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/lit/ - Literature

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18328381 No.18328381 [Reply] [Original]

Do you plan on publishing your diary?

>> No.18328384
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>> No.18328390

Only after I'm dead.
I wrote it so it adds a layer of complexity to my works' future interpretation. (It's very racist and often anti-semitic.)

>> No.18328404

This image captures the essence of 21st century culture.

Stomped into the ground by vapid sluts.

>> No.18328410

Hell yes

>> No.18328427

Henlo butters
Will you read my book

>> No.18328430

I want to burn it now

>> No.18328431

The thighs man what the fuck

I must remind myself that this is a sin

>> No.18328432

She just said no, you fucking dwork.

>> No.18328484

this is how you gaslight yourself into being gay

>> No.18328487

Fuck you tranny faggot. 41% yourself

>> No.18328497

homosexuality is also a sin

>> No.18328506

No it isn't
It's based
Christianity is a sin
A sin called being retarded

>> No.18328511

which means you are giving yourself two sins for the price of one instead of appreciating G-d's creation

>> No.18328822

Wow, that's so very misogynistic of you, sexualizing these poor innocent women. Don't you realize that women are trying to escape from the disgusting tranny gaze? This is why we need feminism and meetoo.

>> No.18328950

Read my old diary recently.
My god was i based and eloquent.

>> No.18328995

>Write a fake diary with the POV being an angsty college commie with no self-awarness or good human qualities who eventually kills themselves due to 'bullying'
>publish it while LARPing as some guy who found it in a notebook at some thrift shop
>Profit from retards acting like it's the modern day Anne Frank Diary

>> No.18329150

>ywn be a human toilet for them

>> No.18329557

>Please girls, haha, you can stop spitting on me now you've made your point, hahaha, you win, ok??

>> No.18329688

sauce pls

>> No.18329695

>Stomped into the ground by vapid sluts.
That would be an improvement.

>> No.18329765

Every day more and more ugly.

>> No.18330123

I just want to apologize on behalf of all of /lit/ for these awful awful posters that keep insulting you
have a blessed day

>> No.18330162
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I feel you, my dude. Now, 10 years later, I’m just dumb.

>> No.18330183

I plan to burn it before I neck myself

>> No.18330343

post mortem

>> No.18330445

If only

>> No.18330498

Based and relatable-pilled.

>> No.18330503

I don't keep a diary, but I'll probably compile some of my writings for my kids/grandkids for when I die.

>> No.18330666

lol faggot

>> No.18331315

I occasionALLY post excerpts here on 4chan, but the mods often ban me. I was the one who made the diary entry about niggers a week or so ago.

>> No.18331364


>> No.18331783

You speak for no one, fag.

>> No.18331882

i read my diary from when i was 11 and it was "I WANT TO DIE I WANT TO DIE" all over a couple of pages and i immediately burnt it

also used to write my diary in invisible ink but that didnt stop my brother from reading them so i threw them all away

>> No.18332994

>browse through the catalog
>unexceptionally open threads with hot pictures in the OP

I might as well migrate to /s/ at this point.

>> No.18333011

My parents did that to my journal.
Just a passing thought but don't you think it's weird that family will invade your privacy like that but the minute you do it to them or try to get them to buy your books suddenly it's an issue?

>> No.18333024

Why not? Everyone on here is dying to read it

>> No.18333055
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>sexy pic gets deleted
>retarded thread stays up

>> No.18333860
File: 13 KB, 326x230, 9f85fyrd9764efghfdca6d097h7h8ht57ihg37f5b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>It's very racist and often anti-semitic
Sounds righteous bro!

>> No.18334555

After I die

>> No.18335571

I think i gonna get one physical copy made of my dream diary. Just for my descendants to read

>> No.18336598


>> No.18338164

Yes. gonna send it to major publishers just before my planned massacre of a majority and my inevitable suicide.
Yes this is a confession and no you can't use this on court as evidence.

>> No.18338820

yeah its weird as fuck. doesn't help that i'm the youngest and shared a room with my entire family my whole life

>> No.18340305

I hate you

>> No.18340348
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>> No.18341945

Why not?

>> No.18343710

bump lol

>> No.18343736

why not?

>> No.18343788

answer the question

>> No.18344738

i have a personal website (in lieu of social media) where i post stuff i write. not my diary per se but close enough. highly recommended. its never been cheaper or easier to have your own website, email, etc. free from the walled gardens of ig, fb, twitter, etc.

>> No.18344928

yea or you could just have none of that for free