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18329274 No.18329274 [Reply] [Original]

At least I don’t have. I form an abstract image in my mind instead of speaking to myself when I ponder. Am I a NPC?

>> No.18329282

If you don't have at least three self directed thoughtstream voices running concurrently i'm sorry to inform you that you low IQ and literature is wasted on you.

>> No.18329285

I alternate between the two. Unironically I think having an internal monologue exclusively and being unable to form abstractions in your mind is a clearer sign that someone is an NPC.

>> No.18329289

This, it isn't an internal "monologue" , it's a multi-way dialogue. A full on conversation.

>> No.18329313

You do realize that the internal monologue and the mental abstractions work in conjunction, right? If you don't have one, you arguably don't have either.

>> No.18329314

In my case it appears as abstract signs and objects instead of voices.

I don’t know how it’s possible to conduct internal monologue. It seems really an inefficient way to think.

>> No.18329323
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>Its a stream of thoughts. A flowing sea of dialogue. A deluge of concepts. A conversation that runs like the wind. A consciousness split into voices, like a play with infinite actors.

>> No.18329344

>I don’t know how it’s possible to conduct internal monologue.
It comes natural along with the mental abstractions.

>> No.18329348

Just kill yourself for asking and caring about such retarded questions

>> No.18329352

I've seen this depicted in media before many times but do people really have internal monologues while they socialize? I have none at all and find myself to be decent at conversation though I have no political skill and just say whatever comes to mind automatically (which has proven disastrous at times).

>> No.18329353

Get on my level pleb, I have 10, but I have ADHD so that’s probably why

>> No.18329360

Maybe I’m retarded, but every time I try to talk to myself, I fail because I find it boring and tedious.

>> No.18329368

I remember that until I was about 19-20 I had unending stream of internal monologue. Then I went through traumatic events in life and went into real vegetable mode, no thoughts, no questions, no planning of future actions in any way (only as far as ”I need to take a piss right now”), just perceiving. Now I'm better, having a nice Socratic dialogues. But I think, anon, I was, in a way, higher IQ back then, before the shitty part of life. Not simply sure, but my actual IQ score was higher in the tests.
The real question is, is IQ a good measure for NPC-ness. The obvious answer - yes. The nuanced - probably, but not always.
It depends on what you do and how you interact with the world.

>> No.18329375

Your psyche has yet to be subsumed by the symbolic.

>> No.18329410

Whoever has an inner monologue without my knowledge has it without my consent.

>> No.18329431

>I don’t know how it’s possible to conduct internal monologue. It seems really an inefficient way to think.

I have a friend like you who claims to lack an internal monologue. He also thinks that it makes him smarter than the rest of us, because he can 'think' without having to 'think'. But the opposite is true: at least with this friend of mine. He is an idiot who parrots the shit he reads online without any critical thinking whatsoever. He is also completely tactless but is completely oblivious to the fact. The type of guy that people hang out with and afterwards say things like "...he was a bit of a dick wasn't he?" The thing is that he isn't edgy or anything like that, in fact he's your typical soiboy lib, he just zero inability to read a conversation.

Now, that could just be his personality - but I also wonder if it stems from his lack of internal monologue. It suggests to me that he is incapable of introspection and so remains oblivious to the fact that he's acting like a tool. Might be something to think about.

>> No.18329445

Self-consciousness and an inner monologue is what leads to awkwardness. If you don't have that you're like an animal, and good for you because animals don't experience the almost unbearable pain that comes from understanding your own vulnerability.

>> No.18329502

my psychoanalyst uncle says "everything is normal", so there's that.

>> No.18329574

Sometimes I have the sensation that my consciousness is "watching" independently of my body during social interactions. My body will cary on social interactions almost reflexively in its response to social stimuli. Sometimes I don't have this experience but other times its quite bad. At its worst, I'll have the sensation that my consciousness is trapped inside the robotic shell of my body and that I am peering out through the windows of my eye sockets. I'll watch in horror as my body just robotically carries on social interaction without any conscious input

>> No.18329602

when people say internal monologue, do they mean an actual voice or just thoughts?

>> No.18329615

My thoughts are spoken to me in the same voice as my regular voice. However, I also have thoughts beneath the level of internal monologue - it's like you have those thoughts, which are pretty much instinctual, and then you vocalise them in your head to get a clearer grasp of them or to debate with yourself. I don't need to speak to myself to write this post for example, however, but if I were considering my own opinion on a certain thing I read in the news, then I might have a 'conversation' with myself about to see where I land.

>> No.18329643

The total inability of anyone to provide a satisfactory answer to what the hell an "abstract sign" is tells me all I need to know about said claimers. Somebody, anybody fucking explain this shit. Are you over glorifying visualization?

>> No.18329717

Everyone has a VLE or verbal logical explainer brain function. It's basically autopilot for communication and is the REAL mansplaining. My theory is that people with tourettes have radically less control over their VLE than the average person.

The biggest npcs are the ones who cannot identify when they are speaking out of VLE. The literal definition of a midwit is someone who thinks they are intelligent because of their VLE explanations that are often incredibly stupid and misinformed like >>18329431described. Their content seems so regurgitated because the VLE is primarily left brain database knowledge.

>> No.18329726
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Is internal dialogue normal? I usually think through my thoughts in the form of a talk show, where in being interviewed about the thing in thinking about, or I have a practice conversation with friends

>> No.18329733

>people are actually having long-winded disussions about this topic
Reddit is that way, bros

>> No.18329760
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If I want to make a decision then, I have the ideas argue it out in something similar to a debate. But every time I mention this to someone they think I am highly autistic.

It's for you >>18329726

>> No.18329769
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>Reddit is that way, bros

>> No.18329778

I sometimes think how much time I could save if I didn't have internal monologue and thought in abstract forms i.e. the thoughts before you think them up in words.

>> No.18329841

More often than not, this won't be of any use, if you want to explain something to someone. Then you still need to explain it in words. Formulating your ideas inside your head isn't a bad thing.

>> No.18329851

It's not "talking to yourself" it very literally IS the "self". Does that put it into perspective for you?

>> No.18330159

Similar thing happened to me when I was 15, had a traumatic brain injury that ended my internal monologue. After a few decades my IQ is back up to around 140, almost what it was before my brain damage. Becoming a mid-wit normie gave me invaluable insight into what its like being a regular idiot, I have a lot of empathy for the slow and easily brainwashed now.

>> No.18330170

No, you have schizophrenia

>> No.18330207

Do you think IQ is in any way important?

I mean you can live a good and fulfilling life with an actual IQ of 80. Does being smart improve your life Quality in any way?

>> No.18330218

No WTF! You have that? What a weird guy....

>> No.18330303

Having a high IQ is certainly a burden that impacts quality of life, but I find the enhanced ability to think critically and innovatively is invaluable in people who make important decisions that impact other people. I work in public policy in municipal government and certainly think low or even average IQ people are suited to my role because I've seen the damage incompetent people cause when they are promoted for political reasons.

>> No.18330356

Saying that a high IQ is a burden seems pretty pretentious in my opinion. Obviously I am not that smart, but why would being more intelligent be a burden?

You can be stupid and self-aware at the same time.
You can still have Depressions even if you are stupid.
You still fell dread, fear and all the other "bad" emotions that smart people feel.

>> No.18330420

I think I've had similar experiences. For me they arise when I've hit a realization that this interaction is following some sort of dominance pattern or basically that the thing on the surface being discussed is irrelevant and there is other forces or layers of reality interacting.
Yes I have a friend who will go on rants explaining some obscure narrative or meaning behind a song or ponder the musical decisions in general. During these I can't help but realize he's on autopilot especially since I often disengage and focus on the elements of the music that are bringing about this narrative of his. It's at these moments I realize we fundamentally operate at different zones of knowledge about the world.

>> No.18330427

In a meritocracy those with high IQ become the ruling elite. Like any responsible ruling elite, we have internalized a culture of noblesse oblige. Hence the crushing burden of obligation to our lesser brethren.

>> No.18330497

My inner monologue plagues me so, especially at night, i worry over situations that i know will be alright, perhaps its just imagination. Day after day it reappears. I medicate myself to sleep and function.

>> No.18330513

Yeah, but why would you take on a burden no one asked you to take?

Don't get me wrong, you can have a lot of fun doing your government related work, but if you see it as a burden, why not choose something that fulfills you? Making money should be a cake work for you, so why not just move to a state where you are being left alone to your own devices?

>Like any responsible ruling elite, we have internalized a culture of noblesse oblige. Hence the crushing burden of obligation to our lesser brethren.
Sounds real noble, but why care for the more stupid people in the first place? Most people don't really trust or appreciate the work the government does for them, but take it for granted. They often want extreme candidates, who if left unchecked would run the nation right to the ground.

Also, why are you talking, like there is one ruling elite, who act as a collective? Isn't it, that certain ruling elites fight against other elites, using the people as their pawns?

>> No.18330537

I had this for years, just let it run down for a few days and don't sleep until you can sleep without medication. I just had to think, these things finally to the end and I always drowned my own thoughts in booze or some sleeping pills to finally rest. The first night I tried not to take anything I couldnt sleep at all for two days and was pretty exhausted, but the sleep I got as a reward was the best I ever had. And from then on I would always just lay down and if I couldnt sleep, I just wouldnt and keep thinking.

I don't suffer from this anymore, only when there is something I subconsciously worry about. Then I just lay down and think it to the end.

>> No.18330706

You would be naturally inclined towards nondualistic thinking, you would probably handle dhyana and samadhi very easily and Buddhism in general.

>> No.18330832

I can't explain nobility and honor to a person who has none.

>> No.18330849

Then what good is nobility if you can't even explain it?

>I can't explain nobility and honor to a person who has none.
Pretty hard assumption you are making here.

>> No.18330912

That's not very high IQ of you, anon. Would you give up 40 points and live, feel and think like an average Joe?

>> No.18330939
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Thanks for expanding on my point.

>> No.18331213

Your inner monologue is just schizophrenia

>> No.18331260

Are you Asian? Monologues are part of European peoples or people with Euro blood.

>> No.18331286

t. intp ultra self conscious retard

>> No.18331297
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im an enlightened Buddhist, so no

>> No.18331348

I think the extent to which you are conscious must correlate with iq, but there are definitely exceptions. Some people score very low on iq tests, but are way more self aware than the average 115 iq haver. It is probably rare, but there are 100% cases.