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File: 219 KB, 412x560, Wagner 1871.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18334869 No.18334869 [Reply] [Original]

>in his yearning after "German glory" the German, as a rule, can dream of nothing but a sort of resurrection of the Romish Kaiser-Reich, and the thought inspires the most good-tempered German with an unmistakable lust of mastery, a longing for the upper hand over other nations.
What books will explain the German lust for power?

>> No.18334870

Aww sweet another fucking Wagner thread -.-

>> No.18334873

Nationalism is synonymous with Sociopathy.

>> No.18334887


>> No.18334984
File: 29 KB, 850x400, 29E6544B-5823-4EB7-A905-2534805D8582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Actually evolutionarily speaking it equates with selflessness and altruism.

>> No.18335036

Guess what: in spite of reddit faggots like Voltaire people actually liked the HRE and living in it

>> No.18335558

brown hands typed these words

>> No.18335559

>evolutionarily speaking

>> No.18335578

>channels his closeted faggotry into becoming the greatest ruler in history, debates with Enlightenment philosophers and BTFO'ing Machiavelli
yep, I'm thinking he was based

>> No.18335585

Any abstraction i do not like synonyms with sociopathy.

>> No.18335611

Wagner is trash.

>> No.18335654
File: 385 KB, 951x1390, wagner-richard-2251813-1321883-german-composer-portrait-profile-after-photograph-wood-engraving-by-adolf-neumann-19th-century-XAM8XB.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Would it be cringe if a wore a hat like that to cover up my receding hairline?

>> No.18336196

You're trash.

>> No.18336886
File: 6 KB, 250x242, 1411289422076s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Le problem?

>> No.18337370

Based hat

>> No.18337474

So what do the big Wagner fans here think of The Flying Dutchman

>> No.18337487

>greatest ruler in history
lol you have shit taste and you're retarded

>> No.18337502

now what about the lust for refugee BBC?

>> No.18337554

only if you lack the chin to go with it.

>> No.18337581

For the means available to him he may have been

>> No.18337780

Auf den Marmorklippen by Ernst Jünger and especially Nietzsche stuff. Thus spoke Zarathustra for example.

>> No.18338530

Why are Germans like that? Is it just a memetic inferiority complex?

>> No.18338731
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>> No.18338778

Superiority complex.

>> No.18338810

Superiority over what?

>> No.18338825


>> No.18338828

Germans invented the idea of conquering and are the only civilization to ever conquer other nations.

>> No.18338921

BASED wtf i love neetza now

>> No.18338932
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>> No.18338943

i believe that germans and jews are somehow deeply intertwined and in a constant struggle to see who can be the most evil race on the earth. both believe they are chosen by God and that the world rightfully belongs to their own race alone. there have been plenty of good Germans, but he vast vast majority have been white kikes essentially.

>> No.18338944
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>> No.18338955
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>> No.18338963

Anglo cope and sneethe

>> No.18338966

woah he's just like me!

>> No.18338992

He was a masturbating cuck faggot like all of us.

>> No.18339093

Wagner is such a fag lmao

>> No.18339133

This is unironically the same conclusion I've reached. I've known tons of Germans over the years, and even when they're your friends for decades, they'll still never actually listen to you in any regard or give any weight to your opinions. Jews became such an ingrained part of Germany because they were similar. They both have this same autism that stems from an inferiority complex, and they seethe so much that they in turn hate the entirety of creation and wish to turn and twist it all to fit their way of thinking. Roaches are their retarded cousins. Truly a bewildering case. I don't know why Germans specifically are like that, as neither the surrounding countries nor the Nordics to the North have this mentality.

>> No.18339255

Extremely cringe and butthurt post

>> No.18339270
File: 99 KB, 974x1200, gigchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The friendly doctor undoubtedly possesses an authority denied to the doctoring friend.

>> No.18339320

interesting that you have come to this conclusion due to anecdotal evidence, because i've never actually even met a German, i've simply picked up on this idea from studying history. it seems to me that the division of Charlemagne's empire was a lot like the division of the Roman empire, where the eastern half went on with more legal legitimacy, but degenerated spiritually, while the western half of each grew into something new, the western half of the Roman empire itself growing into Charlemagne's empire, then Charlemagne's western half growing into France while the eastern half remained legalistically continuous to the Holy Roman Empire which he founded in everything but official name. then we see west west francia becoming France and also becoming the true defender of the Roman Catholic Church, while eastern francia became the Holy Roman Empire which was basically just a bunch of feudal Germans being degenerate. then on top of all that you get the same thing with France and England where France basically sets up England for success by invading it and taking over the nobility like the Teutons did to the Gauls. then England goes on to have the massive empire. THEN ON TOP OF THAT England founds America which then goes on to become an even more massive empire by virtue of power and influence if not by concrete territory alone. meanwhile the whole time this is going on Germany is still sperging out about being da real romans n sheeeeiiit. however the anglos really dropped the ball on their empire by having no universal religious quality, which is probably why they lost control so quickly,a nd at the same time there was the whole spanish empire which was basically the Catholic one. in the past 150 years america was flooded with a ton of Catholic people and is now being flooded with mexicans who all still have spanish catholic blood even if it is mixed in with a bunch of savage blood. maybe if this pattern continues we'll somehow end up with a mexican empire over the world, run by all those white supremacist /pol/ shitskins lmao.

>> No.18339340

It's because the Germans have always had an inner tension of opposites which sets it above other peoples, and has lead to both its brilliance and radical nature.

t. Jung

>> No.18339618

Congratulations on taking the time to formulate and type out the most retarded and nonsensical post I've read all week.

>> No.18339664

congratulations on being a normalfag. why don't you go enjoy some such activities as "hanging out with friends," "going on a date with your gf," "watching some television," or "posting on social media?" go on, enjoy!

>> No.18339693

Wouldn't you help a friend who is experiencing sexual frustrations? Nothing gay about helping a bro out.

>> No.18339750


Have fun with your autistic meltdown I guess....

>> No.18339790

i will thank you :^)

>> No.18339818

Indeed, the idea of nations and the nation state is a new development. Before that people usually identified with their ethnic group and religion above a nation.

>> No.18340188
File: 76 KB, 737x506, Jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jung's interpretation of Parsifal:

>From this point of view [that of the Taoist solution to the problem of opposites] it is not so difficult to see what the primordial image was that helped to solve the problem in Wagner’s
Parsifal. Here the suffering is caused by the tension of opposites represented by the Grail and the power of Klingsor, who has taken possession of the holy spear. Under the spell of Klingsor is Kundry, symbolizing the instinctive life-force or libido that Amfortas lacks. Parsifal rescues the libido from the state of restless, compulsive instinctuality, in the first place because he does not succumb to Kundry, and in the second because he does not possess the Grail. Amfortas has the Grail and suffers for it, because he lacks libido. Parsifal has nothing of either, he is nirdvandva, free from the opposites, and is therefore the redeemer, the bestower of healing and renewed vitality, who unites the bright, heavenly, feminine symbol of the Grail with the dark, earthly, masculine symbol of the spear. The death of Kundry may be taken as the liberation of libido from its naturalistic, undomesticated form (cf. the “bull’s shape,” par. 350, n. 93), which falls away as a lifeless husk, while the energy bursts forth as a new stream of life in the glowing of the Grail. By his renunciation of the opposites (unwilling though this was, at least in part), Parsifal caused a blockage of libido that created a new potential and thus made a new manifestation of energy possible. The undeniable sexual symbolism might easily lead to the one-sided interpretation that the union of spear and Grail merely signifies a release of sexuality. The fate of Amfortas shows, however, that sexuality is not the point. On the contrary, it was his relapse into a nature-bound, brutish attitude that was the cause of his suffering and brought about the loss of his power.


>> No.18340200
File: 76 KB, 737x506, Jung.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jung's interpretation of Parsifal:

>From this point of view [that of the Taoist solution to the problem of opposites] it is not so difficult to see what the primordial image was that helped to solve the problem in Wagner’s Parsifal. Here the suffering is caused by the tension of opposites represented by the Grail and the power of Klingsor, who has taken possession of the holy spear. Under the spell of Klingsor is Kundry, symbolizing the instinctive life-force or libido that Amfortas lacks. Parsifal rescues the libido from the state of restless, compulsive instinctuality, in the first place because he does not succumb to Kundry, and in the second because he does not possess the Grail. Amfortas has the Grail and suffers for it, because he lacks libido. Parsifal has nothing of either, he is nirdvandva, free from the opposites, and is therefore the redeemer, the bestower of healing and renewed vitality, who unites the bright, heavenly, feminine symbol of the Grail with the dark, earthly, masculine symbol of the spear. The death of Kundry may be taken as the liberation of libido from its naturalistic, undomesticated form (cf. the “bull’s shape,” par. 350, n. 93), which falls away as a lifeless husk, while the energy bursts forth as a new stream of life in the glowing of the Grail. By his renunciation of the opposites (unwilling though this was, at least in part), Parsifal caused a blockage of libido that created a new potential and thus made a new manifestation of energy possible. The undeniable sexual symbolism might easily lead to the one-sided interpretation that the union of spear and Grail merely signifies a release of sexuality. The fate of Amfortas shows, however, that sexuality is not the point. On the contrary, it was his relapse into a nature-bound, brutish attitude that was the cause of his suffering and brought about the loss of his power.


>> No.18340210

>His seduction by Kundry was a symbolic act, showing that it was not sexuality that dealt him his wound so much as an attitude of nature bound compulsion, a supine submission to the biological urge. This attitude expresses the supremacy of the animal part of our psyche. The sacrificial wound that is destined for the beast strikes the man who is overcome by the beast—for the sake of man’s further development. The fundamental problem, as I have pointed out in Symbols of Transformation, is not sexuality per se, but the domestication of libido, which concerns sexuality only so far as it is one of the most important and most dangerous forms of libidinal expression. If, in the case of Amfortas and the union of spear and Grail, only the sexual problem is discerned, we get entangled in an insoluble contradiction, since the thing that harms is also the thing that heals. Such a paradox is true and permissible only when one sees the opposites as united on a higher plane, when one understands that it is not a question of sexuality, either in this form or in that, but purely a question of the attitude by which every activity, including the sexual, is regulated.

>> No.18340267

>What books will explain the German lust for power?
Cope that they never had a stable nation for centuries. The French, English, Spainish all had normal states for centuries. The only other one that never really had a united country was Italy. Not surprising.

>> No.18340287

>What books will explain the German lust for power?
Maybe the Bible? Does my name Gershon come from my German ancestry? If so, Gershon was the firstborn son of Levi. The Levites' inheritance was to minister before the Lord forever, a position about the other nations.

>> No.18340294
File: 250 KB, 300x450, TIMESAND___Cover_small.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18340775
File: 12 KB, 400x274, Wieland's Parsifal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"The sketch of Parsifal which Wagner read to us recently is filled and permeated with the essence of Christianity . . . I am willing to confess that most of our poets who are regarded as Christian-Catholic stand far behind Wagner in their religious sentiments."
- Franz Liszt

>Wein und Brot des letzten Mahles
>wandelt' einst der Herr des Grales
>durch des Mitleids Liebesmacht
>in das Blut, das er vergoss,
>in den Leib, den dar er bracht'.

>Blut und Leib der heil'gen Gabe
>wandelt heut zu eurer Labe
>sel'ger Tröstung Liebesgeist
>in den Wein, der euch nun floss,
>in das Brot, das heut ihr speist.

>Nehmet vom Briot,
>wandelt es kühn
>zu Leibes Kraft und Stärke;
>treu bis zum Tod;
>fest jedem Mühn,
>zu wirken des Heilands Werke!

>Nehmet vom Wein,
>wandelt ihn neu
>zu Lebens-feurigem Blute,

>froh im Verein,
>zu kämpfen mit seligem Mute!

>Selig im Galuben!
>Selig in Liebe!

>Selig im Liebe!

>Selig im Glauben!



>> No.18342197
