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File: 259 KB, 1223x1027, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18362144 No.18362144 [Reply] [Original]

Which one of you niggers is this?

>> No.18362146

It was me.

>> No.18362189

It was me!

>> No.18362202

I love my Indian bros and all, but you guys ruined that website

>> No.18362206

It wasn't me

>> No.18362405

Must have/of bin Thomas Pinecone

>> No.18362411

I think it was me but I can't remember very well

>> No.18362423

muh passion is just HR speak that has advanced to secular scripture. i'd wager that the vast majority of humanity never had a 'passion' in their lives, apart from subsistence (not a desirable answer)

>> No.18362427

I relate to him, but is he trying to imply he is a psychopath? Basically seems like a weird type of brag

>> No.18362458

Men are not immune from tumblritis.

>> No.18362479

hahaha there's probably nothing wrong with this nigga he just obsessed about self-imposed labels, changes his mentality accordingly and ignores anything that contradicts it. muh labels + the internet (no self-aware layer to the labels) will have dire consequences in then near future.

>> No.18362490

sorry friend
bhenchods ruin everything

>> No.18362497

If someone asks you this question at a job interview immediately leave. this corporate communist XD EVERYBODY HAPPY!! is so fucking cringe and gay.

>> No.18362500

They bathe in cow shit.

>> No.18362510

not even 1% but ok
do all americans have incest because of alabama?

>> No.18362523

More incest in India than America as well, thanks for reminding me.

>> No.18362536

racism is pathetic anon
all this reading but this is still how you stand

>> No.18362543

>implying /pol/tards read

>> No.18362549

>muh raysis
you have to be at least 18 to post here.

>> No.18362552

>what /pol/ does to a retard

>> No.18362553

>indian tries to make off hand remark about people in alabama
>you: "heh... good one!!"
>me: "india has more incest per capita than US"
>you: "HITLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"
so gay man consider livestreaming your suicide and sharing it with us.

>> No.18362558
File: 828 KB, 658x590, 28340394534.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I accept your admission of defeat.

>> No.18362564

Every country has its own complex holding it down. India has the class system destroying meritocracy and entrenching nepotism, the western world has a guilt complex self handicapping to cheer on retards and knee cap geniuses, China has nouveaux riche mentality mixed with authoritarian oppression resulting in insane rates of decay and nothing built to last, other Asian countries have an insane work life balance that crowds out the possibility of exploring passions, South America has a streak of savagery and violence unparalleled, and Africa has niggers.

>> No.18362569

holy shit US politics has truly melted people's brain with this collective shit

the problem was the generalization anon. The point the I am assuming the Indian anon was making was you can't assume all the population based on 0.5% of the people who belong to that piece of land.
If you couldn't grasp it, you have no meaning to be on this board. You shall leave anon. Return to your podcasts and /pol/ autism

>> No.18362573

>still throwing out bizarre ad homs

>> No.18362583

anon the things you have said aren't racism
The assumption and judgment of an individual based on the color of his skin or nation you learn about from the headlines you skim through during the morning is

>> No.18362591

I hope you find love frend

>> No.18362594

idk very few people i've come across have genuine passions and those who do tend to either be on the autistic spectrum or are extremely competitive

>> No.18362602

>show bob and vageneposting on /lit/
jesus man...

>> No.18362603

Reminds me of a few posts I've seen in that thread about hobbies desu

>> No.18362606

good one
have a nice day

>> No.18362607

That's because most people are NPCs. People with real passions are Player Character's and there's probably only around a few thousand of us in existence. Most people just "do their job" like NPCs should, providing us Player Character's with services when we need them.

>> No.18362611

from my experience passion comes from discipline and achievements and a thirst for ambition. Most people want the average and just get by

>> No.18362677
File: 67 KB, 409x409, 1619390934325.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based. NPCs are born to serve.

>> No.18363276

Psycohpaths are passionate about murder, checkmate

>> No.18363727
File: 23 KB, 600x400, 09C9A23A-E536-4E2D-BC73-5B4579E24D66.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It was me, Austin

>> No.18363747

>actually believing a meme

>> No.18363808

They really did.

I wish there was a global firewall that quarantined all Chinese and Indian connections.

>> No.18363926

>India has the class system destroying meritocracy and entrenching nepotism
Oh no a shudra blaming his failures on Brahmins again.