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18356020 No.18356020[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is the FBI stealing our memes for false flag props?

>> No.18356029

Arrested for plans? What is this, The Minority Report?

>> No.18356030

I never understood how the FBI gets hold of someone's "plans." Like, does the retarded shooter list out all the steps he's going to take in a fucking notebook and leave the notebook sitting around a table at a cafe or something? Plus, why plan anything anyway?

>> No.18356034

Most of the "memes" on this site are glowies testing out propaganda and psy-ops on bots and other glowies to begin with. If "Think, Mark!" is an actual organic meme akin to the Dancing Baby, I'm a billygoat.

>> No.18356035

>feds found the terrorism journal

>> No.18356038

the same way that GCHQ is able to make arrests less than 24 hours after a terrorist incident

>> No.18356039

He 100% browsed this board

>> No.18356046

So /lit/, did he get memed on too hard, MKUltra-ed, or is he a blatant FBI agent?

>> No.18356054
File: 34 KB, 340x450, The_Red_Book_by_Carl_Jung,_2009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Now Jungians are going to be on watchlists. This guy should have tried harder to integrate his shadow.

>> No.18356057

You're all to blame.

>> No.18356058

No one but him is to blame.

>> No.18356061
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Looks like he had the Reader's Edition. What a pleb.

>> No.18356063

Impressive flag collection

>> No.18356069
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Inchoate offenses have existed for as long as law has existed

>> No.18356070

Wait, why would a 'soon-to-be' mass shooter read Jung?

>> No.18356072
File: 173 KB, 960x720, 1605592115315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>approach some impressionable retard that is already in the periphery of suspicious things
>point him in the right direction regarding terror stuff
>arrest him when he is about to act on his plans or he did enough incriminating shit
>earn praise for preventing another heinous terror attack

>> No.18356074

Evolafags, this is your mindset

>> No.18356076

I am curious how the average person will react lol
>Nazish flag, yikes
>Confederate flag, yikes
>Saudi flag.... huh?

>> No.18356079

>write up step by step plans
>spend thousands on materials
>draw up diagrams and execution of plans
>train every day for the event
>read thousands of pages of radical propaganda
>shitpost my plans online on the honey pot dark web
>w-a-what do you mean!? I didn’t do anything!

>> No.18356092

He had good taste in books. Maybe it doesn't appear, but he should have more fiction. A bit of Mishima or Céline.

>> No.18356104

Those "Evolafags: Are You Just Gonna Sit Around and Do Nothing" threads are really starting to pay off. Funny how mods delete a gazillion threads for the most trivial reasons but glowiebait always stays up.

>> No.18356111

>betting your sanity and self image so if you are wrong you go crazy or fail more
Bold. You're supposed to hedge your bets. If this was a stronger game of poker you'd be fucked lol

>> No.18356114

Neh you have this personality type who likes giving the appearance of being extreme and talking shit online, because it makes them feel strong. But they wont do anything. Really.

>> No.18356119

based glowies removing /pol/tards from the board

>> No.18356120

>He had good taste in books.

>> No.18356144

Feds find a low iq boogaloo larper and prod him into saying something really stupid with an undercover posing as a friend or accomplice. If there aren't enough terrorists to justify the counter-terrorism budget than you got to make some

>> No.18356148

Generally it is because they do something stupid to get the feds attention so they start watching, they see enough to get a search warrant and plans are found. Mass shooters and the like often plan in great depth, there have been quite a few studies on it even. Most common seems to be that it brings a sort of validity to the act for them and they use it too help justify their actions, the planing and training and research all help justify the act, an insane person would not go through all this work so clearly the conclusions reached and the plan is correct and sane.

>> No.18356155

No way I always tell the crazies to target government buildings. If he was going to hit a Walmart then he probably browsed /int/.

>> No.18356158

>Harassment Architecture
Ma bros...

>> No.18356161

About 4 months ago there was an Islamist anon that would always spam links to some website with a bunch of edgy propaganda that encouraged people to hand over their email addresses. Probably was something like that.

>> No.18356169

Yeah most shootings are FBI glowops based on KGB "active measures" policies in the 60s and 70s.

>> No.18356170
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>> No.18356173

The FBI actively look for on the margin personalities and then stoke them, often by feeding them false info and manipulating them into committing some kind of act. This goes on for a few months before they finally break the target who then says they will do something then the FBI arrests them and gets praised in the media for entrapment.

>> No.18356178

Yep this.

>> No.18356185

How fucked am I if I bought HA from amazon like one year ago?

>> No.18356187

Sounds about right. The FBI/CIA work similar to how the KGB operate, often by controlling all opposition groups in order to make mass arrests. My guess is that the American Alphabet Agencies learned from the KGB after the Soviets dabbed on them and stole dozens of agents from the Americans.

>> No.18356190

You're on a list that's for sure. But that's okay, if you're white and a male and moderately unhappy with the status quo you're already on a list too.

>> No.18356194

>faggot has all the WrongThink flags in one photo
lmfao. sloppy job Mossad.

>> No.18356216

Under rated

>> No.18356225

Did the KGB's notoriety for brutality and paranoia just scare American agents shitless? Why does it seem Soviet agents in the US were much more effective than vice versa?

>> No.18356229


>> No.18356230

Are they really that good at manipulation or do they just pick low iq retards with psychological problems?

>> No.18356233
File: 43 KB, 640x724, 1622249408753.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does anyone have any sources for the whole "Psst, hey kid, wanna commit domestic terrorism?" trope I see constantly posted?

I get that glowies infiltrate extremist groups, they'd be dumb not to, but does anyone have any accounts of them actively encouraging it?

>> No.18356244

Fuck, I didn’t even recognize that copy of the Red Book.

He should have started with Man and His Symbols. You can’t just jump straight into shadow work, everyone knows that.

>> No.18356247

>newfags actually think the photo is not staged by glowies

>> No.18356261

He was on felony probation. If you read the full article he was already forbidden from possessing firearms.

You have to have fucked up pretty bad to have your right to bear in Texas
t. gun-owning Texan

>> No.18356265

My bad

>> No.18356276

Imageboards are notorious for being alphabet agency honeypots.

>> No.18356279

Look up just how many American agents went rogue. It's pretty astounding.

>> No.18356285

I would say they got better since the disaster of the FBI/CIA in the 60s-80s period. They learned a lot from the KGB who was running circles around them for the duration of the Cold War. Of course, picking on low IQ helpless retards and radicalizing them is quite "easy" these days, particularly when everyone is 24/7 connected on line. Most opposition groups in the US are run by Alphabet Agencies which was taken straight from the KGB's own playbook. Most of these guys these "shooters" are 100% cultivated by the Feds, hell even Ted K. was cultivated via the MKUltra program...

>> No.18356317

>Look up just how many American agents went rogue.

>> No.18356345


Literally none of these ideologies line up. Especially falangism which is popular with mestizos since it has no racial doctrine

>> No.18356348


>> No.18356356

it's a kind of postmodern ultranationalism that abstracts all based ideologies from their original context and converges them into a syncretic basedology. That, or the glowies are suffering from dementia and it's becoming disastrous to their propaganda ops

>> No.18356364

This is such an obvious falseflag. Those books don't seem like an organic selection. It just looks like they picked a few edgy meme "wrongthink" books from Amazon and put them there on display. And kek at the Saudi flag. Not to mention Islam and racialism aren't compatible. The only thing they have in common is being wrongthink.

>> No.18356365

jesus christ shut the fuck up

>> No.18356376

No, and fuck you, shithead.

>> No.18356377

book of revelation predicted this

>> No.18356380

Yeah well what do all those things have in common in terms of what group of people kvetch (hint) the most at them? HMMMM

>> No.18356414
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Kerrville is a nice little town. I hope this guy gets the help he needs, although I somehow doubt he'll get it rather than being roped into a prison gang.

Mostly agree except with the last part about being "correct and sane." I think it's a form of madness but it's kinda like Taxi Driver and Fight Club in a way. You're talking about people who are totally atomized and alienated, and they find a cause that gives them meaning, and they develop a double identity which they perceive as heroic and in contrast with the alienated, shattered personality they're trying to overcome -- and that old personality eventually gets devoured by the new, "heroic" / avenging warrior avatar personality along with any random passerbys they conscript into their personal, apocalyptic mission. They are attached to these symbols (such as flags, morale patches, etc.), so again it's like a real-life avatar. Also you'll see them take pictures of themselves posing with weapons a lot, wearing LARP outfits, although it's a very real and deadly kind of LARP.

The white terrorists are similar to Islamic terrorists here and I think it's part of the same phenomena.

Also I think the U.S. military recruits young men using the same basic psychology. You're lonely, alienated, etc. so join the Marines and be reborn:


But you're right that they often do a lot of focused planning, can do it for months or years, and so they can behave quite "rationally" during the process, and survivors of these attacks often say the shooters can appear quite calm. But it's no wonder they feel calm because they've found a purpose for the first time in their lives. It's very disturbing. A person like this could be standing in line next to you at a Burger King while they're three months into a planning process and you would never know. Socially, I see them as like canaries in a coal mine, warning signs of "poison" in the air of what is a very sick society.

Well, Evola was very strange too because he had an aristocratic ideology where ancien regime = always better. He believed modern society is corrupt and doomed and the West is just living in an interregnum that's going to collapse eventually, so in the meantime, his followers should retreat inwards and become "aristocrats of the soul" and so forth. (Someone correct me if I'm getting anything wrong here.) This tends to eschew politics. Now, paradoxically, this worldview can also be compatible with "accelerationist" terror, because if society is doomed anyways, why not speed it up?

Communist ideology



>> No.18356430

I know exactly what you're talking about
>Our plan? Do absolutely nothing *wink wink* I call it Riding the Tiger!
Real Agent Smith hours.

>> No.18356436
File: 2.71 MB, 320x272, oof.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Physical copy of Harassment Architecture

>> No.18356441
File: 21 KB, 226x346, 51EY55hW8IL._SY344_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


That's the Haleem Koran translation on the left.

>> No.18356444

In so many words, they're stupid, miserable teenagers who get suckered into throwing their lives away alongside those of their victims.

>> No.18356448

Is that any good btw? I'm starting to get into world religions.

>> No.18356463


Pretty convenient for him to just leave all that stuff on a table, including the weirdest and most esoteric books in his collection.

>> No.18356464
File: 110 KB, 1200x800, gosling_br2049.0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He was 28

Also on the KGB point, better to recruit 35+ career men (but not too old and too settled in their careers) who have started encountering financial difficulties while having also lost their initial idealism. It's those guys who are more likely to go "fuck this shit" and work for the Soviets.

>> No.18356478
File: 37 KB, 800x761, 51202.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First time in a long time since I've seen someone genuinely grasp the subject. They've even given these men a specific name: pseudocommandos. The decline of fathers, of masculinity, the decay of social structures, the proliferation of alienating technologies -- it all comes together to create a host of men with no stake in the world. Thus, from some of those men come another, the so called "mass shooter". Jordan Memerson understood this, which is why he dedicates a chapter to them in his 12 Rules For Life.

>> No.18356479


It's regarded as one of the best English translations. But, and I'm not trying to be inciteful here, it's not a work that seems to have any artistic merit. There's beautiful passages in the texts of basically every other religion I've read into. But not here. It really was just a lot of pain and fire and hell to infidels and apostates. And not even phrased novelly.

See if you can find something regarded as better

>> No.18356493

you're extremely retarded

>> No.18356504

The thing I don't like about this picture is that it only fools or vindicates idiots. Anyone who has an inkling of awareness understands no part of this photo to be congruent, therefore implying something else very telling is going on behind whatever the story pretends to be. But they'll just see muh whitey with muh confederate flag and puff themselves up over another "moral" ""victory"" or whatever the fuck. It's just so tiring.

>> No.18356526

I wonder if this was the case with the so-called "sea people" as well.

>> No.18356538

Interesting, thanks anon. I'll do some more research but it's at the top of my list.

>> No.18356541

That's so fucking based.

>> No.18356586

A fucking Walmart???

>> No.18356610

lol didn't this guy know that Biden won?