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/lit/ - Literature

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18322936 No.18322936 [Reply] [Original]

~ Questions That Don't Deserve Their Own Thread ~
-------------Every Question is Stupid Edition-------------

Do you need...
...writing advice?
...book recommendations?
...needlessly caustic opinions?

Enquire here.

>> No.18322943

Ay, Evola and Guenon is some bollox: read something good you bloody cunts

>> No.18322946
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Was Sartre a pedophile or did he have other reasons for signing this letter? Would I really be missing out if I refused to read these thinkers because of their abhorrent views?

>> No.18322953

>Would I really be missing out if I refused to read these thinkers because of their abhorrent views?

>> No.18322954

>t. filtered
Should have started with the Greeks

>> No.18322961

How do I get in 21st century lit?

>> No.18322962

Hey that's the nun of Monza. Is The Betrothed good?

>> No.18322970

That's what I suspected :( , I'll just pirate them reading is one thing but I can't spend money on filth

>> No.18322974


>After Olga went off with another member of the Sartre circle, Sartre was so jealous that he could only salve his wounds by seducing her look-alike sister Wanda. Olga and Wanda would be the first of what Sartre called his "drowning women" - emotionally unstable young women whom he often ended up supporting financially, sometimes long after sexual relations had ended.

He had a thing for students, but these were young adults, not children.

>> No.18322976

I did you sod

>> No.18322977

Idk I stole it from another thread because I thought it looked cool

>> No.18322987

I want a book of world war I and/or II not written by (((them))).

>> No.18322992

The list of names on the petition is really a good reading list. I really don't get why such intelligent and insightful people did that: It's fucking horrible.

>> No.18323015

>I really don't get why such intelligent and insightful people did that: It's fucking horrible.

Most of them were committed Marxists. It was in the air at the time.

>Sexual liberation was at the top of the agenda of the young revolutionaries who, in 1967, began turning society upside down. The control of sexual desire was seen as an instrument of domination, which bourgeois society used to uphold its power. Everything that the innovators perceived as wrong and harmful has its origins in this concept: man's aggression, greed and desire to own things, as well as his willingness to submit to authority. The student radicals believed that only those who liberated themselves from sexual repression could be truly free.

>To them, it seemed obvious that liberation should begin at an early age. Once sexual inhibitions had taken root, they reasoned, everything that followed was merely the treatment of symptoms. They were convinced that it was much better to prevent those inhibitions from developing in the first place. Hardly any leftist texts of the day did not address the subject of sexuality.

>For instance, "Revolution der Erziehung" ("The Revolution in Education"), a work published by Rowohlt in 1971, which quickly became a bestseller, addresses sexuality as follows: "The de-eroticization of family life, from the prohibition of sexual activity among children to the taboo of incest, serves as preparation for total assimilation -- as preparation for the hostile treatment of sexual pleasure in school and voluntary subjugation to a dehumanizing labor system."

>> No.18323027

can anyone provide the link to the scanned google books library?

>> No.18323028

Every frog was a pedophile back then
>Foucault, Sartre, Beauvoir, Camus

>> No.18323043
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>world war I
Ernst Jünger is your guy, read Storm of Steel desu.
Also, this chart would help you

>> No.18323049

How do I read more? Any cool tips and tricks

>> No.18323067
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Awesome anon, thanks alot. Some of my fantasy books as payment.

>> No.18323070

And they were right - look how fucked we are today with workplace desexualization, imagine if your coworker was socially allowed to suck your donger in the lunch break how much better your life would be.

On the other side, adults fucking kids is fucked.

>> No.18323089

Anybody know bout "Thus spoke zarathustra" passage about love?

Its something about how love can bring a man to his highest potential and destroy him in the most brutal fashion. I couldn't remember about it

>> No.18323099

have you tried google?

>> No.18323499
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Is goodreads the best site to keep track of your list? Is there no other better alternative?

>> No.18323524

LibraryThing is better, imo. But at the end I went back using only simple notes to track what I want to read tho.

>> No.18323587
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I'm trying to get into Communications Studies. I've started with Claude Shannon, but his seminal paper explicitly says that he is only treating the engineering problems in communication. Who treats of the semantic issue? I glossed The Course in General Linguistics but that seems very basic and rudimentary, almost as if the sign itself is an underdeveloped concept compared to the actual model of communication. I don't know. What the fuck do I read for semantic models of communication?

>> No.18323857

yeah de Beauvoir would "prepare" their underage students for him.

>> No.18323866

>scanned google books library
Try googling that

>> No.18323873

Get comfy, good light, drink tea, smoke tobacco. Take a 15 minute break after every hour or so and relax your mind. Bathe daily. Get regular. Stay hydrated.

>> No.18323877

>smoke tobacco
That's very unhealthy, anon.

>> No.18323888

It's more unhealthy for you to deny me my pleasure.

>> No.18324092
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Obviously this is some demoralization psy opshit, going hand in hand with all of our military etc being completely emasculated. What is the end goal though? To make people no longer believe in their country and relentlessly antagonize them? To keep the masses divided to avoid a strong coalition against those in charge. There is no positive reason I can see other than intentionally diminishing the status of the United States for globo purposes. Thoughts? Would like a fresh perspective. Bizarre shit.

>> No.18324147

I have time to read but no will to do it. What should i do?

>> No.18324191

Has anyone written about living in a cabin in the woods ówò?

>> No.18324278

Pay reparations, nationalize the prison sector, train the police not to murder folk.

>> No.18324291
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>> No.18324309

No, no, and no.

Now what?

>> No.18324313

Keep being illogical and irrational, I don't give a fuck I'm not on the same continent.

>> No.18324338

Any good books on writing short stories?

>> No.18324371
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I'm a midwit who just scraped into a PhD at Cambridge, I'm meant to teach undergrads, how do I deal with the fact they're all cleverer than me?

>> No.18324392

What is the best book that /lit/ constantly memes?

>> No.18324407


Blood Meridian

>> No.18324417
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>> No.18324422


>> No.18324423
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>> No.18324634

You don't need to cope. Even if they are more intelligent than you, you still have something to offer to them. Else they wouldn't be there if they are really smarter than you.
So either they are smarter than you and like something about you/ see the value in your teachings.
Or you don't have anything to offer, and they don't realize it, which would mean that they aren't really smarter than you, because they are unable to see that you don't have something to offer and still waste their time with you.

>> No.18324803

tyvm anon

>> No.18324820
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t. undergrad

>> No.18324868


>> No.18324870
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Dont beat urself up Anon, we all gonna make it!

>> No.18324880

Does lit read commentaries as you are reading or prefer to read it as a whole and read analysis after

>> No.18324893

i don't ever read commentaries
god forbid i get someone else's thoughts and opinions implanted in my head

>> No.18324901

They might have open your eyes for a different perspective that you normally are unable to percive i.e. how someone born around 100 years ago thinks about xyz. Might be worth while reading what they have to say, even if its just for better understanding of how other people view the world.

>> No.18324943


>> No.18324946
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What to read first, Dead Souls by Gogol or Brothers Karamazov? I've already read Notes/The Idiot/parts of C&P. Just wondering if there is a better order of operation one before the other.

>inb4 durr u havent read BK pleb

>> No.18324959

White guilt. There are many different ways of looking at it, including the schemes of globohomo, and typical racial "divide and conquer" tactics, but honestly for the masses it boils down to white guilt and unbearable shame of their nation's past. People projected the archetype of Jesus Christ on George Floyd and have had an emotional breakdown ever since.

>> No.18325074 [DELETED] 

I can't believe someone could think this way intrinsically. I don't owe niggers a fucking thing. My family never owned slaves. My paternal great grandparents came here from Sweden, and no one was involved with slavery. You can't punish someone for something they didn't do. Fucking idiot.
And about police brutality, we do the best we can considering it's a job that doesn't pay well, it is very stressful, and we have a strong criminal culture in this country. Accidents are bound to happen and there is only so much you can do.
I agree about nationalizing prisons, in principal. But don't overestimate how much of a difference it will make. These problems are more complex than the average 16 year old fucktard 4chins poster (you) can understand.

>> No.18325090

I can't believe someone could think this way unironically. I don't owe niggers a fucking thing. My family never owned slaves. My paternal great grandparents came here from Sweden, and no one was involved with slavery, and as far as I know, neither was anyone on my mother's side. You can't punish someone for something they didn't do. Fucking idiot.
About police brutality, we do the best we can considering it's a job that doesn't pay well, it is very stressful, and we have a strong criminal culture in this country. Accidents are bound to happen and there is only so much you can do.
I agree about nationalizing prisons, in principal. But don't overestimate how much of a difference it will make. These problems are more complex than the average 16 year old fucktard 4chins poster (you) is likely to understand.

>> No.18325102

anyone know where to start with Jean-luc marion?

>> No.18325109

Brothers K.
The Bible
try that new George Saunders book

>> No.18325121

Jesus was the leader of a hobo cult. Almost everything we know about his life is just made up. Do you think the same thing will happen with St Floyd of Fentanyl? That people will mythologize his life and an apocalyptic nigger religion will spring up around him?

>> No.18325129

How can a person be so fucking divorced from reality

>> No.18325142
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What books have fantastic character arcs despite being short? 250-350 pages max. A lot of the most praised books are 500-1,000+ pages and I want to see what can be accomplished well in much less

>> No.18325162
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If I’m trying to self study philosophy for the first time, should I just read a bit of certain philosophers like in pic rel or intensively study them one by one (eg read most of platos dialogues).

>> No.18325249

It's possible.

>> No.18325269

unironically learn spanish

>> No.18325281

im a midwit too -- how 2 scrape into phd at cambridge

>> No.18325315

check out the wikia guide

>> No.18325404

Jokes on you, I am already in and my idea of trying to understand other people is now inside your head. You will see that my idea will slowly take over your brain and will bring you to a more balanced point of view. You will be able to understand and relate to many more people and the surrounding humans will start respecting you, because you respect them. And you will have no other choice to develop compassion for the others, ALL OF THEM. YOU WILL LOVE EACH AND EVERYONE OF THEM. AND EVEN IF YOU NOW THINK YOU WILL NEVER LOVE THE HUMANS. I ALREADY KNOW THAT IN THE FUTURE YOU WILL.

>> No.18325407

We - Yevgeny Zamyatin

>> No.18325733

I want to read thomas sowell despite my innate hatred of libertarians (and black people) but the man has like 30 books. Can I get a top 3? I'm more interested in his opinions on black culture in america than I am his economics, but I want a bit of both anyways.

>> No.18325741

Hero of our Time

>> No.18325751
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Is it true that there are people who use Goodreads like a damn achievement unlocked crap?

I expect something like that from a gaming or movie thing. But books?

>> No.18325752

Do you guys think it'd be a good idea to have a philosophy board? 90% of /lit/ is philosophical literature. Seems no one here reads fiction.

>> No.18325761
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What's the best online pdf ---> epub converter that works for all languages?

>> No.18325770

Thanks, but is there any site where you can rate a book out of 10?

>> No.18325820
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What happened to the /ffa/ threads? Did they disappear?

>> No.18325832

what's the best place to order books online if i live in europe?

>> No.18325909

Sacred coomer

>> No.18325912

Bookdepository is fairly cheap

>> No.18325992

What are some good, non-CONSOOMer works of fiction I can read?

>> No.18326080

>Bathe daily
What does this have to do with anything

>> No.18326524


>> No.18327226

i haven't read a proper published book in a few years. i've basically only read fanfiction and webfiction (i.e. the northern caves, worm, hpmor, chili and the chocolate factory, unsong, etc.)
are there any solid "real" works similar to any of these? i enjoyed them a lot. the more self-indulgent in metafiction the better. i've already read and enjoyed house of leaves

i mean they weren't entirely wrong but i don't doubt a lot of people were involved with that petition because they were pedophiles

>> No.18327234

Jasper Fforde may interest you

>> No.18327257

Trying to name a character for my novel.
Is the surname Fuchenscheitz too hamfisted?

>> No.18327424

Makes you smell nice

>> No.18327471

There's no need for a philosophy board. The sticky explains what can go here and what can go on /his/

>> No.18327845

No. Again.

>> No.18328807

Ok :)

>> No.18328827

I'm exceedingly horny and I want to write some Alexander and Hephaestion historical smut fiction and possibly post it on Wattpad (with either one injured and suffering so that I can touch myself while writing) but I also have copious amounts of work AND I need to finish American Psycho, Crime and Punishment, Dune before I start writing my own story

>> No.18328844
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>> No.18328861

My account is private. It’s awesome when u like a lesser known book as u can find lists that include such book to find others u might like. And you can find others that have given a similar rating and look at what they’ve read. I don’t really bother with reading reviews. I use it mostly as a log book for myself.

>> No.18328865

I read this in a sex therapist voice

>> No.18329049

Asking as someone who grew up in a nonbelieving family:
In the Czech language, the words for holy and saint are identical. The Evangelicals like to mock the Catholics having saints and enjoy quoting 1 Samuel 2,2: "There's no one holy but God" (you will perhaps find different formulations and that's actually the point, since holy and saint are the same word here).
Do conversations like this also happen in the English speaking world or elsewhere? The particular quote doesn't really work in English.
>Is the surname Fuchenscheitz too hamfisted?
Yes, but that might be a good thing if it's supposed to sound funny.

>> No.18329100 [DELETED] 

Any good books to learn anything about political science? Podcasts/YouTube playlist is fine too

>> No.18329341
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I think starting to read anything "philosophical" is a good starting point.

While translating the bible for the common man, Martin Luther did like at least 100+ "mistakes", because he was translating the bible into a complete different language that was also built different. If you were to translate the Bible from Latin into Spanish, there wouldn't be that many problems, but due to the fact that he was German, there were a lot of mistakes. Furthermore, the translation Luther made, was translated into English, there were many more "wrong" translations. There is also an inherent problem with translating scripture, because most of the "old" language were built "different". If you really want to read the Bible in it the purest form, you would have to learn Aramaic and try translating it for yourself. Due to time a lot about these languages has been lost, including metaphors and other vague concepts. So its really hard, if you want to stay true to its origin.

tl;dr translating the bible has caused a lot of problems relating to the text and the intentions of the people translating these texts


This Video explains this a lot better than I could.

Pic related might be interesting for you.

Just avoid browsing a little and try to focus on reading and then comeback and tell us about the smut fiction.

The name sounds like Fuchenscheiss in German and that would translate to furrow shit, which is a hilarious Name.

>> No.18329406

In the /wg/ thread the first book is The Art of Fiction but there are a lot of books by that name so which one do I read?

>> No.18329425

Anyone know of any contemporary high quality fiction?

>> No.18329824

does anyone know of any historical literature that delves into Britain "grooming" the United States to replace it as the World power after WW2?

>> No.18330698

What are the best books by investigative journalists?

>> No.18330938
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Have repeated close communication with some professors on your masters, get to know them, mention the PHD thing, ask if they'd assist a little with your proposal - mine proposed a few broad areas which are popular right now to get me started although I didn't use them in the end - then email back and forth with them about whatever your proposal is. It helps if you are also reapplying to your masters institution, even if you aren't going to follow through.

Once you have a decent proposal, you email it to a few academics at your target unis, I did oxbridge and UCL, and they will either ignore you, reject you, suggest someone else, or email you back positively - they may also want you to email back and forth with them to develop your proposal (this is a lot of work). If one or more says they're interested then you apply to the uni, citing their names in the application form. Then you'll get (ideally) an interview which at UCL was a grilling, at Cambridge was an informal chat, and at oxford I just got offered the spot without an interview.

In terms of how I got into Cambridge specifically, I made sure to engage with a professor on my masters who used to teach there, and he was also a friend of my supervisor. After masters level academia is 90% who you know as far as I can tell. Don't know how i got the oxford spot really, I assume it's because I held up to the grilling I got over email.

I think it helps to say you're willing to do teaching work too.

This is all for law by the way so it might be different for a more /lit/ subject.

>> No.18331425

So there's no answer to this?

>> No.18331457

This is not a problem of a bad translation though, 'holy' and 'saint' are simply the same word in Czech.
I was more interested in whether Evangelicals outside CZE are also so sure about having saints is illegitimate. But thanks for the recc.
>If you really want to read the Bible in it the purest form, you would have to learn Aramaic
Only a small part is in Aramaic

>> No.18331460

No there's an answer

>> No.18331764

depends.. do you want to think like a pedophile?

>> No.18331775

I'm not a real expert on these formats, but converting any type of pdf (yes, there are multiple types) to epub isn't straight forward at all. It's a little less hard than converting png to text.
You may convert an epub to pdf with a chosen formatting, but the other way around's tough.
So any converter you find may do, but remember it will never be a 100%

>> No.18331781

What French books should I read if I want to brute force my way into reading French? I speak Spanish and English if it matters. I’m guessing fairy tales and short stories, but have no idea which ones.

>> No.18331810

I made an account the other day so I could keep track of books I want to read in the future without just buying them and growing my pile of unread books.
I guess if you thought people cared about your opinion maybe it would be liek that.

>> No.18331966

Does the language matter? Or can I try with any language and see if it works?

>> No.18331970

Spoonfeed me, daddy.

>> No.18331993

What is the best translation of Les Miserables?

>> No.18332066

The natural language almost certainly doesn't matter in the case of converting from a PDF.

>> No.18333610

You can tell a diseased tree by the fruits it bears... Something like that

You cannot do good when you are owned by something like pedophilia. Your whole existence is poisoned.

>> No.18333842


>> No.18334923


the goal is to radicalize incel morons like you

>> No.18334981
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>> No.18335021
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How do I get better at reading? I keep stumbling, reading slow, and falling asleep. Even on books I genuenly like and am interested in.

>> No.18335108

How to read Jung, is he too hard? The hardest I've read is Nietzsche and Dostojewsky, other than Beyond good and evil I've had a solid grasp on the works.

>> No.18335133

You're just relaxing because you're tired, get some rest. After lunch naps are a good thing.

>> No.18335168

Yeah, you're probably right. I've been tired all the time as of late. Maybe I should fix my sleeping schedule.

>> No.18335203
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Is Roald Dahl universally liked?

>> No.18335752

he's now been cancelled here in the UK - think he said some bad things about jews or something

>> No.18335762

Larping as a muslim wizard is not a logical conclusion to western philosophy

>> No.18335763

I've heard on the radio that Plato was somewhat against the written culture, and that he was endorsing rote memorization. He allegedly had this opinion because without memorizing important cultural works one stop being the carrier of the culture. Can anyone tell me which dialog this is from? I'm afraid that it was misattributed to him, so I want to read it myself. I haven't read Plato before, thanks.

>> No.18335780

Could it be Phaedrus? Are there other dialogs about this point?

>> No.18335803

Some anons in the other thread were saying that he wasn’t that well versed in western philosophy anyway. Also perennialism is retarded anyway. How do you simultaneously believe in the Yugas AND Qiyamah.
>PS Dyer wrecked a perennialist in debate

>> No.18335840

That guy believes in YEC lol

>> No.18335887
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I loved Roald Dahl as a child. He fostered my love of reading, cool guy too.

Which version of The Prince is the best?

>> No.18336898

Anything similar to the Nightwatches of Bonaventura?

>> No.18337428

Do all 4chan posts that end up archived on /lit/ end up on waruso indefinitely or are some just gone for good? Any deciding reasons/factors?

>> No.18337535

That's a question for the archivists

>> No.18337591

I know that if I want to learn about stoic ethics, there are a bunch of things I can do, I can read Senneca, Epictetus or Marcus Aurelius for example and it's all over the internet nowadays. But where do I go to read about their metaphysics? I wanna know what they thought about the soul, the universe and stuff and how they came to those conclusions. Right now I'm thinking of checking out Cicero's "on the nature of gods" and maybe Diogenes' account of Zeno.

>> No.18337688

>Seneca, Epictetus, Marcus Aurelius

>> No.18337697

He's reading those for the stoicism.

>> No.18337711

By "their" I mean the stoics, not those guys specifically. Like, is there something like the Timaeus or Aristotle's physics/metaphysics/de anima but for stoicism?

>> No.18337729

what are some good books on post soviet russia

>> No.18338057

black wind white snow - its about eurasianism, the last 3rd of the book is about the post soviet era

>> No.18338092

>>smoke tobacco
>That's very unhealthy, anon.
Smoking a pipe in moderation isn't. A pipe full of tobacco and book go together very well.

>> No.18338288

Does anyone here use Brodart covers for their dust jackets? It doesn't matter what size the cover is, right? A larger one can be trimmed to fit a smaller dust jacket, right?

>> No.18338297

I would trim a dust jacket before I trimmed a Brodart

>> No.18338316
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Just tape the dust jacket on

>> No.18339023

I dont use /lit/ at all but lately I've felt an urge to write something but I just dont know what

>> No.18339055

Im not sure where, but yes that is in Plato. My personal interpretation is that this was Socrates' opinion, and Plato was simply communicating Socrates' opinion faithfully. Plato himself obviously disagreed.

>> No.18339102

Warosu is a 3rd party and scrapes 4chan automatically. Any missing threads are due to 1) warosu going down 2) 4chan updates that break fuuka temporarily (April fools jokes and other mod fuckery sometimes do this) 3) posts being deleted before warosu can scrape it.

>> No.18339786
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Is there any point reading the Vedas, and does the translation matter a lot?

>> No.18339864

why do black people like Rousseau so much

>> No.18339875

I would say no. Someone you can profitably summarise though, as he is wont to go off on tangents or be overly illustrative. You may come away from Jung feeling as if you haven't learnt much, this is because he has been rambling about mandalas and horses, not because there has been some crucial tenet of his thought that you have missed. Alternatively, you could not read him altogether, which I would personally advise. I look back on my Jung phase as, mostly, a waste of time.

>> No.18339877

m looking for a children's book I read as a child about an animal (between a possum, skunk, racoon or a monkey, not sure) that hangs from a tree branch upside down. This possum is smiling, but since the curve of the smile is reversed people around think he is making a sad face and unhappy, so they try to please him by bringing him stuff he does not want.

I remember the illustrations were black and white or mostly black and white.

>> No.18339892

l'Etranger is supposed to be quite easy. But if you are at such a level as to only be able to read fairy tales or such things then you may be better off doing some vocabulary on Memrise or suchlike.
Also, you could try and read Tintin in the original. That could be fun. Although in my experience that too is harder than you might think. Idk, reading at low levels is generally running before you can walk. Textbooks will have short stories in them, and are probably the only appropriate option.

>> No.18341089

Just start writing whatever and see how it goes

>> No.18341094

I'm pretty sure if this is real someone will know what it is. Sounds interesting.

>> No.18341122

What is the best textual-critical and historical-critical commentary out there on the New Testament?

>> No.18341176

Books about saints or books written by saints? Doesn't have to be sect specific

>> No.18341191

So natalism is for?

>> No.18341335

Pretty fucking queer of jesus to insinuate we’re all a bunch of sinners like okay bro so what’s the point the. kingdom of heaven on earth yadda yadda crock of shit go to hell if not but maybe you should just reject the notion of it all on the grounds who tf asked for any of this quit putting your bullshit on me like it was at my request okay my dude?

>> No.18341371

If you are invited to a party but you don't want to go it's better to politely decline and arrive late if you change your mind. Don't scrunch up the invitation and stuff it down your man's shirt.

>> No.18341417

Uh no.

>> No.18341430

>Uh no.

>> No.18341453


>> No.18341516

So how exactly does one “freely will”?

>> No.18341531
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I have heard many people complain about Lyotard's misreading of Wittgenstein but very few specific complaints. What is wrong with it exactly? I get that it is rather post-modern and misuses some terms, but it seems like a fairly plausible interpretation to me in the broad strokes.