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18327399 No.18327399 [Reply] [Original]

Books for the feel of being a 27 years old unemployed, living with parents, failure of man. But a book about a man that changed his life, no bullshit blackpill, just bloomer pill books, need some light in my life, bros.

>> No.18327422
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First: throw out all the damned blowjacks

>> No.18327439

Do the Hesse trifecta and read Demian, Siddhartha, and Steppenwolf in that order.

>> No.18327459

It is good, bro?

>> No.18327470

Literally, unironically, my diary from two years ago. It gets better.

>> No.18327493


>> No.18327535

sorry. I relate in a few ways although I might be okay, hope you are too. I don't really have books that fit that description but I would read light and comfy stuff like tom sawyer or even a magazine like the new yorker cheers bruddah mahn

>> No.18327540
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>> No.18327547

That's honto desu ka, gaijin nigger

>> No.18327551


Into the trans it goes

>> No.18328750


>> No.18328816

It's about what, bro

>> No.18328863

Unironically Jordan Peterson's YouTube lectures. I don't know about his book though, but his self help is golden.

I went back to school at 26 anon, and got my first engineering gig at 30. Being a mature learner gave me the upper hand at networking and so I got a job fairly quickly. It was a shit climb up hill though, I did a stint in KFC and everything but doing it at 27 is better than 30 or 40.

I believe in you, it's going to be shit, but you're self aware and that means something. You just need to action it.

>> No.18328884

To add to this, I read Ernst Junger's storm of steel multiple times. There's definitely something grounding about reaching accounts of trench warfare.

Brothers Karamazov made me legitimately cry at age 27. Dostoevsky got me where it hurts the most

>> No.18329032


>> No.18329251

Zimbardo is so fuckin based. My mother was taught by him after his prison experiment

>> No.18329316

Henry IV pt. I by Billy Shakespeare

>> No.18329329

unironically read some normie self help books
10X Rule
Rich Habits
the 7 habits one

literally anything about success

>> No.18329365

Martin Eden

>> No.18329438

Good for you anon. Glad to hear you made it.

>> No.18329444

>me at 29

I hate living. I'm trying, but still.

>> No.18329692

His prison experiment was shit. No control group, no compositions to others, no way to isolate variables, selection bias in the participants, etc. It's one big larpy anecdote.

Compared to someone like Milgram, Zimbardo is a joke and a hack. The only thing he had going for himself is a talent for self promotion.

>> No.18329700


>> No.18329938
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The Essays of Ralph Waldo Emerson. More specifically, his essays on Nature, Self-Reliance, and Experience. Genuinely changed my life.

“This one fact the world hates; that the soul becomes; for that forever degrades the past; turns all riches to poverty, all reputation to a shame, confounds the saint to the rogue, shoves Jesus and Judas equally aside.”

>> No.18329963

Thanks, bro, gonna try my luck.

>> No.18329972

Gonna try to read this nigga, thank bro

>> No.18330185

Tony Robbins: Unlimited Power
His first book is all about how he changed his life from being a broke, fat fuck, and real steps to change yours.
all his other stuff sucks but this was gold for me.

>> No.18330213

Pretty based that Sheev wrote a self-help book.

>> No.18330264

Happy to share his work. Wish you the best man

>> No.18330559

I'm already 21 and I've never had a job and I'm scared of having one. I dread being commanded and having to force myself to do stuff. I don't dread the work itself, but I am so scared of routine and having to be punctual every single day.

>> No.18330766
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guys, im in serious need of some help here. after 26 years of self sabotage and waste, im at a crossroads. for as long as i can remember, i have squandered all potential for a good or happy life. i have delayed and put off my education, despite having a spot in the best university in my country. i have let my body decay from junk food and other poisons. i have slowly built up addictions that will one day break me. i have broken bonds with family and friends. and i have done all of this with an underlying desire to eventually an hero.

by all accounts, i should already be too far gone. but by some strange twist of fate, God has seen fit to send a girl to me, and im unsure of what to do now. she is 21, religious and proper, kind and gentle, and for some strange reason, she thinks im great. she wants to live with me, marry, and have children. all my life, i have been heading down a road in stark contrast to what she is now offering. and i dont know if i have what it takes to join her on this path. every time i entertain the thought, i can feel self loathing settle down on me like a physical weight. i am fearful and weak.

please recommend me some /lit/ that can help a broken, self hating moron to turn things around and choose life

>> No.18330774

Get out of the internet/games/tv/screens. You'll be bored and end up doing something with your life.

>> No.18330816
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>itt 20 year old children complain about how cruel and beyond help their lives are
protip: asking for recs or sharing your blog here is recreational
it's just another prevarication to avoid doing all of the things you need to do which are difficult and frightening and require confronting new things while 4chan is the pale light of familiar mediocrity you are warming yourself by

I suggest joining the military and having the real world beaten into you.

>> No.18330824

Diary of a Drug Fiend by Aleister Crowley is just this kind of story.

>> No.18330839

everyone is weak so just don't overthink and be weak together with her

>> No.18330859

Dude, I know that much of my shitty situation comes from my utter stupidity and lack of forsight, yet, I want to fucking change.

>> No.18330876

>I want to fucking change
You won't, your problem is entirely thinking over acting, your first and only recourse is overthinking. Your type cannot change by wanting or thinking, only by acting.

>> No.18330885

I get it your point, truth right now I'm lost on what path should I choose, that why I'm "overthinking"

>> No.18330955

Op, try the constructive living handbook by reinolds

>> No.18331242

There's no path; the path is made by walking. At a minimum, get a job, any job, just so you're not dependent on your parents.

>> No.18331272

Not him but I'm not dependent on my parents, I get neetbux from the state, but I lack a direction in life, I want to find something I can wholeheartedly devote myself to but nothing seems interesting enough.

>> No.18331275
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>> No.18331281

god sent her to you for a reason anon, don't let her go

>> No.18331301

I'm looking for a job, bro, that's a no-brainer, I got a degree on finance, but due to sheer stupidity and the pandemic a got a nothing to show for, now a job in finance is hard to find, I'm aplying for other things as well.

>> No.18331355
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OP here, there any book out there, that basically just show "the way" to unfuck your life?

>> No.18331519

There's no answer you can find by cogitating, you just start throwing shit at the wall and seeing what sticks.

Or you switch frames so that "direction in life" seems like nonsense, which likely requires engaging with art, philosophy, and spirituality. Maybe. I think Musashi said every path leads to the top of the mountain.

>> No.18331767


>> No.18331784

This is pretty much me too, expect I'm 28 and was working for the last nine years as bookkeeper before the supermarket where worked closed in June. My life is pretty much ruined. I'm gonna try and pick up a quick trade in my 30s to support my family.

>> No.18331943

Goodspeed anon. JP might be a drug addict hack but at least some of the stuff he said actually works on the average non too-schizo anon.

>> No.18332022
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Here fren.

>> No.18332037

test to see if tranny mods banned me again

>> No.18332042

Demian is shit. Siddhartha is good. Steppenwolf is cringe but okay

>> No.18332055

When you mentioned that girl you reminded me of my current situation. I've been together for a bit over two months with this girl I met through our same social circle. She makes me weep from happiness and makes me believe in miracles, because I have no idea how what I have done to deserve such a woman. I still sometimes feel so surreal. But my point is that you should remember that it is ok to be happy, that you deserve good things happening to you and that someone really can truly love you, unconditionally.

>> No.18332070

Read the canon. I’m not kidding. Starting with the Greeks, reading Shakespeare and Cervantes, and everything else that comes with it. It’s a life-changing experience.

>> No.18332104

God didn't send her to you, psychiatrists did. It's a radical treatment for otherwise hopeless young men. You're being Truman Showed.

>> No.18332114

>weeping with joy over some chick you've been with for only two months
You barely even know her, what the fuck man

Siddhartha felt spiritually very shallow to me. Steppenwolf is much more powerful. Still haven't read Demian.

>> No.18332198

Young love. Yeah, makes no sense but he will have to learn that the hard way.

>> No.18332221

>Young love
I wouldn't be so sure

>> No.18332224

Many thanks, bro!

>> No.18332237

What are your goals, op?

>> No.18332363

Get some money, be stable and acquire some skills then start to plan to move to the countryside and live a peaceful life reading books on everything and playing games.

>> No.18332401

Brainlet here. What does that quote even mean

>> No.18332407

So was I, but you will find out soon enough, unless you get an inheritance, that the alternative is worse.

>> No.18332408
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Being unemployed is a victory.

t. employed

>> No.18332416

Iron John: A Book About Men by Robert Bly
>The inner boy in a messed-up family may keep on being shamed, invaded, disappointed, and paralyzed for years and years. "I am a victim," he says, over and over; and he is. But that very identification with victimhood keeps the soul house open and available for still more invasions. Most American men today do not have enough awakened or living warriors inside to defend their soul houses. And most people, men or women, do not know what genuine outward or inward warriors would look like, or feel like.

>> No.18332417

Not when you life depends on other's money, bro, If I could be free from being a waige slave but by my somehow magic money, then, thats ok to me, but reality is not like that, so I need to work.

>> No.18332436

And how do I "awekin" my inner warrior, brother?

>> No.18332623
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Same here, bro. I have social anxiety over stomach noises. I haven't been to the university in 6 years.

>> No.18332724

At the end of the day, books can't help you. You may end up reading books as part of helping yourself, but that will all be effect rather than cause.

>> No.18332857

Crime and Punishment.

>> No.18332870

Hmmm, why?

>> No.18332877

>You barely even know her, what the fuck man
If he isn't fully in love now, when will he?

>> No.18332962


hey mate, this is a long shot, but you don't happen to be from Germany, do you?

>> No.18333047

Bro, I know that, I just want some mood lifting books, tales of man that gone through hell and got back better, I know is a copeish thing, but still, time to time we need a little cope.

>> No.18333086

care to elaborate on how this situation arose
I'm 23, graduated top of my class, did tons of clubs, constantly was reaching out to people, and somehow managed to graduate without ever having hugged/kissed a girl. also still don't have any friends lol. ever since beginning of high school I've thought that if I 'built' myself into an accomplished and outgoing person, then friends/a relationship would naturally follow, but at this point i doubt it will happen

>> No.18333113

God doesn't exist. You can tell her that. She doesn't sound very bright.

>> No.18333543

Stand in front of a mirror and punch yourself in the balls

>> No.18333697

Wait till the 3 year mark

>> No.18333726
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join the unreal bros

>> No.18333740

Inspiring. Thanks

>> No.18334050

Niave Super by Erlend Loe. Trust me

>> No.18334079

Lolita, the Bible

>> No.18334457

Shut the fuck up retard, OP absolutely needs to have a plan

>> No.18335215

come to /fit/ we'll help you

>> No.18335239


You're not a failure if you live with your parents, economy is pretty fucked and paying rent monthly is a waste of money.

But you should definitely get employed.

>> No.18335873
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>> No.18336208

New Testament.

>> No.18336221

What about the people you reached out to? Did they like you and reapproach you as well? What did you do with those people?

>> No.18336229


>> No.18336438

hello me from 3 years ago
t. pretty much 26 year old you

>> No.18337065
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Woman has a role in man's redemption

>> No.18338183

He's saying our identities are in continual evolution and therefore our predictions about what others will amount to are often wrong. Many of today's losers will be tomorrow's winners and vice versa.

>> No.18338298

You need to accept you’re ugly and have no charisma. Literally go lift and speak as little as possible. Women can detect spergs really well.

>> No.18339132

you're a whiny af cunt and yet you've got a chick
kys pls

>> No.18339819

>no job experience at 21
Get on that. Low-tier jobs really fucking suck. You don't want to be in the McDonalds phase of your life into your mid-late twenties.

>> No.18339968

what's life like for you now?

there's too many to list, but a few who come to mind are other members of the film club e-board. I organized a lunch with a couple of them, and it went well, but nothing more ever came of it. I was also a senior member of the philosophy club, and I'd ask people to lunch, and it was always pleasant, but there was never any follow up. I'd say stuff like "let me know if you're doing anything, would love to join" (since I was never doing anything), but I figure there's only so much one can do to 'enter' a friendship.

The closest I got to joining a "friend group" were a few nerds from the anime club. I went with them to a convention in Boston and we all just sperged out over weeb shit for a couple hours. It was one of the happiest days of my life, since I felt like I was finally part of a group. But I never truly figured out how to edge my way into that group. It was like everyone else had already found their friends, and I perpetually remained an outsider. I'd ask some of the guys in the club if they wanted to get lunch, and we would, but then we'd never talk again.

Girls were a different story - there were actually three different girls who asked me out to lunch at different points in college, and I became friends with each of them individually. For each one, the story kinda went like: we'd hang out for a month or two, or go see movies together, and then I'd swallow my pride and just straight up ask them if they wanted to go out. I never asked in like a super spergy way or whatever, I just tried to say it naturally and avoid any embarrassing "confessions", but I was rejected on all three occasions. One of the girls cut me off completely after I asked her, another graduated (haven't talked with her since), and another kinda just pushed me away after a month.

College fucking sucked just because it was so lonely. I talked with people, but never formed any long term or consistent relationships. Sorry for the blog, but there's the story

yeah I agree, which is why I was always confused when girls kept asking me out to lunch and movies and stuff. It gave me hope, but false hope in the end.

>> No.18340011

The Holy Bible is the only book anyone of any age or "feel" needs.

>> No.18340036

Wrong board

>> No.18340071
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Gave me hope, direction, and pulled me out of poverty all in one go. You simply need an opportunity, anon.

>> No.18340145

Damn I just graduated and beat myself hard about not being more social and outgoing. I hate my current "friend group", I feel no connection to them at all I'm surprised they invite me to hang out. I feel ashamed for accepting their invitations but the loneliness is too much to handle.

>> No.18340205

No she does not, Christcuck. Men save women. There is no reciprocity there.

Imagine ever relying on a woman to save you. Especially a modern one. That's a recipe for a doomed life.

>> No.18340337

ug krishnamurti emil cioran

>> No.18340355
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>> No.18340417
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based. employment is slavery and you have nothing but opportunity
>no money
shhh. The truth anon? People have gone their entire lives without working. Not aristocrats or those born into lives of privilege. Humble, mild mannered anons like you have figured out ways to cheat the system a thousand ways before. If you really do not think you're suited towards a life of wage slavery start looking elsewhere for income.

I, in my earlier years, made quite a bit of money buying and reselling books that I found at 25cent book sales in the hundred mile radius I live in. See, I have an intolerably high IQ, come from almost nothing, but have decided, quite early on too, that I would never work in a situation I didn't want to be in. Simple as.

As for novels about someone slapping their shit together?

When I was in a dark hole of depression and self loathing I picked up a copy of Herman Hesse's Siddhartha and wept. Unashamed to admit it. Life-changing though? Not really, for that you'd need to read Stirner.