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/lit/ - Literature

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18326001 No.18326001[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is this true? Why?

>> No.18326009

Call me Ishmael

>> No.18326020

Can we talk about Hoggs then?

>> No.18326023

life changing books

>> No.18326028

(((they))) fear Gardner

>> No.18326030


>> No.18326379
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>> No.18326397

Unironically it's true. Jannies are out to get him. Its a shame because Fag Gardner posting has been the most fun I've had on /lit/ in a while

>> No.18326434
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>> No.18326469
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>> No.18326486

It's not that you are not allowed to talk about it. It's that you are not allowed to spam it without any real reason and derail threads with it

>> No.18326542
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>> No.18326553
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>> No.18326575
File: 1.30 MB, 3135x1823, COTA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uh, Call of the Arcade bros, WTF IS THIS? I thought this was a real book, not some grade school BS.

>> No.18326582

lol another one memed by the Gardner

>> No.18326584

I spend my entire paycheck on Gardener’s books every week.

>> No.18326596

Holy fuck, this guy is on another plane of stupidity to actually write like this lol

>> No.18326621

Sounds based to me.

>> No.18326628

You must be fucking retarded

>> No.18326634
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Is there proof this is from one of these books?

>> No.18326648

I read cotc and the formatting is identical. Not to mention the general errors, repetition of words, etc. sounds familiar
also Gardner doesn’t have imagination so every story mentions a boy at catholic school or in church, because he went to catholic school

>> No.18326693
File: 29 KB, 750x653, 00.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So he's just taking advantage of people who like meme books...

Why isn't this crap banned on sight? I'm fairly certain you can't type in icycalm's website without it getting auto-removed within 15 minutes... This is far worse. No content AND asking for money?

Most idiots dump their self-shilled nonsense for free because they actually want to be read.

So this has no free access because it's bad and it's about a few bucks.

>> No.18326702


>> No.18326718

But that's wrong. Call of the Kappa takes place in a karate dojo. You need to brush up on your Gardnerverse lore.

>> No.18326719

My favorite part is when he put quotations around a thought.

>> No.18326744
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>> No.18326797

Bro read the fucking page, do you know what a clergyman is?

>> No.18326823

Certainly not a karate teacher

>> No.18326860

That's too bad. What a conman cuckfaggot.

>> No.18326885

In what way is he a con?

>> No.18326898

>bust out five books that are filled with gobbledygook
>get ads
>spam threads on 4chan
>morons like >>18326575 actually fall for it

>> No.18326904

Honestly. I can’t believe posting call series isn’t an instant permaban, this guy is profiteering off the simple minded

>> No.18326958

Eh it’s coherent enough. Self published books are all like this. If it wasn’t so consistently baffling I would have more of a problem with it. But what I’ve read has insanely entertaining.

>> No.18326969

>I’m currently in phase 1
Should I be worried? I’m usually on /v/ but wanted to check out /lit/ tonight

>> No.18326973

I mean this with dead seriousness, these books were in my dreams

>> No.18326979
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Gardner literally has been paying 4chans bills. You should be down on your knees sucking this faggots cock.

>> No.18326995

Honestly, its a so bad its good type of thing. It's like the Neil Breen of literature. Don't regret buying it for $5.