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[ERROR] No.18338268 [Reply] [Original]

Where do I start with this FtM cutie?

>> No.18338282

there are real ftm writers? and he looks pretty handsome? impossible.
i know poppy brite (exquisite corpse) trooned out but "he" ended up looking like a fat incel.

>> No.18338293
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>mfw cvmgenus real identity is actually paul preciado

>> No.18338319
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The golden age of FtMs is coming bruh. We've seen only the experimental phase

>> No.18338738

i know, fella, im one of them. must be vanity, but i deem mtfs a downgrade, a meek and recessive constant limitation, while in ftms like myself (not counting fujoshis or trender people) there is a hermaphroditic schizo virility
not going to be a "real man" but i can live pretty much like one. good enough

>> No.18338755

based fellow ftmbro

>> No.18338783

are all litftms into traditional but not exactly macho masculinity, like that of the greeks and academics, and also less intellectual chaddy writers?
i try to hold myself up to the classical standard - there are many classical male archetypes to choose from.

>> No.18338836
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George Sand, pic rel8ed...

>> No.18338859

she was a frivolous high iq tomboy from what i gather

>> No.18338938

Why would I bother? I would absolutely gobsmacked if this woman wrote anything, ever that wasn’t just a thinly veiled political statement. I’m so tired of listening to propaganda, and I don’t care about this weeks hot new propagandist.

>> No.18338994


>> No.18339652
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Indeed. I'm glad I liberated myself from feminity. I have male friends now and a gf. I deeply admire men like Montaigne and Milton now

>> No.18339710

Testo Junky is supposed to be quite good, and so is his book on Playboy architecture

>> No.18339802
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I'm a Whitman-esque man myself. I like to be considered an Adam

>> No.18340813

Damn it, I love being a FtM

>> No.18340832

Fart to mouth

>> No.18340833

honestly, I can at least relate to a FtM on an intellectual level, understand their motivations and shit, and I guess I have no problem with it. It’s really only the guys who are men already, have all the opportunities and benefits associated with that, that I just find unbelievably stupid and narcissistic and pathetic. Just in case you were wondering.

t. an actual, legitimate bigot

>> No.18341512


>> No.18341536

Testo Junkie

>> No.18341557

Testo Junkie is fucked up. Discord Trannies convinced me to read it - mistake. Gross both in content and misreading of other philosophers (Foucault especially)

>> No.18341586
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This will be dropping pretty soon. Something something pissing French psychoanalysts off, they boo her off the stage.

>> No.18341609

based.. testosterone made my misogyny far stronger. it's not even about mmuh priviledge and superiority - i believe feminity is inherent and masculinity requires constant effort.
performative feminity (makeup, female hobbies, acting like a fragile bitch) are almost universally unlikeable and dont make you a woman. inherent masculinity (having a penis, etc) is nothing without the work of your will, making you an unpleasant man.

>> No.18341846

Tell me more. What changes did you see in your body? In your voice? In your interactions with women?

>> No.18341872

most people notice a curious mismatch between my baby face and deep voice. i have decent muscling, body hair, and slightly tougher skin. sweating smells like a military barrack and underpants kinda smell like balls - all the usual hormonal changes
it's really better with women because they either ignore me or act like with a guy friend. female friendship past highschool is usually vapid. best part is doing my regular shit without drawing attention, and not being viewed as a potential partner, except by an occasional homo who readily accepts a rejection because they don't feel entitled to a good response
and i understand virtuos male characters like never before

>> No.18341907

And your interactions with men?

>> No.18341957

fine. im in a pretty homophobic country and never get shit for looking juvenile and somewhat soft, at most a good-natured joke. i've always been in male circles and it feels great to not be regarded as a special, a lesser one, an oddity to conquer.
for mtfs adapting to the new reception must be a struggle, but for regular ftms it's just normal

>> No.18341997
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Thanks a lot, man

>> No.18342015

>for regular ftms it's just normal
as the actual bigot you responded to, I fell it's my duty to tell you the men you speak with don't regard you as normal. they're not retarded, they know damn well what your deal is. it's that they're men, they don't give a fuck as long as you're not in their way, they don't like gossip. don't want to spit on you, but if you want to be a man you should know this is what it's about: you're a piece of shit, and no one gives a damn, and so on...

>> No.18342033

>calls himself a bigot
>it's just edgy

Many such cases!

>> No.18342062

if you're this sensitive of a little bitch irl you're defnintely not passing at all lol

>> No.18342080
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Stop projecting, dude

>> No.18342142

>can't even figure out a vagina makes her a girl
>but listen to what she has to say/think
i unironically shiggy. what do you actually think you could glen of real worth from someone who's entire persona is enabled by a manufactured atmosphere of coddling? this person's very being would become undone by a long vacation without their favorite grooming implements, let alone an actual universal experience of social worth. you might as well listen closely to the opinions of autistic manchildren who spend all their time fantasizing about cartoon women and-- oh... wait... nevermind...

>> No.18342375

>they're not retarded, they know damn well what your deal is.
i don't live on a neoliberal campus, most people don't know ftms exist. both poltards and /lgbttttt/ users way overestimate the extent to which normies scrutinize the sexual aspects of people they're not trying to fuck
99% of normies will trust the first impression and not think back to it

>> No.18342399

Don't worry. To all who have marred themselves: He will for forgive you.

>> No.18342426

again, I feel obligated to inform you that people are not retarded.
the term FtM may be new, but the idea is old. you know what the song lola was about, right? most of the people you think are old and out-of-touch know more than you'd ever care to, and when they see you they recognize the features of a woman, and they recognize the opaque desires you wear on your sleeve. they humor you because they're men, and men (in public) respect woman.
if you think you present as a man on your first impression, you're fooling yourself, unless you bench 500 and have a full beard, which I doubt is the case.

>> No.18342453

it's usually the women who act all kind and talk shit behind your back the moment you leave. men, especially in non-pozzed countries, will express dislike openly - they have zero obligations to act nice with you

>> No.18342464

>they have zero obligations to act nice with you
of course they do: there's a woman in the crowd (you) so they have to behave themselves.
I know you think you're privy to what goes on in the boy's club-- even some straight women think they are-- but you're not. a lot of fucking men aren't even privy to it.
sorry kid but you're wrong and I know because I've got a dick. best of luck to you anyway

>> No.18342476

>He will for forgive you

/lit/ at its full potential

>> No.18342486

>there's a woman in the crowd (you) so they have to behave themselves
men are never assed to play pretend with unattractive or undesirable women.

>> No.18342491

LOL I fucking WISH this were true. what do you think a wingman is

>> No.18343818


>> No.18343856


>> No.18343883

>Willingly turning yourself into a manlet

Bruh moment

>> No.18343919

no one said it's going to be easy.

>> No.18344148

Manlet > tallest woman

>> No.18344422

>The Times deputy books editor, James Marriott, had to deactivate his Twitter account for a while last year because of the vilification hurled at him for writing a feature noting the lack of young male novelists these days. Undaunted, two weeks ago the Observer ran a feature titled "How women conquered the world of fiction."
>Its author, Johanna Thomas Corr, didn't receive the same attacks as Marriott but others quoted in the piece did. Nor publisher Hannah Westland, who openly acknowledged that "If a really good novel by a writer lands on my desk, I do genuinely say to myself, this will be more difficult to publish," or publisher Sharmaine Lovegrove, who agreed that "men don't get a look-in" (Bookseller's news archive shoes that of 77 debut novels featured last year, 7 were by men).
>No, the recipients of abuse were more predictable. "Some of the men quoted in this very good article should be ashamed of themselves," said novelist James Smythe, while fellow author Sam Myers, who appeared in the piece, complained about other men quoted being anonymous:
>"The refusal to comment openly... contributed to the idea that a sinister cabal of woke power mongers will cancel you if you dissent." Perish the thought!
>Byers responded to Marriott's piece last year by denouncing one of the interviewees as a "fuckwit" and Smythe said the Times should be "fucking ashamed of themselves" for publishing "misogyny."

Imagine the nightmare that is waking up everyday sharing the same sex as the female gender

>> No.18344578
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>Miltonum passim Catamitum vocat aitque eum in Italia vilissimum fuisse scortum & paucis nummis nates prostituisse

Don't blow your cover: Milton isn't as masculine as you think. And, of course, YWNBAM.

>> No.18345433


>> No.18345966

Nice thread

>> No.18346743

This sounds based

>> No.18347015


>> No.18347747
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>> No.18347774
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>and he looks pretty handsome
"he" looks like cumgenius, and that's not a good thing

>> No.18347786

You will never be a real man

>> No.18347892

You'll never be anything more than tolerated by those around you

>> No.18348075

You know you've stuck a nerve when they start projecting their oddly specific social anxieties on to completely anonymous posters. Go do whatever the equivalent of dilating is for your skin-graft frankenpenis

>> No.18348394

she just looks like a girl in a suit, nothing FtM about her no matter how much she says it. It's obviously just a marketing ploy.

>> No.18348415

Ever notice how FtMs always have some cartoonish over-the-top superficial understanding of masculinity? Like they think dressing up in a denim jacket and smoking a cigarette is how they come off as masculine, it's very very cringe.

>> No.18348459

Some libshit bitch in our friendgroup dated one and all it would talk about is beer. Cringe person

>> No.18349136
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>this thread

Males will never know the gift that is masculinity

>> No.18349295
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>> No.18349298

>You know you've stuck a nerve when they start projecting their oddly specific social anxieties on to completely anonymous posters
says the feller that's insecure about masculinity
i dont care if i get called this or that if i live up to my own ideals

>> No.18349589


>> No.18349685

>says the feller that's insecure about masculinity
What? FtMs will never be real men, simple as. Fetishes are not ideals