industrial technology itself, that, is the outcome.

>> No.18366830

Your view of capitalism wouldnt exist without the industrial revolution.
Your mudda is dirty

>> No.18366835


Derrida has nothing to do with Western culture. That's why his writings are so obscure and hard to understand: most of his real references are Jewish and unknown to us. You can get an insight into the Jewish mind by reading the likes of: David Bakan, Andre Schumann, Gershom Scholem, Elliot R. Wolfson, Aubrey L. Glazer, Susan Buck-Ross etc.

Unearthing one highly obscure medieval author (Duns Scot) and subverting him (Deleuze himself proudly said that he loved betraying his favorite authors) is not enough to justify helping your cultural enemy.

>> No.18366844


Capitalism and even globalization (discovery of the new world) existed before the Industrial revolution. Read Engels and David Harvey.

>> No.18366868


Your idea of what propper culture is, is so absurd that its not not even worth debating on. Do you realize that even authors during the Renaisance, or better yet during the middle-ages were subverting classical era greek authors to fit their narratives. From Augustirne to Giordano Bruno , everything has been a mutation since philosophy was invented in Asia Minor. Jesus Christ just fucking read anything. You people are the modern Gestapo for literature and philosophy spoting your proofread diarhea without reading anything of like a primary source.

>> No.18366879

Foucault isn't even CLOSE to being postmodern thinker. He is a very curious mixture of many things, and for the most part, his philosophy can be considered very distinct from basically any school.
But he has far more in common with Conflict theories (Marxism being his philosophical starting point after all), classic Hegelianism, and Existentialism, than anything postmodern.

>> No.18366902
File: 105 KB, 784x560, Piazza-d-Italia_Charles-Moore_Kevin-Keim_dezeen_784.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im just thinking about charles moore's piazza d'italia venturi and the architecture of the lodges of yale secret societies, that time prescott bush stole the skull of the indian geronimo and laughing about how wacky and pynchonesque it all

>Deemed an architectural masterpiece even prior to its completion, the Piazza in fact began to rapidly deteriorate as the development surrounding it was never realized. By the turn of the new millennium, the Piazza d'Italia was largely unfrequented by and unknown to New Orleanians, and was sometimes referred to as the first "postmodern ruin".

>> No.18366908


I wonder what does making everything fluid and relative do to one's mind? Probably a mix of passivity and irrational anger.

>> No.18366937


Thats not even close to describing Deleuzes metaphysics which are very rigorous and even some would say hardline. What you are describing is closer to the British empiricist, if you are looking for a vilain that is.

>> No.18366946

>The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog
>okay let’s deconstruct that down word for word
>now let’s reassemble it
>Lazy brown dog!
>The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog is actually racist hate speech and now you we are going to have to arrest you for a hate crime

>> No.18366961
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This board is mentally handicapped. /tv/ is better at analysis

>> No.18366970

The answer to this is not socialism, fyi. It is regulated capitalism and population control.

>> No.18366974


Like Deleuze said , the schizo is better equiped for this age than the neurotic.

>> No.18366975

>The french postmodernists made so many profound points in their writings.
all they've done is endlessly masturbate over "what if I, an academic, incited chaos in the masses?"

>> No.18366979

That's not deconstruction as it was profferd by Derrida. It's more the product of a huge intersectionalist bent taught alongside anything in artistic or cultural analysis in the USA.

>> No.18366982


So basically Fascism? More barbarism on top of barbarism will not solve anything. The point is to reimagine the future , not formulate it according to the principles our present stinted imaginings.

>> No.18366988

tranny detected

>> No.18367001


Nce retort bro, stay in the illusion that you will change anything by posting reactionary stuff on basket weeving korean image board.

>> No.18367006

Intersectionality is a psychoanalysis. It is no surprise the intellectual priesthood of the therapeutic, managerial state invented it.

>> No.18367014

Anyone of European descent who gives credence to this fradulent Hebraic psychoanalytic tradition needs to read The Ordeal of Civility to understand the malevolent impetus behind it.

>> No.18367110

>The answer to this is not socialism
>It is regulated capitalism and population control
You're a retard

>> No.18367120


>> No.18367129

Any reimagination you come up with to solve the destruction of the planet is going to necessitate control of the people living on it.

>> No.18367131

>The Ordeal of Civility
no epub, not reading

>> No.18367155

Not really. You'd be quick to shoot a fat person whereas one with common sense would merely reduce his calorie intake.

>> No.18367159

There should be a pdf on libgen. It's long out of print but used to be available cheap on Amazon and Ebay until BAP did an episode on it. Such a good book though.

>> No.18367161

>most of his real references are Jewish and unknown to us.

You won't be able to provide any examples of this, though, will you?

>> No.18367180

Did I say pdf fuckstain?

>> No.18367187

>too stupid to convert a pdf to an epub

>> No.18367201

yeah because it totally comes out perfectly fine
take ur joo conspiracies and shove em

>> No.18367218

Oh, that's why you're mad. Cuddihy was a well respected mainstream academic, no fringe conspiracy theorist.

>> No.18367389

Agreed, you're going about it the wrong way. You can't force people to live a certain way. Capitalism is a rampant tumor because people believe that civilization must grow at all costs. It's in bad shape now because we live on a finite planet. Once each one of us learns that there are a finite amount of resources and that we will need to start doing a lot on our own to live, then we can move forward. Morality cannot be taught at the barrel of a gun.

>> No.18369120

>Postmodernism is destructive for the Christian world and implicitly good for Judaism
t.kike puppet thinks he's diversion episode 47365364673

>> No.18369144

>A lot of the postmodern relativist stuff is virtually irrefutable.
Such as?

>> No.18369176

The truth is also the good. If their "thuths" are wrong then they're false. Go back to Aquinas and Feser (pbuh).

-> http://edwardfeser.blogspot.com/2015/09/the-absolute-truth-about-relativism.html

-> http://edwardfeser.blogspot.com/2013/05/context-isnt-everything.html

-> http://edwardfeser.blogspot.com/2020/12/district-attorney-michel-foucault.html

-> http://edwardfeser.blogspot.com/2015/06/love-and-sex-roundup.html

>> No.18369315

Faggots with STEM envy pretending to be help others.

>> No.18369323

No that's the analytics

>> No.18369333

No postmodernist talked about relativism you fucking phony

>> No.18369356

Deconstruction is literally the opposite. It brings accountability to language in philosophy, in a way that explores the metaphysical presuppositions that were otherwise ignored in the history of philosophy. Kant acted on the same impulse.

>> No.18369362

>A lot of the postmodern relativist stuff is virtually irrefutable.
What? It's self-refuting.

>> No.18369377

It's "self-refuting" to people who purposely mischaracterise it to act as such. It's just cowardly rhetoric.

>> No.18369388

seethe moarr

>> No.18369389

>one must be absolutely mad to undermine your OWN culture.
culture isn't real. there is no reason to defend 'your' culture as it does not inherently relate to who YOU are on any deep level. it's a bunch of bullshit

>> No.18369392

One must be mad to understand your own culture, i.e. to view it from the outside

>> No.18369396

the physical universe itself is fluid and relative. nothing here is static, ever, at any point in time. by denying this you are denying the very nature of what constitutes reality. and why would this imply passivity of the mind? fluidity or movement is the basis of activity

>> No.18369398

I've quelled my inner fires, I can't phisically seethe.

>> No.18369402

t. did not read derrida

>> No.18369406

>destructive for the Christian world
Nothing of value is lost. Europe was best before christianity and is now back on track to being great again with the fall of this semitic darkness. Modern leftism is just the aftertaste of christianity.

>> No.18369409
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>> No.18369410

my based bro

>> No.18369417

>Intersectionality is a psychoanalysis
The level of mental retardatio on this board is staggering

>> No.18369424

No one asked, but here's my PSA:
a job recruiter said that the algorithms used by some companies on indeed and other job sites filter out resumes that include philosophy, sociology, classics, and other useless majors

>> No.18369458

No, it's not. It's genuinely self-refuting. Anyone who reads this rubbish and thinks they've learnt something is simply either lying to themselves or genuinely incapable of critical thought.

>> No.18369477

>Deleuze studied medieval metaphysics just as much as he studied Nietzsche and Bergson
No, he didn't. And even if he did, much more time is required to understand Medieval scholastic metaphysics (which itself is built on a thousand year intellectual tradition) than relative mental midgets like Nietzsche (who possessed no complex systematization or intellectual discretion).
Europeans lived in mudhuts prior to Christianity. The only ones who didn't were those in direct contact with Semitic cultures from Near East (Greece, Italy).

>> No.18369524

>Europeans lived in mudhuts prior to Christianity.
This bullshit is factually false.

>> No.18369550

Blaming capitalism is the ultimate midwit take

>> No.18369560
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follow up picture. This was in spain.

>> No.18369564

> contact with Semitic cultures from Near East
jew, first of all egypt was not semitic.
second, neolithization was prompted by europeans (EEF), who back then lived in anatolia. we invented spreaded agricolture and the megalithic civilization all over the world. varna culture, the cycladic culture, etc are all more ancient than all mesopotamian ones.

>> No.18369591

Yeah, basically this, whatever the origins of Egypt and Mesopotamia, they where European, both writing and neolithic buildings all have older European ancestors. So common sense dictates the origin lies in Europeans moving into a more favourable environment.

>> No.18369607

Spain was in direct contact with Semitic cultures pre Christianity.

>> No.18369630

lmao what does it even mean?
spain was part of the roman empire before christianity.

>> No.18369640
File: 315 KB, 1024x768, 1024px-Enceinte_est.jfif.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jastres oppidum. France.
No matter how you slice it "mud hut" is false. Of course farmers sometimes lived in mud huts but that's everywhere in the world at the time. What we mean whe we talk about development is always cities.

>> No.18369701

I forgot to include Spain. It was also colonized by Phoenicians and Greeks along with Italy.
>we wuz kangz
>Jastres oppidum. France.
Constructed by guess who? The Romans.

>> No.18369715

>Europeans lived in mudhuts prior to Christianity.
Ahahahha lmao, you're actually retarded, not just deluded as I first thought. Christianity is brainrot and you're a prime example.

>> No.18369736

> kangz
what are you talking about. agricolture and megaliths were invented by EEF (genetical europeans) in anatolia and spreaded all over europe 10.000 years ago. the mesopotamian and egyptian civilizations came from that macro-civilization.
open a fucking book, nigger.

>> No.18369814

My post (not just the part you erroneously selected out) is correct and you are an obvious example of materialist cope.
If they had nothing to do with Europe then they are not Europeans. Anatolia is not Europe, it's part of Asia. Secondly you don't actually have any proof that it was these specific genetic types that invented agriculture, at best we can say that they conquered large swathes of land (likely due to nomadism allowing them to remain physically stronger and more aggressive).

>> No.18369834

Realism > Idealism
F the neoplatonists

>> No.18369916

> If they had nothing to do with Europe then they are not Europeans
bait at thisp point.
> Secondly you don't actually have any proof that it was these specific genetic types
except we do. all samples from anatolia dating back to the neolithic age (and even before for that matters) cluster with modern day south europeans (especially sardinians) and neolithic continental europeans as well. all of the specimens were found in megalithic sites (eg gobekli tepe).
we also know *when* anatolia stopped being white (genetically), that is, 5000 years ago, when caucasians (chg, j2 haplo) migrated there. probably most of EEFs already left between 10.000 bc and 5.000 bc.

>> No.18370047

I know that’s not what he meant, but it has been successfully twisted into that and the masses can’t tell the difference

>> No.18370094

>cluster with modern day south europeans
You basically destroyed yourself here.

>> No.18370186

south europeans are white, shitskin.