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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 168 KB, 407x407, insight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18358356 No.18358356 [Reply] [Original]

I have been inspired by the bronze age pervert to write this. I don't agree with him totally, but there is an undercurrent of poignant truth in the waters of his rhetoric.

Fuck this shit.

Fuck sitting for eight hours a day refreshing an internet page looking for (you)s.
I want to breathe real air, I want to go out and run somewhere, I want to lift something heavy, build something, read something, draw something.

Fuck having sex with a computer woman who got fingered by her dad when she was eight and now shows her tits to stadiums full of men, frying their brains and making their dicks not work from endless pumping of cocaine levels of dopamine. Tiktok and instagram encourage women to shake their barely legal asses for fake internet clout and """"likes"""" while making them insufferably neurotic, fake, and depressed.
I want a real woman who has actual interests and thoughts instead of "lol I like *tv show* and *dog* and *pinterest shit*". I want a woman who read Poe and Kirkegaard, and likes to play volleyball and lift weights or swim, a person who has actual aspirations and who THINKS rather than just sits on autopilot all day scrolling through twitter looking for something to get mad at, getting fed the "right" political opinions to think. Have you seen that video of the guy on Omegle who dresses up in blackface in front of a green screen of George Floyd dying? Its a racist thing to do. Anyone with a brain could easily point out that this is a hamfisted attempt at shock humor and anti-culture which denigrates the real morally-grey manslaughter of a person. The girl in the video literally cannot for the life of her come up with anything other than "omg dass racist. dass racist you can't do that. I'm gonna put you on twitter omg ur racist". People are so used to just being fed propaganda and feelings based morality that they cannot for the life of them actually tell you why something that is fucked up is fucked up. You could crack these people's heads open and put any moral in that you want so long as its spoon fed to them by animals in a fucking Disney movie.

>> No.18358358

Fuck this fake food that has been extruded through a pipe and mixed with preservatives and insane amounts of salt and msg that has been literally mathematically formulated to make you addicted to it and fat.
I want fruit, meat, dairy, vegetables, REAL fucking food instead of edible poison. I want to eat seeds and nuts, and drink water from the ground that hasn't been sanitized with chemicals. I want to sear a big slab of beef and I want to taste the fucking blood when I eat it, I am an omnivore, God put animals here for me to kill and eat, he told Peter as much.

Fuck the news. They sell anxiety and fear for ad time. They don't care what they broadcast as long as it gets viewers or clicks so they can sell you dick pills and consumerist shit that will fill your brain with dopamine.
If something is important, I'll be told by a real fucking person. I won't commit another second of my thought to some bullshit Israel did that doesn't affect my life.

Fuck consumerist bullshit. Manchildren watch superheroes in movies and then get excited for the next one; they live for the unending cycle of "OMG MARVEL IS GONNA RELEASE A TV SERIES IN THE CAPTAIN AMERICA UNIVERSE WHERE *side character* AND *other side character* TEAM UP AND BEAT THE EVIL HYDRA FASCISTS".
It never ends. There is no climax, there is no philosophical point, they aren't trying to say anything important. Its something to shove into your eyeballs and get excited for the next time you can shove it into your eyeballs. The people who like this shit are fat bugmen, and the saddest thing is that they CAN be real life heroes. They CAN be heroic in the REAL world. They can fight real fires or become actual EMTs or join an actual rescue squad. But they don't. Their conception of heroism is saving the world from aliens using a fucking laser beam that comes out of a fictitious and scientifically impossible suit of armor.

>> No.18358362

Fuck endless conspiracies and generalization.
Da joos this, da joos that, niggers this, niggers that.
I once saw an orthodox Jew berate a woman for being a whore because she had shorts on that covered only half her leg. It was based as hell. He then dropped to his knees in front of everyone and prayed to God. He was unafraid of anything they thought of him, he knew what was right and he spoke that truth with resolve. He has my ultimate respect for being unfathomably based and I can only hope that I can unfuck my brain from the world enough to achieve his level of anti-neuroticism.
Of the black people I have met, I can honestly say I've liked nearly all of them. Yes, inner city culture is shitty, most of their problems can be laid at their own feet. That's why a lot of black people see through that, say "fuck this culture" and are just normal people. I can't generalize them all as thug niggers because of my respect for the ones who reject that shit and rise above it.

Recognize the absurdity of what you're doing with your life, laugh at it, hate it, then change what you're doing.

You have been shown the truth

>> No.18358367

Are you 15?

>> No.18358394
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>> No.18358406

Decent ideas, but they are entrenched in the dogma someone else wants you to adopt. Read Stirner until you 'get' Stirner, and then come back. Anything else is cope.

>> No.18358437

who was the bronze age pervert?

>> No.18358465

Here’s my manifesto:

OP is a huge homo
He sucks a giant dick as another huge cock goes in and out of his ass

Thank you

>> No.18358489
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hell yeah dude lol

>> No.18358514

Pure autism, but I like that you have avoided falling into the racialist trap. Race does not matter.

>> No.18359279
File: 55 KB, 720x482, E2jv6C7WQAQCMKz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Unless its bantu

>> No.18359842

OP here, Im also transgender also if that helps?

>> No.18359867

>Fuck sitting for eight hours a day refreshing an internet page looking for (you)s.
>a person who has actual aspirations and who THINKS rather than just sits on autopilot all day scrolling through twitter looking for something to get mad at
Pointing out the double standard.

>The people who like this shit are fat bugmen, and the saddest thing is that they CAN be real life heroes. They CAN be heroic in the REAL world. They can fight real fires or become actual EMTs or join an actual rescue squad. But they don't.
What are you doing?

>He then dropped to his knees in front of everyone and prayed to God. He was unafraid of anything they thought of him, he knew what was right and he spoke that truth with resolve. He has my ultimate respect for being unfathomably based and I can only hope that I can unfuck my brain from the world enough to achieve his level of anti-neuroticism.
You consider dropping to you knees and begging for the forgiveness of god in public places over trouser lengths is 'anti-neuroticism'?

>You have been shown the truth
Have I? I've just read 3 posts of your pet peeves. I'd give you a hug if I could, it's obvious you could really do with it about now.

>> No.18359874

holy based

>> No.18359891

touch grass

>> No.18359969
File: 1.59 MB, 500x296, Nakamura_san_san_san.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking based Anon, you have encapsulated what /lit should truly be about. Fuck being an automaton for other people's aspirations, fuck being a hole for other people's political ideas.

Fuck the system, fuck everyone and everything within them.

>> No.18359991
File: 157 KB, 746x982, 93084598349053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

once you take the meta pill you never go back OP.

>> No.18360083

I'd give you a hug too. It'd be awkwardly stiff to begin with, as you clutched your hands at my back, as though you're expecting something soft. You'd probably resist it a little at first, try to clutch your arms in at your side as much as possible, but given a few seconds and a gentle pull inwards, you'd have to relax to keep your feet firmly on the floor. I'd make sure your head is pushed down into my chest too - no peeking over the shoulder - and i'd even rest my chin in your neck. Given how threatened you'd feel for the absence of such caress in your life for however many years, I know you'd be paying attention to every movement my hand made across your back. After a few strokes, I'm confident you'd try to pull away, but I'd let you catch your breath and pull you right back in. I'd even ignore your tears, so that you could leave saving just a little face.

>> No.18360156
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I don't know how to reply to this, all I can say is that this is totally and utterly pathetic. Have you no shame?

>> No.18360159

>I don't know how to reply to this, all I can say is that this is totally and utterly pathetic.
It's ok to need.
>Have you no shame?

>> No.18360214

I unbutton the top of your shirt, but slowly. I can see you're panting, resisting slightly. I smile, trying to look confident but I can tell you can see right through me. Shifting my weight, I bring you close to my body letting you really feel me - my warmth, my trembling hands, my soul...
For a moment we say nothing, then you push me away in a momentary fit of realization. You're red, I'm red.

>> No.18360231

Now this is interesting, you've continued my platonic post into something homoerotic, and I'm not so sure I'm against it.

>> No.18360330

nice oc op, keep it up.

>> No.18360359


Never let haters slow you down OP

>> No.18360373

And even though you'd want to scream, to cry, to bellow how much you hate me for holding you in tender care as though a babe, you would find it wadded in your throat. And as they clogged your throat, and made you gasp, you would find by some miracle that it had strained and filtered your pained words into the tears, crawling down your face, and into the heart of my jumper.

>> No.18360390

>I want to breathe real air, I want to go out and run somewhere, I want to lift something heavy, build something, read something, draw something.

If that were true, you'd be doing it. Nothing is stopping you.

You sound like you've done a good job of absrobing the arguments of the average blue collar worker and NEET 4channer and turning them into a nice Hot Topic-like rant. You should record it as an intro for your ska punk album.

>> No.18360406

>I want a girl like me

Cool, most people do OP. You could probably find one if you weren't an incel.

>> No.18360557

Your post smells of teenager angst

>> No.18360599


>> No.18360934

>God put animals here for me to kill and eat, he told Peter as much.
Kys, spiritual semite trash. All Abrahamists worship a demon in disguise. Also, I didn't read your filth. My eyes just wandered onto just one random bullshit. Also ethnic cleansing of Jews is good

>> No.18361296

Yung Schopey Molyneux, don't shoot a school. Jack off some and internalize that anger into some effective communications and in time you will be a great writer the System has tolerated and allowed you to accrue the last bastion of health around.
T. Supreme Gentleman here

>> No.18361306

>sitting for eight hours a day refreshing an internet page looking for (you)s.
Stop reading after this. Literally: Go outside.

>> No.18361309
File: 26 KB, 250x272, 9A130D2B-2D78-48C9-A3FC-DD67E6B87B25.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I was inspired by the Bronze Age pervert to write this

>> No.18361315

>take your meds, the thread

>> No.18361564
File: 1.08 MB, 600x935, 62d7toc6udn51.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Recognize the absurdity of what you're doing with your life, laugh at it, hate it, then change what you're doing.
>Does exactly the same fucking incelposting as 99% of the rest of /lit/.
Trailblazing shit right here.

>> No.18361606

Fuck "right and wrong", OP. All that matters in life is that you break free from the dogma of those around you, even if you fail

>> No.18361610

> You consider dropping to you knees and begging for the forgiveness of god in public places over trouser lengths is 'anti-neuroticism'?

Blatantly so, idiot. Not a single fuck given about what some randos might think, unlike neurotics, who think about that even when alone.

>> No.18361680

We have all been there, Anon. Read Stirner then stop caring.

>> No.18361767

you aren't necessarily wrong, but as others have noticed, are still ironically deriving many of these sentiments from right wing twitter accounts who are helplessly caught up in the very 'culture war' bullshit they (and you) purport to pass by. shrill moralizing against marvel loving bugmen or whatever is simply the mirror image of their own narcissistic death spiral neuroticism. you do not need to define yourself in opposition to the hopelessly retarded- you are still playing the same game. you CAN simply pass them by.

>> No.18361792

People mock YOU ARE THE DEMONS for being "cliche", but that doesn't mean it isn't valid
We think that because a message was said already, it may lose its meaning, but the real variable are the people who are willing to listen to it, and I don't mean simply hearing it, but actually swallowing your pride and listening

>> No.18361820

Greasy hands typed this

>> No.18361881

>i have been inspired by the bronze age pervert to write this
biggest cringe of the day

>> No.18361903

If you really wanted to leave you would have left without posting this reddit tier rant. Instead you'll do nothing but rot here while getting these random bursts of yearning for freedom.

Consider suicide.

>> No.18361906

based, post penor.

>> No.18361912

kek, this is the most appropriate way to respond to such teenager posts.

>> No.18362003

Considering that this is not bait, I will answer.
Judging from your manifesto, you seem to be a zoomer who has similar views and circumstances as myself. I would suggest that you need to expect less from women. Accept that they will not give you the world, and avoid basing your happiness on finding a woman. We cannot say that every woman has negative qualities, but you should realize that your Special Girl only exists in your mind.
As for your rant on race and generalizations, I agree that you should not hate someone simply for their race. However, there are empirical facts related to race. For example, the levers of power are in the hands of Jews who use their power to advance their racial interests at the expense of non-Jews. This doesn't mean that that Orthodox Jew you mentioned is "in on it," but the JQ should not be ignored. It's okay to let your personal experiences and anecdotes inform your views, but they should not be the basis of your views. It's great that you met non-white individuals who were decent people, but many people do suffer from racial diversity. It is not about what is good for you or I, it is about what is good at a societal level.
Also, it sounds like you're one of those zoomers who is desperately trying to LARP as a Christian because he wants to appear "trad and based." Regardless, I wish you luck.

>> No.18362022
File: 34 KB, 611x404, mdmfc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>have been inspired by the bronze age pervert to write this

>> No.18362049 [DELETED] 

hot and aesthetic. I hope you're a woman though.

>> No.18362244

>Well done for being a good boy. Race doesn't exist. Anyone who says otherwise has fallen for a trap. Your a smart boy who doesn't fall into traps. Well done.

>> No.18362267

For the record, that jew dropping to his knees and praying in front of a crowd is sinning. Prayer is a private act and he was playing up a show using his religion. Maybe in his disgusting religion it might not be a sin though.
Regardless. Hell is reserved for them. I understand your "da joos" frustration because that's all it will ever be on the internet until people organize and finish what should have been done over 2000 years ago as they're a threat to moral decency.

>> No.18363163

>Fuck sitting for eight hours a day refreshing an internet page looking for (you)s
Haha holy fuck. Here is your (You)

>> No.18363329

In the future you will thank your past self for publishing this trash fire anonymously. Please don't sign your name to these ideas. Give it at least 6 years of consideration before you decide you really think this is the best summation of what you have learned in life. I know you are young so you have plenty of time to mature and grow.

>> No.18363982

>fuck fucking fuck
I hate Americans

>> No.18363996

That's all OP needs right now. Just a good, long, hug.

>> No.18364027


>> No.18364057

>criticizes people for only being capable of saying it's racist and not making any other evaluation
>only evaluation is 'it's a racist thing to do'

Did you even read the shit you spew? You're worse than the people you criticize, since you think you're better than them when you're exactly the same.
The rest of this post is just waaah I want a woman who doesn't act like every woman acts.
Your eyes are closed yet you think you see.

>> No.18364061

>race doesn't exist
>gender doesn't matter
>Why can't girls be more like me, a male?
>Why can't the world stop acting like niggers?

Stunning display of cognitive dissonance. Bravo OP.

>> No.18364098

>I want a woman who reads and has actual interests and thoughts
that's a man, not a woman.
>Why do women act like sluts?
they act like women.
>Why do people act like animals?
niggers and people who emulate them.
>Why do people act racist?
because of how niggers act.
>Why do people complain about racism?
>Why do we eat garbage non-food?
a few rich jews controlling everything. over-population of spics and niggers.
>Why are people so obsessed with consuming?
jew brainwashing people to act like niggers.
>Why are there so many conspiracies and generalizations?
because they're true.
>Why do I love niggers?
because you are one.

>> No.18364153
File: 287 KB, 816x611, 566556.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just keep going

>> No.18364242

See >>18360373

>> No.18365076

Unironically this.

>> No.18365648

>Fuck sitting for eight hours a day refreshing an internet page looking for (you)s.
>I want to breathe real air, I want to go out and run somewhere, I want to lift something heavy, build something, read something, draw something.
Stopped reading there.
Go and do those things. I don't give a shit.

>> No.18366239

>I want to breathe real air, I want to go out and run somewhere, I want to lift something heavy, build something, read something, draw something.
Who's stopping you? What's even the point of saying it? I didn't care to read the rest of the post after such a vapid start.

>> No.18366459

>Not a single fuck given about what some randos might think, unlike neurotics, who think about that even when alone.
Not him. I think I get what you mean, but Abrahamic religion is the ultimate expression of "neuroticism". I don't think you know what this word means.

>> No.18366461

>An undercurrent of poignant truth in the waters of his rhetoric.
You really thought you could sneak a pun past me? ME?

>> No.18366947

You have to be eighteen to post here

>> No.18368333

>I won't commit another second of my thought to some bullshit Israel did that doesn't affect my life.
ok rabbi.

>> No.18368338

>Da joos this, da joos that, niggers this, niggers that.
>I once saw an orthodox Jew berate a woman for being a whore because she had shorts on that covered only half her leg. It was based as hell. He then dropped to his knees in front of everyone and prayed to God. He was unafraid of anything they thought of him, he knew what was right and he spoke that truth with resolve. He has my ultimate respect for being unfathomably based and I can only hope that I can unfuck my brain from the world enough to achieve his level of anti-neuroticism.
ok rabbi, you done yet?

>> No.18368345
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>Race does not matter.

>> No.18368364

have you considered literally just going out and doing any of the shit you talk about in here?

quit being a faggot and go grill your own meat, retard

>> No.18368374
File: 37 KB, 453x372, Itt+ylyl_ba53c4_5287579.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

op reached the breaking point and wrote this when his mommy wouldn't buy him steroids so he could get buff like the sigma male he is

>> No.18368683

Gay lol. You can go be a farmer if you want. There’s lots of em!

> Fuck having sex with a computer woman who got fingered by her dad when she was eight and now shows her tits to stadiums full of men

But rape (wife stealing) is based right?

This whole thing is just a shit version of right wing internet shit that BAP is a shit version of already, but ya made it worse. Internet bad! Food bad! Gay bad! Modern bad! Say it better or say something new because this is boring.

>> No.18368692


Guys we don’t eat RED RAW MEAT anymore! Except we do, it’s five bucks a pound at the local store!

“Racism is bad - the Jews are based because they are misogynists” is great as a joke but you apparently meant it haha

>> No.18368732
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>manifesto includes shit about women and social media
God you faggots are so cringe

>> No.18368745

>Race does not matter.
Pure cope

>> No.18368755

>All Abrahamists worship a demon in disguise.
Abraham WAS Satan

>> No.18368767

If you were not inspired by BAM in some or any way you have already been spiritually annihilated

>> No.18368768
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>> No.18368770

How can one man be so correct?

>> No.18370420

You have never felt the warmth of a woman's touch.

>> No.18370478
File: 3.84 MB, 4950x4250, KTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is "I am Euphoric" tier