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/lit/ - Literature

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1835718 No.1835718 [Reply] [Original]

I have a question about writing. Say you're writing a novel or whatever, and your character is upset, and you describe his environment to emphasize his emotion through colours or atmosphere, you describe the curtains as being blue, but you dont say 'the colour of the curtains were indicative of Henry's mood', you just mention the colour that so happens to be thought of as the 'sad' colour. Is there a name for this particular style of writing or is it just subtle 'authorial intent'.

>> No.1835727

pathetic fallacy is the closest term i know

>> No.1835746

i love when writers do this. i never knew there was a term for it. a good way of subtly showing and not telling. instead of saying so and so's mood was ______ you go about describing things in a slight way that encourages the reader to feel this mood.

>> No.1835766

>pathetic fallacy, poetic practice of attributing human emotion or responses to nature, inanimate objects, or animals.

didn't know this.

>authorial intent refers to an author's intent as it is encoded in his or her work.

not bad. i'm learning on /lit/ today.

>> No.1835768

the best example and most commonly pointed out of this is whe the weather reflects the characters mood or the action. That's why i used it here

>> No.1835781
File: 15 KB, 181x242, log_lady.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

authorial intent is kind of self-explanative. and i never heard of pathetic fallacy.

that's cool. i've done the weather thing actually. i never knew there were terms for what i was doing, or my understanding of them. my log thanks you.

>> No.1835784


i wouldnt usually point out a spelling error but it seems as though you'd appreciate it rather than take annoyance.

its explanatory, not explanative.

>> No.1835801


no, i don't mind. but technically either word works, right? self-explanatory is what i usually hear people say too.

>> No.1835813
File: 55 KB, 500x316, dale cooper thumbs up.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


that is no problem

>> No.1835814


when you use the suffix self-, you can only use explanatory.

>> No.1835821

and yet another thing i learn from /lit/. not sure why i said it that way. i think because i used the word explanative only about a half hour ago talking to a buddy from work.

>> No.1835828


im glad you learn things from lit. the only thing i learned last night was the end of the fucking book i'd just started reading (picture of dorian gray). so that was great.

>> No.1835827
File: 19 KB, 400x267, TwinPeaks001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.1835834
File: 12 KB, 400x326, dale cooper full face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suffix self-



see pic

>> No.1835844



>> No.1835850
File: 25 KB, 400x289, twin-peaks-cooper-and-bob2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

detaler cip

>> No.1835856

satago110 and brownbear!

the last time i had a talk about twin peaks here it was with you two. but it's no good today. i was supposed to leave work 5 minutes ago and so i've got to run. adios!

>> No.1835933
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This guy was probably a troll. If he did indeed mean prefix, then you could self-serving, self-sufficient, self-efficacy, self-obsessed, self-satisfied, self-masturbatory, etc etc.

>> No.1835942


not a troll, im high and got suffix/prefix confused. and if you would have correctly gauged the context you'd know that i meant you can only have self-explanatory, not self-explanative.

thats that matter put to bed then.

>> No.1835961
File: 25 KB, 244x180, Pete-Portal[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Santago, there are many cures for a broken heart. But nothing quite like a trout's leap in the moonlight

dang, catch you soon though bro

>> No.1835970

Generally when you're reading something, the mood or attitude is conveyed through diction and detail. Assuming you are using third-person limited (which you should) anything the author says which depicts HOW the environment is perceived by a character is translated into that character's attitude. If you want emotion specifically, just make a short sentence like "Anon went berserk." and then go on to describe how his vision boiled into a pulsating red. And how all of his thoughts transformed into some clever metaphor about a bull or something.

>> No.1836033

I left work, took the subway and a trolley and a mile hike home, and here I am. Wife and kid are due back any second. They don't understand me like Bob does.

In fact, in keeping with this thread, I can tell you I tried to get the wyf to enjoy Twin Peaks, but her interest was the color of a 1989 computer monitor, and soon a magazine leaped into her hands, and my sharing became as the land and the sky...

>> No.1836042

dec troll notwithstanding, what OP is describing is symbolism.