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/lit/ - Literature

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[ERROR] No.18333982 [Reply] [Original]

Europe only had like <10% literacy rates. So who the fuck was he writing for?

>> No.18333995


>> No.18333997

Typically fanfiction is for your own satisfaction

>> No.18334003

Who does anyone write for.

>> No.18334004

Books back then cost like a year's income so he didn't have to sell too many.

>> No.18334009

For literature's sake.

>> No.18334013

There were public recitations. You didn't need to be able to read.

>> No.18334019

Those were the days, eh.

>> No.18334176

poets could mantain themselves from the patronage of nobles and they were writing mainly for them. Bourdieu kinda tackles this in some of his texts you could give him a read.

>> No.18334182

For the happy few

>> No.18334198

literal fan fiction to get back at corrupt politicians.

>> No.18334376


>> No.18334383


>> No.18335014

be real senpai, just because lieracy rates are much higher, no more than 2% of people read decent literature

>> No.18335018

This. The Comedy is for God. Dante deserves to be a saint.

>> No.18335053

Borges, Pound, Joyce, Beckett, Baudelaire, Boccaccio, Petrarca, Michelangelo, Dore...
In short: for the great readers and artists of the future.
Serious writers write for very few people. It's only with time that they become widely read.

>> No.18335147

The rhetorical tradition was something universal before the 20th century.

Plebs would hear about Dante's stories/be read them.

>> No.18335152


>> No.18335163

his diary desu

>> No.18335235

Do you not realize that literally the whole world had less than 10% literacy before the 20th century. Do you not realize your question could apply to literally every piece of literature written before the modern era?

Did you even think for 15 seconds before you posted this thread you fukken nigger OP?

>> No.18335261

The Almighty aka the DEVIL

>> No.18335536

Ducking awesome

>> No.18335556

His friends, his peers, God, himself, and posterity.
On an unrelated note, when did the fetishization of the masses become so powerful that people can no longer comprehend writing for a narrow audience?

>> No.18335823

According to Franco Sacchetti, a contemporary of Dante, even blacksmiths could recite passages from the Divine comedy from memory. Literacy rates were much higher than that, especially in Italy, were there was communal rule in the cities, plus many poems and literary masterpieces were read publicly.

>> No.18335837

My bad, Sacchetti wasn't a contemporary of his, but report sources that are contemporary to Dante, plus even Boccaccio reported something similar.

>> No.18335842

about 10% of europe prolly

>> No.18335986

>Europe only had like <10% literacy rates
Still the case to be quite honest, how many could understand Dante today?

>> No.18335992

Audio books

>> No.18335997

Montecristo cigars got their name from the novel being read to the cigar rollers.

>> No.18336001

Do 10% of people today even regularly books?

>> No.18336004

What's the difference in your opinion? What separates the great writers from the chaff, outside of their legacy and impact of course

>> No.18336042
File: 120 KB, 941x887, E8B06F0D-B312-4AA1-AD48-BBFF32601E27.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's really cool, thanks Anon.

>> No.18336686

The elite.

>> No.18337358
