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18357087 No.18357087 [Reply] [Original]

Can anyone here address and refute the arguments she presents in this book? Specifically those on vegetarianism, plants as religious beings and her many arguments which imply violence against humans and their exploration is better and more moral than that against animals?

>> No.18357220

Humans are more powerful, more morally agent, more complex, more interesting, more intelligent, more philosophical, more scientific, more diverse, have more agency, and more high thought than animals

Why should i care about animals more than humans or at all?

>> No.18357604

Read the book and find out.

>> No.18357698
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>> No.18357849
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>When you’re against violence towards animals but you advocate for the extermination of Jews

>> No.18357871
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>> No.18358284

shes a woman, thats all you need to know to refute her.

>> No.18358291


>> No.18358820

> And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness: and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth.

>> No.18358883

From Devi's book, Long Whiskers and the Two-legged Goddess:
>…the widely unpopular but, to us, quite obvious truth, that any beautiful, innocent beast — a finished handiwork of Nature, perfect on its own level — is decidedly more valuable than a human specimen that does not (or, by birth, cannot) tend towards the one thing that justifies, if at all, the existence of man: the perfection of superman; more valuable, we say, because, be it of limited scope, a finished — flawless — work of art is always better than a failure.

>> No.18358920

and her word means nothing.

>> No.18358985

i heard this broad was a schizo, T/F?

>> No.18359019

She's like the Wine Aunt from hell.

>> No.18359042

Reading her words awakened my long dormant Aryan spirit and inspired me to continue the divine mission begun by Hitler. I've met hundreds of other men who were touched in the same way by her words. I wouldn't call that nothing.

>> No.18359047

post physique o awakened aryan spirit

>> No.18359148
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Please excuse the dripping greases.

>> No.18359267

This woman is a crazy cat lady who is only relevant because of her fondness for mustache man, a strange thing she and many on this board share.

>the divine mission begun by Hitler
You play too much HOI4

>> No.18359739

>...the [vegan] is by definition a person willing to cut himself off from human society in hopes of adding five years on to the life of his carcase; that is, a person out of touch with common humanity.

>> No.18359770

My moral system should serve me and those that are most similar to me above all.