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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 72 KB, 401x550, Portrait_of_Stéphane_Mallarmé-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18359333 No.18359333 [Reply] [Original]

He wrote the greatest sonnet of all time. Behold:

Ses purs ongles très haut dédiant leur onyx,
L'Angoisse, ce minuit, soutient, lampadophore,
Maint rêve vespéral brûlé par le Phénix
Que ne recueille pas de cinéraire amphore

Sur les crédences, au salon vide : nul ptyx
Aboli bibelot d'inanité sonore,
(Car le Maître est allé puiser ses pleurs au Styx
Avec ce seul objet dont le Néant s'honore.)

Mais proche la croisée au nord vacante, un or
Agonise selon peut-être le décor
Des licornes ruant du feu contre une nixe,

Elle, défunte nue en le miroir, encor
Que, dans l'oubli formé par le cadre, se fixe
De scintillations sitôt le septuor.

>> No.18359360

Ah, nice trips
For the Sonnet en -yx

>> No.18359741

no fuck off

>> No.18359743

Your such a faggot

>> No.18359756

>Haha, let's post this piece of text in a language that nobody will understand, therefore won't be able to qualify, in order to prove my intellectual superiority
Pseud spotted

>> No.18359773


>> No.18359784

>no one can speak French
Amerimutt detected

>> No.18359794

Why would I read French?

>> No.18359814
File: 72 KB, 711x400, 838_portrait_of_stephane_mallarme_manet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Plenty of anons speak French. Just because you're too incompetent to pick up one of the most important literary languages ever, doesn't mean that extends to the rest of /lit/. Don't project your ignorance on others. It'll save you a lot of embarrassment.

Anyways, there are features of this poem that are untranslatable such as the numerology inscribed in the final tercet (cadre, scin-, si-, sept-), the coinage of a nonsense term ("ptyx"), which is emblematic of Mallarmé's metaphysical despair, and the prosody of the poem itself, which according to Mallarmé, when murmured, has a profound cabalistic effect on the reader. You should learn French so you can join the intellectual elite of this board instead of wallowing in your own pathetic, shit-faced retardation.

>> No.18359836

Pseud spotted.

>> No.18359843
File: 284 KB, 432x448, 1592417232051.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

embarrassing post, simply outing yourself as brainlet

>> No.18359906

Nothing relevant to say, as expected.

>> No.18360034

French is a gay language

>> No.18360039

So is English due to French influence.

>> No.18360062

For me it's 'Angoisse' :

Je ne viens pas ce soir vaincre ton corps, ô bête
En qui vont les péchés d'un peuple, ni creuser
Dans tes cheveux impurs une triste tempête
Sous l'incurable ennui que verse mon baiser :

Je demande à ton lit le lourd sommeil sans songes
Planant sous les rideaux inconnus du remords,
Et que tu peux goûter après tes noirs mensonges,
Toi qui sur le néant en sais plus que les morts.

Car le Vice, rongeant ma native noblesse
M'a comme toi marqué de sa stérilité,
Mais tandis que ton sein de pierre est habité

Par un coeur que la dent d'aucun crime ne blesse,
Je fuis, pâle, défait, hanté par mon linceul,
Ayant peur de mourir lorsque je couche seul.

>> No.18360073

me too, i love this sonnet
arthur symons' translation comes out near-perfect, imvho:

To-night I do not come to conquer thee,
O Beast that dost the sins of the whole world bear,
Nor with my kisses' weary misery
Wake a sad tempest in thy wanton hair;

It is that heavy and that dreamless sleep
I ask of the close curtains of thy bed,
Which, after all thy treacheries, folds thee deep,
Who knowest oblivion better than the dead.

For Vice, that gnaws with keener tooth than Time,
Brands me as thee, of barren conquest proud;
But while thou guardest in thy breast of stone

A heart that fears no fang of any crime,
I wander palely, haunted by my shroud,
Fearing to die if I but sleep alone.

>> No.18360094
File: 102 KB, 489x670, IMG_2767.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think this opinion is overblown and clichéd. The only people I know who hold this opinion are insecure Americans who are more accustomed to the whiplash of Negro ebonics and effeminate, Californian babbling than to authoritative European speech. French is one of the most commanding languages in the world. There is a reason it was the lingua franca when Europe conquered the near entirety of the globe. There is also a reason that English has advanced so much with the decline of Western culture. The barbarians misunderstand the speech of their superiors and dismiss it in preference to a boom-cluck-boom speech, the negrified Germanics of a dying people.

>> No.18360124

This is sweet, merci beaucoup.

>> No.18360642

So damn good.