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/lit/ - Literature

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18361230 No.18361230 [Reply] [Original]

>Legally dodged the draft so he can continue being a NEET loser
>Recrooter said the shame of being a coward is punishment enough
>Ended up becoming a multi-millionaire instead of dying in some muddy hole
George may not be the best, but he is a beast.

>> No.18361246
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Still wrote shitty books and still acts like a fag, so I do not care

>> No.18361248

But who's the rich and highly respected writer and who's the retard on 4chan?

>> No.18361260

I would gladly be a retard on 4chan rather than his cheap Santa lookin ass

>> No.18361262

Actually, I'm Thomas Pynchon, so you tell me, faggot.

>> No.18361265

>highly respected
among illiterate tv watchers. Those that have suffered through his books identify him for the hack that he is.

>> No.18361307

Don't lie retard. Nobody started hating him until the tv faggots didn't get their wish fufillment fantasy.

If this is about WoW, guess what, it ain't happening. The old fucker is gonna kick the bucket any time now

>> No.18361400

This board has made fun of him for being shit for as long as it's existed

>> No.18361416

I havent met a single person who read his books

>> No.18361490

Based rock dweller

>> No.18361568

Recently tried to read his series and it's bad. I will push through eventually and see if it becomes enjoyable for the themes and characters. The writing quality is too shit to want to read it. Only character I even slightly enjoy rn is Daenerys.

Knowing what is good writing and sticking to this is more respectable than when bad writing is called good writing because it is well-known and commercially successful. Your argument is that the writing's quality is determined by things outside of the writing itself.

>> No.18361585

are you sure you know what good writing is

>> No.18361634

You don't have to know what good writing is to recognize Martin's writing as low quality.

>> No.18361652

>t. is actually Thomas Pynchon
I see you fag

>> No.18361907



>> No.18361932

He's a smelly fat fuck but that recrooter cope is hilarious
>NOOOOOOO you can't just not heckin go get your ass beat by South Asian Rice Farmers and come back to be spat upon by boomer junkies what about your heckin good boi Uncle Samarino?

>> No.18361944


>> No.18361973

Hey man I know like five people

>> No.18361985

I just never liked his work. The only thing he ever wrote that was readable (to me) was his collection of Haviland Tuf stories, and he later admitted that they were a conscious attempt at writing sometime in the style of Jack Vance. So that explains that.

>> No.18361992

Why hate him? He's just a poor writer who made a lot of money. Pretty typical. I sorta feel sorry for him, DESU...

>> No.18361995

I read some of his science fiction stories when I was a kid and they were fun. Never bothered with the Game of Thrones shit because fantasy isn't something I like.

>> No.18362002

I say, that’s... Based. Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven.

>> No.18362015
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>You don't have to know what good writing is to recognize Martin's writing as low quality
Uses the word "writing" redundantly while pontificating on quality of...writing.

>> No.18362037

/sffg/bros we got too cocky...

>> No.18362052

I'm not a fan of fantasy either but ASOIF is decent. It has a fun plot even if the characters aren't anything special and the writing isn't top-notch. The books are long but they're extremely light (you should be able to breeze through all of them in a couple of weeks).

I'm pretty sure Martin will eat himself to death before he finishes. The only thing he's great at is lore/worldbuilding and falling back on that strength, because he's secretly terrified of fucking up the landing, just makes things harder to navigate to a finish.

Being a fanboy for it is pretty fucking gay (I can't see reading that entire book he wrote that's just background lore, though to each their own). Dunking on it to feel better about your own reading choices is just pathetic; it's low-hanging fruit.

>> No.18362072

It's always either of the extremes, either a onions-addled GoT manchild or an epic /lit/fag who can't help but reflexively mock anything and everything except the gay pseud shit he likes.

Making fun of entry level fantasy is a midwit move. Why even bother with it?

>> No.18362177

I think you've covered all the bases.

>> No.18362187

>Legally dodged the draft so he can continue being a NEET loser


I thought the Chosen being infamous draft-evaders was just a meme...?

>> No.18362198

>(I can't see reading that entire book he wrote that's just background lore, though to each their own
But the lore's the best part

>> No.18362208

>the characters aren't anything special and the writing isn't top-notch. The books are long but they're extremely light
That sounds like trash, anon.

>> No.18362217

This. I actually have never read a single one of the ASOIAF books, but I love to browse the Wiki and read through the articles, just to poke around the lore and the worldbuilding. It's actually kind of neat.

>> No.18362296

In small doses spread out within a story. A book of lore for the sake of lore is fanboy shit. If you enjoy it enough to spend your time reading it...great.
It's entertainment. There's nothing more pathetic than flexing on someone because they have different taste in something as superficial as distraction/leisure.

>> No.18362310

There's another universe where George R.R. Martin (in this universe simply George Martin) was drafted and sent to Vietnam where he burned the fat off his soul and spent a year in a tiger cage and came back to the states and wrote a literary novel to surpass Moby-Dick and never touched sci fi or fantasy.

>> No.18362329

GRRM isn't respected anymore. Check the posts on his Twitter nowadays. Most fans are pissed he gave up on Asoiaf.

>> No.18362335

He's made millions, I'm sure he cares a lot about people being mad.

>> No.18362338

Ok pedo

>> No.18362371

reddit moment

>> No.18362375

>Making fun of entry level fantasy is a midwit move. Why even bother with it?
People need to learn not too fling their shit in our faces.

>> No.18362382

t. midwit

>> No.18362392

Alright, explain why its midwit.

>> No.18362394

Salieri died richer than Mozart, but what does that matter centuries later?

>> No.18362409


I don't think Martin has any regrets about what he's doing. The guy is ancient, I don't think he cares about anything but living a comfortable life anymore. And once you're dead, you wouldn't care.

>> No.18362414

Because you're intentionally seeking out retarded media and engaging with the fans of said media, if you truly considered it beneath you, you wouldn't do that or care at all.

>> No.18362419

I can't believe that Miura is dead but this fat faggot is still living.

>> No.18362433
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Miura shouldn't have wasted so much time fapping to lolis. He had more than enough time to finish Berserk before he died, he just didn't because he was a procrastinating faggot.

It's just like the writer of Highschool of the Dead. Everybody gets sad that he died but he put the manga on hiatus for YEARS before he croaked. He had more than enough time to finish it, he just didn't.

Let that be a lesson to you writer Anons: don't procrastinate when writing your masterpieces. Work hard and work fast. You never know how much time you'll actually be given.

>> No.18362454

Wow this is one of the darkest and stupidist things I have ever heared, if something is beneath me, if it disgusts me I crush it, because otherwise it will grow and fester. To claim it is somehow noble not to bothered with the filth recking our society, is the ultimate kidwit take, or more accurately one midwit playing with the go of another, tricking him to leave him alone.

We will not leave you alone anon, your taste is terrible and we keep repeating it over and over, you will get no acceptance from us.

>> No.18362459

Lol who cares, you read that trash?

>> No.18362470

Brainlet compensating and seething. You cannot crush anything. You have delusions of grandeur, when you're nothing but just another retard pretender.

>> No.18362481
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Based GRRM, gonna read this bad boy to celebrate his genius.

>> No.18362488
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>if you truly considered it beneath you, you wouldn't do that or care at all.

Retarded take, bad art has no right to exist whatsoever in a healthy intellectual milieu and should be tirelessly fought against with all of one's might.

>> No.18362601

Yes mate, will totally happen, I am going to leave your kind alone, because you shamed me. Lol

>> No.18362719

Thank you for your service, George.

>> No.18362831

The books suck but if you wouldn't dodge Vietnam you are an NPC or enlightened beyond my comprehension

>> No.18362963

Tolkien was a Christian gigachad who fought in the trenches. GRRM is a fat draft dodging virgin. This is the difference between classic and contemporary fantasy

>> No.18363051
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idk guys i like medieval fantasy . ASOIAF has swords,good story,interesting world,gore,sex,awesome battles,some hp lovecraft stuff.

its actually pretty awesome /lit/ just hates that its popular. honestly my favorite book series surpassing Lord of the rings with all its gay singing.

maybe i just like shit writing? but theres not a single medieval fantasy that scratches my itch like ASOIAF . i tried The Blade Itself and The Name of the Wind...

>> No.18363075

Wow, you sure are a loser reading that gay shit.

>> No.18363096

Is his writing really that bad or is this just a typical case of 4chan contrarianism?

>> No.18363104

i guess but i enjoyed myself. would love any recommendations that has all those elements but written by a "good" author. you probably enjoy catcher in the rye

>> No.18363106

Is this pic real?

>> No.18363125

I have the same car btw

>> No.18363127

I know first hand from my work that being old and fat sucks. I wouldn't trade my healthy youth for a billion dollars.


>> No.18363136

consider the fumes

>> No.18364404

So he really did base samwell Tarly on himself! It was obvious but this adds a layer

>> No.18364437

He won't die. We had Kentaro Miura who died recently (author of Berserk), who was slow but delivered.
The fat GRRM won't die, but won't finish.

>> No.18364465

>>Legally dodged the draft so he can continue being a NEET loser
Based. FUCK the draft and FUCK the military.

>> No.18364647
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>> No.18364961

>he's dead but do you unironically like Berserk

>> No.18366073

You are disrespectful toward Miura. He had legit born out issues, and recovered by playing videogames a few years. Then he resumed releasing around 3 chapter a year, which is not a lot, but still enough to finish if he didn't die prematurely (he was 54).
There is a difference between becoming slightly relax (Miura), and completely dropping off the work (fat GRRM).

>> No.18366221

>And once you're dead, you wouldn't care.
A true artist would.

>> No.18366245

I'd say it's acceptable but not particularly good. The main issue is that in the later asoiaf books he introduces tons of new characters who contribute nothing to the story and prevent us from seeing the interesting characters from books 1-3.

>> No.18366301

This was the first sign that he was running out of ideas, right?

>> No.18366322

>He had legit born out issues, and recovered by playing videogames a few years.
Holy Kek!

>> No.18366480

Books 4 and 5 were already not as good. It's over.

>> No.18366639

book 4 sucked as it was mainly just dream sequences but i liked book 5. though i read it like 8 years ago. i should re read them i really love the world of Westeros probably my favorite lore behind Middle Earth and Dark Souls

>> No.18367953

He's falling back on his only strength: worldbuilding and lore. It doesn't bode well for the series ever being completed and he acts like a little bitch when someone brings up the idea of someone else writing them...he's even triggered by fags who write fanfiction; it's GRRM's Sonichu.

>> No.18368375

Is it true that Pynch actually posts here?

>> No.18368410

Most people turned on him with Feast of Crows. The first three books were good, but it fell off a cliff after.

>> No.18368423

I'd rather be a poor young man than a rich old man.

>> No.18368447

Of course I do. I was anon long before the internet was a thing

>> No.18368454

Hey Pynch! Should I start with GR?

>> No.18368489

Depends on what you're looking for, fag. I'm not too proud of V any more and usually recommend starting with TCoL49, though my recent stuff is far better.

>> No.18368562

>There's nothing more pathetic than flexing on someone because they have different taste in something as superficial as distraction/leisure.
You’re not going to make eating a shit sandwich sound any better by saying you’re snacking for fun, my guy.

>> No.18368588

Good on him, dying in any American war in the past 100 years is the equivalent of someone coming to your house, blowing all your money and throwing a party, and forcing you to take out the trash

>> No.18369459

There is no greater honor, than to die for mount Sinai.

>> No.18369613
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I felt very inspired by his first three books and wrote over 100k word ending for it; I would like to one day flesh it out to ~500k since I am sure he will NEVER finish.
I agree with this anon. The books are excellent sword/sorcery fantasy and inspired a love in me of medieval history. They have good (even if they are stock) characters, nice writing, puzzling themes that make for good discussions with other readers.
Most of the dumb shit Martin does can be forgiven (retarded logistics, plot holes, dramatic rape.)
It’s easy to look down on Martin and has been for the past 20 years. So I don’t find any use jumping on that bandwagon.

With that said WHAT I AM REALLY INTERESTED IN: is Martin’s attitude towards ASOIAF the real-world manifestation of the “death of the author”? Did this man single handedly kill literature? At least, is there any greater example of literary success being squandered? I’m at odds fascinated and appalled by it.

Just one example of the man’s extraordinary obtuseness: a library in New Mexico has the editors first draft of A Dance With Dragons, complete with the notes between them. The editor asks if Benjen is Coldhands (something many careful readers suspected.) Martin responds NO. No explanation, no elaboration on who Coldhands is what happened to Benjen, just NO.

The man is just changing things at whim, horrified that *anyone* is able to guess his plot. He can’t deal with the oppressive autism of the internet, to our (his readers) detriment, and no, he doesn’t care.