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18356739 No.18356739[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Books to understand the retards that believe covid is a hoax and/or the vaccines are not safe? Do they not understand how science works (e.g. don't know about Popper or Kuhn), do they think politicians only nitpick specific scientific findings or do they really believe they ought to have complete """freedom""" and the state has no right to mandate wearing masks (in that case they obviously haven't read Hobbes or any political philosophy). Im just interested how these people can be brought back into normal society.

>> No.18356771

Memetics, it's the reason people believe this shit.

Internet psyops campaigns of various origin are attempting to undermine democracy by injecting a bunch of retarded ideas into the western consciousness.

The decline of the west will happenn when fascists, traditionalists and marxists-leninists vote away the political systems that have made the west the "lands of freedom"

>> No.18356809

Here's a 12 minute video explaining it.


The short of it is that we don't trust the people in power for many reasons. An easy reason why would be the behavior of Dr. Fauci himself. Do you remember when he told us that masks do not work? It turns out he didn't actually believe that but he said it anyways because he was concerned about there being a mask shortage. He demonstrated that he's willing to lie in order to serve his own ends. This is nothing compared to the trustworthiness of people like Biden or the pharmaceutical industry in general, which has gotten some ridiculous preemptive legal protections for vaccine side effects. We've been increasingly lied to and censored by social media over the past few years and we see who's promoting this vaccine the most.

>> No.18356831
File: 32 KB, 600x688, maskfetishist.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18356834

Maybe people don’t want to be experimented upon? Maybe people understand that not having any long term testing is a bit iffy and they’d rather risk it with a virus with less than 1% mortality? Maybe because the government has a long track record of lying? Maybe because they said for a year that it’s only crazy conspiracy theorists that believe it’s from a lab and then say that it might actually have come from a lab? Maybe they just want freedom of choice? I don’t know, just spitballing.

>> No.18356839

I hate the way he starts all his videos with himself sitting down. I don't want to waste seconds of my life watching a guy sitting down.

>> No.18356843

This is a bait thread. Popper, really? Come along now.

>> No.18356852

What's wrong with Popper? I don't see any scientific studys that have falsified the effectivity of the vaccine, or the deadliness of the virus.

>> No.18356879

There have been multiple studies done on the vaccines, not one has been able to find major problems with it. Also long term effect, really? We don't know anything about the long term effects of covid either.
The stuff with the lab escape is obviously pandering to china, but still, no philosopher of science would say the scientific research conducted on the virus was unscientific.

>> No.18356943

You must be over 18 to use this site.

>> No.18356955

This pure whataboutism.
It's true that we don't know the long term effects of covid, doesn't mean the vaccines are safe long term.
The choice is not between covid or vaccine, the choice is between the vaccine and a chance of getting covid.
Besides, ivermectin seems to be another alternative with none of the concerns about long term effects.

>> No.18356985

The problem with Popper is that his philosophy leads to not knowing much at all about anything. It restricts epistemology too much. The result is the void left behind is filled with garbage. Instead of looking at complex systems from a teleological perspective, which is very effective for quick decision making and risk taking we are forced to use this slow method of acquiring knowledge that is so slow as to only be useful for fundamental / foundational research.

>> No.18357007

Putting aside possible long term side effects and the fact that I have no reason to trust the pharmaceutical industry, I won't take the vaccine because I just don't want to. I'm young, I'm healthy, covid barely kills anyone who isn't old or a lardass; I have no reason to care.
My dad won't take it either and when I asked him why, he said "because I'm tired of individual liberties being trampled, first the muzzle and now this" and I'm inclined to agree with him on that too.

>> No.18357079

I didn't say anything about Popper. What are you talking about?

>> No.18357130

People don't trust those in power, that's all there is to it, they have the will and ability to do great harm for a variety of reasons.
There has been nothing but shadiness surrounding this virus since its inception. I don't see how anyone can dispute this (remember 'don't wear masks'?)
Also, everything is politicised nowadays, I think that's a large reason for the distrust, or adversion to common sense principles, for example, wearing a mask is harmless in Asia but since everything is politicised, people take it as encroaching on their freedom.

As for the vaccines, mRNA hasn't been tried and tested much and the vaccines came out at a historically unprecedented rate as well that it is not yet FDA approved. As well as that there have been health issues with the vaccine that showed up almost immediately like the Astra Zeneca blood clots so it does indeed prove that the vaccines have problems at least somewhat.
But the issue with the Astra-Zeneca vaccine completely obliterates your argument, since there ARE major problems with it, so the natural question following that is: what will show up next?