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File: 416 KB, 1280x1920, 1280px-L'Image_et_le_Pouvoir_-_Buste_cuirassé_de_Marc_Aurèle_agé_-_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18356840 No.18356840 [Reply] [Original]

>When an inconvenience arises, think to yourself: Can it be overcome? If so, then overcome it. If not, then concerning yourself over it is pointless.
Truly, words to live by.

>> No.18356856

>if you can't control it dw about it
If that's Marcus Aurelius that's rich.

>> No.18356867

Enlighten us: why should we worry about things we cannot control?

>> No.18356890

Friendo, worrying is a beneficial feeling. It focuses you on taking care of family, friends, errands or yourself (running from a predator).
Now if you don't have to deal with consequences sure but we don't all have that luxury.

>> No.18356913

>worrying is a beneficial feeling, It focuses you on taking care of family, friends, errands or yourself (running from a predator
Right, there is a point to worrying about things we can control. That does not asnwer my question. Why worry about things we cannot control?

And don't call me friendo, faggot. This board needs more vitriol, not safe space reddit söy moments.

>> No.18356915

Some physical things worrying lets us do.
Tunnel vision, warms/loosens muscles, lots of energy, empty bowels for less weight.

>> No.18356924

One of our best wrote a song called freindo tho.

What's a thing you can't control? You're always a part of the equation.

>> No.18356976

>What's a thing you can't control
I cannot control my past, for a start.

>> No.18356987

I will say I agree you shouldn't blame yourself for it but there's a degree of it blame or worry that does belong to you. If it didn't you couldn't be prosecuted and also you could fix a past mistake by returning what you stole etc.

>> No.18357040

Yes but you don't understand that the things that do not cause an inconvenience for you may cause an extreme convince for someone else. For example, a cashier could give you the wrong change and you go 'hey btw you gave me the wrong change' and they give you the correct change.
Some people can absolutely lose it over things these small, and suffer from those strenuous physiological processes that come with being stressed out. Science has found that constant psychological stress can be extremely damaging.
You've read this book wrong and it's not meant to be interpreted as "oh if you are in a fatal car accident and someone else dies, overcome it."
I see way too many Meditation threads where /lit/ completely misses the moral of the story, either lacking empathy or have not yet realised that everyone has their own different mental and physical pathways.

>> No.18357046

Of course, even Aurelius said something along the lines of 'a man does wrong, not when he has erred, but when he has failed to correct himself', but you must recognise that we are now worrying about making amends, something presumably within our control.

>> No.18357076

>What's a thing you can't control
The death of someone else, a sinking ship, your house catching fire, someone being rude to you.
You have no control over these but that doesn't mean you have to let it worry you. Act in a rational way and think clearly as to benefit your current situation. His book does not state that you pretend nothing's happened and you go on your merry way. Just don't act like a retard and you'll be fine. If you die at least you didn't die crying. Or if someone is rude to you at least you didn't lash out like a dumb animal.

>> No.18357091

Did you delete your thread when I called stoicism for boohoo depressed faggots?

Stoicism is anit-philosophy, in that it operates against all over philosophy be purporting that one should do NOTHING. Bro just ignore that problem bigger than you. Bro, just pontificate if you can even do anything about the situation. Bro, just circularly think about possible solutions to problems instead of grabbing one by the horns.

It's a pathetic line of thinking for pseuds, the depressed, and the entitled. It is non-philosophy in that it doesn't try to guide people into action, but guides them away from making all action altogether.

Take a look at the types of people that preach stoicism, and ask yourself, 'are these the types of people I want to be like?', because more often than not, they're 20 something year old incels.

>> No.18357103

I just became very stoic over time by facing lots of emotionally fucked up situations now i barely feel anything when something happens. Was threatened a few times and couldn't even react in any way to it i barely felt anything. Just smiled and nothing happened.
When father was dying i just calmly called the ambulance while my mom had a full blown panic attack. Dad made it and didn't died but it didn't changed him. This idiot still gets drunk.

>> No.18357134

To the contrary, I thought you had the jannies delete the thread for you, so I made this thread in order to engage your 'argument'.

However, I don't think you will be able to answer even this simple question: Why worry about things out of our control?

>> No.18357141

Stoicism preaches that you live a life full of kindness, virtue and reason.
You aren't meant to remove all reason and act like a numb flesh vessel.
I never recommend meditations for people who do not possess sound mentality, they all end up interpreting this book wrong and come out more damaged - then I have to undo the damage by dissecting the book for them.

>> No.18357146

Why are you engaging in an argument if you can't control the other side?

>> No.18357147

If the moral is dw so much then sure but I think everything is in your control to a degree and I'm curious if it defines control. In that then you could worry 24/7

>> No.18357150

oof. fucking btfo'd

>> No.18357155

This is my issue with not defining control

Plus you are worried enough to give a reply even if it's not total meltdown, it's of your interest to do so. This implies worry needs a definition too.

>> No.18357164


>> No.18357168

Everything is in your control MENTALLy so, don't act like a tard when something's not swimming the right way. Don't run around like a chicken with no head. Act accordingly and assess the situation by using reason, virtue and kindness.
Read the book instead of a Wikipedia article please.

>> No.18357169
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Boring answer. I need to see a fight, Bruh.

>> No.18357175

swinging** not swimming

>> No.18357178

>babby discovers photoshop
doubly sad

>> No.18357180
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It's ok man. The thing is, he wants to be outwardly stoic so he can appear composed, but internally he doesn't meet the outlined mark by Bullshitrelius fourth prince of talking out of his anus because it is a wholly unrealistic and pointless endeavour impossible without being lobotomised. Because that's what stoicism is, it's philosophical lobotomising.

>> No.18357182

Who said I couldn't control the other side?

>> No.18357183

No I mean physically. There's always something you can append and again I don't see how this ethics implies a workable legal system


>> No.18357189

I have no words. I just laugh.

I mean look at this >>18357164

I have no words.

>> No.18357202

If you have no words I guess it means you can't control them otherwise you ought to worry lennyface

>> No.18357205

>always something
I can think of a couple hundred thousand things you cannot control. Can you control a shark? Prevent it from taking a big chomp out the side of your leg while you've got your feet dangling in the water? No way! Not when you didn't even see it.
However that's not the point of the book. He's not talking about physically controlling things. He's talking about mentally controlling things.

>> No.18357210

It's all him posturing, and when anything challenges it, he will erect lies because instead of - as a stoic might - admitting more than one person is dissenting two thousand years of pseud garbage, he has decided to erect mental barriers and walls composed of lies and fruitless accusations.

Wouldn't a stoic have said: "Oh, I can't control the fact two people disagree with stoicism, therefore I'll make my peace with it"? rather than "I WILL ACCUSE YOU OF LYING AND DECEIT FOR CHALLENGING STOICISM"

One doesn't seem very stoic. Because he wants the argument, because he wants the fight. Because the recession from all confrontation and argument to support his desire to be portrayed externally in a very specific, controlled way, he has pent himself up, and now at some level, wants to break free from the superficial facade he has erected.

>> No.18357219

Damn nigga, you still talking to yourself? Literally have sex.

>> No.18357223

How normal people respond: HERE'S MY ARGUMENT AND WHY


>> No.18357227

It's a very empoverished philosophy if it has no say in anything outside mental plus they made a good logic system so I partially disagree.
If a shark bit on your leg you can control his mouth by punching his nose. There's always room for things to control. It's not all healthy but stoicism seems to have too many interpretations by not defining some keywords carefully.

>> No.18357241

At this point i think it's just a meme. I refuse to believe that someone will post it seriously. But that stoic guy is just full of bullshit. I mean if you are so stoic and cool af why you even make this thread? Live your life do your fucking thing and don't bother with making other people stoic. Or maybe i don't understand. Whole thing is weird to me. But agian /lit/ is full of schizos like this who never leave their house or mind.

>> No.18357244
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>How normal people respond: HERE'S MY ARGUMENT AND WHY


>> No.18357248

>purporting that one should do NOTHING.
Why do faggots like this anon always ignore the whole focus on living a life of virtue that you have in stoicism? How is doing nothing virtuous?

>> No.18357252

Is that a Stoic™ meme?

>> No.18357256

I'll say it one more time, and for the last time
The book has nothing to do with physical control.

I agree, the philosophy is lacking, therefore you shouldn't be looking so deep into it. It does not deserve 5 threads a month. It's easily digested therefore it gets a lot of retarded interpretations. This thread is a great example of that.

>> No.18357259

Honestly, it's just a set of gymnastics to make one's self feel superior, as if the world acting upon them doesn't require some sort of reaction to it in some way. It ignores all deferred thinking, all wider questions, all considerations of grander thought... stoicism is an anti-philosophy in that regard, and I don't like it. I think it's a terrible principle to live by - bro just don't act if you might not be able to do something? As >>18357227 pointed out, it doesn't even define key terms, because it was Coperelius in the mires of his nutritionally addled ass going through a depressive phase.

Oh dear, he really did delete the last thread. I wouldn't be surprised if this one vanished because OP got told to grow up and stop being a pseud.

Go on, if it helps, I'll even permiss you in your own semantic diarrhoea - this is the one way you have control of the thread.

>> No.18357264

Alright then I'll say it's got some pretty interesting crap from a pragmatic viewpoint but also a metaphysical one. I'm really interested in their logic system. Frege mixed Stoic logic with syllogistic when created his fol/sol

>> No.18357265
File: 320 KB, 1536x2048, 1622426796949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Why yes, I do frequent the board dedicated to literature despite the fact that I don't actually read.

>> No.18357271
File: 66 KB, 1000x750, 1621084233926.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh dear, he really did delete the last thread. I wouldn't be surprised if this one vanished because OP got told to grow up and stop being a pseud.

>Go on, if it helps, I'll even permiss you in your own semantic diarrhoea - this is the one way you have control of the thread

>> No.18357276

>Stoic throws a hissy fit and decides to dump their /pol/ folder
And there you have it boys and girls, Stoicism.

>> No.18357283

You saved photos of ppl you can't control because they worry you or have shock value?

>> No.18357288
File: 2.25 MB, 2592x4608, 1622000293172.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Stoic throws a hissy fit and decides to dump their /pol/ folder
>And there you have it boys and girls, Stoicism.

>> No.18357290
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>>When an inconvenience arises, think to yourself: Can it be overcome? If so, then overcome it. If not, then concerning yourself over it is pointless.

>Truly, words to live by.

>> No.18357299

>What's a thing you can't control?
A tornado for example, or like someone said, a shark, or maybe an illness like cancer. You can definitely react to them and you should defend yourself and do all that is under your power to mitigate the crisis. But the fact that something like that happened shouldn't ruin your day since after all it wasn't caused by you and if you are living according to virtue you probably did all you could to prevent what you could anyway.

>> No.18357300
File: 82 KB, 640x885, 1621273870605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>05/31/21(Mon)22:07:21 No.18357290
>28 KB JPG
>>>When an inconvenience arises, think to yourself: Can it be overcome? If so, then overcome it. If not, then concerning yourself over it is pointless.

>>Truly, words to live by.

>> No.18357301

And yet, when posed with an inconvenience that OP couldn't overcome, he broke down and started flooding the thread with tranny pics.

I wanted what type of spaniard he is. Maybe a mexican? Chilean? Argentine? Guarantee he's from that area.

>> No.18357305

Well then just be a reactionary?

>> No.18357307

You are free to stop talking to yourself anytime.

>> No.18357311

This thread is boring now. Stoicism is gay.

>> No.18357313

We're not samefagging. We've both posted pictures. Just because you're schizophrenic and need an old depressed Roman's my diary desu to placate yourself, doesn't mean everybody is the same.

>> No.18357314

You kinda killed it. He's your fellow /pol/ster

>> No.18357322

Good, maybe the dumb ESL will stop posting his stupid fucking thread all day every day now. His character has been shown wanting, his philosophy full of holes. Hopefully he'll crawl off and leave us alone for a while.

>> No.18357329
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>We're not samefagging. We've both posted pictures. Just because you're schizophrenic and need an old depressed Roman's my diary desu to placate yourself, doesn't mean everybody is the same.

>> No.18357331

Live a life of virtue. Do all that is in your power to do so. Whatever bad thing happens despite that is outside of your control and you should be satisfied knowing you did your best by following God's plan. I'm not even stoic but this shit is simple, I dunno where people get all the wrong ideas I'm seeing in this topic like "you should do nothing".

>> No.18357332

I don't mind some philosophical diversity, particularly one with fiction reccs, I just had some questions. Idk what you did

>> No.18357390
File: 202 KB, 1265x1600, Marcus-Aurelius-statue-Rome-Piazza-del-Campidoglio.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18358630

ITT: Hedonists seething and projecting their own incompetence

>> No.18358644

There's not always a clear separation between things we can and cannot control. It may only be after worrying about something you realise there is something you can do about it

>> No.18358700

>Worrying about samefagging
Hypocrite. Your entirely philosophy is now void.

>> No.18358706

When an inconvenience arises, think to yourself: Do I feel lucky? Well, do ya, punk?

>> No.18358741

You have no clue about stoicism, then. "Doing nothing" is not stoicism. In fact, emotionlessinactivity is not the point of stoicism. If you'd actually done reading you would understand this.
Clearly you don't read. Clearly you pontificate on things you don't understand. You use words like "incel," you're hurting the board quality by being here and should just leave.

>> No.18358764

I read the Meditations and I want toto know more about Stoicism, what should I read next? Epictetus?

>> No.18358792

>oNlY dO vIrTuOuS tHiNgS
Thanks Liu Bei.

>> No.18358805

Liu Bei just preached about being virtuous as a cover

>> No.18358821

And there is no way, whatsoever, that anyone else instilling ideas of virtue in western culture, could also have been using it as a cover...?

>> No.18359570

how sheltered are you that you think you have control over everything? Sickness, death, disasters, the economy, betrayal of people you love, unrequited love, and hundreds of other things which would just be dumb to mention. I bet you've never had a real struggle in your life.

>> No.18359959
File: 1.72 MB, 6200x3413, stoicism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


here you go, fren. I'd suggest checking out Seneca's letters next. You might also want to check out his essays but picrel isn't exhaustive, there's about a dozen of them.

>> No.18360047


>> No.18360593

People really want to shit on stoicism, never will understood why

>> No.18362295


youre uner the assumption that humans can control their emotions and are not the result of million years of evolution