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/lit/ - Literature

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18336170 No.18336170 [Reply] [Original]

What have you bought recently? Also rate my picks desu

>> No.18336232
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0/10 buying from Am*zon

>> No.18336247


implying I’m going to leave my house to get a worse price at a chain bookstore

>> No.18336266

I buy a my books used from Amazon from T*xas-based book sellers. T*xans don't deserve them.

>> No.18336311

>not using a library or zlib
Wow anon, you're bad with money, huh?

>> No.18336343


Not everyone’s a poorfag

>> No.18336456

/lit/ doesn't read. so it just buys books to pretend they read and then shits on other people to deflect from that fact. This is why everyone is trying to insult you in one of these obnoxious internet penis measuring contests instead of actually commenting on your books.

>> No.18336460


>> No.18336468

how do you shut ins even manage to make posts online genuinely impressed you started this thread, good job op!!!!

>> No.18336470

the books i want can't be found in my library because wrongthink

>> No.18336482
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>implying Amazon is the only online seller of books as well as the cheapest
Anon, I...

>> No.18336573

>not wasting money makes you poor
Pretty sure you have that backwards

>> No.18336632
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>> No.18336644
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I bought this after seeing it mentioned in a thread a couple of days back and I love it. Super interesting and actually kinda hilarious.

>> No.18337446
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You really should stop buying from Am*zon though try alibris

>> No.18337680


That Kwaidan cover is really nice

>> No.18337693

>I hate it because it's popular
I hate this part of 4chan so fucking much. I hope you choke on your own vomit.

>> No.18337706
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I usually just pirate ebooks but I figured with his overzealous use of endnotes and such, it may just be easier with physical editions.

>> No.18337728
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Amazon thread?

>> No.18337801

> there isn't a good reason to hate Am*zon
>t. hylic

>> No.18337898

Why don't you support your local (LGBT-friendly) library, anon?

>> No.18337921

I see you have bought my diary desu

>> No.18337925

use abebooks fag

>> No.18338661
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>> No.18338666
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>> No.18338976


Every book is yellowed and smells like an old persons council home not to mention the selection is garbage. I’m in North England what do you expect desu

>> No.18338981


Based horror bro I’ll check out a couple of those titles

>> No.18339854

>Contributing to the rise of globo-corpo-homo-overlord
I'm sorry your too much of a reject to go outside to a book store you degenerate retard

>> No.18340855
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>> No.18340861

Nothing because Im broke.

>> No.18341893

I don’t buy books.

>> No.18342055
File: 117 KB, 259x956, Screenshot 2021-05-29 062305.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

cant read any of that shit but i can discern evola. he's alri
i enjoyed the evola,
btw nice one w/ kwaidan, do enjoy a bit of lafcadio hearne

>> No.18342065

Stone Junction
Midnight's Children
Cloud Atlas

>> No.18342075
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>inb4 translation pleb

>> No.18342173

Where are good places to buy books online?
I am trying to expand my collection and was curious at what place was the best to get physical copies.

>> No.18342188

@upresssalesbot on twitter lets you know when university presses have sales

>> No.18342212
File: 84 KB, 907x1360, In Storms of Steel-In Stahlgewittern by Ernst Jünger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought the new 1921 translation of picrel (via Amazon sigh) and I've got a nice copy of The Sailor Who Fell From Grace With the Sea coming (my first time ordering from AbeBooks).

>> No.18342220
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This one.

>> No.18342253

Based poorfag.

>> No.18344308
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rate my books

>> No.18344328

>The Life of a Stupid Man

Nice, someone wrote my bio.

>> No.18344342

I pirate all of my books

>> No.18344635
File: 2.01 MB, 3282x2529, IMG_3422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got these two recently.
>Ezra F. Vogel - Deng Xiaoping and the Transformation of China
Hundred and 150 pages in and it's pretty good, but Vogel sometimes stretches his words too much and repeats himself. It's well researched and in-depth, but it's a bit irritating at times. Hungarian edition is pretty meh. Uses the borderline useless local transcription system with a table collecting names in pinyin at the back, which makes it mildly irritating at times to read, and one day I'm going to probably send a pipe-bomb to the publisher if they keep doing this with their China-centred books.
Honestly, it's unsettling to read at times, knowing that everything would be very different if this man lost the power struggle in the CPC.

>Wagner - The Brown Book (Diaries 1865-1882)
I got this to augment my understanding of Wagner in the future, but don't know when I'll actually tackle it, if I decide to tackle it cover-to-cover. Really, I don't feel in the mood right now to slog through a bunch of wordy, romantic letters. Maybe later, or in smaller chunks.

>> No.18344675


>How to do nothing

Do you really need a guide for that ?

>> No.18345584
File: 846 KB, 1125x2436, 50E7FF11-DE9B-4A97-9EF0-D43633212D72.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

some socks

>> No.18345588
File: 789 KB, 1125x2436, A47E06B6-B00F-45C1-ACA9-B9AF97CFD837.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more socks. and american psycho

>> No.18345709

If you want to buy books, buy with book depository on Abebooks, then refund a day after the estimated delivery. Literally free

>> No.18345870
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>> No.18347452


I hate the obligatory wine vouchers you get with every book depository order. Are wine aunts really the last readers left?

>> No.18347456
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>> No.18347486 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18347500

Based! I ordered them last night.

>> No.18347507
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>> No.18347545
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Should have these on Tuesday, fairly excited about them, should be interesting.

>> No.18347553

lol im going to try this rn

>> No.18347570

FPBP, fuck any of you that use Amazon when there's viable alternatives (the best choice being an actual book shop)

>> No.18347574


>> No.18348077

i dont get it. arent they 2 diff websites

>> No.18348109

worth it. i need to buy this. i got it from my library.

>> No.18348193
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>> No.18348202


>> No.18348208

Are you that guy from japan that has a tiny reading place with the chair between the bookcases?

>> No.18348287

Don't you have to send the book back?

>> No.18348333

their inventory is shit

>> No.18349226
File: 5 KB, 225x225, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate me anons:

The Unabridged Mark Twain
the oxford akjv classics bible
Thomas Malory's Morte D'arthur

>> No.18349700

Amazon own abebooks

>> No.18349900

I bought a Can Future Days t-shirt

>> No.18349941
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>> No.18349973

Can is good.

>> No.18350018

Just ordered
William Gaddis - The Recognitions and JR
John Dos Passos - The USA Trilogy
Carson McCullers - Complete Novels
Paul Auster - The New York Trilogy
William Gass - Middle C
Cormac McCarthy - The Border Trilogy

Hopefully they will keep me busy for awhile.

>> No.18350887
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Not exactly recent purchases, but I was given all these by someone who I lent a book to's dad, and apart from Sebald, who I've seen praised highly on here in the past so I know he's meant to be good, I have never heard of any of these before. Has anyone here read any of these before and can tell me whether they're any good?

>> No.18351601
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>> No.18351605

That better not be sunlight in the top left, that’s so bad for paper pages desu.

>> No.18351670
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did anyone already read this one? thoughts?

>> No.18351676

Who the fuck cares about this theory wank? More INFINITE JEST and BLOOD MERIDIAN

>> No.18351713
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if you still haven't reread those books at least twice, then you shouldn't be on lit desu, but clearly you dont get Lazzarato haha & now you try to hide your incompetency

>> No.18351723

but seriously, any reviews already? thoughts? ideas?

>> No.18351776

Irony? Go back redditnigger

>> No.18351954
File: 1.11 MB, 1633x493, final haul.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I got these last week. I've decided they're the last ones I'm going to buy until I make a serious dent in my collection.

>> No.18351985


>> No.18351991

>more socks. and american psycho
KEK you fucking mong lmao

>> No.18352025

Some Shirley Jackson, Daphne du Maurier, Banana Yoshimoto, Theodor Kramer, Tanizaki, a book about Hokusai, Hiromi Kawakami, Kawabata.

>> No.18352584

is that a good reading of Hegel? serious question

>> No.18352658

>(the best choice being an actual book shop)
Bookshops these days stock only the latest goypilled bullshit. What's the fucking point?

>> No.18352663

Get yasel to the chazzas mate.

>> No.18352737

>Dead Souls
>Pushin: The Queen of Spades and Other Stories
>The Sorrows of Young Werther and selected writings
>Beckett: First Love and other stories
>Rimbaud: Selected Verse and Prose
Got all this for 13.50, how'd I do?

>> No.18352764
File: 33 KB, 236x395, 90118f7f0a4881fdb93f9ad214deb0a1--dream-library-library-books.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Support your local bookstore

>> No.18352778 [DELETED] 

Great taste

>> No.18352801

I'm ikterested in tht Pagnol one. He made some great films.

>> No.18353943


(((Italian))) theory. Haven’t read it yet but probably won’t pasta easters have done nothing but tarnish Marx since they put pen to paper

>> No.18353950

My local bookstore is all essentially political propaganda from the USA's democratic party despite the fact that I live in Europe so fuck that

>> No.18354054 [DELETED] 

Italian theory is absolute dogshit and not worth reading

>> No.18354145

>Bookshops these days stock only the latest goypilled bullshit
Imagine not having based mom and pop used book stores near you

>> No.18354752

are you Hokkaido anon?

>> No.18355286

It's a soulless led light.
No, I live in Tokyo.

>> No.18355336


>> No.18355370
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>> No.18355442

I got memed into buying Call of the Crocodile. Should be arriving this week

>> No.18355795

So what's the difference between Marvel and DC?

>> No.18355868

i guarantee to that in a few months time zizek will be sharing lazzarato's ideas, without referring to them, in his various talks

>> No.18356655


>> No.18356703

Don't buy from amazon but from your local bookstore or another site!

>> No.18357177
File: 127 KB, 1000x1519, IMG_20210106_225312.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Please elaborate?

>> No.18357956

No, you know exactly what I mean

>> No.18357959

Amazon's shipping has gotten so bad. My books always arrive damaged with them.

>> No.18358205
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>> No.18358285
File: 753 KB, 1022x2089, D809B9B8-B859-4729-8EBC-7EFA28A2C3F9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’ve been buying from Amazon for lack of alternatives but this alibris site looks nice

>> No.18358299

>he doesn't buy books from the local book store to support local businesses

>> No.18358413

Hey asshole, try doing this while living in Canada.

>> No.18358420 [DELETED] 

Local bookstores have shit taste in books

>> No.18358832
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>> No.18358892


I just started reading Runaway Horses

Other than that my latest book order also included Hear the Wind Sing and Pinball, 1973.

>> No.18358914

Ok, I don’t get the meme... are these actually good books?

>> No.18358935
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>> No.18358937

Most local book stores are pozzed negro worshiping trannies nowadays. I’ll just take the convenience over supporting the businesses of commies

>> No.18358947

>businesses of commies
found the evola reader

>> No.18358977

Neo-Communism is primarily a social contagion. It clearly exists within the capitalist system.
Neck yourself tranny

>> No.18359255

>retro-keynesianism is primarily a social contagion. it clearly existed within hunter gatherer societies.