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/lit/ - Literature

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18321190 No.18321190 [Reply] [Original]

Any progress on your novels?

Previous thread:>>18311164

For Prose:
>The Art of Fiction
>Story Genius: How to Use Brain Science to Go Beyond Outlining and Write a Riveting Novel (Before You Waste Three Years Writing 327 Pages That Go Nowhere)
>On Becoming A Novelist
>Writing Fiction: A Guide to Narrative Craft
>How Fiction Works
>The Rhetoric of Fiction
>Steering the Craft
>On Writing, Borges

For Poetry:
>The Poetry Home Repair Manual
>Western Wind: An Introduction to Poetry
>This Craft of Verse, Borges

Related Material:
>What Editors Do
>A Student's Introduction to English Grammar
>Garner's Modern English Usage

Suggested books on storytelling:
>The Weekend Novelist
>Aristotle's Poetics
>Hero With a Thousand Faces
>Romance the Beat

Suggested books on getting your fucking work done you lazy piece of shit:
>Deep Work
>Atomic Habits

Traditional publishing
> Formatting manuscript
> Write a query
> Track your query

Other Resources
>General grammar/syntax/editing help
> When/where/how should I write?
> What software should I write with?
> Amazon Publishing to make that KDP monie
> Be like Charles Dickens and write serially
> Basic overview of the Screenplay format

>> No.18321200
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Polite repost:

>I've sold about 300 copies of my first book so far. Youtube nearing 24k. Two more books almost finished being written. Feels good man

>> No.18321232

>reposting a blog
good job I guess. do you feel better?

>> No.18321235

>I've sold about 300 copies of my first book so far. Youtube nearing 24k. Two more books almost finished being written. Feels good man

And dubs. I'm jelly. Which novel is this for you?

>> No.18321244

The first one. Its sequel is on ch 7. The other book series is on ch 10 I think.

>> No.18321294

Congrats. Writing my first one now. It'll be shit but just trying to get the feel for it. Try to send to sny publishers? Why/why not?

>> No.18321339

I did. All they wanted were female led LGBTQ books that dealt with relationship shit. I ended up self publishing with preorders.

>> No.18321382

>female led LGBTQ books that dealt with relationship shit
They specifically said this?

>> No.18321387
File: 88 KB, 737x1018, Anomie6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice. Your series is about as far along as mine. It's funny how many different concepts I hit on unintentionally.
Mine starts off with people, mostly men escaping a dystopia that will look very familiar... After that, it becomes several different stories layered over one another.
The new world, the world of waifus is fundamentally a normal world filled with just people. Sure, they have problems, but they are normal problems you can solve.
Then you have Clown World, the dystopia, and all of the bullshit going on there, as well as how these worlds interact with, and come into conflict with each other.
And then there is the personal story of battling Anomie. Nihilism. Apathy. Of finding things worth fighting for and protecting.
And then there are multiple layers beyond this, most of which either are only hinted at or not mentioned at all in the first book.

And yeah, don't bother with publishers. Unless you are producing woke s o y shit following the same formula, they don't want it, and if you are going the opposite route and being ultra based yeah no fucking chance.

>> No.18321388

Have you seen Western books recently? There's a reason I use a Japanese pen name.

>> No.18321394

its in their wish lists

>> No.18321423

So, what no hope for my scifi fiction getting approved by a publisher?

>> No.18321433

Definitely not in that genre, with one possible exception. You have heard of "Sad Puppies", yes? They triggered the usual scifi crowd pretty good by making scifi stories that are actually based. You are still better off self publishing though, a good example is the Starshatter series (not mine).

>> No.18321440

But I don't know if I can navigate all the promotional shit. I don't have time for YouTube and all that shit. I just like writing.

>> No.18321454

Depends on what you are making and your target audience. Mine doesn't go near s o y cial media, which saves me from dealing with NPCs. If you are just writing regular sci fi, not woke and not based your audience might be there. But sales begot sales, and the easiest way of getting attention is just having a decent number of reviews. Which is why, even though there isn't a way of handing out review copies other than buying them yourself like any other user, authors still do this for the early surge.
There's also a lot of weird tricks for the algorithm, I don't know much either.

>> No.18321463

>Self publishing
Could you describe the process? Getting people to actually read your crap is the most nerve-wracking part

>> No.18321470

For Amazon it's fairly easy. You write your book in whatever word processor software, and then you set your account properly, and then you post the manuscript and it makes a digital book out of it. You can also sell physical, but because of the pricing scheme you must charge at least 15 for a 5 dollar book just so you break even. Do it if you want, but buying physical means supporting Amazon, not the author.

>> No.18321481

>authors still do this for the early surge.
Thanks for the advice!

>> No.18321676

Nobody wants to read your poorly written incel fantasy trip, nigger.

>> No.18321703

might as well have sprayed your writing with respect repellant

>> No.18321719

I find some of the shizo ramblings pretty fascinating; It's just a bit dull over the course of a book.

>> No.18321735

>All they wanted were female led LGBTQ books that dealt with relationship shit.
You're so full of shit. There are tons of publishers out there, who each specialize in specific genres. Yeah, maybe not offer your scifi manuscript to a publisher who focuses on YA, drama, and contemporary literature. At the same time, there's no fucking way a publisher in scifi/fantasy will take LGBTQ romance books. You either have no idea what you're talking about, or you're -gasp- lying on the internet.

>> No.18321859

Fuck off roastie simp.

>> No.18321910

How much have you given her OF?

>> No.18322011

Don't you think pretending to be Japanese will get you in trouble? It's kind of mega cringe

>> No.18322038
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Not sure why all the triggered sorts are coming out now, but here's the deal. No one looks at the West as a source of entertainment, just having a Western name is 2.5 strikes against you. Japan has a good reputation for entertainment, which means people give a new author a fair chance. And since there are enough themes in there (waifus of course, I accidentally copied isekai anime despite not watching them, etc) it isn't as if I am just using the name, someone looking for Japanese style entertainment specifically will find at least something they like.
There's also the broader picture, Western stuff presents zero sum, negative interactions, Japanese entertainment offers a wide variety of stories which people can enjoy regardless of nationality. Also...
>Caring what Clown World thinks of you
If you're not a mindless echo golem it already hates you, if you are it still does. So why sacrifice a real you for fake them?

>> No.18322054

Jesus, get help schizo

>> No.18322087 [DELETED] 
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You will never be a real woman. You have no womb, you have no ovaries, you have no eggs. You are a homosexual man twisted by drugs and surgery into a crude mockery of nature’s perfection.
All the “validation” you get is two-faced and half-hearted. Behind your back people mock you. Your parents are disgusted and ashamed of you, your “friends” laugh at your ghoulish appearance behind closed doors.
Men are utterly repulsed by you. Thousands of years of evolution have allowed men to sniff out frauds with incredible efficiency. Even trannies who “pass” look uncanny and unnatural to a man. Your bone structure is a dead giveaway. And even if you manage to get a drunk guy home with you, he’ll turn tail and bolt the second he gets a whiff of your diseased, infected axe wound.
You will never be happy. You wrench out a fake smile every single morning and tell yourself it’s going to be ok, but deep inside you feel the depression creeping up like a weed, ready to crush you under the unbearable weight.
Eventually it’ll be too much to bear - you’ll buy a rope, tie a noose, put it around your neck, and plunge into the cold abyss. Your parents will find you, heartbroken but relieved that they no longer have to live with the unbearable shame and disappointment. They’ll bury you with a headstone marked with your birth name, and every passerby for the rest of eternity will know a man is buried there. Your body will decay and go back to the dust, and all that will remain of your legacy is a skeleton that is unmistakably male.
This is your fate. This is what you chose. There is no turning back.

>> No.18322090 [DELETED] 

>incel turn /wg/ thread into whining about trannies

>> No.18322094 [DELETED] 

You shall not pass!

>> No.18322119

>a weeb pretending to be japanese, writing some litrpg trash, spams /pol/ shit
I heard people crying about trannies online are typically trannies themselves, and it's starting to seem weirdly plausible

>> No.18322134

Nah, I just meme concern trolling faggots. My dick works fine.

>> No.18322176

>mfw tried to write a single scene for so long
>One character goes to meet another, who appears to have received help, and tries to discreetly learn who was it.

>> No.18322226

>just having a Western name is 2.5 strikes against you
bro if you hate yourself just rope, no need for this embarrassing idpol shit

>> No.18322326

93 thousand words. In the end I could not be stopped after all.

>> No.18322527
File: 251 KB, 552x499, ahegao1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rate my ero-story, guys!

Title: Getting a 3 day ban on 4chan
>post lewd pic on 4channel
>i don't realize the girl's nipples and pubes are visible
>Jannies comes out of the woodworks and pins me down
>I'm afraid you just got in trouble for being TOO SEXY on a BLUE BOARD, you bitch ass nigga!
>B-b-but I didn't mean to break t-the rules, Mr. Jannies, I-I...
>Jannies puts his thick manly index finger on my lips and says:
>Shh.. shh... it's okay, anon, I'm just giving you a warning, it's okay
>R-really? B-but what would M-m-mod say?
>Mod walks out of my room's closet
>Eek! - I yell instinctively
>I'm afraid it's going to be a ban this time, nigga
>Jannies: Does it has to be? Anon obviously didn't notice the nip-slip
>Mod unzips his pants and pulls out his gigantic cocc, already dripping seminal fluid
>I'm afraid it's a ban, a three day ban, no way around it
>Oh well - says Jannies standing up - if it can't be helped...
>Jannies pulls out his slightly smaller, but also quite impressive, penice
>both take their shirts off
>their perfectly carved abs make my boipussi so wet i think i've just peed a little
>they both get undressed
>they undress me fast, yet gently
>they grope and lick me all over
>we make-out furiously, i feel their fingers penetrate into my asshole and then come out
>in and out, in and out over and over and over again
>our three raging erections rub each other as if they were fighting, just like our tongues
>their enormous genitals put mine to shame, mine are so small in comparison
>Get on all four - says Jannies
>they stick their massive schlongs into my tight asshole at the same time
>I couldn't possibly describe how much pleasure i'm experiencing! <3 <3 <3 <3
>right before they tear my asshole apart like it's a rainbow flag in a /pol/-meetup, Mod whispers in my ear:
>Because of the short length of your ban, you may not appeal it. Please check back when your ban has expired.

>> No.18322703

You can't even legibly write a post so I'd love to see your story.

>> No.18322718

Out of nowhere, I think I'm starting my first novella. I've been writing short stories for a while now and I think I'm ready to take a stab at something in a little longer form. What I'm envisioning is my own personalized take on the combination of CoL49 with The Remains of the Day. I don't necessarily know what's going to happen yet or even precisely who my protagonist is, but I know what his voice sounds like and I'm getting a feel for how he thinks. These are, in my opinion, probably the most important parts of a first person narrative, so it feels good to have that down. I'm pretty excited about it.

>> No.18322788
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If I have written: Note that [more text]. Also, note that [more text].

Should I have a comma here: "Also, note" ???!!! or just write "Also note"

>> No.18322799

Depends on what follows. Eg:
>Note that I'm gay
>Also, note that I'm very gay.
This is fine, but if what follows is longer or more complex:
>Also note that while I may be gay, OP is a much larger faggot than I could ever hope to be.
There are very hard and fast rules. Read a lot and you will eventually see the patterns of what goes where and when.

>> No.18322803

>There are very hard and fast rules
There are very few hard and fast rules, rather.

>> No.18322857
File: 1.03 MB, 616x878, ancient with his dog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thoughts on this flash fiction? Thank you.

I pierced it on my fishing hook, cast it over my shoulder—back across the dunes. Then like a good fisherman I stood and patiently waited, salt air in my hair, the line between my legs. After a minute, a trembling in the grass as of some rapidly advancing army. The game had begun.

Their ape faces sickened me as they all gathered on the sandy rise and began to chase the slimy thing at the end of my hook. Always it evaded their grasp, wriggled hideously upon the white sand, slipperier than the slipperiest eel.

Up on the grey dunes and down to the yellows, then further onward to the foredunes I led them, reeling, always reeling. They fell in slacks and tripped on the dune grass tufts, the mass of them roiling like a primordial ooze. Their starving eyes and mouths desiring of what they’d found, they’d run until they couldn’t. If they caught it, they’d kiss it until their lips cracked.

But I never let them bite, not once, never.

Before the sea the embryo dunes, after the embryo dunes, a drop. That was where I stood, on the lip above, coil tightening. In a moment, if I wasn’t careful, they’d be on top of me.

I walked down to the beach’s level sands. As my catch gathered behind me, ravenous and vital, I threw rod and line and lure to the sea.

They couldn’t scramble fast enough. A group of them cried to it, called it their baby and their beloved, but those voices quickly died.

I might’ve taken them to a sea cliff, but I preferred to watch them drown.

Gametes are excellent bait for humans.

>> No.18322873

don't mar House On The Borderland with your forced copy pasta shit

>> No.18322887
File: 101 KB, 750x1290, 1619525192764.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can I improve my argumentative impromptu essay writing skills bros? I admit I've been neglecting this skill and I want to greatly improve it.

>> No.18322888

What? This has nothing to do with that story... Also, nice buzzwords. Try constructive criticism some time. It might help you as a writer.

>> No.18322899
File: 156 KB, 880x655, Stroppy Mu.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Name generators are for the uninspired and lazy. Make your own.

>> No.18322906

you're mentally ill
>copy pastes some random shitters story every few threads because the original post got tons of (you)s
get a twitter account or something your attention needs you weirdo

>> No.18322913

Did it ever occur to that you I might be the same person posting it again for critique? Why is your first and only assumption that I'm a mentally ill person posting someone else's work? What could I possibly have to gain from that?

>> No.18322915

I don't understand what this is about. Something about sex, vaginas and babies. I had to google "gametes". I find the part where the angler just goes down to the beach implausible: I thought he was engaged in a fishing fight with the monsters. The story works like a little mystery: a situation is shown and you ask yourself: what does it mean? Since I don't get it, the mystery remains unsolved. I'm left empty-handed. The language is nice. But the protagonist is distant. He seems like a stuck-up guy. Besides, there is no real conflict: the angler wants to fish, he casts the line, fishes, and that's it.

>> No.18322919
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>> No.18322921

A skeleton pops out.

>> No.18322938

because it was bullied so hard for being retarded and the OP had such a ridiculous meltdown that it became a thread meme for a bit

>> No.18322944

Pretty much everything is set out and ready to be understood. Also, this is flash fiction so the point is to withhold information and use a revelatory climax. A human (maybe not human) casts a gamete over the dunes of a beach and waits for the humans to catch the gamete on the end of the hook. Why? Because he finds it fun to drown natalists who are obsessed with babies. The gamete represents the locus of the natalist's attention and desires. It's the symbol of the pure and unfettered love object. In other words, if natalists love babies so much and will stop at nothing to have children, then I suggest an oversized gamete can lure them easily.

>> No.18322989

Sounds smart. I guess it's just not for me. What I got out of it was an uptight angler I didn't like, playing with monkey monsters.

>> No.18322996

I suppose I could make it less obtuse. Thanks for the feedback anyway.

>> No.18323025

You have to read between the lines, anon.
>I pierced it on my fishing hook
>the line between my legs
>the slimy thing at the end of my hook
>If they caught it, they’d kiss it until their lips cracked

Clearly he cut off his own cock and used it as bait. As the castratum, he disdains the sexual struggle of mere simps and coomers. And yet by his very act of mocking them, he debases himself. It's a fascinating think piece.

>> No.18323034

I did use such language for a reason.

>> No.18323078

When I am super stumped I usually turn to Wikipedia. It feels like a more organic way of finding names since I can look into them with more context and then can start looking with more specificity.

>> No.18323087

>It's a fascinating think piece.
I don't know how people can say shit like this about their own writing with a straight face. I hate every single thing I write and can only grudgingly concede anything it does well, which is almost never anything I actually set out to accomplish.

>> No.18323102

I was attempting to mock it but it seems they took my review at face value.

>> No.18323113

Why do you always assume the stupidest things? I'm the guy who write the thing. The guy who said "It's a fascinating think piece" is not me. Categorically, it isn't. Fucking hell, I'll never understand why this board doesn't have post ID.

>> No.18323164

>I'll never understand why this board doesn't have post ID
I don't understand why you always come back.

>> No.18323196

If your home board is one that has post IDs or flags, I can say with one hundred percent certainty that YWNBAWriter

>> No.18323212

I love how you think using different websites translates to writing skill. You're like a 10 year old who thinks he's cool to be in his own club. Also, I don't even use Reddit.

>> No.18323230

How many words a day do you try to write? Do you believe coming in with a specific word count leaves you more prone to writing padded content? I'm on my third novel now and this time around I'm averaging about 2k a day. Still, it feels likes I've hardly done anything when I know in the end the manuscript will be in the ballpark of 100k words.

>> No.18323233

>all the hostility in these threads
You all see other writers as a threat because you aren't confident your work can stand out in comparison.
>inb4 /lit/ is one person
You're all the same deep down. Me too.

>> No.18323243

I'm the only one brave enough to put their fucking work out there. The rest is shit like >>18322527

>> No.18323246

I aim for 2k a day, but I'm a beginner. Still, if you're aiming for 100k and do 2k a day, that means you're going to be done in two months, that seems like a decent time frame.

>> No.18323252

>I hate myself and everything I do
I don't understand how people can hate their own writing. obviously we've all written some terrible/mediocre shit that we've rewritten/thrown in the trash, but if you can't objectively see the strengths in your own work, I dunno, why the fuck are you even doing this?

>> No.18323268

I post pretty much everything I write here. I just don't have anything to post that I haven't already. I'm the anon who wrote the story about Firoz Feroz, the one about the hobo who walks to the sea, and also the anon who is fascinated with elaborate and unreadable pure nonsense. I don't compare myself with any of you because there's no point in comparing myself to other journeymen and neophytes. The idea that you can write something I feel threatened by is ultimately just self indulgence, because comparing myself to Cormac or Pynchon or Faulkner is far more harrowing than anything here could ever be.

>> No.18323276

The point being, and I'm pretty sure other people feel the same way, I'm not going to blow smoke up your ass. If something is really good I'm going to say it's really good. If something is shit I'll say it's shit. I'm going to tell you what I think about your piece. Nothing more, nothing less.

>> No.18323287

>why the fuck are you even doing this?
Because I love to do it. It's just that I hate the output. I hope that eventually I might be able to write something I can be happy with, but just the writing itself is enough for now.

>> No.18323303

Right now I'm trying to aim for a page a day. Once I can consistently hit that I can try to expand that.

>> No.18323306

>The idea that you can write something I feel threatened by is ultimately just self indulgence, because comparing myself to Cormac or Pynchon or Faulkner is far more harrowing than anything here could ever be.
Get real. I can guarantee you read something here that made your stuff look like shit and you went into absolute cope mode because you realized the anon who showed you up probably spends more time posting in tranny and BLACKED threads on /gif/ than reading or writing.

>> No.18323331

You're not going to bait me into getting into a pissing match with you. I've been there and I'm not particularly interested in returning.

>> No.18323337

how's that story about the two old fags in devon going?

>> No.18323383

I write whatever I can daily. Being characterization/plotting/actual chapter text.

>> No.18323399
File: 600 KB, 1255x1528, 1621902633667.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Am I crazy or was the /fit/ vn guy in here a few threads ago?

>> No.18323405

There was a guy who tried a /fit comedy thing involving a "rape ape" a few days ago, I don't know if that's the same guy.

>> No.18323415

Holy fuck it was him.

>> No.18323430

My god, it's too much effort to be fake but too awful to be real. I feel like I'm being torn in half.

>> No.18323474

Soft wind blanketed them whilst they moved up the mountain. Fallen tree branches broke beneath their boots. They walked for long hours in the soothing night with each other for company. What a change this was to be in a good mood on Wish Mountain. Soon the Second Baseline Wall would be far behind and the promise of safety met them with each passing moment. Maybe the good feelings were merely a holdover from the meal served to him mid-afternoon. It wasn’t until this night Hress found himself curiously listening to the sound of the wind just because he found it soothing. Every night before this one the wind was a menace; cold, something to be ignored and smothered away by walking fast or losing himself in focus.

>> No.18323492

>ignored and smothered away by walking fast
this is bad, change it. the rest is inoffensive except

>> No.18323497
File: 19 KB, 428x368, 1620338382533.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every new thread this general derails a tad bit.

>> No.18323498

Also that's a lot of passive voice.
>What a change this was to be in a good mood on Wish Mountain.
Are you ESL? Would explain a bit.

>> No.18323512
File: 1.96 MB, 1000x1299, cedaeeb23841bf70b6b6e344bc45c747.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>how it feels when you figure out how to improve your writing game a little bit

>> No.18323516

whats wrong with it?

>> No.18323526

We need to bring back the pasta.
>Any progress on your novels?
Yes, I'm done now. I was never going to become the next Faulkner, the next Nabokov or the next Joyce, but I hid behind the language barrier to avoid criticism for months, maintaining an illusion that was fun to live in while it lasted. I had thought my country's education system to be topmost in the world, but this turned out to be utter bollocks. A child of 18, a person ten years my junior, has a greater vocabulary than I, who had to look up the word “topiary”, and no one likes the expression theory of art anymore, I am likened to a long lost dinosaur.
This will be my final post on /lit/. I've been humiliated and exposed as a fraud. My writing is pretentious, infantile, banal drivel. My observations are dull, my language grade school level. My tenses are mixed up; I use colloquialisms, ellipses and onomatopoeia. I mix tired and trite idioms together to obfuscate their unoriginality with a veneer of irony; I have continued to recite ornate Jewish chimpanzee parables with diminishing returns. The parable seemed very clearly to me to be asking me whether or not the now-grown-adult can choose. I say yes, of course, but that's not my issue.
I was never cut out for writing. I began writing my "book" on January 6th. Since then I've produced 93 thousand words for it. These words are a tide of garbage without value, without insight, without form. The themes of time, space, infinity, memory and pointless duelling are not present in my work. It was never real writing, it was anime and weebshit!
Story arcs, character arcs, narrative arcs, these are all outdated terms. You say what you hear, and only the anime fandom uses the term “arc” anymore. I am a toad! Look how many words I wrote, because apparently literature is bodybuilding and just aimlessly typing will somehow improve my writing. My appetites grew as I wrote, I set a goal of a 100 thousand words when I began, only for the cancerous growth to demand a 137 thousand words soon enough to be completed, and still I don't even know what genre it is that I'm writing. Is it autofiction? A comedy? A picaresque? Am I merely shitposting edgelord-triggering diarrhea in neo-emo gothic revivalist gestalt?
Regardless, I have failed. I have put down my pen. Never again will my fingers click-clack across the keyboard. No more outlines, no more characters. Goodbye

>> No.18323548


>> No.18323606

so you have no idea either.

>> No.18323610

it's anachronistic. using it reads similar to stories where the author doesn't call his bar a pub, but ye olde tavern. there are excuses you can make for using this kind of shit in dialogue, but there are absolutely none to be made for using it in exposition outside of a vanishingly small number of margin cases. in short, wish mountain meets none of the criteria for membership in the "i can say whilst" club because the overall writing has an amateurish quality to it.

>> No.18323643

so you're saying it's archaic?

>> No.18323648

this response made me physically wince in actual pain

>> No.18323661

knock yourself out with whists and thees and thous and whatever the fuck else in your gay shit

>> No.18323673

im a different anon you seething fuckwit.

>> No.18323679

belonging to a period other than that being portrayed.
"'Titus' benefits from the effective use of anachronistic elements like cars and loudspeakers"
belonging or appropriate to an earlier period, especially so as to seem conspicuously old-fashioned.
"she is rebelling against the anachronistic morality of her parents"

>> No.18323684

>Amerimutt doesn't realise that people in the UK say "whilst" all the time.
stick with your uncultured, unsophisticated yeehaw bruh dude and fuck off.

>> No.18323690

yea i got it now.

>> No.18323697

>his country's best authors are irish
>has played second fiddle to one of his country's former colonies in all arenas, up to and including literature, for the last 200 years

>> No.18323698

well you can take that suggestion too, not just wishanon. matter of fact that suggestion goes for everyone in the thread and random passersby as well. I am not singling him out at all when it comes to stupid bullshit like whilst. that's a global recommendation

>> No.18323840

I think everyone is saying its shit, your section is shit and you are a dumbass for even defending it, just use while you retard.

Here is my edit to ungay you shit:

>Wind blanketed them as they moved up the mountain. Fallen tree branches breaking beneath their boots. They walked for hours in the night with each other for company. What a change, to be in a good mood on Wish Mountain. Soon the Second Baseline Wall would be far behind and the promise of safety came closer with every step. He suspected the good feelings were a holdover from the mid-afternoon meal. On this night Hress found himself listening to the sound of the wind because he found it soothing. On nights before the wind was a cold menace, something to be ignored by walking fast, now he enjoyed it.

>> No.18323843

>What a change, to be in a good mood on Wish Mountain.
nothing can save this sentence except complete excision

>> No.18323859

I tried my best but there are a lot of cringe lines in it, but maybe this wish mountain sucks really hard.

One of the goals of editing is to show the author all the bad habits they have. This guy used a lot of shit words that I eliminated, I hope he catches the changes and reconsiders the rest of his work.

>> No.18323893

I never defended it nor am i the same anon. What the fuck is wrong with your reading comprehension.

>> No.18323903

while I cant keep track of the posters and I guessed wrong. who fucking cares? I am sure the actual writer will see this then, I hope he does cause he is retarded


>> No.18323919

How are novellas usually published? Who are you supposed to show your 27k word manuscript to? A magazine? An e-book gig?

>> No.18323928

It’s called google. Use it to search up your questions.

>> No.18323935

It came to pass that on a certain night, nevermind the date exactly, two travellers of wanton leisure found themselves in a state of fearsome verticality.

>> No.18323955


>> No.18324011
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Has anyone here actually read deep work or is it a meme? It made me realize that my internet addiction is destroying my mind, but paradoxically I would have never stumbled upon it without my internet addiction. At least it inspired me to wake up early and write for a couple hours before checking my phone. How do you /lit/bros manage your internet use?

>> No.18324042

no one wants novellas

>> No.18324126

Give me some advice about writing pirate fantasy fiction.

>> No.18324144

It’s called google. Use it to search up your questions

>> No.18324145

they seem to get published as a part of a short story collection lately unless you've already made it

>> No.18324149

There's a documentary about that. Several. I find the most useful ones are Pirates of the Caribbean, the first one, and The Curse of Monkey Island, the third one in the series. But you can't go wrong with grog and wenches.

>> No.18324160

I'd prefer an answer from /wg/ crowd thank you very much!

>> No.18324161

Then waste your time then.

>> No.18324167

I post my story here sometimes. I just usually don't post the link itself or excerpts unless there are prompts like posting your best excerpt post from a thread ago.

I aim for 500 words rather than aiming for pages. But it's been challenging trying to write every day and meeting those goals.

>> No.18324177

novellas tend to be too long for short story submissions, a 27k one will severally reduce the number of places that will accept it. Better to edit it down to an actual short story. Meanwhile no agents or publishers will touch anything less than 80k words. So novellas are in this weird place.

>> No.18324179

You're gonna have to pick and choose what gets romanticized. You can go full Errol Flynn swashbuckler adventure mode, or gritty dark rapey realism, and everything in between. But most people don't want gritty dark rapey realism, so you're gonna have to decide how much truth to tell.

>> No.18324509

I'm fine, being associated with cucks is the problem. Fuck off cuck.

>> No.18324548

i read through some of your self-gratifying wallposting. it's essentially the same, tired, specious logic that gets paraded around on /pol/ all day every day. your strength (and simultaneous weakness) is that you manage to present your ideas as if they're brand new or groundbreaking. there's a certain neophytic eloquence to your writing. it's your weakness because you mistake the tone of profundity with the profundity itself, and it's even worse because you seem to have an obnoxious attitude about it, as if you're the political messiah descending from on high to educate the cucks and libtards with some facts and logic.

really, you should just get over yourself. fiction that serves as a naked endorsement for the author's politics is basically entirely worthless.

>> No.18324560

Jesus fuck. Just ignore him already and stop derailing the thread.

>> No.18324566

i do my best to give everyone some feedback on their writing, regardless of content. i'm not triggered or mad. i am giving feedback.

>> No.18324573

No, you’re not giving any feedback. You’re just derailing the thread for a shitter who will shit up the thread if you give attention to. Just stop.

>> No.18324592
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post CIB, nasty girl

>> No.18324603

lmao. this is that /pol/tard with the attitude. unironically his work.

>> No.18324610

So you’re just going to keep on derailing? Not stop?

>> No.18324616

derailing what, exactly? there had been no posts for over an hour. call the janny on me if you want to, i don't think they really give a shit about intra-general drama. you could also just laugh at this retard because his writing is dreck.

>> No.18324752
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Chapter 31 dropped.
The only better feeling than concluding an existing plotline while adding more hooks is later on down the road discovering a plot hole, and then coming up with an elegant unifying solution. It feels much better than the initial draft. Anyway, hope your projects are going well.

>> No.18324814

It's fucked, but thanks! You have a very elaborate summary by RRL standards.

>> No.18324844

Am I an exhibitionist?
I have next to no drive to write anything if I'm not going to show it to other people. I read about all of these people who have piles and piles of drafts, and I don't understand them at all. Should I change my ways? How can I make writing in private when I am the only one who will ever see it more appealing to me?

>> No.18324856

We don’t care. Just fucking write.

>> No.18324860

>There's a reason I use a Japanese pen name
This is related to that thing the dissident right has been doing recently, isn't it?

>> No.18324990

that was on recommendation from here, I liked how it eventually turned out. the first five or six iterations were varying degrees of garbage to not great. now it gives the reader enough background info while also getting a taste of the prose to see if they want to read it.

and keep at it, I'm sure its better than you think. its a marathon, not a sprint

>> No.18325037

I checked out the writing sub on reddit and everyone there is obsessed with plot.

Do you guys have any thoughts on books without too much plot? I'm working on a character/thematic study of sorts following a few characters in a specific region at a specific time. There's no real overarching plot though beyond seeing their development/arcs. Is that going to be repellent as a reader assuming it's well written?

>> No.18325052

those are the kinds of books my mom likes to read, same with a vast population of readers like her. throw some minorities in there and you will have a best seller on your hands.

>> No.18325053

Is that what you want to read? Write what you want to read.

>> No.18325079

it's better to show your writing to other people. most people here probably show it to family or friend. if you dont you just build more and more bad habits that you cant change later on.

>> No.18325092

The internet in general is very plot focused. I think lots of writing platforms attract an anime/light novel type crowd which are accustomed to the big hook of a story being its twist or something to that affect. I personally don't mind non plot-heavy stories, but if you're writing to post on a platform you'll probably get an earful.

>> No.18325093

the answer is everyone will have a different opinion about this. A lot of the nerds here would say the prose is more important than anything else since they're wannabe writers. You know, vocabulary, phrasing and all that shit.
I personally believe the idea of the book is what's most important and that the execution (prose, structure etc) is secondary. Now if the prose is too bad it won't be readable and thus it will still suck. But good ideas trump anything else in my opinion, and in that sense i'd say plot is important.
Now plot doesn't have to involve anything fantastic happening. Following a few characters like you're describing is absolutely plot enough, as long as there is something interesting you're trying to convey. I mean, lots of great books aren't focused around the plot.

>> No.18325101

>Do you guys have any thoughts on books without too much plot?
lolita is the epitomal plot-lite classic. think about the things that actually happen over the course of the novel. man gets married, man's wife dies, man fucks stepdaughter a lot, they move around, man commits a murder, the end. plots are just the events which occur to facilitate the story. it's the story that's important, and it's the writing that tells the story. plots are almost entirely inconsequential.

>> No.18325104
File: 1.09 MB, 1920x1080, Lost in shadows.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Different people focus on different things. Like here we focus on prose and such, while I guess they're really into overarching plot.
I think this anon said it best. If you enjoy something, you've already got one fan of your work. Sometimes it's good to venture off the beaten path and try something new. It won't always lead to something life changing, but you won't know unless you try.
My books all take place in the same area with different protags, but it's set up so if one set of stories isn't your taste, another one can suit you a lot better. Plus if you're doing it long term you don't have to change your protag for the story you want to tell. Your current protag can just become a side character in a later book.
Also last and not least, sometimes you just have a specific story you want to tell and there's little wrong with that.

>> No.18325122

Thanks very much guys, was curious about your thoughts. The example of Lolita makes a lot of sense. Well, back to work

>> No.18325133
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>they're wannabe writers
saying prose is unimportant is like being the guy who creates picrel and looking down your nose on people who give a shit about mastery of the medium. yeah, you might technically earn currency from the things you create, but what you create is almost entirely bereft of any real, artistic integrity. if having the audacity to try to make art means i'm going to die unknown and unread, so fucking be it.

>> No.18325143

>should I change my ways?
It depends on why you feel such a strong need to share your writing in the first place.
For example, a problem I used to have was that I convinced myself that sharing my work was an achievement in and of itself. Everything I wrote was mediocre and I knew it, but I'd pat myself on the back and say "hey, at least I'm putting myself out there." I did that for months, stagnating without even trying to improve.
Now I only share stuff if it's something
I want feedback on or if it's something I'm genuinely proud of.

>> No.18325166

Stop being a pseud.

>> No.18325176

fuck off, retard. your opinions are shit and completely surface-level bullshit. why are you even here?

>> No.18325178

Because I want to write?

>> No.18325188

I dind't say it's unimportant, in fact i said if it sucks too much it would make the book unreadable. Average prose and a great idea can still be a great book. Great prose and an average idea is a... book for pretentious fags.
Also, anyone can get mediocre at prose if they practice but you can't get better at getting good ideas. You can fight me on this, but if there's one thing i'm certain of in life it's this.

>> No.18325198

>Also, anyone can get mediocre at prose if they practice but you can't get better at getting good ideas
no, anyone can learn the basic rules of grammar if they practice and edit. that doesn't make it even mediocre prose. it just makes it edited prose.

>> No.18325208

what about lolita? the """"idea"""" behind it is basically "what if pedo?" is that the kind of groundbreaking idea you can only have by virtue of some vague and arbitrary conception of IDEA TALENT?

>> No.18325264

>artistic integrity.
So is this the new cope for pseuds since they don’t write?

>> No.18325275

Can someone explain the difference between plot and what happens in a story? I thought that's what plot was.

How can a story not be focused on a plot? Genuine question.

>> No.18325279

/wg/ pseuds being retarded.

>> No.18325284

>t. trust me bro

>> No.18325289

>Story is the timeline: the sequence of events in your narrative. The point of a plot is to support a story: to make a story come to life. The basic 'story' question is 'what happens next? ' Plot is what happens: the sequence of events inside a story.
Literally a five second search.

>> No.18325300

Lolita sucks, and the idea of lolita isn't really what you're saying it is. The idea of lolita is the exploration of the relationship between a pedophile and a child beyond what most people think when they think about pedos.
The process of writing a book or creating any work of art is solving problems, preferrably through having good ideas about how to solve that problem in a subtle way. Like Wilde said: the purpose of art is to conceal the creator. Conveying ideas without the reader seeing through your scenery is where it's really at.

inb4 filtered by lolita. At least i got balls to say i didn't like the book, unlike all you petty cowards who don't dare admit to being non conforming to the "outside" clique.

>> No.18325321

Okay so how can you have a story that is too focused on plot? How can that be a bad thing?

Even a slice of life story should have a clear sequence of events.

I must be missing what the original anon was talking about.

>> No.18325325

>Ever listening to what /wg/ says.
Just ignore it anon.

>> No.18325342

I'm also not quite sure what the difference is between plot and story, especially as the terms seem to be used differently by different anons, but I don't think we should worry about that. Perhaps the conceptual distinction between plot and story is about the difference between 1) a series of events that follow one another in time and 2) a series of events that follow one another in time aswell as build on one another in a narrative fashion (that is to say: the events are connected to each other in a logical, forward moving, intensifying manner – creating drama).

>> No.18325366

>The idea of lolita is the exploration of the relationship between a pedophile and a child beyond what most people think when they think about pedos.
so, then it's "what if pedo FOR REAL?" you're hiding behind language. what you're saying is the real idea is a function of the implementation of that idea. it's a matter of gradients which you're trying to pass off as a completely separate entity. the exploration of the relationship between humbert and lolita, while ultimately playing second fiddle to the exploration of humbert himself, is definitely a major component of the book. but to say it's not an exceedingly detailed extrapolation FROM a simple idea is just not rigorous. by all appearances, and crucially going off of what nabokov himself has said about the book and his philosophies towards writing over the years, the idea behind the book was simple. it was the execution that was complex. when you look at the idea in a complex way, exploring the relationship between humbert and lolita is literally the only logical outcropping. it doesn't change the fact that the fundamental idea is simple.

also, you're not saying you disliked the book. i frankly couldn't give less of a shit what you like or dislike. we are evaluating the writing process behind its creation. your personal opinion on the overall work is just a fart in the wind and a distraction from the actual discussion.

>> No.18325369

>looking down your nose on people who give a shit about mastery of the medium.

In fact you're very right. I do look down on people who feel they need to master a medium to be able to create something. See, i got talent. And since i got talent i don't have to bother with rearranging one sentence for 3 hours out of fear of being ridiculed for some miniscule deviation from perfection. I know people like you, and how much effort they put into the facade they've chosen. The ideal they're trying to live up to. It's all fake you know, but the problem is that most other people know it's fake too. You're not fooling anyone except maybe yourself. Just relax. The cock slides in easier that way.

>> No.18325381

that would be pretty hurtful if any of it were even remotely close to true. you're looking down your nose at something that literally only exists in your own head, and that's a hill you'll die on because among your "talents," the ability to think in detail isn't one of them.

>> No.18325383

You do scream pseud. So maybe he’s right.

>> No.18325384

dude, unlike you i don't have a PhD in Nabokov. I didn't much care for the exploration of Humbert and since that wasn't interesting to me, the pedo part is what stuck with me. But the point you're making in this post is exactly the same point i was making in the post you replied to - that the hardest part about writing is solving the problems. And that ain't fucking prose, it's talent and effort. Yes, you can get better at it, but if you don't have talent there's no hope for you.

>> No.18325434

you sound like you don't have much talent for prose, or analysis for that matter. you keep repeating your idea about problem solving as if you think i don't understand exactly what you're saying. you're arbitrarily broadening the scope of your initial argument, which is that PROSE BAD IDEA GOOD. again, i don't give a shit if you didn't enjoy lolita, not important. my point, which still stands despite your slimy and disingenuous attempts to slither out of it, is that there is no such thing as "idea talent" like you blithely proposed here >>18325188. it is not something you can or can't get better at because ideas aren't important. an idea is a simple thing and requires precisely no talent of any kind. like they say in the corporate boardrooms whose profit margins drive your aesthetic taste: ideas are like assholes, everyone's got one.

you can try all you want to convince me that my point is actually your point, and i won't allow it until you concede my actual point.

i fucking hate you people so much.

>> No.18325435

Effectively, your posts make me feel wrong, so they're wrong.
Ignoring that you haven't read my book for a moment, and I could tell if you had, here are the facts of the matter.
This is a writing general. There are writers here. I was helping writers and posting my own writing. Either a group of simps, or one salty samefagger keeps shitting the thread with various blue pill bullshit.
And then there is this shit.
Which is the other book that was being discussed here. So congrats on sperging at me for a day over what another author did?
But ignoring that, and ignoring that being a decent person is an act of rebellion so contrarian faggots, like pol posters somehow come off as the bastions of morality in Clown World... I have a book, the other guy has a book. Do you have a book? Because offering help, whether asked for or not is one thing, sperging on people who have done more than you is quite another.

>> No.18325446

What are you even talking about?

>> No.18325448

I don't think I've been in a general on this site where the anons snip at each other like they were menopausal roasties to this extent. /lit/fags can read all the philosophy in the world but once they encounter another person they're FUCKED lmao.

>> No.18325456

In all fairness, I suspect there are a lot more women here than you think. And /lit/fags and writers tend to be pretty...sensitive anyway. It's a hobby that lends itself to the sensitive and emotional

>> No.18325466

Just some pseuds throwing a tantrum that animefags and self-publishing anons are having more success with their writing than they are. Happens every now and again.

>> No.18325469

aahahaha dude, relax, you're gonna pop an aunerysm. Take your meds. My point was that prose was secondary to ideas, which i meant in broad terms.The fact that you're interpreting it like i'm "slithering" my way out of anything is just that - your interpretation. I meant what i said and anyone without autism would've understood what i meant.
I'm not gonna bother with gooping up the thread with this shit anymore.

>> No.18325473

everyone is hostile to each other on this site. add a writer's ego and bunch them up in one thread, and you get this. kek

>> No.18325479

>Not a /qst/ Chad.

>> No.18325483

So aside from being jealous that two small time authors are helping each other, they're salty they can't even get a fucking book out?

>> No.18325491

Some people take writing more seriously than just shitting out a couple pages of drivel so you can go hop on Twitter to promote yourself.

>> No.18325494

by sensitive do you mean gay? because yes

>> No.18325495

Pretty much. Pseuds have extremely fragile egos and will do their best to put down animefags and any self-publishing anons to make themselves better.

>> No.18325498

Kek, pseuds cope with this shit >>18325491 you can see why they try to shit up the thread.

>> No.18325515
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True. I am not some uber pro and most of my stuff needs multiple passes by me and a pass by a professional editor before it is presentable. But I don't pretend I am more than I am.
I just kind of figured he was sperging because being sick of Clown World and its bullshit, and wanting out, then living out his life in a new and healthy world is unironically pol ideals despite going from dark to wholesome.
NPCs gonna NPC.

>> No.18325538
File: 89 KB, 720x960, 1620379464965.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't think I've ever visited /wg/ without there being a bunch of faggots arguing about nonsense.

Just go write lmao. It's fun

>> No.18325553

>But muh artistic integrity

>> No.18325554
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>> No.18325559
File: 67 KB, 700x700, 864625d7e7e84f2d8c36083fed91a422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doggo is right. Yes. Very right about write.

>> No.18325564


>> No.18325586
File: 24 KB, 500x291, 3n9xr2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>finished my short story
How do I get it published? Which magazine do I submit it to?

>> No.18325611

Alright faggots, so let's talk writing. Normally you focus on objectivity. Describe the person/people, the scene, their actions... all of that. There are diminishing returns and purple prose absolutely is a thing, but for the most part showing everything is kind of the point.
I have intentionally adopted a different strategy, presenting a first person view that is obvious skewed in a number of ways that let me show, rather than tell where the eyes and mind of the viewpoint character are and what their priorities are. Getting this right is exceptionally tricky, as you need to present it in such a way that it is clear things are happening even if the MC doesn't see them or doesn't care about them. And there will likely be some who are triggered by say, a character who doesn't care that much about appearances not putting much stock in how others look, and so physical appearances usually don't factor in the narrative unless it has some practical relevance (identifying class types by appearance for example).
The other aspect of this approach is that obviously different viewpoint characters will see the world very differently, and this being a bottom up, solo > party type adventure, there will be a slowly increasing cast of characters.

>> No.18325626

Don't care, just write your story on how you want it and not a bunch of pseuds want it.

>> No.18325630
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>external hard drive just yeeted my folder into the abyss
It was just some planning documents, and I only lost what I was working on today, but holy fuck is this frustrating. I finally made a breakthrough with my plot and it's all gone now.

>> No.18325638

Shut the fuck up and go back to /tv/ or /v/ or whatever with these anti-discussion posts.

>> No.18325676

Mirror everything.

>> No.18325886

Then go write faggot.

>> No.18325895

He won’t. That’s the problem with pseuds. All they do is talk shit but never write or post their works. At the very least, animefags are writing and posting updates.

>> No.18325905

Yea. Now can we shut the fuck about psueds and get the thread back on track.

>> No.18325922

Also stfu about animefags, which I am not anyways. Aside from the name and the odd head pat I am not copying off Japan, nor are they the only Earth culture represented (there's a lot more Germans and Slavs).

>> No.18325929

>Not knowing the origin of animefag

>> No.18325953

How much do people actually care about word count?
My novel's shaping up to be around 70k but I've heard that a fictional novel "should" aim for at least 80k

>> No.18325955

>anon just discovered limited POV
Many such cases. Should've gone with the cloud.

>> No.18325971

Google it.

>> No.18325995

>Goes on writing general, a place with proclaimed intellectuals
>Tells him to jewgle it
What the fuck faggot

>> No.18326010

>proclaimed intellectuals
Only a few faggots have made that claim and they’re ridiculed because of it.

>> No.18326055

So, was there a question? Or was this just wasted time you could have been writing your MC that doesn't care?

>> No.18326063
File: 117 KB, 1542x962, Saving anon.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's highly likely he doesn't know how to do that. Don't worry though I've got your back anon. It was really hard but I pulled through for you!

>> No.18326070

No question. Just a pseud screaming at the wind.

>> No.18326073

The book is however long the book is. Depends on all sorts of factors that only you the writer know. If you submit for publishing they'll tell you if it's too long. If you're self publishing who cares.

>> No.18326077

Aye aren't we all.

>> No.18326083


>> No.18326102

What's with this reddit tier response? Kill yourself. The guy asked for advice and you give the most melodramatic faggot snark that only a so.y guzzling retard makes.

>> No.18326124 [DELETED] 
File: 142 KB, 993x582, Patchoutdoors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to /qa/ if you want basedjacks this is lit.

>> No.18326139

I was gonna snark but I'm sorry I hurt your feelings anon. It'll be okay.

>> No.18326146

>The guy asked for advice
That he could have search online for. It takes literally seconds to do.

>> No.18326153

How do I figure out my protagonist's personality? It feels easier to handle side characters.

>> No.18326189

>What's your guy's take on the general consensus for how long a story should be?
Good job lads

>> No.18326193
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It's all subjective. My protags use the unreliable narrator trope a lot, but some people like making self inserts of themselves or do the typical silent protag reader self insert.
If you do give your protag a solid personality make sure it is consistent. You could use the Dungeons and Dragons alignment chart and play with that, but once you build that character your protag will kinda build himself.

>> No.18326200

Maybe he should stop asking basic bitch questions and search for the answer himself.

>> No.18326213
File: 142 KB, 993x582, Patchoutdoors.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well, I mean, shit man. I remember my first book was about 500,000 words before I chopped it into parts because it broke Amazon's self publishing servers. My book is going to be as long as I want it to be because I have a story to tell.
If he wants to ballpark the length everyone else does then that's easy to find. If he asked me one on one I'd just say write the story you wanna write.
I aim for 300 pages nowadays with a 8.50 x 11 Trim size and a .625 gutter, but that's not gonna work for everyone.
I didn't wanna say 'just write' lol. I thought that would be meaner so I spent a second googling the answer for him and opened paint.
Cut me some slack anons I'm already sleepy.

>> No.18326222

>It feels easier to handle side characters.
That's because protagonists have traits that are expected of them, and sometimes need to be a certain way in order for the story to work. That is, naive, headstrong, or both. Generally your main character needs to be willing to take matters into their own hands, that's what readers find compelling and want out of the lead role.

>> No.18326241

You need to give them room to improve but not make them assholes.
When they were making Toy Story, they needed Woody to become a better person, so they made him a jerk at the beginning and everyone hated him. They eventually figured out that Woody needed to be nice until the thing that he cared most about (being top toy) was threatened, and then his true colors came out. Then he had to hit rock bottom and grow from there.

>> No.18326268

You wrote the entire book, realize his personality shifted into what you wanted it to be deep down by the end, prepare a stiff drink, and rewrite the first 85% of the book.

>> No.18326277

I'll disagree with this. Some protagonists historically, aren't any of those things, they merely act as a sort of a camera for the reader in order to watch other characters do those things. Protagonists come in all types, and if you can have a sort of wheedling slimy sort protagonist that's fun to read, do it. Fun to read is what matters, even if its love to hate.

>> No.18326286

>This is a thread about writing
>No, don't talk about things other than writing
>Don't talk about writing either
Eh, I tried. Now fuck off.
>First book was 127k
>I considered this average
>RR crowd loves spamming word and chapter count filler
>Laughs in The Land Book 8
Fuck arbitrary word counts, end every chapter and your entire book on a cliffhanger after at least resolving the main conflict of that book even if others manifested along the way. Fuck quotas.

>> No.18326292

Fuck you. I win the writathon at all costs. If someone laughs I don't write "hahaha," I write "ha ha ha." That's two extra words. I'll take whatever I can get.

>> No.18326303
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That's the spirit.
To me we're storytellers first. If you want to slice of life it up like you're a TV show I guess that's what RR is into, but I haven't used the site myself so idunnolol.
When I first started before I came to lit forever and ever ago I didn't even know word counts were a thing to worry about. I just wanted to tell my story.
It sounds mean but just write. That's the secret!

>> No.18326358

From what I have seen, their focus is on quantity over quality. Someone who intentionally distills things and avoids filler is the exact opposite approach. And sure, it's effective at abusing the KU algorithms, but if it's about five chapters in and effectively nothing has happened you've already lost me.
My metric is a given book needs these events, and the series needs these events. It takes as long as it takes.

>> No.18326373
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Sounds like I'd get filtered pretty hard. I try to keep my books absent of filler and something is constantly happening on top of being a very long series.
My way of doing it is awful for making money but I know I'm going to be satisfied with the final product.

>> No.18326386

Do you guys even do build-ups? Legit question. Not coming to the defense of those RR writers, but the few stories that had chapters like that had some buildup for the soon to be problem. A clam before the storm sort of thing.

>> No.18326391
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>but if it's about five chapters in and effectively nothing has happened you've already lost me.
Who would do such a thing? Haha.

>> No.18326401

You don't need filler, you need consistent uploads to keep the fiction "alive." If you naturally have a long story and the chapters are already done you can mimic the upload schedule of a filler spammer.

>> No.18326422

How do you get in the right mood for a queries, trad-publishing Chads? I fucking hate selling stuff, dislike summing up stories/character and found 99,99% of the successful queries and book blurbs stunningly boring. Plus they generally feel too long to spark interested and too short to explain anything in depth.

>> No.18326433
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I've been told by my readers that my stories start very slow and my setup is usually 100 pages "introduction/setup" 100 pages "meat" and 100 pages climax, and my books are divided into parts so if you took the entire book without separating it into parts it has 3 "introductions" and 3 "meaty story plot sections" and 3 different climaxes.
I tried to keep the parts self contained so you don't have any cliffhanger situations but it's kinda inevitable with the way I have to do it to get it out there.
I guess if it was a rollercoaster my books would be like...

>> No.18326448

Build up in what sense? The tension obviously increases and the protagonists handles wide-reaching stakes over the time but I don't waste too much time preparing the reader for it.

>> No.18326476

I find it bad that I'm going to 4chan for writing tips.

>> No.18326520
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I help where I can. I like to think of the advice I give as a scattershot to point you in the right direction rather than an absolute that is set in stone that you absolutely must adhere to at all times.
Plus the few of us that are just having fun.

>> No.18326535
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>Mfw I just finish a 2.5 thousand word chapter.
I hope I’m making my oshi proud.

>> No.18326562

Big ups

>> No.18326605

Honestly? It's not like you have better choices.

>> No.18326641
File: 174 KB, 700x1010, divershort.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>resident schizo making it's rounds
>pseuds giving opinionated advice
>amateurs giving surface level advice
>anti-discussion drones trying to kill any non-shitpost discussion
Reposting a short because sharing is fun and one of the few things this thread can embrace without shitting its fucking drawers
>dialogue tags
I know, I fixed them after the first time I posted. I just don't want to rescreenshot and stitch the pages together again
Only if you engage with the lowest retards on the board, which are 90% of the posts. There's plenty of helpful discussion, it's just tied to maybe 6 posters and we get 40~ a thread

>> No.18326708

On RR yes unless you can produce large volumes of content very quickly without hitting the DBZ problem where they should have just let it end already.
The other problems you'd have with the RR crowd is they really only want one very specific kind of story and the instant the MC isn't some omnipotent do everything sort or develops as a character, they will bitch.
Let me repeat that. Character development and parties in a generally party based medium are generally frowned on.
KU just pays by the page, which is why you see LitRPG statblock spam, and why I specifically take shots at them by only posting stats when a lot has happened or it is directly relevant. Which is mostly a first book thing, individual levels matter less after that.
>MC reverse engineers mechanic
>Gains +1 Wisdom
>"I could look at everything again, but that'd be incredibly obnoxious."
My definition of filler is anything that doesn't have a point. Setting the stage of the worlds has a point. Showing character mentalities and interactions has a point.
If Chapter 1 is hey I'm naked in a hedge mage, and Chapter 5 is lolsame with no progress on getting out, little action, still fundamentally the same character asking the same questions... That's not progress.
If it is more like the exciting parts start on Chapter 2 or 3, but the overarching plot doesn't kick in until about halfway but there are character driven goals before there are external goals... no problem here. Let the MC get settled and become a better person and then introduce a threat.
Depending on what metric you use, the action either begins within five minutes of arriving in his new home, or if you mean external goals only halfway through the book. And then it is just constant escalating action, and the second has less setting and character development before getting the hunt on, though the second book, given the nature of the enemies involved is more about predicting your opponents than straight out fighting them.

>> No.18326732

This, I just read Worm a reference for writing a web serial and not only did I enjoy the experience of it (yeah sue me), it was a good example of how to write web serials to be enjoyed and not just something to slough through as part of someones morning reading habit
Break things into acts and move things along. I read a few RR stories and they're all meandering, zero structure or plot at all. Since I know you're all brain rotten retards who don't actually read, think of TV serials. Different villain every week, different story arc. There's no season where nothing happens except teaching some dirty peasants the glory of hamburgers or waxing plain about your dumb fucking magic system

>> No.18326768


>> No.18326779

>The other problems you'd have with the RR crowd is they really only want one very specific kind of story and the instant the MC isn't some omnipotent do everything sort or develops as a character, they will bitch.
know any story where i can read responses like that? im really curious.

>> No.18326794

I don't have people complain about my protags at all. But at the same time, I get very few comments to begin with anyway. I did have one reader call one of them a psycho based off a character page before the point where she gets properly introduced.

>> No.18326803

When I was writing on RR I found it to be a hug box. Comments were only ever
>thanks for the chapter :)
>keep it up!
>see you tomorrow

>> No.18326815

Really? Not that anon, but I've seen some stories that don't hold anything back

To make it even better, those stories were LGBTQ

>> No.18326816
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Oi, I fixed that spelling mistake the minute after I posted my snapshot and I'm one of the few that shares on here. Don't bully me for participating.
Authors use their imaginations to make things real, and while only half a hundred of us participate, there's always going to be lots of lurkers learning from our threads.
I love you all.

>> No.18326827
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I used to get an avid reader who did those tokens of appreciation, and I appreciated them. And then... he stopped doing it. And now all I get are lonely ghost towns. It's kinda a bummer when you get readers like those every full-moon who bing-read a few chapters, say "see you later!" and then they never comment again. It is what it is I guess.

>> No.18326843

Not specifically, but that is the general mentality of the Reeeeeeeeeeedit citycuck crowd, so it's also the mentality of their community.

>> No.18326848

>the 5 letter acronym
That's probably why, the readers were mostly hormonally imbalanced abnormals. I was just writing a fun story about skeletons
Still am but this time I hope it'll be more structured since I'm actually finishing it before posting
Based skele bro
>Don't bully me for participating
We all get sucked into shitposting but the general is pretty comfy when it's not a zoo outbreak of /lit/'s worst dumb asses. It'd be nice if bait wasn't bitten every single time

>> No.18326913
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>Any progress on your novels?
Very little because I'm stuck living with my parents who torture me by having the tv on all day. They're living memes. They embody everything 4chan hates about boomers.

My "novel" is a Touhou fan-book so feel free to bully me.

>> No.18326923

buy some headphones
some anime in the bloodstream is fine, so long as it doesn't go terminal. balance challenging yourself and making progress and I'm sure most everyone will respect you just fine

>> No.18326941


>> No.18327282
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>buy some headphones
The biggest problem is having diner with them. /lit/ can think whatever they want about /pol/ but liberal boomers watching MSNBC are worse. After about 70 minuets of Globohomo, I can't concentrate and have to play vedia to forget about it. I have spoken in protest but thay have told me to "just deal with it."

>balance challenging yourself and making progress and I'm sure most everyone will respect you just fine
It started as a writing exercise to see how will I can write with pre established lore and characters. It snowballed into a biger project for several reasons;
>I wanted something in my catalog of work I could give away for free
>I love Touhou and I'm disported by the lack fan content in English
>I wish ZUN would write more prose like Cage in Lunatic Runagate
>I became hooked on the challenge of geting drama to work with silly waifus in a high magic setting

>> No.18327304

>70 minutes dinners
Holy fucking kek. Do burgers really?

>> No.18327325

gl zoomer anon. whenever you man up and decide to post some stuff in thread I'll try to help out
minimize the amount of blogging you do though. there's enough derailing going on without people latching onto your anecdotes

>> No.18327341

Only boomers. They can't even live without vapid bullshit.

>> No.18327357

>off topic posting on a mongolian goat milking forum

>> No.18327373
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That includes cooking the food.
>gl zoomer anon.
I'm 33yo /r9k/ robot. Say anything more would meen more blogging so I'll leave it at "autism" and "college meme."

>man up and decide to post some stuff in thread
for context, Reimu is visiting the SDM thinking Remi is looking for a model for a panting. Instead It's for Flan-chan.
This is form a VERY ruff draft.

Sakuya walks into the meddle of the room and says "Master Flandre, you have a visitor."

I see a wing with rainbow colored crystals creep into the door frame followed by the rest of Flandre meekly peeking into the room. After a brief look at me she walks towards me and says "Ego veni ut qui de dictione. Im 'non est aliquis relevari scio."
What is she saying? Is this English?
"Master Flandre, miss Hakure doesn't understand English. You have to speak to her in Japanese."
"I am sorry, I forget."
I think Flandre's Japanese has has somehow gotten worse since I've last seen her.
"I happy to see you. I was scared about who would come."
"Master Flandre, if that would be all I will be geting back to work now."
"I will be fine. Reimu can't be one of the wolf people."
"Sakuya, whats this about. . ." before I could finish my question I realized Sakuya had disappeared, leaving me alone with a mentally unstable yokai.
"About what?" Flandre asks
". . .wolf people." I say finishing my sentese.
"You not know? Thay foreigners that turn into wolf monsters. I was afraid my model could be one."
"Aren't you a foreigner?" I ask Flandre.
"No, I live inside the manner. You came form outside, so you are a foreigner."
I almost correct her, but I know it's a waste of time. Youkai are always doing and saying things that don't make sense. I'm better off changing the subject. Just now I notice that a part of the carpet is a defiant shade of red.
"Who's blood is that?"
"My blood."
"You're blood?"
"Yes. It my blood."
"And why would YOUR blood be on the floor?"
"To let the pain out. It was supposed to be little cut but I see the bleedings and I got. . . excited. . ."
Flandre looks at her blood stands and breathes heavily.
"It pretty how it ooze and drip and splat."
I have a really bad feeling about what she might do. I need to change the subject again.
"Flandre, do you want me to model for you?"
"YES!" Flandre is giveing me the same look the fairys neer my shrine get when I bribe them with snacks. "Art help with pain. I show you!"
She grabs my wrist and runs, pulling so hard it feels like my arm is going to be ripped off. She stops in a room filled with rubble and broken furniture.

>> No.18327428

bro... this is pretty bad. since it's just dialogue there's little to say structure wise other than maybe inject some more action and prose. use line breaks
fix your dialogue tags before someone posts the image
use a spell checker
but there's really little to say. this is really quite bad. I try to take people in good faith unless they act retarded but it's gotta be said;
read some books

>> No.18327460

Tbqh the biggest issue for me is the lack of tension and all the voices sounding too similar.

>> No.18327462

This >>18326641 is what I wrote when I was practicing dialogue
I'd feel condescending and pretentious for offering up a silly little practice piece as something to be referenced but your writing is bad enough it might help
Read a book

>> No.18327480

there're more issues than that, you're just too new to tell
I'd tell you to drop this project and do something less retarded and inherently shit but learning to finish and write something en masse is just as important as being able to form a coherent sentence
my advice would be to just finish this up and hold yourself to a higher standard next time

>> No.18327528

I'm not that anon, and no, I wouldn't say there are bigger issues. The structure and spelling can be all fucked but it could be easily fixed and wouldn't matter for the big picture if the stuff was actually interesting to read due having some tension.

>> No.18327571

this is your brain on anime
I've told others that shitters have no idea how to identify flaws in writing, only providing their biased opinions and the symptoms that bring them to mind, and this is a perfect example of it
the structure of this scene is inherently
bad passive protagonist which does nothing other than serve as an interpreter for the reader in 'unusual' situation
plot drops are bad but it reads in a forced way. the attention of the character and the way it is used to bring information to the reader feels arbitrary. it's an inherent issue with first person perspective but here it's obvious and feels bad
it's not compelling, it's not interesting, the dialogue is clumsy and autistic. to say that
>Tbqh the biggest issue for me is the lack of tension and all the voices sounding too similar
is way too much fucking leeway. it's one thing to encourage a shitter. we're all gmi. but not if you hold people back with this "there's nothing really wrong" shit

you clearly have an opinionated stance that well executed writing doesn't matter so long as muh plot is interesting, in which case you should preface your shitty, shallow takes with this opinion so that newfags know that what your offering is only a self indulgent opinion

>> No.18327576

>plot drops are bad
shit, sorry to 2hu anon. hooks are good, yours just sell poorly

>> No.18327622

Anyone know any link or tool for correcting passive voice?

>> No.18327666

>bad passive protagonist which does nothing other than serve as an interpreter for the reader in 'unusual' situation
>plot drops are bad but it reads in a forced way
Not a fan but it's common enough in popular works. Hence obviously not the biggest issue with anons stuff.
> it's not interesting, the dialogue is clumsy and autistic.
Partly due lacking any tension. That's why the info drops also feel boring, there is no weight to information without tension.
>this "there's nothing really wrong" shit
That was pretty much the opposite of my post. I agree with all of your complains; just focusing on the thing that really breaks it all.
>your shitty, shallow takes
That are supported by other successful works. Dan Brown or Stevie King shit out bestsellers because they get the basics right. And it's hardly too much leeway, since writing something with conflict to keep the readers attention is the biggest issue for most posters here, and generally a lot of beginner writers since they forget that they have to make readers care about their shit. And most absolutely are ngmi because they can't get that right.

Nobody gives a flying fuck about how you execute your writing if what you writing about lacks tension (or at the very fucking least muh relatability). It's a silly cope for people who don't have a story to tell and think aimless ramblings are going to work if they pimp up their prose to a point when it outshines the emptiness of the work.

>inb4 lolcommercial appeal
It's not a /diary general/, so it makes sense to assume most writers who take it seriously want their work read.
Most spell checkers can point it out but you'd generally have to fix it yourself. What the fuck, anon.

>> No.18327687

I guess I've been osmotically absorbing too much if the reactionary /pol/lit/ical drivel browsing this board but I just got an idea for a story charting the ups and downs of a woman's relationship with her husband while struggling with mental illness, then becoming pregnant, turns out the husband, for a bunch of crazy ideological reasons tossed around here, didn't find her fit to carry on his gene line and used her as a surrogate without her knowledge. Haven't thought out an ending other than being uplifting for female protag but I think there's a thematic kind of body horror autonomy progressive fem narrative you could weave borrowing from the obvious titles that come to mind in a form modern female audiences would eat up especially if you authentically portray be husband's rat...
Shit this is just The Hand Maids Tale isn't it, I didn't finish season 1. Fuck

>> No.18327724

>moment to moment prose vs commercial appeal
its so weird that this is a recurring dispute in this general
why would you tell someone asking for advice and looking to improve that they need more commercial appeal? that all stems from surface level aesthetics, plot and characters. at most you can just tell them how it makes you feel and hope they can figure out a solution on their own, anything else would require you to write their shit for them

when teaching someone, you give them the tools to learn to walk. you don't tell them that they should walk with swagger to pick up chicks
>well picking up chicks is the only thing that matters
entirely your opinion and the reason you constantly get shit for it is because you assume it's a universal truth. let 2hu anon, especially because he's a complete shitter beginner, learn the fundies before you start telling him how to best shill to agents

>> No.18327766

Some people don’t want to publish traditionally, some just want to self-publish or just post their stories online.

>> No.18327829

if you're not shilling to an agent, you're shilling to a community and from what I understand, it's a hell of a lot less labor to impress one agent than it is to impress a mass following on twitter or RR
regardless, writers should know how to write
>muh lottery winners
don't depend on it
>muh rich mediocres
part circumstance, part hard work

your advice of "more tension" is flawed, but comes from the right place. you feel that it's boring so your go to solution is tension. not always the answer
sometimes a scene or passage can be funny or scary or some other form of evocative. sometimes it's compelled by character development. sometimes, and this might blow your corporate cucked mind, a scene is interesting by the merit of its prose, such is in immersive descriptive scenes
plot isn't the only method through which a reader engages with writing. save one dimensional claims like this for the self help books

>> No.18327852

I’m not that anon about tension. I’m just saying that some anon, here, just want to tell a story and publish them. They don’t care about being traditionally publish.

>> No.18327864

>regardless, writers should know how to write

>> No.18327879

Forlorn. Null. It was so forlorn and null that Jaeicho felt there should be a new word to describe it. Nullorninity. Jaeicho thought himself very clever, seated in his tiny boat in a lake that was pale and empty and endless. The fishing rod he held was as still as the water’s surface, and in fact he couldn’t remember a time when it wasn’t. How long had he been out here? Well, Jaeicho’s mind was brilliant and did not waste time reflecting on trivial matters like that. There were more important things to concern himself over. Such as, what was available for him to eat, currently? He realized that, if he couldn’t remember a time when his fishing rod was useful, then he must have been out here a very long time. And if Jaeicho had been here all this time without so much a scrap of food, surely he was fine to go a little longer. So that problem is resolved. Jaeicho was clever like that.
“I’m quite good at things.” commented the insufferable puffer. Rude, that statement was supposed to be in Jaeicho’s thoughts. The ridiculous puffer was such a bad, unimportant, and unmemorable thing that it wrapped around back to being interesting, important, and memorable. The dastardly puffer was so uncouth that it didn’t even care that it wasn’t supposed to be capable of floating in the air, but there it was, like a little spiky ball of frustration. Jaeicho considered batting it away with his hand, but changed his mind, worried by the prospect of retaliation.
“You aren’t supposed to be here. And I don’t like you very much.” the two of them glared at one another. The situation was quite upsetting. But in that moment that Jaeicho’s gaze left the water, so it was that the surface broke, but only gently. An entity surfaced from the lake that was pale and empty and endless, and in fact she was an old friend of Jaeicho’s. Which was odd, considering the pair of them had never met until now. Jaeicho reasoned this was called “charisma”. With a very long neck she brought her eyeless face to glance at them without vision.
“What’s all the negativity?” She asked without a mouth. Jaeicho pointed at the obnoxious puffer.
“He started it and no one invited him!” cried the intolerable puffer. The friend tilted her head to listen without ears.
“It’s always just best to leave a bad place.” And so it was that the friend raised a baker’s dozen of arms from the water, grasping Jaeicho without hands. Jaeicho wasn’t all that offended by this, he had begun to grow tired of the nullorninity. And then, he was pulled below the lake that was pale and empty and endless. If only he could have held on to his fishing rod. But then, he had never remembered a time where it wasn’t completely still, so he wasn’t upset over losing it after all. Jaeicho was clever like this.

>> No.18327892

>why would you tell someone asking for advice and looking to improve that they need more commercial appeal
It was a tongue in cheek term. What you think of commercial appeal is the consequence of getting the basics right. Afterwards you can still aim for your 2complex4plebs magnum opus (most of which had commercial appeal too, otherwise you'd never heard of any of them)
>that all stems from surface level aesthetics, plot and characters
Something most writers can't do. Besides tension isn't even about that. You can have a conflict without much of a plot and with the most basic of characters.
>entirely your opinion
It's a medium of communication, so assuming people aren't posting their therapy diaries but work they want others to read is a pretty safe call. Assuming people don't want artificially limit their potential audience by making it lack basics like tension might be an opinion but seems like a pretty good guess too.
> it's a hell of a lot less labor to impress one agent than it is to impress a mass following on twitter or RR
Good lord. And here I thought you were serious.
>your go to solution is tension. not always the answer
Nor was it suggested to be. Out of all the other stuff you mentioned, it'd be just the safest call to work. The rest is very hit or miss, and generally works hand in hand with tension. (For fucks sake, the thing that makes humor work is the release of tension and subversion of expectations) How did you even get to "tension - plot" bullshit? After the agent comment it seems like you're just pulling my dick but maybe you're really equaling tension with plot? It's more about creating anticipation ... which is why good prose generally has tension too. It's just easier to understand the basics when doing it with characters first.

>> No.18327940

>What you think of commercial appeal is the consequence of getting the basics right
what you think of my cock and balls is the consequence of getting the basics right. if your reading comp was above King's On Writing level, you'd understand my whole narrative I'm trying to argue for is that the basics are compromised of a great arrays of skills and qualities of prose that every writer should strive to be acquainted with and not just tension, however the fuck your using the term
define 'tension' dweeb. most people would assume tension to be derived from the plot and the promises/unknowns of its
development. whatever definition you have in your head is not what the universal is

>assumes anyone who discusses writing without mind to marketability is a pseud
oh so it is you
>every time the thread derails over marketability babble it's the same anon
I suspected as much. that makes how many resident schizos now?

>> No.18327954
File: 63 KB, 704x833, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

first time I am writing anything, I haven't really revised it yet I just punch in whatever comes to mind
I consider ameican psycho, no longer human and notes from underground to be my main influences (lol)

on another note: are you supposed to have a big twitter following before self publishing? Why would anyone ever read what I write?

>> No.18327975

I have 140 followers who may or may not be following me for my actual story and may be only following me for the art I commissioned, and I generally don't, as far as I'm aware, get any referrals referrals to my series.

>> No.18327980

If the man is really red pilled, he wouldn't have married at all, so that nukes your premise right there. Though, the Nazis aren't really red pilled (they simp) and... how would she be used as a surrogate without knowing it?

>> No.18328001

Held back by either your own indulgence in what looks like something that was fun write, or by ham fisting the point. The humor is at its worst during the dialogue and at its best during the sissy kidnapping, which is a shame because the sissy kidnapping bit would have been great if it were standing in immediate contrast to a grounded conversation. Some of the erratic qualities are good and fitting and some are detractive
I love stories that feature interesting scumbags. Post again after an editing pass and refine the vision here a bit
You're both retarded. Don't bite if you know it's a schizo

>> No.18328011

so edgy

>> No.18328024

ok boys. i have sat down at my desk and am now ready to write all day. let's all be as productive as we can today, we are all going to make it.

>> No.18328032

Stop fucking blogposting. Fucking annoying.

>> No.18328034
File: 18 KB, 610x324, samwise_gamgee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you write one more word,
It'll be the furthest into this story you've ever been

>> No.18328044

it's on topic and encouraging posting
more than your posts can speak to. eat shit crab, we both know you haven't the experience, sensibilities or brain matter to engage in actual writing discussion

>> No.18328054

He's right. Stop with the blogpost.

>> No.18328058

>seething at the implication that someone else is writing while he isn't
just write

>> No.18328060

>most people would assume tension to be derived from the plot and the promises/unknowns of its
Sorry for assuming people here are writers and not most people. Even the dictionary definition like "balance between strongly opposing elements" makes obvious it can be about more. Two character wanting different things could create tension. An atypical description of something mundane would too. It's basically just creating anticipation and/or uncertainty, so the reader wants to read the next sentence.

>> No.18328061

I am writing, but still, stop with the blogpost.

>> No.18328062

that anon is not me. i'm >>18328024 but >>18328044 is not me. anyway, i'm sorry i have triggered both of you, i will try not to do that from now on.

>> No.18328067

>just write!
Soft wind blanketed them whilst they moved up the mountain. What a change this was to be in a good mood on Wish Mountain. Every night before this one the wind was a menace; cold, something to be ignored and smothered away by walking fast or losing himself in focus.
>heh, those pseuds who focus on prose are never gonna make it! i am "actually writing" unlike them.

>> No.18328071


>> No.18328074
File: 34 KB, 493x688, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thanks for the feedback, I think I agree with you on shaping a contrast. I am definitely indulging in it. I like characters that are overly dramatic and kind of "stormy".

it only gets worse as the plot progresses, see pic related

>> No.18328080

Yes, we get it pseud. You’re mad that an animefag is writing while you’re not. Doesn’t give you the right to shit up the thread.

>> No.18328082

>i'm writing
is a comfy blog. it is a worthless post though, can't argue with that. nest it in something else, like an excerpt showing your progress or something you've been struggling with in your writing
I like to see people showing signs of actually writing

>> No.18328085

>those first few sentences
Jesus christ anon

>> No.18328089

D-do animefags not write properly?

>> No.18328092

what do you mean?

>> No.18328093

No, we focus on writing, then we edit for later, you know, how's it's normally done.

>> No.18328095

>I like to see people showing signs of actually writing
all in pursuit of this grand illusion you have in your head where the people who do things that you like are "actually writing" and the people who do things you dislike are "heh pseuds" who need to be "actually writing" instead of doing the things you don't like. it's so transparent, and it's so obvious that you actually unironically think like this.

>> No.18328098

I know you're mentally unwell and grasping at retarded straws but everyone is allowed to fall for bait once per thread
you clearly don't engage in writing discussion and analysis beyond what you see in either self help books or here. tension is short for narrative tension, which i'm sure is a phrase you're unfamiliar with, but contextually you should be able to tell it inherently has to do with the plot
there can be tension from other sources but yet again, you're full of shit and making things up as you go along. if you had any idea what you were talking about you would have said 2hu anons writing was boring and explained what that means and how to address it instead of that it needed tension (personal definition that no one else uses)
get fucked and stop giving shitters your bad, self validating advices. save it for the pseuds and the irredeemable animefags

>> No.18328100

>your mentally ill!
>I can tell because this is your behavior and thoughts!
bro, meds
excerpts and writing related grievances or questions are the evidence I suggested, not world maps and magic system docs

>> No.18328102

my mistake. thought you were someone else. different tying style

>> No.18328108

nta but which resources can I use to learn about terms such as narrative tension, etc? I'm a new to writing and I want to get better.

>> No.18328110

if your new, anime has become a catch all for any impulsive, amateur writing
to write anime means to prioritize word count over quality. anime writers get some respect for 'actually writing' since they post constantly but it's usually of ass quality
pseuds are diametrically opposed because they overthink shit and overwork it without ever progressing. pseuds are always annoying because of their conceited, closed opinions and insecurities they project onto everyone
don't too an anime writer or a pseud. be somewhere inbetween

>> No.18328111

Google it.

>> No.18328123

Honestly, I think it’s better to be an anime writer. You’ll write, but you can edit your work later on later drafts. Quality maybe shit, but you’ll achieve your goal.

>> No.18328142

Obviously I can google just that one term, but I am interested in finding and learning about more technical terms related to writing.

>> No.18328149

Ah, I see. Sorry, nevermind. I had hopes it might be an attempt at a clever depiction of a 4chan schizoid, not a 4chan schizoids diary

>> No.18328150

i get called a pseud here whenever i lash out against the anime menace. at the same time, the last few works i've posted have been almost universally complimented, even here. this is an improvement from the works i've posted when i started that were universally excoriated. i don't understand how the writing can be complimented but the mentality and approach to the writing can be called pseud. there are no real metrics on writing quality, but going off of my own personal experience and feedback i've received on my actual writing, i'm both conceited and a """"pseud"""" who can't progress, and simultaneously (but in different contexts) praised and show a pretty marked improvement even if only i can see it. how can being a """"pseud"""" be a bad thing if i am consistently improving?

>> No.18328154

this is cancer and also, ywnbaw (writer)

>> No.18328160

Okay, and? I posted an excerpt of my work and it was praised. Doesn’t mean anything. I think you should really stop being a pseud.

>> No.18328161

I like your story. I like your humour. You introduce new elements into your story at the right places and your ideas are inventive. The story has a consistent colouration and develops purposefully from its germ towards a logical conclusion. I have nothing to criticise about your style.

>> No.18328163

i don't give a shit. go make a twitter post about your new RR chapter. don't forget to socially network!

>> No.18328164

The politics didn’t give it away?

>> No.18328169

New thread

>> No.18328171

okay i've figured it out
>ambition = pseud
>mediocrity = actually writing

>> No.18328173

>Being this mad at other people’s success

>> No.18328175

Yeah, I think that's about sums it up.

>> No.18328178

you seem legitimately autistic, let me help you and spell things out for you. your writing is probably getting more well received because it's getting better
>i get called a pseud here whenever i lash out against the anime menace
because the social expectation is that you act normal and not sperg out. when you melt down you derail the thread. don't do that
>i don't understand how the writing can be complimented but the mentality and approach to the writing can be called pseud
not really sure how to break this one down for you. what you've written and how you feel about writing are different things. they have an intrinsic link but they aren't the same
and no one wants your opinions unprompted. don't inject your opinions into discussion
> i'm both conceited and a """"pseud"""" who can't progress, and simultaneously (but in different contexts) praised and show a pretty marked improvement even if only i can see it
different anons, different points in time
pseuds are those who aren't intellectuals but feel that they are or posess the aesthetics of one. not caring about how others see you would be a big step to people not seeing you as a pseud
the are a few good critical anons in thread, you should be able to eventually write something they'd like if you take their advice and improve, if for no other reason than you're incorporating what they think is good writing

>> No.18328184

that's what the pseuds think
>ambition that is out of touch with their own abilities, a higher opinion of themselves than what their abilities imply and a short emotional fuse that demands validation = pseud
>shit = anime

>> No.18328194

it's first person. most writers don't write an aggrandized 'literally me' when they do first person
the politics are all portrayed through the thoughts of the character. you can tell it's shit because there's no disconnect between reality and the ideas of the character, blacks really being ape-tier niggers kind of validates the conclusion your writing is shit. the reason that these kinds of stories are compelling is because of the disconnect between the character and reality and what has made him that way

>> No.18328199

Are you seriously asking what's cancer about it?

>> No.18328205

He does seem unaware and lacking in self-awareness.

>> No.18328206

the character is a racist so he depicts a racist story

>> No.18328214

do you not understand that the text and the author are separate entities?

>> No.18328215

It reads like its your schizoids diary

>> No.18328218
File: 13 KB, 472x241, chrome_2021-05-27_01-11-43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He does seem unaware and lacking in self-awareness
You haven't been peaking into my prose study document have you?

>> No.18328219

that means I succeeded in crafting a convincing main character

>> No.18328224

no, it literally reads like its your diary.

>> No.18328229

there's a trick to selling a work which portrays a schizoid protagonist without it being dismissed as the schizoid authors diary
you didn't pull that trick off

>> No.18328234

PAH, all great fiction is autofiction

>> No.18328239

>tension is short for narrative tension
No, tension is fucking tension. The definition is there for everyone to read and the applicability is obvious too unless you want to be autistic and act like it's not.
>contextually you should be able to tell it inherently has to do with the plot
But even then if we roll with narrative tension, it doesn't have much to do with the plot. You can have narrative tension without a plot and a plot without any narrative tension.
>there can be tension from other sources
You don't say! Good job contradicting yourself a sentence later and still acting like you know what you're talking about.
>you would have said 2hu anons writing was boring and explained what that means
"Lack of tension" sounds pretty clear. Specially in a scene with multiple characters. For step by step instructions, there is leddit.

I should've stopped responding after "impressing an agent is easier than getting a following on RR." Although I still can't tell whether you're baiting or just that delusional.

>> No.18328240

>the are a few good critical anons in thread, you should be able to eventually write something they'd like if you take their advice and improve
that's why i post here. there are a very select handful of anons here whose opinions are capable of being distilled down into more than just the regurgitation of king's on writing. you're right though, i do get too worked up here. it's just painful for me to be here and to see the level of discussion being more or less equivalent to the YOU MUST CONFORM mentality on r*ddit. it's a problem i have with 4chan in general these days, really, and i fucking hate it. it's impossible to have even one place online where people with opinions that differ from the norm can congregate and discuss things.

if i actually cared that people see me as a pseud, i would have given up a long time ago. what i hate is not that people see me as some vague, nebulous concept that refers only to the implication of their own """"intellectualness"""" but the idea itself. according to the animefags in this thread, conformity to the same doctrine you can see parroted literally everywhere people talk about writing is HECKIN BASEDERINO and anything that tries to be more is "Yikes, pseud." it's just a dumb dynamic that rests on a dumb term propagated by genuine idiots obsessed with litmus tests and sameness.

it's boring as fuck, and i hate seeing it paraded around like it's The Truth without counterpoint. if the common attitudes towards writing were actually rigorous, it should be easy to mount a cogent defense of it. above all, that's what i'm looking for, and that's what i can't seem to find. i WANT to give up my ambition because ambition is difficult. i just can't find any arguments for it that i can accept because nobody is willing to engage me on it without trying to turn it into some ego-driven pissing contest. and yes, i am probably a little too susceptible to taking the bait there, and i probably care a little too much. i will admit that freely.

>> No.18328251

Can you say the same without all the memes and buzzwords?

>> No.18328253

He’s a pseud in denial. The most dangerous kind of pseud out there.

>> No.18328261

>according to the animefags in this thread, conformity to the same doctrine you can see parroted literally everywhere people talk about writing is HECKIN BASEDERINO and anything that tries to be more is "Yikes, pseud."
what the fuck are you on about? Animefags are the ones trying to experiment while the Pseuds are trying to stifle any and all discussion that they don't know. How can you miss the mark this poorly?

>> No.18328262

everyone takes the bait from time to time, just do your best to ignore it
don't worry about idpol shit too much. it comes with socializing since most people lean on culture and shit for their identity but that doesn't mean you have to engage with it. redditors, poltards, pseuds, animefags. they're all mental cucks and it's best if you ignore them
if you get called a pseud or an animefag just ignore it and respond the people who know what they're talking about
and try to keep your lid on, damn bro, chill

>> No.18328292

>This faggot is still erailing the thread while crying that others do so
The troll cries out in pain as he strikes you!

>> No.18328299

are you one of the beginners who took my crit personally or are you the schizo who got embarrassed when he tried to front up in a writing discussion?
either way, we're over bump. meta discussion on the shit state of thread culture is fine

>> No.18328331

you're 100% right. i won't apologize for speaking my mind, but i will do my best not to do it again in this way.

>> No.18329247

There are a lot of "The Art of Fiction"s which one do I read?