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/lit/ - Literature

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18343864 No.18343864 [Reply] [Original]

>The Times deputy books editor, James Marriott, had to deactivate his Twitter account for a while last year because of the vilification hurled at him for writing a feature noting the lack of young male novelists these days. Undaunted, two weeks ago the Observer ran a feature titled "How women conquered the world of fiction."
>Its author, Johanna Thomas Corr, didn't receive the same attacks as Marriott but others quoted in the piece did. Nor publisher Hannah Westland, who openly acknowledged that "If a really good novel by a writer lands on my desk, I do genuinely say to myself, this will be more difficult to publish," or publisher Sharmaine Lovegrove, who agreed that "men don't get a look-in" (Bookseller's news archive shoes that of 77 debut novels featured last year, 7 were by men).
>No, the recipients of abuse were more predictable. "Some of the men quoted in this very good article should be ashamed of themselves," said novelist James Smythe, while fellow author Sam Myers, who appeared in the piece, complained about other men quoted being anonymous:
>"The refusal to comment openly... contributed to the idea that a sinister cabal of woke power mongers will cancel you if you dissent." Perish the thought!
>Byers responded to Marriott's piece last year by denouncing one of the interviewees as a "fuckwit" and Smythe said the Times should be "fucking ashamed of themselves" for publishing "misogyny."
Is literature a woman's world now?



>> No.18343875

If only women could learn to write about something other than the woes of their cunts.

>> No.18343881

Have sex. Pussy is heavenly.

>> No.18343882

Is it game over for young novelists? Yes.

>> No.18343885

I'm gay :)

>> No.18343892

I don't care much anon
being a digital marketer and studying marketing and being a student of psychology, I can put myself out there on my own when the time comes
and I am also brown so I might be ok with trad publishing lol

>> No.18343897

>being a digital market and studying marketing
... Are you the Infinite Jest guy?

>> No.18343903

Some of this corresponds to the fact that women buy (and read) more books, especially newer ones. Men are buying the classics.
The political climate, the lack of intellectual rigour, and the lack of a central unifying cultural experience (or tradition) make any sort of meaningful work harder to create and nigh impossible to publish.

>> No.18343905

>I'm gay :)

>> No.18343920

>The political climate, the lack of intellectual rigour, and the lack of a central unifying cultural experience (or tradition) make any sort of meaningful work harder to create and nigh impossible to publish.

This MIGHT be one excuse, however, it's noted in the second link that females tend to make up the majority of ranks in publishing houses. So, they let their female-centric bias steer what they feel should be published instead of if the book is good.

>> No.18343923

>Some of this corresponds to the fact that women buy (and read) more books, especially newer ones. Men are buying the classics.
No, women have always written about their cunts. It's non-stop. Shelley wrote about the fruit of her cunt. Austen wrote about the crustiness of hers. The Brontë sisters wrote of the mustiness of their own. They are utterly obsessed by being needed, 'romance' (as the act of presenting her as needed), and the dirty little fruit that comes from their cunts. Try to name one piece of actual literature, ACTUAL FUCKING LITERATURE, by a woman, that isn't about their cunt.

The best they can muster up is Harry fucking Potter. Because having a cunt is all they know - their very existence hinges on it.

>> No.18343926

>Some of this corresponds to the fact that women buy (and read) more books, especially newer ones.
Yeah. And it's women who then get into publishing and then only publish women.

I can't be arsed to care, the past 3000 years produced enough worthwhile text for whatever life I have left.

>> No.18343935
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>publishing houses

>> No.18343936

And men only write about penis problems, it is what it is

>> No.18343937

>rages about cunts, is one, and has never touched one
Get help.

>> No.18343944

No, they don't. Men often write about their battle with the outside world and with themselves. Women write about wanting to get knocked up, or whine about getting knocked up, or despair at not being knocked by the right person at the right time.

Stop making excuses for having low standards.

>> No.18343958

Checked Byers' twitter and he's bitching about this Private Eye article being anonymous too lol. What is it about anonymity that so rankles these people?

>> No.18343970

I'm not making excuses, desu. I don't read many female authors; the last one I read and enjoyed was Donna Tartt, and she only wrote half of a good book. All the good writers where men that have died. We merely live in a decayed society. I just don't gripe about the puerility of women on a Venezuelan sugarcane farming image board.

>> No.18343987

Men getting worse does not make women better; the difference is, you can look back through history and go "Yes! He was a great author!", the same cannot be done for women, because all of their literature of any value is single mindedly about having a cunt. Women experience the world through having a cunt - it shapes their absolute existence. They live, they get treated well if they're pretty, they shoot out some degenerate little bastard they can't be bothered to raise, and turn into fat slovenly idiots.

There are no profound experiences left for a woman to convey, because women don't have profound experiences. They are never forced into introspection, or figuring out their place in the world, for it is always a given to them that they exist as reproductive machines if nothing else.

>> No.18343994

>trying to understand the chthonic through the solar

>> No.18343995


>> No.18344001

unironically seems like the thing mainstream feminist retards are fighting against

>> No.18344010


publishing houses pander to women, sjw and leftism, there is no surprize there that they reject men (straight white male) writers and work that is not leftist

>> No.18344027

To combat that notion, they would need the female equivalent of eunuchs. It's never going to happen. The thing I love most about feminism is it utterly ignores the self denigration, similar to the way blacks ignore their own - 'it's all men's fault!', when even in the modern age, with an education system that favours women, with psychological biases left, right, and centre that favour women, with equal opportunities for women, their best source of income is still to fuck a rich guy or go into prostitution (albeit online nowadays).

As a bona fide homosexual faggot, I get to watch it all through the lens of an outsider. I watch guys bend over backwards to promote women because they think they'll get pussy. I watch the hubris women act with knowing that level of entitlement. I get women get mad at me, because they can't do that shit with me, and somehow think that I'm the one being unfair.

I have the gift of removal from this situation, and I can tell you, women are fucking inept, and the people that believe otherwise are clouded by their cocks.

>> No.18344029

there is a Minuteman press is Escondido, CA where I am right now
they don't advertise regular book bindings, but they will do catalogs
if you don't mind your fiction appearing as a glossy catalog (maybe hire an illustrator from /gd/?) then you can get them to print and bind, of course you need to hire an editor as well, and someone to organize book tour / distribution, but it can be done if you want to independently publish & distribute
or you could sell your book as merch on bandcamp
we should have a /spg/ self-publishing general thread regularly

>> No.18344034

That’s true but is it any wonder given what’s published?

The publishing industry is a joke to be honest. They simply won’t publish the stuff. The only men who are getting published (in America) right now are guys writing about “marginalized LGBT and women or PoC” or guys writing explicitly about what it’s like to grow up as an upper middle class Jewish boy in a New Jersey suburb of New York, New York. That’s just the reality.

>> No.18344038

> excuses
> blames external factors
you came to the wrong place, pal
no pussyheads allowed

>> No.18344044

I think I could reasonably argue that pussy is better when you're gay. I'm not sure I could win, but I might.

>> No.18344045

>they let their female-centric bias steer what they feel should be published
Exactly but it’s really not just females letting their bias steer things. Publishers are just fucking idiots. These are editors but watch this video and tell me these people aren’t disingenuous and don’t simply fancy themselves taste makers.
They can’t even explain how their work “works”. It’s literally just “I like this. I don’t like that.” It’s the publishers who are the problem and it’s particularly bad here in North America.

>> No.18344059

Most of Western civilisation’s greatest works have been written by men, so I’ll think we’ll be fine. There are enough good books out there written before the 20th century to last me a lifetime.

>> No.18344060

Kill yourself you literal faggot

>> No.18344062

>Is it game over for young male novelists?
if you're white it probably is. i don't see whiteoid lit getting signed any time soon desu.

>> No.18344083

Only in America and other English-speaking counties (and maybe the Scandinavians for some bizarre reason but their industry is in a sorry state for other reasons). Fortunately, the rest care about their literature enough to at least be willing to publish beyond those boundaries. I mean, look up a list of like “top 100 books of the 21st century so far”. They’ll be lists compiled by English speaking publications, mostly in North America and the UK and at least 50 or more of them will be the typical black colonialism/oppression novel. These people aren’t interested in anything else here but they are elsewhere.

>> No.18344087

So there's another issue and that is that the experience of going into the bookstore is one of being confronted by a pretty thin selection no matter which section of the bookstore you go to unless it's either a specialized bookstore or a huge landmark like Powell's.
If your experience of buying books is repeated disappointment over the course of a decade, then you might start to lose faith in bookstores to satisfy your curiosity beyond the most basic surface level.
There is another issue and man is political repression and the extent to which the left has engaged in unfair activities with an interest in bullying and disparaging alternate points of view, in particular the very deep traditional, historical, classic education that the left now calls
> rightwing
So strangely enough, "rightwing" is no longer a word for hicks, retards, born-again Christians, and other inhabitants of the American south, but a word for the establishment of white men that was more or less attacked for being white men.
If you go on Wikipedia, you can see the glorious tradition of white men exploring knowledge, and it's really very inspiring, and you realize just how nasty and vicious the minorities and women are.
The democratic party wanted to commit genocide on white Americans, especially men, and they went pretty far down that path.

>> No.18344108

This is happening because leftist political organizations are turning to violence and terror. They are behaving like criminal gangs.
The government needs to be forced to break the will of the left all over the West.
Rightwing activists need to organize operations against the left that leave them politically impotent.
The tools and weapons the left uses to attack ordinary people must be destroyed.

>> No.18344123

I think it's important to point to the left and say the following: you are composed of Negroes, Irish, and Jews. You are trying to get revenge for slavery, the great famine, and the holocaust.
People need to understand that the left is about getting revenge on white men. We are talking about violent unstable hostile and vicious elements of our society.

>> No.18344125

Fuck no. You need to understand that most "real" writers are still mostly male. Most female writers write stories about whatever issue is trending at the moment, use whatever made up language social science faculties are peddling currently, and sell well for about 4 years after which they get replaced by the next cohort of female authors.

>> No.18344137

Yep, it's a marketing game, and women are simply easier to sell to.

>> No.18344138

It is important to develop plans for political operations targeting the Democrats because the Democrats are responsible for attacking and destroying our society.
Channeling aggression and anger towards the Democratic Party and using that energy to bring about an end to the political activities of the democratic party is a worthy goal.

>> No.18344140
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>Observer article puts up examples of successful contemporary young male novelists
>all in their 40s

>> No.18344141

I will literally never read a female author lmao. When they talk about ‘dominating’ they mean pumping out the most YA shit.

I literally could not even be bothered to care.

>> No.18344150

Quite frankly, the books that need to be published are not fiction. The books that need to be published are directories filled with the identities age occupation and home addresses of the terrorists who carry out the political activities of the Democratic Party. We can terrorize the terrorists by exposing them and giving people the opportunity to destroy their lives.

>> No.18344152

Can somebody give me a pastebin of the times article?

>> No.18344153
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>UK publishing
>Democrat party

>> No.18344157

Take your meds.

>> No.18344166

>I will literally never read a female author lmao
Austen? Woolf? The Brontes? Shelley? Wollstonecraft? That bitch who put her head in an oven?

>> No.18344172

The challenge of the male novelist is imagining the following scenario: Democrats are hit with a campaign of shock and awe. Democrats are unable to continue their political operations. People start to come out of their shell. They start to hope again for a better future. They start to believe that people are going to stand up to the democratic party and the democratic party is going to back down.
We need narratives that give strength to white men who stand up to the political repression and aggression of the democratic party.
The people who destroy the Democratic Party will be heroes because they are freeing the American people from a hostage crisis.

>> No.18344177

Ok, fed.

Btw bud, as an FBI agent I'd think you'd be aware that the levels of political violence today are not yet on the scale of the 60s and 70s, both in the US and Europe.

>> No.18344179

No one under 30 is bound to write anything worthwhile.

>> No.18344180

The government must be forced to break the will of the left and the democratic party.
simple as

>> No.18344182

>rightwing men control everything
>because they're tolerant, they allow other people in
>women and leftists get a position of prominence
>immediately abuse that power to stamp out men and non-leftists

Many such cases!

>> No.18344183

>Democratic Party

Mutts are so retarded

>> No.18344188

What “real” writers? Lmao. Are most phantoms and loch mess monsters male too?

>> No.18344191

Every book is about her woes of being a NEET shut-in woman, fantasising about being powerful and loved. She is worthless in every capacity. She is an ironic idol for feminism, because she is continually dependent both in her books and in her life on men.
Frankenstein is a boohoo pity party about Percy not paying her enough attention in pregnancy.
Romance tripe.
Literally wrote newspaper entertainment.

>> No.18344194

You seem to not understand that I am free, and that I can take action to protect myself. The Democratic Party is a domestic terrorist organization. They use violence and intimidation as part of their political activities. The leader ship of the Democratic Party is on record for promoting terrorism.
As a free person, I have the authority to protect myself from these violent thugs. I think this is obvious. You seem to think that self-defense is some strange mental disorder.

>> No.18344197

Hating women so much I become gay is a path I'm going down desu.

>> No.18344202

> I don't know what the equivalent of the Democratic Party is in the UK
it's the Liberals, dipshit

>> No.18344207

Call me ;)

>> No.18344211

You have to build an audience of about 5000 people on Twitter or YouTube then shill them your self-published books.

>> No.18344217

>Every book is about her woes of being a NEET shut-in woman, fantasising about being powerful and loved
Sounds like something /lit/ should love?

>> No.18344221

You are in fact one of the voices that is calling for an escalation of violence. The simple fact of the matter is that the left puts violent thugs on the street and expects them to be hostile and threaten people. This is the political formula the left has relied on for half a century.
By pretending the threat is small or inconsequential, you are doing the dirty work of terrorists.
You are turning a blind eye to violent political repression at the hands of racist thugs.

>> No.18344229

One could argue Dickinson understood her craft better than any of her contemporaries, men included.
>Literally wrote newspaper entertainment.
This is perhaps the most trite and womanly sentence you could've written in answer to that. Her craft exists separate from her life.

>> No.18344231

It's the opposite. It's a pouting autist crying that she isn't loved by anyone and she has to live in that awfully horrid big Hampshire house on daddy's money. She is the absolute tippy top of entitled, socially retarded cunt. I hate everything about her works, and ESPECIALLY when a woman says they love her, I start to treat her as if she's mentally retarded and not to be taken seriously.

>> No.18344234

Aside from their periods making them mentally unstable 4 days every month (which is why you do not want female starship captains, or presidents), when they hit menopause especially their writing takes a big hit, look at how Ursula Leguin deteriorated as a writer after hitting the egg production wall.

>> No.18344238

I encourage you all to download a copy of this book or read excerpts. I've never read better evidence that women corrupt all meritocracies than this. It is insipid, long listed for NBA and awarded for writing in mathematics. Just read a couple pages.


>> No.18344246

You have to understand that media and art for men by men is a discarded business model. The culture industry is like fashion now, it's for young women and gays.

>> No.18344248

Every social disease starts in muttland then spreads worldwide

>> No.18344259

heavenly is helping the poor and the sick. repent

>> No.18344268

This. The usual man is happier doing the same 5 tasks in a videogame over and over or relying on fake virtual idols for friendship than he is analyzing, dissecting and improving himself and his life through the arts.

>> No.18344271

The Waves and everything by Schnackenberg

>> No.18344273

>Men often write about their battle with the outside world and with themselves
Penis problems, all of it.

>> No.18344278

Yeah this "only in america" shit is a massive cope. You think the american stuff you see online is a different universe until it clicks with the retarded young people in your country and then it takes everything over by storm.

>> No.18344281
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What game?
The ''Hey, Tyler, my friend, I hope I become an Amazon best-selling author who receives good reviews by The New York Times' Michiko Kuckutani or whatever its name is some day'' game?
Sorry, I am not American. The only game I play is football.

>> No.18344285

What about Flannery O'Connor? She's the only female author I've ever read and liked, and she has a special place on my shelf next to Faulkner, Melville, and McCarthy

>> No.18344289

>Shelley wrote about the fruit of her cunt. Austen wrote about the crustiness of hers. The Brontë sisters wrote of the mustiness of their own
These are all enormous leaps that only make sense if you start from the assumption that women only write about their cunts

>> No.18344291

When you let women teach men episode 125

>> No.18344294

>tries to be a smart arse contrarian with freudian tier pseudoanalysis
You sure showed me. God I hate that they gave the disabled internet.


>> No.18344301

The only art that is worth dissecting and implementing its lessons on your life is definitely not aimed at women.

>> No.18344303

People simply don't want white men to tell them that the Democratic Party is a bunch of racist thugs. That's the truth, and that is a narrative that corresponds to the experience of many white men in the United States in the United Kingdom in Western Europe.
When the bad guys are buying books, when they are using books to organize violent political repression targeting white men, they aren't willing to hear a story that illustrates their crimes.

>> No.18344307


>> No.18344315
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>> No.18344320

The light at the end of the tunnel, at least for me, is a plan to force the government to halt the violent political repression of the democratic party in the USA and the liberal party in the United Kingdom. I think it's important to give people hope and to give people a concrete plan for resisting the left and their political violence.

>> No.18344343

Poetry is only good when said poet is capable of other works. Poetry is short, it does not take a great deal of time, it allows for a great deal of articulation in short order. Modern poetry alone is not a mark of greatness - and I must distinguish modern poetry from 'all poetry', because one now has such easy access to writing media that we don't usually need the epics of yore.

Even Shakespeare's poetry is dull and lifeless compared to his plays.

>These are all enormous leaps that only make sense if you start from the assumption that women only write about their cunts
Sounds like you've got cunt-brain. It's only curable with castration.

I'm unfamiliar with her works, I took a look up, and almost dismayed when I saw "A Good Man Is Hard To Find" (which one could think very easily is cunt-lit), but then saw it called "The Artficial Nigger and Other Tales", so I guess it's something else/more?

>> No.18344345
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Imagine being a woman and believing this. Everyday I wake up proud to be gay

>> No.18344357

It's because all women wake up with a false sense of superiority over all men because they have a cunt. They are all raised to be misandrists.

>> No.18344375

The FBI really needs to up their game. No one is going to fall for this slop.

>> No.18344380

HOLY CHINESE PSYOP BATMAN. The Chinese are active on /lit/ because they understand that we're the intelligent board and so they do a very interesting technique, rather than carve out and say "Let's kill those fuckers." They project violence to cause it.

Repent. I have had to swat down your bullshit before and I'll do it again.

>> No.18344402

Look, murdering the leadership of the Democratic party isn't possible unless people are intimidated enough by the murderers to stay at home and sit tight.
If we murder the leadership of the Democratic party now, then there will be riots. The issue is breaking the will of people to defend the Democratic party as a moral ideal.
The challenge is making people see that the democrats are violent thugs that don't deserve freedom.

>> No.18344409

No, it’s simply that cultural arts like literature, theatre, are supported by the state and the culture broadly elsewhere. That’s not the case in America. As a result, it’s all up to the string pullers in publishing and editing.

>> No.18344411

What the fuck is up with the schizos in this thread?

>> No.18344415

Oh it's a bot. Check this out fellas.
How do we solve the blacks?

>> No.18344414 [DELETED] 

Look yourself in the mirror and repeat ten times:

>> No.18344417

>contributed to the idea that a sinister cabal of woke power mongers will cancel you if you dissent."
There's better reasons to believe that this exists than that it doesn't.

>> No.18344421

Self publishing will be the saving grace of 21st century literature since publishing companies are pretty much all in on the white guilt shakedown

>> No.18344426

Mods, jannies, please delete this thread. It's turned into an FBI honeypot.

>> No.18344437

You have the mindset of a 82 IQ boomer from Iowa. This isn't even pseud shit, this is just plainly unintelligent. How did you even find your way here?

>> No.18344447

> standing up to violent bullies is schizo
no, it just takes courage and planning and leverage
violent bullies like the Democratic Party and the Liberal Party appear so strong that people think it's insane to stand up to them
it isn't insane, but it does entail changing the way people think, and many people don't know how to do that

>> No.18344451


>> No.18344464

Ordering the FBI to put an end to the violent political repression of the Democratic party doesn't turn this thread into an "FBI honeypot"
This thread consists of ideas for helping the FBI to control the Democratic party. Stop being hysterical.
The Democratic party is a violent terrorist organization and a threat to ordinary people. The FBI needs tools to protect people from the Democratic Party. We are helping the FBI find those tools.

>> No.18344466

Anons, are these posts illegal? I am tempted to report the man responsible, but I don't want to get banned for a misclassified report.

>> No.18344468
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fucking irish are literally sending their leprechauns

>> No.18344484

pretty fuckin wild to enter a thread that begins with ”where are all the young male novelists?” and the latest reply is ”look, if we murder the democratic party leadership...”

>> No.18344485

Many members of persecuted groups have managed to create good literature throughout history

>> No.18344489 [DELETED] 

If Congress changes the law to bless the murder of the leadership of the Democratic Party and Liberal Party, then such activities will be legal. I'm talking about clearing a legal pathway to protect people from these violent terrorist organizations.

>> No.18344501
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Gutenberg.org is a Godsend.

>> No.18344523

The Democratic Party tried to destroy the hopes and dreams of a generation of young white men. Do you see how these topics are connected?
Democratic Party is to white men as the Nazi Party is to jews.
This is about a doctrine of racist hatred. The Democrats know that they are guilty of promoting hatred of white males.
The Democratic Party has the blood of white men on its hands.

>> No.18344536

Women used to rely on male pen-names in order to get published. It's interesting that now it's the opposite, and in many genres men writing under female pen-names is the norm (romance for example). We're seeing a heavy thesis-antithesis historical movement here.

>> No.18344537


>> No.18344555

Elena Ferrante is rumoured to be a dude.

>> No.18344563

> I'm afraid to stand up to bullies
if you lack courage, that's your problem
if you try to spread your own lack of courage, you're trying to take your problem and give other people the same problem
you see how you aren't helping??
stop being a pest and figure out how to get leverage
do the research, learn the organizational structure of democrat and liberal operations, and publish material concerning ways to hack, halt, disrupt, and end such operations
give people hope
do the work
stop being lazy

>> No.18344565
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Wrong board.

>> No.18344572

>One could argue Dickinson understood her craft better than any of her contemporaries, men included.

You don't know her contemporaries very well, then. Maybe you mean her American contemporaries?
She was a contemporary of Hopkins, Carducci, Verlaine, Baudelaire, Rimbaud, and, most importantly, Mallarmé. I am not convinced that she was a better poet than Whitman, Emerson, Tennyson, Browning, Rossetti.
But I agree that her poetry is quite good.

>> No.18344577

Women are reading fiction in much greater quantities and other women are supplying the novels they want to read. Women want to read books written from a woman's perspective. Men only have themselves to blame for this because they don't read novels.

>The idea that fiction is a female domain is taken for granted by most people involved in books' design. Women are fiction's life support system – buying 80% of all novels


>> No.18344579

This board is not a place for democrats to organize violent political repression. Suggesting that this board is a safe haven for terrorists is in poor taste.

>> No.18344597

Do the deranged who function by sports team politics really think that Republicans being in power will be a huge boon for literature? The American right happily ceded all the arts to the left because they think art is for faggots. I think North America is just kind of fucked.

>> No.18344608

The two legal prongs that constitute incitement of imminent lawless action are as follows:

Advocacy of force or criminal activity does not receive First Amendment protections if (1) the advocacy is directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action, and (2) is likely to incite or produce such action.

>> No.18344613

She was a better poet than all of those except Rimbaud and Mallarmé. And you haven't actually read Carducci.

>> No.18344622

Incitement is bullshit. You can write fiction that do both (1) and (2) and the Supreme Court just has to sit there an take it.
You can't pretend that whatever paranoid schizo garbage a politician shat out his butthole is law because anti-Constitutional laws will be challenged and struck down by higher courts.
So just because a legislature passed a piece of garbage doesn't mean its law. It isn't law until its tested.
tl;dr court-untested legislative garbage isn't law

>> No.18344629

You should have added another paragraph listing some of the ways democrats have broken the law by inciting violence. Are they in jail? Nope. Were they charged? Nope.
Democrats openly and flagrantly promote violence against their political opponents, yet law enforcement does nothing.
When will this end?

>> No.18344640

She wasn't. Her diction is mostly derivative from the Bible, her images can be either great or cliché, her rhythms are not particularly atypical most of the time, and her punctuation is interesting, but there were better experiments being done at the same time (notably free verse, sprung rhythm, etc.)

And why do you say I haven't read Carducci?

>> No.18344646

Didn't read beyond the title.
I don't care anon. Writing isn't about becoming popular or recognised.
When people with some sense get into the right positions, the right works will get published. Now's just not the time.

>> No.18344665

someone should publish this thread, print out thousands of leaflets, and fly a Cessna over Demoratic-controlled districts and do a leaflet drop
We should simply conduct psychological operations against the Democratic party.

>> No.18344678

Libdems have always been a laughable nonentity

>> No.18344686

I think you should understand the recent decision of the Republican party to halt the teaching of history in the following light: violent thugs misuse the knowledge they have, so they don't deserve it.
The Democratic Party used history to conduct violent terrorist operations against the American people. It knew that the history of slavery would enable violent thugs to target the political opponents of the Democratic Party.
Violent thugs don't deserve history because they use it to disrupt society.

>> No.18344688

I’m trying to imagine being this dumb, and I can’t. It’s like trying to imagine being a hunter-gatherer or a soldier for ISIS or an anchorite. Or an animal. Must be cool.

>> No.18344701

N-no! You're dumb!

Fuck off you inarticulate cunt, and squeeze out another dope nobody wants to raise.

>> No.18344709

I don't think I care for Democratic or Republican party.

>> No.18344720

>And why do you say I haven't read Carducci?
Because in my entire life the only person I've met that liked Carducci was my old Greek teacher who was convinced that the Odi Barbare was a work of genius because of the gimmick of reproducing greek metric in the italian of the period. It's painfully obvious that he's a second rate poet even in the tradition of italian poetry, especially if you compare him to his predecessors and successors: Leopardi, Montale, Ungaretti, even fucking D'Annunzio wrote better stuff and you wouldn't put him up there with the likes of Dickinson, Mallarmé and Baudelair had you actually read him.

>> No.18344727

Most award winning books these days seem to be about everyday life etc. e.g. a novel about a single mother coping with her shitty life. I'd rather read a sci-fi novel instead which is more out there

>> No.18344736

>Comme tout ce qui est absolument beau, la poésie force l’admiration ; mais cette admiration sera lointaine, vague, — bête, elle sort de la foule. Grâce à cette sensation générale, une idée inouïe et saugrenue germera dans les cervelles, à savoir, qu’il est indispensable de l’enseigner dans les colléges, et irrésistiblement, comme tout ce qui est enseigné à plusieurs, la poésie sera abaissée au rang d’une science. Elle sera expliquée à tous également, égalitairement, car il est difficile de distinguer sous les crins ébouriffés de quel écolier blanchit l’étoile sibylline.
>On multiplie les éditions à bon marché des poëtes, et cela au consentement et au contentement des poëtes. Croyez-vous que vous y gagnerez de la gloire, ô rêveurs, ô lyriques ? Quand l’artiste seul avait votre livre, coûte que coûte, eût-il dû payer de son dernier liard la dernière de vos étoiles, vous aviez de vrais admirateurs. Et maintenant cette foule qui vous achète pour votre bon marché vous comprend-elle ? Déjà profanés par l’enseignement, une dernière barrière vous tenait au-dessus de ses désirs, — celle des sept francs à tirer de la bourse, — et vous culbutez cette barrière, imprudents ! Ô vos propres ennemis, pourquoi (plus encore par vos doctrines que par le prix de vos livres, qui ne dépend pas de vous seuls) encenser et prêcher vous-mêmes cette impiété, la vulgarisation de l’art ! Vous marcherez donc à côté de ceux qui, effaçant les notes mystérieuses de la musique, — cette idée se pavane par les rues, qu’on ne rie pas, — en ouvrent les arcanes à la cohue, ou de ces autres qui la propagent à tout prix dans les campagnes, contents que l’on joue faux, pourvu que l’on joue. Qu’arrivera-t-il un jour, le jour du châtiment ? Vous aussi, l’on vous enseignera comme ces grands martyrs, Homère, Lucrèce, Juvénal !

>> No.18344737
File: 73 KB, 722x1024, bf8353e7308659875ec28b0134d70cdc45281ac9_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Americans think the world revolves around them and their school of thought, this goes for Americans both on the left and the right. Notice how now one else in this thread will take notice to your post but will instead keep circle-jerking about how everything is the fault of the Democrats and the left. No one on this site is interested in discussion anymore, it's all about circle-jerking about how their political ideology from the late 19th century is superior to their enemy, another political ideology from the late 19th century and how right and just they are, they're not interested in having a nuanced discussion tackling actual problems.

>> No.18344740

french is sexy language

>> No.18344743

The novel was always a form by women for women, with the exception of a brief anomalous period in the late 19th and early 20th century. Men read and write poetry.

>> No.18344750

>Is literature a woman's world now?

No. shlocky YA fiction is tho.

>> No.18344759

You are more obsessed with women than any straight man on this board. You think about cunts 24/7.

>> No.18344760

>we should have a /spg/ self-publishing general thread regularly
I wish. But it seems like no one here has any idea how to, beyond jewmazon

>> No.18344775

Do you have literally any refutation to my points? Any examples of great women throughout history as theologians, authors, writers, speakers? No? That's because even the great women of the past, 'great rulers', were hedonists of entitlement.

>> No.18344782

I kind of agree with you, but generally speaking, you have to realize too that this kind of literary publishing determinism is a fallacy. Good, great work, is overlooked and buried all the time. However, most of the power lies in the hands of the author himself and whether he indefatigably pursues the publication of his work despite stacking rejections.

>t. Traditionally published white male author (but gay schizo, so there's my diversity points I used— if you don't have diversity points, you're genuinely hopeless ngl)

>> No.18344790

anglos get fucked by their own cultural bullshit

>> No.18344791
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I've long suspected Ferrante of being a pseudonym and I haven't even read the books yet lol

>pic related

>> No.18344792

Art happens
or it doesn't

>> No.18344796

Start your own publishing house.

>> No.18344797

Literature is a dead, low stakes art form. Talented men are programmers, youtube vloggers, bankers, esports players, videogame programmers, etc. Art forms rise and fall, deal with it.

>> No.18344802
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Make a manifesto and go on a rampage. Then, the MSM will advertise your book for you. If you want to be heard, go the extra mile. Blend life and art.

>> No.18344803

He had a better knowledge of poetic technique. As had Tennyson, too.
You praised Dickinson for her craft. I don't see what's so special about it. Her salient quality for me is her imagery.

>> No.18344808

>video game programers
Work on your bait anon.

>> No.18344815

I think they see it as the lesser of two evils

>> No.18344839

I legitimately would if I had the capital for it

>> No.18344852

Sorry, ((woman))

>> No.18344854
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I wish
Same, I 'd love to start my own magazine too

>> No.18344855

Use ingramspark. Populates to every online store in existence and is not beholden to Amazon

>> No.18344857

>jewish person
>changes their name to an anglicised name
>"I'm white"
>white people are bad
>"I'm a jew!"
>jews are worse
>then why did you change your name

>> No.18344867

Pool it together with your fellow /lit/izens.

>> No.18344869

Name one good work written in the last 20 years

>> No.18344877

Thanks for the recommendation, anon

>> No.18344891

I guess /lit/ could crowdfund the seed money for an actual publishing house, but I don't see that happening ever. Besides, how many people do we even have on /lit/? I know it's not a slow board per se, but I feel like it's just a lot of regulars, and that the total number of unique users is less than you'd think

>> No.18344900

The Road...I think that’s about it

>> No.18344907

>Frankenstein is a boohoo pity party about Percy not paying her enough attention in pregnancy.
Hmm I’ve never thought about it in this way

>> No.18344913

You'll never get anywhere if you don't try. To never act out of the fear of failure is worse than to try and fail.

>> No.18344917

Based and beyond the trouble of women.

>> No.18344920

It has large passages about how worn out, tired, and spent Victor was after making his creation. It illustrates the depths of post partum depression as he hates his creation. A man even nurses Frankenstein back to health - not to mention that, as expected from a woman not understand male relationships, the way she writes Frankenstein's thoughts on his mentor make him seem outright homosexual for the man.

>> No.18344922
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Do you know much it costs to publish physical or how to even go about it? I've seen a few indie publishers pop up on Twitter and there is even that /lit/ quarterly i think's still going...

>> No.18344932

Publishing physical isn't terribly expensive the harder thing is listing it for purchase somewhere

>> No.18344967

>He had a better knowledge of poetic technique.
He sure did. He composed very pretty odes, probably the prettiest of the period (in italian, at least), but he was nothing more than somebody who worked in the narrow classicist tastes of his time and place and that's not nearly enough to put him in the same league as geniuses who left a distinctive mark on the whole of medium poetry such as Baudelaire.
>You praised Dickinson for her craft.
That wasn't me. I don't think the distinction you're operating between craft and imagery (substance/form?) is a particularly good way to understand poetry, or art in general, but I don't really wanna talk about it.

>> No.18344968
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it's an exciting thing to think about
i would actually put money down if i could get enough good advice on how to go about it all,
like who do i contact to actually print the book/magazine and stuff idk

>> No.18344977


It's been game over for ten years, OP. Unless you are black.

>> No.18345004

I only know about self-publishing personal material. I'm pretty sure serial publications are almost entirely migrating online, I don't think traditional publishing something like that would even be cost-effective. You'd have to hock it at a street market or something and I don't even know how licensing other people's work for your publication would go.

>> No.18345019

Depends on your market. YA fiction gatekeepers are particularly toxic, and even if you make it through all the editorial "sensitivity reader" bullshit the bar is very low for you to get cancelled and pulped for contrived reasons.

>> No.18345042

Imagery is not really a part of the craft per se. You can compose a poem without any imagery. For instance:

''Oh, father,
please save me from sorrow
and forgive my enemies,
you who are what you are,

That poem has no definite images. If I had spent more than 10 seconds on it, I could have given it rhyme, meter, perhaps even some beautiful sound correspondences, i.e., good craftsmanship, but no images.
However, I could also write prose with rich imagery, but total lack of the craft of verse.

Now, of course, poetry is different from craft. A great translator may be bad at poetry, but great at craft, for instance. Flaubert may not have been a superior verse-craftsman, but he was a great poet in his prose.
I'd say Carducci was a superior craftsman, while Dickinson was a superior poet.

>> No.18345047

It's getting to where the right is anything the left isn't.

>> No.18345058

>we need to murder the leadership of the Democratic party because democrats are violent thugs
Take your meds.

>> No.18345064


>> No.18345076


>> No.18345083

>Be me
>Want to write novel
>Realize Western civilization is a husk in the middle of a cultural suicide
>Realize that if I write my novel in English, it too will be sucked into the West's destruction
>Settle on Chinese as my language of choice for my writing
I'll write my novel, but first I must learn a language

>> No.18345113

>be me
>want to write novel
>realize im a fag
>piss and whine on the internet hate machine instead

>> No.18345131

Seethe all you like, my work will be on the level of Homer. I have the plot all planned out, it's just the language which needs to be learned so I can write it.

>> No.18345141

>Women dominate modern fiction after being affirmative actioned into it
>The top novels of all time are still all written by men
This will go down in history as the age of mediocre writing and hopefully we'll look back and also acknowledge it's because women can't write.

>> No.18345144

>be me
>want to write novel
>poos pants
>flings faeces

>> No.18345145

Literature is inherently a feminine medium so yes.

>> No.18345149

>he's not going to write the novel of the millennium in his native language, the language of the cultural that is currently suiciding itself, he's going to try to write it poorly in the language of the victor

biggest of oofs, extreme brainlet detected

>> No.18345155

same thing could be said of every Irish writer ;)

>> No.18345181

>Such a raging incel he refuses to read some of the most esteemed writers in the canon because they were born without dicks
>Can't even appreciate poetry
Jesus Christ when did this board become a breeding ground for low IQ troglodytes like this?

Get off the board and unironically kys.

>> No.18345195

nobody reads them either

>> No.18345197

When a ship is scuttling, there is little point in remaining on board.

>> No.18345208

>When a ship is scuttling, there is little point in remaining on board.
t. internal threat rubbing its hands and opening to city gates to the invading moors

>> No.18345260
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Why don't we start our own online publisher?
I've always thought that we should start a movement, but movements are a bad idea, because they tend to restrict artistic freedom. However, publishing houses are not like that. They're just a vehicle.
We could create a website for people to send in their manuscripts, and put the books on sale at Amazon or something. We'd need *good* readers, donations, a small percentage from the book sales, and so on.
It would be kind of a voluntary job at first. We'd read the books, discard the bad ones, suggest modifications to the good ones, establish a small reputation as a label for serious literature, or at least for literature that attempts to be serious and does not kneel to contemporary fashion. We'd spam the books a little, so as to promote our authors and our label.
Translations of rare, unpublished works in public domain would be a great idea to start building a fine reputation. And we could help by offering native English speakers (not me) to polish the prose. The translator himself could personally pay a ''polisher'' with, like, 50 bucks. Let us not be greedy.

If 10-20 people get interested, I think it could work. (Though it probably cannot, and I am just being delirious as usual.)

>> No.18345288

The only reason to use a paid print-on-demand publisher is for access to advertising. No writer would go for someone inchoate when they can just put it on Amazon themselves.

>> No.18345540

I'm sure there are people interested but you have to get the ball rolling and be persistent.

>> No.18345602

Not really.
The idea is to create a center through which other people can find your books. At the beginning it would be nonsense, but later on, if the project works, /lit/books could become a well-regarded avant-garde publisher of international authors, and people would want their works to be associated with it, just like they do with New Directions, or Farrar, Strauss & Giroux, or the Dalkey Press. It could work.
The problem, of course, would be to find the initial good authors. That would be difficult, so translations would be the best option...
Anyway, it's probably all nonsense.

>> No.18345788
File: 117 KB, 468x468, D169BBBA-F903-4581-8105-2DF24B29BC3E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

people with any worthwhile artistic qualities/leanings left this board half a decade ago. there’s barely anyone here interested in engaging with contemporary literature, or even willing to give it a fair chance. this is a self-help board now, for gamers who discovered dostoyevsky two days ago, or pure misanthropes in need of a quick azquotes soundbite to justify whatever shitty fantasies they have fermenting in their heads

and even *if* there were decent writers around why the fuck would they want to associate themselves with this sad shithole that eternally plays out the imagined battle for westurn civilisayshun that occurred in 2016? unless, of course, you plan to publish the likes of ”raw egg nationalist” and other late-to-the-party grifters

>> No.18345856

Women bought more books by volume for decades. It's a poor correlation when we're talking novels, not just mystery and porn schlock.

>> No.18346007

I'm a right wingers bud, you're just obviously glowing.

>> No.18346038

Right winger, bud*

>> No.18346039


>> No.18346056

Only the pussy-deprived believe this. Those of us swimming in pussy treat it as stimulating as oatmeal.

>> No.18346527

I just ignore them and try to dedicate my time to more creative pursuits. It's pointless to hate them, I don't know what it's like to be a woman but I'm sure it'd be hard not to be tempted to use the gifts you were given to get ahead. Don't forget that they're easily influenced by society and are seemingly forced to fall in line or face becoming an outcast in their female circles(hell for women) and it's easy to understand why they behave that way. Still don't respect them though, and I never will.

>> No.18346590
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your post glows in the dark, and you sound like you're either unmedicated or a teenager. Party doesn't matter, politicians are tools of the rich as they've always been. Good luck arguing about taking away someones freedom in Burgerland, you'll get no where. Just go live your life anon, better than larping on a internet fish forum.

>> No.18346944

game of thrones based?? goddamn

>> No.18347184

Why you still here?

>> No.18347387

You're nowhere near as cool and profound as you think you are. Grow up.

>> No.18347406
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Not really. Men practically invented and have continually innovated and at times and in ways nearly perfected the modern narrative form. It will always belong to us in some way.