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/lit/ - Literature

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18356853 No.18356853 [Reply] [Original]

Any progress on your novels?

Previous thread:>>18350276

For Prose:
>The Art of Fiction
>Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel (Before You Waste Three Years Writing 327 Pages That Go Nowhere)
>On Becoming A Novelist
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft
>How Fiction Works
>The Rhetoric of Fiction
>Steering the Craft
>On Writing, Borges

For Poetry:
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry
>This Craft of Verse, Borges

Related Material:
>What Editors Do
>A Student's Introduction to English Grammar
>Garner's Modern English Usage

Suggested books on storytelling:
>The Weekend Novelist
>Aristotle's Poetics
>Hero With a Thousand Faces
>Romance the Beat

Suggested books on getting your fucking work done you lazy piece of shit:
>Deep Work
>Atomic Habits

Traditional publishing
> Formatting manuscript
> Write a query
> Track your query

Other Resources
>General grammar/syntax/editing help
> When/where/how should I write?
> What software should I write with?
> Amazon Publishing to make that KDP monie
> Be like Charles Dickens and write serially
> Basic overview of the Screenplay format

>> No.18356859

First for animefags are a scourge

>> No.18356884

the sun doesnt sleep, no more
honeyed chumps, choked or
drowned; bathed in basin
bare, a travelling salesman -
little Lucy: danced, squared, and

Flesh echo, so dear, forgotten
in blue, Turn Back Time and
MEMORISE; touch, taste
the night dancer - no haste -
in barren, cold, dark, Lucy

The clouds dont exist, no more
blue stars, stock in store, or
return - chumps cheer, He wept -
congregation: dear child, the best
for poor moon, left lonely, and Lucy to
will i make it

>> No.18356891

I'm not writing a novel. I actually hate creative writing, because I think it exposes a part of who you are to the world, and I have no desire to do so.

>> No.18356899

rent free

>> No.18356909

fellow nonfictionfag?

>> No.18356911
File: 93 KB, 600x706, meat date.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meat Date

Upon a winter's night, a meat date ensued,
A carcass of some animal, with love imbued,
Lovers took another's hand, cupid's mood,
And the meaty body was not his din-din food,
Nay, none hungry stomach in that dude,
Instead he would carry their love like a pood!
He only hoped that tonight the meat was no prude!

>> No.18356912


>> No.18356918

I don't mind reading fiction, but I hate writing it.

>> No.18357010
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I write a lot and I make so much money from my writing

I can't share any of my material though

>> No.18357021

can u fuck my hole for 1%

>> No.18357022


Working on a fantastical/pre-modern tone that is hopefully still accessible and engaging to readers. Overly modern sounding prose in fantasy/historical is really distracting, but true historical English is a chore to read. Did I strike a good balance?

>> No.18357030

Can you niggas explain the podcast meme to me? Why would anyone want the equivalent of a phone call when you have to listen to some retards talk and talk and can't even say something back?

>> No.18357068

parasocial interactions is my guess. Maybe people don't think of it as a podcast, but as a hangout session with their friends Markpelier, h3h3, and Joe Rogan

>> No.18357083

There exist podcasts which aren't just a group of people interacting socially. The Fall of Civilizations is an excellent one that comes to mind.

>> No.18357116

Skimmed through the first ep and it seems closer to an audiobook/lecture.

>> No.18357122

there are people willing to read machine translated chinese shit but they won't read your book

>> No.18357126

> machine translated chinese shit
Learned Disguise?

>> No.18357139

To be fair, it's likely better than stuff from most writers here.

>> No.18357140

I don't mind writing creatively I just keep it in secret.

>> No.18357171

>I don't mind writing creatively I just keep it in secret.
How can you keep it secret from yourself? Do you never write something, and ponder how it reflects yourself and your feelings? And what if you don't like what you read back?

>> No.18357181

I meant other people but yes I do read through what I write. My writing is trash still fun do.

>> No.18357184
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I use creative writing whilst writing non fiction. So no one else does this?

>> No.18357193

I'm not talking quality of craft, I'm talking the quality of self revealed by what you've written.

>> No.18357211

I'd say yes most stories that I have written have some reflection on the events of my life closure helps.

>> No.18357230

If the guy that wrote Down the Rabbit Hole about the flesh pit is still here, just wanted you to know I was sucked into reading the whole thing. Good job. Would have purchased it if it were on Amazon or something.

>> No.18357422

Can we ask for critique here?

Anyways here's a 2,200 word story I wrote.


Kind of a middle grade/YA thing. Thought I could write for adults but this is kind of kiddy.

>> No.18357452
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Would you guys read more of this? It's the beginning of what I intend to be a novel. Following roughly a three act structure, the first will be the narrator's journey through the tower to find Staunton Howl and will be an iteration of the hero's journey. The second act will be a Gita'esque dialogue between the narrator and Howl. The third I intend to write as a mostly formless decent into madness and nonsense. Thoughts?

>> No.18357456

Descent. Fucking autocorrect.

>> No.18357468

seems way overwritten desu

>> No.18357480

It's something I've consciously established, if that matters. I'm intending to use it as the initial impression so I can play with the style as it progresses. In my mind the second act begins to ramp the language down and then the third devolves into complete nonsense.

>> No.18357487

Weird John Green tier pedo shit that I stopped a bit after the bra stuff, but here's my edit. I decided not to mark it up here to keep it within the pastebin.

Is the boy autistic btw?

>> No.18357504

wowee this is awesome

>> No.18357530

probably autistic

>> No.18357547

The prose is solid. Clean and functional and it doesn't waste time. The dialogue is good. The characters are distinct and consistent.
A bit more scene-setting flavour would do it some good. New York should come through more.

>> No.18357574


thank you. IDK I just hear about people who are sick of hearing about NYC but I'm kind of autistically obsessed with the place.

Never been to the Upper East Side where this story takes place though. Only seen it on google streetview. have been to NYC, mostly around midtown Manhattan though.

Definitely need to work on having actual paragraphs of description and work on pacing too.

>> No.18358121
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>last night's pages turned out cringe

>> No.18358163

What will you do when your anti-depressants run out?

>> No.18358327

that's good. now you know your biases from last night are gone and you can fix them.

>> No.18358396

I strolled out of town and let time outpace me, day settling into dusk. The clear Mistral air remade the land in its image, pollution escaped into the Mediterranean dogged by brisk winds and cloudless starry skies spanned the whole horizon as glowworms lit up the countryside reflecting it. The Provence's venerable purification ritual was running its course.

>> No.18358555
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>write poems
>they’re not Homeric, Dantean, Chaucerian, Shakespearean, or Virgilian
Why even live?

>> No.18358575

Do we have anybody in here actually earning money with their writing?

If so, how much? And from which source (patreon, amazon, etc)?

>> No.18358583

Last thread there were a bunch of people posting patreon screenshots claiming it was theirs.

>> No.18358585

Has there ever been an attempt to make a structured writing group ? Where everyone reads everyone else's stories to give feedback, that sort of thing

>> No.18358586

i make $1400/month from patreon where i offer my editing/proof reading services, i also publish on royalroad and get $900 from my bi weekly posts (mon and fri) which is nice

>> No.18358591

People are dumb and simp for guys that dont even have anything insightful to say, just cause they're "wholesome internet pals"

>> No.18358609

I'm trying to get my novel finished, but I keep getting caught doing commissions.

I write for other people for money and edit their shit to pay my bills. And if I take time off to finish my novel I fear I can't pay my bills.

So I'm caught in a catch 22. I write for other people for money, but I can't write for myself because by the time I get through my queue I'm too tired and brain dead to put effort into it.

>> No.18358627

get a day job that takes less of your energy. mine takes absolutely none of my energy most days, especially over the summer. that said, i have to work nights to get the kind of job that leaves me enough time and energy to feel like i'm actually making a dent in whatever i'm working on at the time, but for me it's worth it.

>> No.18358658


I do remember reading in a thread some odd weeks back about a guy who worked night security in a warehouse and he took his laptop with him and wrote all night during his shift. Apparently, he had about five mystery novels he self-published and made money off of.

Wonder if I can find a job like that and just dump commissioned work.

>> No.18358661

>he’s not living in a country with dole

>> No.18358675

Do you do it on Fiverr? I used to be on there but never made more than $100 or so, and my rates were fairly competitive. Maybe I had shit marketing. But also Fiverr takes a big chunk of the commission.

>> No.18358684

i work security myself. once you find the right job for you and for what you want to do, you're pretty set, since there's only a very small number of people who can do this job long-term. for most people you have to give up too much in terms of lifestyle. i'm basically a hermit though, so i'm essentially just doing what i otherwise would be doing.

>> No.18358686

Total Chad.

>> No.18358688

I have hired people to do some beta reading with simple critiques on Fiverr before, seemed alright but I really need to just find writing circles for that sort of thing.

>> No.18358707

Yeah set up a writing workshop. Put up ads at a uni or library. Make a discord with QR code and put all your files in there, even create voice chats with files in it and ppl can critique from wherever. Maybe we could make one for this thread but I know some ppl hate that stuff.

>> No.18358722

> The cab drops me off more or less precisely according to the coordinates, written in a large and decidedly elegant, flowing script upon the corrugated business card with which I have supplied him.
Could you seriously not think of a stronger way to write this? The writing is really winded, and it reads like you had a thesaurus sitting on your lap because you didn’t want to use common descriptives. Also right out the gate you dumping all this information when the character hasn’t even done anything. Even the interaction with the info girl was fucking bizarre and mechanical.
I’d say ease up on the immediate info dump until the character does something that makes the reader feel invested. Then reassess how your use of language because instead of flourishing your exposition, it just comes off as pretentious.

>> No.18358723

Thing about critiquing is you kind of have to find someone who might fall somewhere near your target audience, someone into futuristic settings is not going to really give the most constructive criticism for medieval fantasy.

There certainly can still be some of course, although grammar (not prose) is pretty pointless since anyone can run that through an editor anyways.

>> No.18358742

Opinion on switching first person narration to third person narration for dual storylines?

>> No.18358744

Beta readers are exactly that: non-specialist readers who don’t care about any single genre. Your target audience needs to be Plain Jane or Average Joe tier 90% of the time unless you’re redefining your genre, in which case you should be a better judge of your work than a beta reader.

>> No.18358745

>fucking bizarre
My man, I haven't even gotten started yet. But thank you, they're valid points.

>> No.18358754

It’s only doable if you’re a master at writing, anon. Are you? Also shifting perspective needs to happen at key moments, like in a movie when a wide shot turns to close up because someone cocks their gun. In that split second, change perspective.

>> No.18358758
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write what's on my mind

>> No.18358766

Not really, you still want beta readers who either prefer your genre or close to it. They are most likely to be consumers of content familiar to yours and therefore offer good criticism of what is and isn't working for them. Unless you don't know the genre of your work which is a different thing entirely.

Having someone who prefers romance in a modern setting critique your sci-fi/fantasy novel isn't going to yield very interesting feedback.

>> No.18358774

I was thinking more along the lines of a first person narration of someone recalling their childhood with a grandfather and a third person narration of the grandfather's expedition in his youth.

>> No.18358787

Stately, plump Chadwick Icarus walked along the stairwell, his bratwurst practically slapping ‘gainst his galoshes.
—Dammit, Blade, we’re gonna be late for the opera. It’ll be Act III: Ride of the Valkyries by the time we get there.
—Don’t worry, Virgin, don’t you know we can take long-legged, gargantuan strides to the theatre all along the streets of Dublin town?
—You’re a bastard, a witty one at that, said Virgin O’Neill.
And so, like the Song of the Volsungs bursting out from the pages of a library, the two Dubliners briskly waltzed down to the city centre.
—Say, it’s hot out, said Icarus. This reminds me of when Odysseus hisself was late for his Penelope, who was being badgered by suitors.
—What in Jehoshaphat’s name are you talking about, Blade?

>> No.18358802

So it’s like Princess Bride? Just copy that

>> No.18358826
File: 266 KB, 1125x2077, 54CEFC5E-2E68-4C8D-A3CF-77036D17DC6D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wtf this shit

>> No.18358841

>application fee: only $100
that's what i'm guessing.

>> No.18358844

>appeal to greed
Yeah, it looks scam-y.

>> No.18358848
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It’s supposed to be a legit site. Maybe they just want to invest in new talent

>> No.18358865
File: 160 KB, 1125x931, 57A17599-5B49-4D59-9808-52C7FF8716F0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are the genres. It’s pretty limited and I’m not sure if cross genre is allowed.

>> No.18358874

What's their cut?

>> No.18358897

Not sure, I’m sure they have a large cut of the adaptations. It’s like selling it to a publishing house. So if you think your boom is worth more than $10800, perhaps go through other routes.

>> No.18358904

Judging Criteria
Webnovel & Potential Adaptation prize: Will be judged by the Reviewers Team, Webnovel Content Team and Tencent Pictures.
I. Content Quality

1. Grammar and Language

a. Competition entries should be written in English with proper spelling and grammar.

b. Entries should show good grasp of the English language.

2. Character Design

a. The main and side characters used in the entries will be judged on how interesting they are, whether they are crucial to the story's plot and how memorable these characters are.

3. World Building

a. The world building the competition entry has will be judged on how in depth the world is including, but not limited to, the fictional world's geography, culture, history, system and technology.

4. Story Development and Creativity

a. The pacing, progress and how interesting the entry's story development will be taken into account.
II. Stability and Interactivity
1. Stability of Updates

a. Compeition entry has to be updated frequently.

b. Entries that have stable update schedules would be preferred.

2. Interactivity with Readers

a. Reader interactivity with the book and author as well as how author engages the readers outside of their book's confines would be judged as well.
III. Additional Value
1. Commercial value

a. How marketable the book is based on its content, how wide of an audience this book is able to be marketed to and prospective future of the book.

2. Value of Adaptation

a. How marketable and possible the adaptation of the competition entry is.

>> No.18358906

literally nothing about prose. it's just a grab at genre fic.

>> No.18358916

I've been stuck on revising my novel for a month. I have plenty of time. I've just been distracted by health problems in my family.

Starting today, I'm going to do some revision on this thing every day, even if it's just one sentence.

>> No.18358919

Nothing else sells, anon, unless one knows how to make a new literary movement, which will be bought to be studied by swathes of university students. But, seeing how things are going, genre fiction will eclipse literary fiction within the zoomer generation that has nearly no literary potential, nor do they care for it.

>> No.18358926

it's always been an ebb and flow dynamic. you're underestimating how powerful a new generation's distaste for what came before can be. a generation of boring, safe, derivative genre fiction can cause a pretty powerful recoil against it down the line. as long as people are forced to read in school, the hope remains for lit fic to have some kind of renaissance, however minor.

>> No.18358938

>Tencent Pictures
No thanks Xi

>> No.18358940

Well I am a zoomie and I agree genre fiction is soul-destroying. But I’m not optimistic about the world. Most of the literary-minded people I know turn into hacky genre writing whores as soon as they sniff money.

No one cares about keeping the canon or even reading anyone with anything aesthetically pleasing. People just want to take drugs and mindlessly consume. I wouldn’t say many people share my obsession with Elizabethan poetry, but it used to be highly regarded. Maybe there’s hope.

>> No.18358941

It's a scam, they just take the author's money and make vague promises while never getting around to it.

>> No.18358952

>People just want to take drugs and mindlessly consume
there's a grassroots rejection of this dynamic already brewing. mark my words and keep your head up. keep writing what you enjoy writing, and keep reading what you enjoy reading.

>> No.18358965

I hope you’re right, anon. I hope you’re right.

>> No.18358987

>there's a grassroots rejection of this dynamic already brewing.

>> No.18358992

this is why i sperg out so often about this shit, and why i do it so intensely. i don't actually care if the animefags keep writing their flash in the pan meme fic. i know well enough at this point that people whose minds have already been made up can't be influenced. i only hope that by posting a cogent, alternative viewpoint that anyone who has the misfortune of reading this might see the possibility for a change in what's been perceived as set in stone for way too long.

>> No.18359005

I don't really see what the issue is. Write what you want and write well, something you feel proud of doing regardless of the content.

>> No.18359018

you see news articles evidencing it every once in a while in the ways the younger generations are rejecting the norms. they have casual sex less often, they look for connection -- they look for real shit. i'm a millennial so i have a nice, comfy sense of detachment from the social media which seems to run social life now. i hate it, but i can't imagine how much more i'd hate it if i'd grown up while it was literally EVERYWHERE around me. these are specific things, but i like to believe that they're indicative of a wider trend that will happen eventually.

along with rejection of social media comes rejection of the structures it represents, and a return to the search for real individualism in lieu of the manicured, curated versions contemporary mass media foments.

maybe i'm just an idealist.

>> No.18359026

If it’s any consolation, I was listening to Wagner’s Gotterdammerung: Trauermarsch as you spoke. It was very intense, as though you were burying the corpse of genre fiction and mindless consumerism in this wintry period of cultural decay, then a new spring of literary potential sprung from where your replies were left. Great flowers of poetry blooming, prose bursting forth, diction and brevity so divine living on...

Thank you for your courage and steadfastness. God knows we’ll need it.

You’re implying genre writers do that, they just follow the money.

>> No.18359037

write what you want and write well. absolutely, and be more open to writing that doesn't adhere strictly to conventional doctrine. be more open to experimentation. allow people to be derisive of the common wisdom handed down by guys like king, and be leery of academics who propose systems which claim to quantify writing into a few essential (and, more to the point, commercially focused) qualities by which you can judge good and bad.

this is the meat of my point. i don't actually care about the greater trends in public life because they don't concern me. what concerns me is the legions and legions of writers -- even here, which still blows my mind -- who say that good is concision, plainness, ease of accessibility, etc. i wouldn't have a problem if that attitude didn't literally dictate to everyone from on high what all writing should be.

>> No.18359040

>you see news articles evidencing it every once in a while in the ways the younger generations are rejecting the norms. they have casual sex less often, they look for connection
Outliers bro. 99.9% of everyone is brain dead as shit.

>> No.18359046

that's the pessimist's viewpoint, sure.

>> No.18359049

Go talk to a random zoomer on the street and see how deep they are kek

>> No.18359057

i just want lit to open back up again. i want it to be exciting and dynamic and rich. i don't see that these days. but ultimately i have my tastes and other people will have theirs.
i can't reach into anyone else's brain and pull out enough to make a value judgment on and i won't try.

>> No.18359061

What was it like in the times of yonder? I’ve see archives, sure, but what was it like to be there?

>> No.18359067

Caring about that is pure cuckoldry.
>You’re implying genre writers do that, they just follow the money.
Why would anyone do writing for money? Most people will never see a cent, no matter what they write. Is the idea that genrefags actually like the genre and what to write something in it that unthinkable for you?

>> No.18359072

You’ve got a lot of extra words in there that muddy up your vision. Cut the fat.

>> No.18359075

Take a look at TikTok. And the fact that people's attention spans have shrunk to nothing.

>> No.18359076

You just have to frame it in how success is defined. People mostly default to success as being monetarily successful if not exceptional.

>> No.18359095

I’m taking the most famous examples, the rest of everyone aren’t really writers.
>GRRM won’t finish the novel series until he’s nearly dead, after doing a bunch of spin offs
>Rowling literally took benefits and sucked up grant money before winning prizes for Harry Potter, then sold it for tonnes of cash. Now she does spin offs and more movies and video game deals
>Stephen King only writes to sell bestsellers
>Stephen King’s favourite smaller writer is probably Benjamin Percy, who went from writing novels to podcasts and comic books, which is all under his weird werewolf brand

>> No.18359096

Cut up that middle sentence a bit and you’re golden.

>> No.18359115

This and who the heck has a corrugated business card? Like, is it made out of cardboard?

>> No.18359116

There are people who hate that shit though. Hell, I fucking hate it, and I didn't have to grow up with it in my face 24/7. This whole thing where trends are dictated by faceless corporations is a very new dynamic in human history. Give it time to shake out. I think we forget often how new this entire world of connectivity actually is, not just in terms of time elapsed but with respect to human beings as a species. We are in an era where we have to learn with our dumb little monkey brains which are literally physically still stuck in the era of hunter gatherers. There will be a recoil against it, and a very real one. But it won't happen if everyone capable of seeing through it just shuts up and accepts it as given.

>> No.18359119

>GRRM won’t finish the novel series
Because the fat fuck wrote himself into a corner. I recall a graph posted that makes it pretty unlikely for him to finish the story in the two books left unless he kills of like half of the POV characters due how the shit expanded. We saw from D&D what happens if the story is rushed and they had to deal with far fewer moving parts than him.
Why wouldn't she sell her story? It being read is the whole fucking point. It's more likely she does the spin off for her ego to show to herself that she can do screen-writing too. The video game deals don't have much to do with her.
He writers bestsellers because people care about his writing. Why would some old fuck with more money than he could reasonably spend give any fucks about more? And even if he'd wanted more, he'd get ghostwriters under his name like Patterson.

>> No.18359123

What more do I need to add to give a surrealist vibe without coming out and saying HEY THIS IS SURREAL LOOK HOW SURREAL THIS IS

>> No.18359124

Is it okay to use real world analogies in fantasy settings that might not have them?

For example, I might describe a dragon's head as resembling a velociraptor. Should I avoid that and simply describe the vague shape of the dragon's head and let the reader think about how it looks on their own?

>> No.18359125

This is so stupid that it actually works, and I am here for the novel.

>> No.18359129

Did you just inadvertently try to white knight for Rowling and cover for King? You’re a disgrace.

>> No.18359138

I can post it on fanfiction if you’d like. I’d honestly do a Joyce fanfic for a year or more for fun.

>> No.18359149

My brother, who is 33, recently admitted that he can no longer read books because now he literally cannot pay attention to anything for more than 60 seconds. He blames TikTok.

>> No.18359155

I couldn't care less about either of them, I just don't like simplistic "oh, they are doing it for the money" bullshit if the poster can't even substantiate the point.

Aside of that, I just find getting mad about this just pathetic and juvenile. Their shit doesn't affect your shit.

>> No.18359164

>I might describe a dragon's head as resembling a velociraptor
Pure cringe if the character doesn't know what a velociraptor is.

>> No.18359169

But it's the narrator describing it, it's third person!

>> No.18359179

Stop making excuses.

>> No.18359181

>People who think reading consists of “stretched his legs” and shitty plot-driven trash won’t end up trying to ruin universities and the canon
Have you been outside?

>> No.18359183

You have some discernible talent, but this poem is shit. Keep on writing, though. Also, don’t write words in all caps. It’s a cheap way to draw attention, it insults the reader and you look like a bad writer.

>> No.18359202

It’s a copy pasta

>> No.18359227

So provide these people with something better. If you can't ... it's just impotent bitching about problems outside of your scope either way.

>> No.18359311

i agree with you. how about we perform conscious action for once instead of sitting here on our asses and bitching

>> No.18359331

Unreal Bros discord does this on Fridays with weekly topics but it's not people's WIPs specifically.

Anon webnovel is notoriously infamous for being a chink scam company. They go out of their way to tug the carpet from underneath the authors in their contracts. Don't do it.

>> No.18359336

Why do you think I’m here if I don’t write or work towards having publications? If you have no publications, then I see no reason why you should even be weighing in on this

>> No.18359347

I used to run one but it died after a bit.

>> No.18359368

>Why do you think I’m here if I don’t write or work towards having publications?
To vent somewhere with your hot takes? Fangirl about some RR writer? Repost some stale pasta? The possibilities are endless!
>If you have no publications, then I see no reason why you should even be weighing in on this
Nice, we can agree on something in the end.

>> No.18359553


>> No.18359614


This is just the very beginning. I didn't even edit this. Please tell me how bad it is lol

>> No.18359636

Get a refill.

>> No.18359663

I cut mine in half to save money and my psych has them filled out like ten times, which the pharmacy holds onto. I’d have to be retarded to run out, I only go 6 times a year to the pharmacy, and maybe less than that to the psychiatrist.

>> No.18359719

Not him, but is that an attractive quality to put on a CV? Boasting of your lifestyle habits making you a natural fit for a job?

>> No.18359727

probably not? i mean if i were looking into another night shift job i would absolutely point to the fact that i've been doing it full time for the last 3 years. but i probably wouldn't make it some kind of thing separate from my work experience.

>> No.18359746

also tangentially i have never once had an actual CV. the only reason i even got the job i have is because i'm a vet and so is my boss and we tend to be nepotistic as fuck out in the civilian world.

>> No.18359779
File: 2.13 MB, 2400x3300, 1621643564207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Four days Haels. Four whole days! What on earth were you doing?," said Quintan

>I didn't even edit this.
Every fucking time.

>> No.18359780

So what you're saying is, I should lie about being in the force.

>> No.18359782

real knows real. wouldn't recommend it

>> No.18359800
File: 7 KB, 273x184, pepee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Shit. I knew I should've at least fixed that so someone wouldn't post this. next time i guess.

>> No.18359801

I prefer the comma outside of the quote if I'm going to use one, because it's not part of the structure encapsulated by the quote, but rather one encapsulated by the written grammatical structure. In short, it's nothing to do with the speech itself, but rather, bracketing off the speech as its own clausal element.

>> No.18359856


okay i removed that one fucking comma. pls just tell me if my writing is passable.

>> No.18359869
File: 3.97 MB, 2399x3298, 1621643564207.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>okay i removed that one fucking comma. pls just tell me if my writing is passable.
You think that was the only one?

>> No.18359883

yes. every other dialogue is grammatically correct.

>> No.18359889

why should we read what you won't even edit?

>> No.18359890

Cheer up anon, maybe someone else will read it but you really should take the time to do some basic proofreading so that it's not distracting for your beta readers or anyone providing a critique. At the end of the day you won't catch everything and that's what professional edits are for (if you have access to that sort of thing), but do make an effort.

>> No.18359898

I did edit it. I read over the dialogue tags like 3 times. Which one is wrong?

>> No.18359919

i guess it's ok

>to his leather chair clearly already tired from all the standing.
I had to do a few takes on this sentence. I think you need a comma after chair because I process it as some weird nonsense about his chair tired from standing.

>> No.18359934

thanks bro. it means a lot if my first draft is passable.

>> No.18359966

>Haels' burning left leg easily buckled beneath him
really awkward usage of the word "easily" here. are you ESL?
you mean expectantly
>She will hear of this, and I'll know exactly what put you way from your studies
i have no clue what this sentence is supposed to mean and therefore no idea how to fix it. but it's wrong.
>returned to his one leg position
"one leg" is awkward here. it should probably be one-legged.

>> No.18360057

Is there any money in stealing these novels and passing them off as your own writing?
It's only fair play to chink a chink.

>> No.18360098


>> No.18360141

>I prefer
Formatting isn't the place to get creative, nigga.

>> No.18360151

I disagree with the convention.

"I'm going to punch the ungrammatical guy in the face", he said with a smirk.
Did the speaker pause, take a bit of a breath, and the continue afterwards, or should this in-fact, round off the quote? For similar reasons, I think "!?" is better than "?!" and yet I always see the latter.

>> No.18360190 [DELETED] 

>>She will hear of this, and I'll know exactly what put you way from your studies
>i have no clue what this sentence is supposed to mean and therefore no idea how to fix it. but it's wrong.
>i have no clue what this sentence is supposed to mean and therefore no idea how to fix it. but it's wrong.
I don't get it. What's so confusing about this? It is awkwardly worded but incomprehensible.

>> No.18360200

Mm, okay I get where you’re going now. But there’s a difference between being surreal and being so convoluted that a reader can’t understand what the heck is going on. I would say Burroughs did this the best because, even though his rankings were fucking crazy you always got a pretty clear picture of what he meant.

>> No.18360203

>>She will hear of this, and I'll know exactly what put you way from your studies
>i have no clue what this sentence is supposed to mean and therefore no idea how to fix it. but it's wrong.
I don't get it. What's so confusing about this? It is awkward but not incomprehensible.

>> No.18360225

Also, your tenses are off from sentence to sentence (sometimes even the same sentence) which really muddies up the work. (I have this problem, too) I would go through it carefully and make sure all of your past/present/future tenses are lined up correctly. Otherwise people are not going to know what is happening because you wrote something in past tense, but it really happened presently and affects the here-and-now, etc.

>> No.18360348

I'm not that anon but I have no idea what it means either, is it supposed to be "took you away" instead of "put you way"? If not I'm stumped.

>> No.18360356

That's just confusing, there is a place to snub convention, but changing the most simple of building blocks will not do you any favors unless you are the most beloved author.

>> No.18360358

Anyone got any tips for writing short stories? Any books on doing short stories specifically?

>> No.18360364

What's confusing about it? Within the speech marks indicates in some way that the speaker is taking a break, but that's not especially true.

>> No.18360478

How do you write good dialogue?

>> No.18360539
File: 205 KB, 463x417, the dreaded.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18360580

what is good dialogue

>> No.18360604

Dialogue that isn't shit.

>> No.18360637

Who is to say it isn't shit?

>> No.18360669

I think avoid stuff that's mundane, like, "yeah," or "that's right". You can probably slim those 'real-life' dialogue to something like 'Bob agreed with what I said,' or 'Jane nodded and gave an affirmative grunt." I think other than that just write dialogue. Not every word can be a magnus opus. If it's considered shit by your readers, which you won't know anyways unless they specifically pointed out to you, then it's shit. Just write and don't worry about it.

>> No.18360675

Write it entirely and solely in IPA to accentuate falls and rises in their voices, denoting with mark-up increases and slows in pace and volume.

>> No.18360755

I write normal dialogue and then I have characters say stuff like FUCK and SHIT for emphasis and a human touch.

>> No.18360954

I have a disabled character with shizo

I want him too die but i don't want too send the message that disabled people should die

i don't want him too die because of his disabity

i like the drama of him dieing but it again sends the wrong message about disabity

but i do not want the happy ending where he gets better, what do i do

>> No.18360977

Posted here before maybe six months ago when I was still pulling down several hundred a month with many releases. Currently coming in at just under $2000 this month with no new releases, releasing a title later this week that is poised to do fairly well for me. So far this year I have earned minimum $1000 every month, on average about $2000. Spending a pretty penny on covers for the next months though so until that stabilizes I'm not quite solvent.

Anyway today is my day off, ask me anything Anons and I will help encourage your writing/publishing.

>> No.18360999

Kill him

>> No.18361055

Are you self-publishing or patreon? Or a combination? Do you do anything for marketing or could you elaborate on your strategy if you don't mind sharing.

>> No.18361084
File: 3.84 MB, 728x728, 1621870979925.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What avenues would you recommend for self publishing? I read an article that put kindle direct publishing at about 40% royalties after fees etc. and sellfy at about 80%. Would it be smart to self publish something then list it on Amazon for double the price to have access to the market without losing your royalties per book?

What would you recommend for someone who heard about the lady selling bigfoot erotica under a non deplume and making bank? I'm considering just writing for the market as a side hustle and if I have some success I might start writing and publishing stuff I actually find interesting.

I heard Royal Road is good if you set up a patreon for early releases and shit out content on a regular schedule. Of course I'm not talking about writing utter trash and blindly hoping to sell, but writing competent work without passion.

Thanks for your wisdom, here's a cute picture.

>> No.18361085

What kind of works are you writing? How often do you publish and on what platforms (if not traditional)?

>> No.18361121

>>18360954 Fuck it, make him die because of his disability. Or rather, because of someone else's mistake or ill intent which leads to an unescapeable demise due to his disability.

>> No.18361142

Killed by a drunk driver, it's ambiguous as to whether he could've jumped out of the way if he wasn't disabled or if that could have happened to anyone else.

>> No.18361147

How good is your writing? What's appealing about it that it nets you 2000 a month? Please help, I'd like to do the same...

>> No.18361151


>> No.18361153

>>18361084 >but writing competent work without passion. Not that anon, but I'm writing two works this year. One which I'm saving until completion before putting up for sale, another I'm releasing on Royal Road (a chapter a fortnight) with half the story already complete so that I don't have much time pressure for writing new content. My patreon has three tiers
>$3 - access to the next chapter a week early
>$5 - access to the next two chapters a week/two weeks early
>$10 - access to the next two chapters a week/two weeks early + special content (spin offs and non-canon chapters each month).

>> No.18361202

Have more people with disability in your story. Then it doesn't look too weird if you off one.

>> No.18361208


ESL here
I'm fucking retard? I edited english and grammar like 5 times, and I feel like I want kill myself or I get paranoic

btw. first chapter is so long that it almost filtered me lmao

>> No.18361219
File: 57 KB, 633x647, 1622367793341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


After you finish the Royal Road book will you do anything to keep it monetised? I've heard of people taking their work off there and putting the complete thing on Amazon.

>> No.18361226

just in case, I sit back to english lessons, so I can edit it for the final time

>> No.18361239
File: 112 KB, 240x240, 1612999614932.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cheese-and-rice anon, this is literally one entire paragraph. I'm not going to read this, edit it 5 more times until you reformat it properly.

>> No.18361301

I don't get what you mean honestly

>> No.18361316

In word it just look like a normal book

>> No.18361327

on kindle it looks alright as well, smashwords online reader is fucking retarded

>> No.18361339
File: 250 KB, 1080x1796, image_2021-05-31_184233.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is on pc kindle and it's still horrible.

>> No.18361350

I'm so clueless, jesus fucking christ what a joke

>> No.18361364

>headbutting the desk
maybe will just re-check english last time, fix sentences that sound retarded and do formating again...

btw. just noticed how dumb the narration sound sometimes, but I wanted it look 'innocent'

>> No.18361383

well, the story is not underwhelming and do not require much brain, so I picked writing style that looks primitive on paper, but at the same is giving the story a charm and child like innocence

at the same time story has depressive theme and there is nothing happy or cheerful, even made pedo subplot to make it even heavier

>> No.18361391

I plan to chill with this dark shit in the second part of the story, but I like this theme so fucking much, I feel like depressive adventure is something I want make my signature

>> No.18361414 [DELETED] 
File: 2.32 MB, 3714x2337, 20210531_192004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey friends! I finally got to page 100 and got everything the way I wanted it while watching a shark girl explore the ocean. Since I always do snapshots I thought I'd do something a little silly and make a little fun of myself this time.
I was going to post a link to Rolling Girl since that usually sums up the mood but with that pretty girl as the OP I feel this one's better for the moment.
(The lass in the pic also refers to the anime girl in the OP, but I had to scrunch everything into this page so I had to summarize things.)
I hope everyone's having a good day and doing your best!

>> No.18361430
File: 271 KB, 1754x1240, ilustracjas1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not spam, pardon
I'm going to make 2 more stories, maybe afterwards I will find someone who is native who will help me with the promotion and shit and we will conquer the world

>> No.18361437
File: 2.32 MB, 3714x2337, 20210531_192004.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey friends! I finally got to page 100 and got everything the way I wanted it while watching a shark girl explore the ocean. Since I always do snapshots I thought I'd do something a little silly and make a little fun of myself this time.
I was going to post a link to Rolling Girl since that usually sums up the mood but with that pretty girl as the OP I feel this one's better for the moment.
(The lass in the pic also refers to Kiara, but I had to scrunch everything into this page so I had to summarize things.)
I hope everyone's having a good day and doing your best!

>> No.18361502

>Hey friends! I finally got to page 100
meh, love your story more, so you will write 200 in week

>> No.18361524

I mean, I sound like a huge dick, but I understood this hard way, love your story more and you will have easier time writing the book

>> No.18361566
File: 7 KB, 136x136, 1612816776552.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah you're fine. It's funny it took me like 20 minutes to type that up, where it takes me a lot longer to do a real page.
I've just been writing for over a decade and doing it every day in and out is exhausting and you can tell.
I usually write a lot faster when I'm in a relationship because my s/o's have a history of shaking me out of my book and actually doing stuff but I always feel like it's an obligation to get more done.
Like I should take a break but...it needs to get done. Y'know?

>> No.18361581

usually people don't write because they are burn out and bored, and they bullshit it's lack of motivation/inspiration

it's fucking bullcrap, people have goldfish level of an attention span

>> No.18361583

burnt* out

>> No.18361614
File: 176 KB, 556x534, 1612763409894.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah. It's a marathon. Especially since I'm doing a series so even though they're all different books it's one big story. It's so easy to say okay I'll write tomorrow. Then the next day. Etc etc.
I've purposely made it habitual that I turn on a laptop without internet connection when I'm bored so the easiest thing to do is continue.
Books are so satisfying to make, but they have their days.

>> No.18361626

I honestly learned to write when I realized that I'm fucking shit, poorness is motivating you more

>> No.18361641
File: 751 KB, 200x200, 1612823490524.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm lucky enough to have made a lot of good decisions in my early 20s so the stocks I picked put me in a really good place and I have a full time job that lets me do this as a hobby, but I still do want to find where my limits are and exceed them.
Most of my issues are out of my control but they're not hereditary so I'm just trying to prove myself to...me I guess. Gotta keep going woooo

>> No.18361651

I live in shit country lmao, it would not do any difference to me

>> No.18361661
File: 1.47 MB, 400x560, 1591211805904.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rip friend. Well. I'm rooting for ya if it counts.

>> No.18361671

Should I bother writing a Philosophy book if at the end I will have to tell the reader to kick over the ladder like Wittgenstein said at the end of the Tractatus?

>> No.18361683

Is that something you'd read? Write what you want to read.

>> No.18362025

Tell a narrative which conveys whatever messages you want to communicate. Be clever about it, make it interesting.

>> No.18362033

Self-pub, tried Patreon but it wasn't worth my time imo. Have to do everything twice.

Only thing I do for marketing is read and review other readers' books, consistently release new books, keep a mailing list and keep up with Facebook/social media. Networking is king.

Don't do Royal Road or anything like that. If you don't own the ISBN or aren't signed to a reputable publisher who does, such services can and will change their terms to claim ownership of your works.

Would recommend going on Kindle Unlimited with all your works until you get big. You have to make your books exclusively for Amazon but 1. That only applies to digital, so you can publish a book, print through IngramSpark and they will distribute everywhere, not just Amazon; and 2. AMAZON IS THE PLACE TO BUY BOOKS. Realistically, a staggering percentage of the market share shops on Amazon. Focus on that and worry about wide distro when you are really big.

>> No.18362044

Working in men's adventure stories primarily atm, publishing 1 novel a month. I started this pen name last May with 2 to 4 short stories or novellas a month.

My writing is very good. I worked on honing my voice for a long time before I realized voice doesn't sell novels. Don't worry about how good your pulp fiction is.

Part of what helps is a good cover and artist, but part is writing a story that is fun to read. I bought into the "fun is a meaningless buzzword" meme far too long.

Write the book you would have loved to read and may have had to hide from your parents while in middle school, and brother you'll have it.

>> No.18362055

>Don't do Royal Road
No, I'll do it.

>> No.18362056

It sounds very reasonable and much like what I hear from elsewhere, though Kindle Unlimited has me concerned if I want to publish a series, I wouldn't want the digital form of even one part tied up with Amazon personally.

>> No.18362129
File: 2.35 MB, 462x427, 1582118928368.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If you don't own the ISBN or aren't signed to a reputable publisher who does, such services can and will change their terms to claim ownership of your works.
what in god's name are you even talking about

>> No.18362140

kinda wanna go thru a grammar/proofreading edit of the first chapter of my novel and post it here

but it's genre fiction

>> No.18362154 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 1857x661, Campaignfail.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My series is available on kindle unlimited. You can always uncheck the box later.
Unless you actively advertise your work it's basically just sitting on a virtual bookshelf and you can order author copies. They ask you some keywords to advertise your stuff but I don't know what they want from me.
No, really. I advertised the same book a few years back with a $100 campaign and got enough readers to end up reviewed on Goodreads. $500 lockscreen ads with their new keyword system? You can't even give them money.
Okay sure great.

>> No.18362195

Ok, so? Just post it

>> No.18362207

You're going to steal it.

>> No.18362213

What if you are not in murrica?

>> No.18362226

Sounds like you're just making excuses

>> No.18362232

>implying any writer thinks someone else has better ideas than themselves
If you want critique then post it. Nobody gives a shit.

>> No.18362271

Some sites put it into their ToS that publishing there means transfering the rights to your work. I think webnovel, reddit and pixiv do that.

>> No.18362282

>You're going to steal it.
I just posted 99% of my book for free, trust me, if you are fucking shit at own franchise then don't be surprised someone had stolen your work

>> No.18362306
File: 34 KB, 676x410, Beginning excerpt of my first chapter.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys ever had trouble in starting the first chapter of your story? I'm honestly just been writing, trying to see what I like enough to keep. Pic related.

>> No.18362333

I can assure you, I’m not making excuses, I’ve read the western canon. I know what will entice readers. But I am afraid other, more, unscrupulous anons will steal my work.

>> No.18362350

>THE canon
>it will entice the masses
>fear of the ever present “unscrupulous” anon holds me back
Ask me how I know it’s shit.

>> No.18362354

why are you larping as that poster, I just am taking a nap cause it's late and no anon is going to steal a chapter and try to run with it as their own

>> No.18362374

Not that anon, but before you go, can you see what’s wrong with my excerpt? >>18362306

>> No.18362431

That’s not bad, could be tightened up though. Remove that first bit and open with “Why are we here?” instead. And take out the “unusually” as well when describing her expression, it pulls the reader out to think about the professor more than it should. We’re experiencing the lecture in that moment. Also don’t cut off the dialogue, I get what you’re trying to do with the fade away but by the time we get to your main character we’ve already moved past that. If I wasn’t already in bed I’d point out more stuff but your writing style reads well and makes me want to keep going.
But to your question, opening scenes are tough. You can even argue it’s the most important part in a book. A good opening with a solid hook will make it easier for the reader to stay engaged.

>> No.18362492

>That’s not bad, could be tightened up though. Remove that first bit and open with “Why are we here?” instead. And take out the “unusually” as well when describing her expression, it pulls the reader out to think about the professor more than it should. We’re experiencing the lecture in that moment. Also don’t cut off the dialogue, I get what you’re trying to do with the fade away but by the time we get to your main character we’ve already moved past that. If I wasn’t already in bed I’d point out more stuff but your writing style reads well and makes me want to keep going.
Thanks for the critique and for telling me my writing reads well. DOn't know if I should continue with this attempt though. Since I feel I already lost trackl of the chapter.

>> No.18362501

>Also don’t cut off the dialogue,
Why? The example that anon showed works well? Why shouldn’t he cut it off? It showed the MC being bored and focusing on other things.

>> No.18362729

how much do you guys write and read everyday?

>> No.18362811
File: 386 KB, 764x3200, Polka Short Story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I write everyday.

>> No.18362871

Seems like a cliche rich girl Yandere story.

>> No.18362872

Thank you? I like to hone the basics first.

>> No.18362880

I don't read and I rarely write.

>> No.18362882

I actually hate creative writing.

>> No.18362895

What's just stopping you from taking down your story before publishing?

>> No.18362904

That wouldn't matter because the act of publishing transfered the rights. .

>> No.18362907

How can you like Subaru? She’s such a basic bitch.

>> No.18362921

But how? That’s the question I want answered. Unless the sites publish those novels under their name, without any input with the author. The author should be able to take down their stories for self-publishing.

>> No.18362922
File: 279 KB, 2204x1176, Screenshot 2021-06-01 at 12.02.30.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tried to write something. Seems to pedantic and try hard for me. Tell me what's wrong with it.

>> No.18362926

Too purple.

>> No.18362938

Yeah, thought so. Thanks for the feedback.

>> No.18362949

It's a very pretty font though.

>> No.18362952

Whether they take them down or not might not matter, depending on ToS. Those companies will still claim that they have ownership to that work.

>> No.18362962

CMU Serif, standard mathematical font for most papers. Also, I should have mentionned I wrote this on whim, more than with a purpose. Felt like it, not really to tell a story, so that's probably why it is so pedantic and purple.

>> No.18362990

I doubt they would put in all that effort for a self-published book.

>> No.18363014

Unless it got popular.

>> No.18363036

Anon, you severely overestimate those sites.

>> No.18363050

Probably would chance cold colour to muted colour. Other than that, it reeks of purple.

>> No.18363092

You don’t know because you only watch anime.

>> No.18363102 [DELETED] 
File: 249 KB, 680x1705, Kiara story 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18363114

You don't even start a new line when the speaker switches. Fuck off.

>> No.18363122
File: 249 KB, 680x1705, Kiara story 3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any feedback on this?

Its extremely easy to follow.

>> No.18363123

The language is good and carefully chosen for the most part. The issue is that what you're describing doesn't warrant the description. I'm all for setting a mood and I'm all for a writer stretching his legs. But you've gotta choose your battles.

>> No.18363145

God, I wish that were me.

>> No.18363184

How do you write erotica without feeling any shame.

>> No.18363207
File: 176 KB, 667x1286, Kiara story 2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just write it, never understood the whole shameful aspect of it.

>> No.18363219


Thanks. As I said however, this was just writing for writing's sake, I didn't have any scene in mind or any particular purpose. More of an exercise of the language, which is why it's so purple. The feedback is appreciated though.

>> No.18363238

>Rich girl comes after a working class man.
I can’t suspend my disbelief for this shit.

>> No.18363253

Romance novels are all about that. Don't know why you find it hard to believe.

>> No.18363271

Yeah, a rich man going after a poor girl. That’s the romance novel staple, not this.

>> No.18363282
File: 17 KB, 480x272, 1621308449417.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need help finding inspiration for low/high fantasy names. I am perfectly fine with using both modern and classical names. I wish I could draw more from the names of angels, but 95% of them are just _____ael.

What are your favorite names to use in your stories, /wg/?

>> No.18363294

Google it.

>> No.18363298

I do. All time time.

>> No.18363310

Then why are you asking us?

>> No.18363312

He swung the bag over his shoulder and shot up from his spot, taking up pace again as soon as he gained footing on the gravel. Tired as they were from arguing no one spoke up, and the group was on the move again. Bodily protests were cast into the wind, the damp blowing over his brow from cruising on the lake was the only sensation that crossed his mind. For everyone else the mixture of sweat and kicked up dust tasted more salt than sweet however.

>> No.18363313

It's not enough help.

>> No.18363323

It is.

>> No.18363360

I love it.

>> No.18363371

Google words/history from the cultures that inspired your fantasy one.

>> No.18363376

I'm not giving you any names anon. Coming up with good ones is hard and it's but one of the many difficult things about writing. You can figure it out.

>> No.18363398

I've figured out the name for every important character I have, except for one. It's been months of not being able to think of a name I like enough, even as a placeholder, to move forward. I need two names for them really. They're the second most important character to me.

>> No.18363433

>Coming up with good ones is hard
What the fuck? I can't think of a writing aspect easier than names for characters and places. Only chapter names felt a bit tricky.

>> No.18363439

>Only chapter names felt a bit tricky.
I used numerals.

>> No.18363441

Westernized versions of foreign names is something I like, Moguls for Mughals, Tamerlane for Timurid, Gunsway for Ganj-i-Sawai, look at a foreign name and think about how you would westernize it in this fashion.

>> No.18363447

>Westernized versions of foreign names
How about no.

>> No.18363455

It seems like such a waste unless something about the story would justify it. Chapter names are your first chance to create some mood/expectation.

>> No.18363457

It depends on the setting really, if it's not contemporary then it can take some real thought. I make a big point of not having my characters sound like they're just characters.

>> No.18363462

>Chapter names are your first chance to create some mood/expectation
I'll rather set the mood and expectations in the chapter itself and not the title of it.

>> No.18363479

I mean, I have a sort of "after the end" setting, so there is more freedom but in a fantasy setting you have the full control about the nomenclature … figuring the finer bits of it out can take some time indeed. Though if you already have the names for other characters, you likely know what goes and doesn't go already.
It's not like one hurts the other.

>> No.18363490

Your prerogative, but the idea behind it is more the principle than the historical names themselves, when you’re writing a fantasy novel you’re implicitly converting a foreign culture with foreign names to something readable, unless you go out of your way to avoid that(like by making a conlang).

>> No.18363521

Hey OP! Can you do me a favor? Wanna be a nice guy and not have the image of the next /wg/ be anime/manga? Just once. Pleeease?

>> No.18363529

Seconding this

>> No.18363553

>Ask the advice of someone regularly making 1k-3k
>Don't take the advice
Yeah ok enjoy publishing a work that goes nowhere, does nothing and is read by nobody. Royal Road is a stupid platform and their terms state they own the IPs you publish on the site. I guess if you have no ambition it's slightly better than Fanfiction or Literotica.

It's not really "tied up," I mean, you can take a digital book out of KU once a quarter. But it's not a bad thing to have a digital exclusive on Amazon, especially if we're talking a short thing like 5k to 15k words. Reevaluate your thinking: imagine Kindle Unlimited is Netflix. When starting out, you are just trying to get people to binge read your shortish works. When they like you and you have a base, release a novel to them and they'll love it.

I mean that Royal Road literally has it written in their TOS that they can sell your IP, use it to advertise, adapt it to another medium, and you will do and get nothing because they own it. For most websites like Literotica or whatever this doesn't matter because the stories are such shit and inappropriate they couldn't be sold. But for Royal Road, or Wattpad, or any other where you are essentially marketing a book, it is a HUGE issue moving forward.

Royal Road and services like it are stupid platforms designed to appeal to stupid teenagers who don't see the value of just choosing to serialize books on Amazon. Why would I use Royal Road, ever? Why would anyone professional? Royal Road exists to take advantage of talented amateurs who don't feel qualified for Amazon.

Amazon is STILL the place to sell books for you, non-American Anon. Huge sales come for me from every country. Even if people in your country don't use Amazon, the fact remains that globally, Amazon is the dominant book platform atm. Looking at exceptions rather than rules won't help you learn the market.

>> No.18363578
File: 529 KB, 694x5325, Mori Short Story.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a romantic tragedy.

>> No.18363589

It's not even anime, it's vtuber trash. No respect for chumps who watch that shit

>> No.18363592

Are you guys still bitching about that? Just write your story.

>> No.18363599

Didn’t think people here were capable of writing romance.

>> No.18363602

I talk to women and go outside. So I think I have a leg up on that department.

>> No.18363615

Oh fuck off. You talk to women and all of a sudden you think you’re an alpha.

>> No.18363616

>their terms state they own the IPs you publish on the site.
It states the opposite though.

>> No.18363620

> their terms state they own the IPs you publish on the site
Where? How would that even be legal? Everything you write is automatically yours and you automatically have the copyright. Only exceptions are stuff you're doing at work.

>> No.18363622

Ignore him. He’s been making up bullshit with that shit.

>> No.18363638

This is the type of schlock that would have sold moderately well. The fact that I’m reading this shit here is more surprising. Keep at it. You’re going to make it one day.

>> No.18363655

Anon, you have no idea what you're talking about. Just stop before you reveal how much of an idiot you are.

>> No.18363667

I think having foreign sounding names adds a sort of exotic feel to the story. Wouldn’t you agree? Having them all westernized would defeat the purpose.

>> No.18363679

This is only acceptable if you do this to all of the kingdoms. You know? Have one kingdom have dozen or so different names from rival kingdoms.

>> No.18363687

What is it with you and hating on Royal Road? I wouldn’t mind it, but whenever it’s brought up, you interject.

>> No.18363692

Sorry, it was Radish, not Royal Road. All these companies are the fucking same, though. Don't trust em.

>By using the Platform, you hereby grant us a worldwide license to use, exploit, sell, display, store, adapt, publish, translate, distribute, and/or reproduce your Content and your name, likeness, and biographical materials on the Platform.

>> No.18363699

Lmao, look at the posts, Anon. I am responding to people who responded to me. That's a conversation, not an interjection.

>> No.18363702

Just because one company is that doesn’t mean others are like that. Especially Royal Road.

>> No.18363721

Where is this even on RR? Besides, it's generally legaleese for them to having it on their site and the likes. The copyright lobby is pretty extreme and no company that wants to stay in business would dare to attempt to steal anyones IP. Besides, it'd be bad business for them too.

>> No.18363732

Some people still have some when writing. You would think they would put it aside, but no. They double down on it.

>> No.18363740

>Where is this even on RR?
It's not even on RR. It's from another site that's shady as fuck. I don't know why he insist the two are connected.

>> No.18363756

He does shill for Amazon a lot. Maybe an amazon employee?

>> No.18363760

>Bezos is sending workers to shill for him on 4chan.
I’ll believe it. Seems like something he would do on the down low.

>> No.18363771

Don’t forget that the rich man has some tart vibes to him, because women readers find that hot.

>> No.18363778

>tart vibes
Rapey vibes

>> No.18363794

I meant other times

>> No.18363800

Not that hard to talk to women. I don't know why anons keep insist it is, but it isn't.

>> No.18363810

>don't know why anons keep insist it is, but it isn't.
Yes, anon. Why would a bunch of autist, who rarely, if ever, go outside and interact with people would find talking to the opposite sex, to be near impossible.

>> No.18363816

I like to believe the stories here are all made up and only written to have a laugh or two, otherwise, I refuse to believe people here are that socially autistic.

>> No.18363822

Do you even know where you’re are right now? People here blow a gasket at the mere mention of a female protagonist. The stories here have more than a grain of truth in them.

>> No.18363828

Again, I like to believe its some elaborate joke, because I find the alternative to be more than depressing to deal with.

>> No.18363839

It’s better if you face the reality of the situation, it’ll be easier and you won’t hold any hope for idiots here.

>> No.18363845

Whatever you say, I don't want to discuss this shit.

>> No.18363851

Fine, you’re loss. Just don’t expect to get help on the female matter on /wg/.

>> No.18363861

I never expect help from that here.

>> No.18363864

New thread

>> No.18363867

>Getting help from here
People don’t really do that, do they? Wouldn’t it be better to go on some writer’s forum?