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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 555 KB, 750x1334, 722B60FC-1D98-4F9D-921F-8C57A8F614F8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
[ERROR] No.18334119 [Reply] [Original]

I’m interested. Why are we not supposed to talk about them?

>> No.18334128

People talk about these here all the time. Now that you're here, fuck off (or you may never leave mwahahahaha).

>> No.18334130

more like fartner

>> No.18334138

Pseuds fear him

>> No.18334145

I want to read them but I can't find them on libgen

>> No.18334152

They aren't really real.

>> No.18334154

imagine going broke shilling your shitty book on a nichomachean boy lovers forum

>> No.18334156

Because they are a cryptic allegory for the enslavement of the white race by jews and guatemalans, routed only through the arguments laid out in the Phaedo and the principles of the Republican National Platform

>> No.18334157

that ad is brilliant on gardner’s part.

>> No.18334170
File: 92 KB, 600x500, 61187B3D-3C1E-40A5-A0A6-3E799E70EE90.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh yes they are.

>> No.18334180

If we read them and they are good and they make our list then you know who reads them and they go mainstream ching-ching ka-ching dollar dollar bills y'all

>> No.18334202

Z-library has Call of the Crocodile.

>> No.18334205
File: 25 KB, 400x267, fake and gay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh really

>> No.18334212

Thanks friend

>> No.18334219

yo Gardner's prose is top notch

>The vibrant colors of the fallen autumn leaves die out as the days pass by. Autumn turns to winter, as pure white snow, deprived of all color takes the leaves place in the subsequent season. In his home, Pete sits with his mother April, as he sits on the couch reading in their living room. The young man leisurely reads a horror novel, while his mother watches the news on their television set. “Hey Mom? Could you turn up that up, please?” the boy asks. Being across the living room, the program had caught the child's attention. Reaching for the remote, April obliges, and adjusts the volume.

>> No.18334231

That’s honestly really well written.

>> No.18334246
File: 461 KB, 709x906, f gardner.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself, Frank. you'll never be a real author and you'll never be the commissioner of the Metropolitan Water Reclamation District of Greater Chicago.

>> No.18334297

he looks based

what a chad...

>> No.18334381

Lmao he really does

>> No.18334391

>In his home, Pete sits with his mother April, as he sits on the couch reading in their living room.

Yeah, incredible stuff.

>> No.18334427

>Ignoring the rest of the excerpt.

Retard alert.

>> No.18334431

im interested in why retards on this website can't install an adblocker with a few clicks

>> No.18334438

>The vibrant colors of the fallen autumn leaves die out as the days pass by.
Awkwardly structured, cliched (vibrant colors; fallen autumn leaves; days passing by
>Autumn turns to winter, as pure white snow, deprived of all color takes the leaves place in the subsequent season.
More awkward phrasing, cliches (autumn turns to winter; pure white snow), missing comma after color, missing possessive apostrophe after leaves.
>In his home, Pete sits with his mother April, as he sits on the couch reading in their living room.
Redundant (Pete sits with his mother as he sits), awkward use of the same preposition twice (in his home in their living room). Mixed up ownership (his home, but their living room).
>The young man leisurely reads a horror novel, while his mother watches the news on their television set.
The best sentence so far, but why are we now calling them the boy and his mother, and not Pete and April since we already established their names in the prior sentence? Does the adjective 'leisurely' add enough to justify its use?
>"Hey Mom? Could you turn up that up, please?” the boy asks.
Fine, but the same question about the boy vs Pete.
>Being across the living room, the program had caught the child's attention.
Very awkwardly phrased. And really this should come before Pete asks April to turn up the volume.
>Reaching for the remote, April obliges, and adjusts the volume.
Fine but banal, and again the order of the phrases is awkward.

A better written paragraph would be closer to this:

>The vibrant color of the autumn leaves dies and turns to a pure white as autumn turns to winter. Pete, a boy of [insert age here] and his mother April sit in their living room at home. Pete leisurely reads a horror novel, while April watches news on the television. A story on the news grabs Pete's attention. "Hey Mom? Could you turn that up please?" he asks. April reaches for the remote to oblige him.

This is still stilted and awkward, but I also haven't put any appreciable effort into it. There is so much to improve, and we're only looking at one short paragraph. We're very far away from top notch prose.

>> No.18334453

Has to be bait, but:
>Autumn turns to winter, as pure white snow, deprived of all color takes the leaves place in the subsequent season.

This is ESL level writing. Aside from the broken syntax and dangling modifiers, there's also just an obvious possessive apostrophe missing.

>> No.18334491

>Fixating on apostrophe's.
>"Surely this must be ESL"

I take that back. You're not a retard. You just have the "tism."

>> No.18334498

Uhh maybe because we're actually reading this unlike you sweaty?
It sounds like you really need to have sex!

>> No.18334507
File: 522 KB, 600x1273, 880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



Would someone please think of the poor apostrophes!!!!

>> No.18334529

I bet you think Finnegan's Wake is a masterpiece

>> No.18334542

Haven't read it. The main point is that if someone is going to call himself an author of top notch prose, he really either should put more thought and careful proofreading into his work, or at least hire an editor to flag this stuff for him.

>> No.18334573

Why is there a border on the cover

>> No.18334587

I will not buy your book

>> No.18334590

>if someone is going to call himself an author of top notch prose

LOL. I don't think Gardner's ever made such a claim. He's a Penny Dreadful who writes fun and wacky horror stories. Nobody is claiming he's the next R.C. Waldun in terms of prose.

>> No.18334591

I'm going to buy it now just to make you mad

>> No.18334593

your loss bud

>> No.18334601

Just going off of the original anon's post. I am skeptical and consider shilling of books that are actually advertised on purchased 4chan banners to be shilling from the author himself. I could be wrong on that.

>> No.18334604
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>> No.18334610

Looks like she needs some BWC

>> No.18334613
File: 18 KB, 427x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Looks like she needs some BWC

>> No.18334620


>> No.18334621

No I shill him myself because I am F. Gardner’s girlfriend (male)

>> No.18334682

shut up, F. gardner could never be satisfied with one woman (male), he has a pack of groupies to suck him off whenever he pleases.

>> No.18334760

You're going to get what's coming to you Gardner. You have ruined this place for too long. Mark my words.

>> No.18334874

I think it’s to save resolution on his picture

>> No.18335077
File: 84 KB, 786x785, f gardner a cute.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a fake

>> No.18335098
File: 612 KB, 2048x1634, 4008D319-B883-48C9-A263-5ADFCBF8BECE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have a copy too

>> No.18335104
File: 674 KB, 1598x2046, 9C7DBED4-0968-4E6B-BD8F-5C09321E75C5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18335111
File: 237 KB, 1000x577, 1CFE30B3-8A78-462F-8F24-F1D2822E772E.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18335115

You lads are trying way too hard now it's becoming obvious.

>> No.18335157

Posting a copy of my book? What are you on about.
Who's that

>> No.18335195

Because, it's just too much, for you to handle!
The genius, of my writing, is too frightening, for most men. I hope, you are all looking forward too, my next book, which will be the scariest book, ever told, on 4chan! Where, the maximum horror of my creative genius, will be clear, to all!

>> No.18335214

Au contraire! I am already a masterful writer! Could you not tell, by the masterful skill, behind my every stroke of a key? The brilliance of my work, shines brightly just as the scales of a crocodile shimmer with spooky magnificence! Could it be, dear friend, that you are just jealous of my writing talent?
I think so! For I am F. Gardner, the one and only, and true prince of /lit/! The one and only place on the internet, where the true masterminded genius of my work, truly shines!

>> No.18335230

Your biological father.

>> No.18335232

That's a big book

>> No.18335269


>> No.18335282

“More than that, Joe was beginning to feel like Sisyphus. The character found in Greek mythology. The one who had been condemned to eternally push a boulder up hill, only to have it roll back down repeatedly. As if he were in Tartarus. The Greek term for the abyss. It had begun to feel all too familiar. Too real for a dream.”

I'm glad, that, I didn't pay. For this shit.

>> No.18335303

>Gardner likes to reference the classics and the Greeks in his work


>> No.18336070

Gardner will be taught in high schools.

>> No.18336089

For you

>> No.18336906
File: 98 KB, 1080x518, A7E56C43-2148-4BEE-A374-A25B8DAFC4A2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.18337109
