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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 1.52 MB, 1920x1080, 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18361412 No.18361412[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18361426

Stop making it before bump limit

>> No.18361439

I'll stop when I stop breathing

>> No.18361446

Good image, Anon.

>> No.18361449

erect black cocks penetrating other erect but smaller cocks of the asian variety

>> No.18361451

Not much n you?

>> No.18361453
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>> No.18361454

the idea of F Gardner makes me tremendously sad. I hate seeing his ads, it’s like seeing a mentally ill person dance for change.

>> No.18361457

Epic fail butterface go away

>> No.18361458

You're four post too early faggot.

>> No.18361460

I was first. First wins.

>> No.18361461

Get it through your fucking fat head: we do not like you. You are an uninteresting old bitch. Fuck off.

>> No.18361462

thanks, I'd rather be early instead of having someone upload a k-pop pic again

>> No.18361463

I'm a mess of emotions and I don't know how to defuse the bomb inside

>> No.18361470

No since you made a qtddtot and write whats on your mind not a whats on your mind thread

>> No.18361472

I feel depressed, although I did some workout. This day was stained

>> No.18361473

Your anonymity is probably because no one likes you

>> No.18361475

nme (not much either)

>> No.18361484

I’m happily married actually, my anonymity is because I’m mature enough to realize this place is not for egos

>> No.18361495

This isn’t an ego thing

>> No.18361496
File: 84 KB, 986x607, good morning.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I always watch this after I wake up

>> No.18361501

Nobody cares.

>> No.18361506

You guys ever did do that lol

>> No.18361507

It is, even if you’re not self-aware enough to understand

>> No.18361518
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>> No.18361519

Shut the FUCK up. I care about anon.

>> No.18361520 [DELETED] 

Motherfucker nigg*r lover

>> No.18361526

thanks man, I'm sending a positive thought in the air

>> No.18361531

Just found out I'm not gay.

>> No.18361532
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>> No.18361537

>What’s On Your Mind
Just trying to be nice.
Not really caring about the flack.
Lemme know *why* you hate me.

>> No.18361545
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>> No.18361549
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"You can't judge a book by its cover" is such a lame, middlebrow argument. If they didn't want me to judge it by its cover then why did they put the cover on it?

>> No.18361552

So you'd get filtered

>> No.18361555
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>> No.18361557

Care to elaborate, anon? Maybe we can help

>> No.18361576
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>> No.18361587

Sorry, I'll be better from now on, for... lil b?

>> No.18361595

gnostic retard

>> No.18361597

Is this supposed to be Kame House from Dragonball?

>> No.18361600

get well soon anon :,(

>> No.18361603

I wish it was my life. Free of money and financial stress. Just me by the sea, catching fish and enjoying the day smoking pipe tobacco.

>> No.18361605

Pleb ass faggot

>> No.18361607

Everything is more important than masturbation and intercourse. Brainlets let pleasure dictate their lives.

>> No.18361623

its okay butters, this thread is just better.
At least you did not post an anime pic.

>> No.18361630
File: 3 KB, 125x121, 411304CB-B424-4E7C-A22B-5B0805A9A99A.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My oneitis leaving me on read’s pushing my anxiety and depression over the edge. I can’t possible imagine what she thinks about me right now. Does she think I’m a creepy stalker? Did she finally make up her mind about me and isn’t interested any more? Is she playing with my emotions to turn me into her desperate simp? Did she get a boyfriend and doesn’t want to talk to other guys right now? Is my ex spreading shit about me and she caught wind? Did her parents tell her to stop talking to me? Is she depressed and isn’t in the mood to talk right now? Or is it just Labor Day and she’s too busy hanging out with her family o put up with my bullshit? I asked her Thursday if we could video chat and it sounded like an enthusiastic yes, so I asked her the next day if she wanted to talk Saturday and she replied that she needed to help her parents that day. I responded asking when would a better time be and she didn’t read the message for two days. I sent her a meme to get her attention and she just left me on read. I replied with “I guess not lol” and she left me on read again. I’m planning on asking her if everything’s ok tomorrow afternoon or evening but I feel like by then the damage is already done. Did I suggest FaceTime too soon? What should I do anons? I feel left out and dejected/rejected and it’s pushing my other mood shit to a breaking point, because of course this is only one of a dozen other things swimming around my head right now. I’m so done with worrying about it but I can’t shake it off. FUCK.

>> No.18361637

The Freemasons, liberals, and {{{banking elite}}} took this from you.

>> No.18361638

I honestly think this is what exposure to Butterfly and :3 creates

I wish they would stop fucking in front of everyone

>> No.18361639
File: 376 KB, 768x576, 1591019494154.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do not reply to me again, filth.

>> No.18361640

>I sent her a meme to get her attention and she just left me on read
Is this how zoomers communicate?

>> No.18361724

this is a good movie

>> No.18361727

Stay filtered bitch ass punk

>> No.18361728

You need to give the impression of being aloof, even if you actually aren’t. You’re obviously way too clingy. Distract yourself, don’t ever let on your someone that you like them and they will try to earn your interest.

>> No.18361734

*punk ass bitch

>> No.18361738

Screenshot and re-read later

>> No.18361743

Shut up

>> No.18361782

I have no idea what to do with myself now.

>> No.18361783

Silly, you just did something with yourself just now!

>> No.18361795
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Eat shit

>> No.18361807
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Im starting to feel idealistically lost, I want to read more but i find myself too adhd brained to finish any book I start. Years ago I was really into marxist lit, i also read a lot of murray rothbard, have watched a couple of videos on evola, and recently read the first half of industrial society. Anyone have any suggestions for writing about modernity, human value, modern spirituality, or things pertaining to the common person in modern society? bonus points if its concise.
