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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 547 KB, 1536x2048, EnmeLndUwAAJ1Xm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18307249 No.18307249 [Reply] [Original]

Post a based shelf or die.

>> No.18307254

You first

>> No.18307263
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>> No.18307272

>why, yes, I am a consoomer cuck buying cheap chink books that look expensive
>why, yes, I am from a middle class middle educated family

>> No.18307289

>Everychad's Library
>cheap chink books
They're edited in the UK and printed in Germany.

>> No.18307301
File: 58 KB, 500x332, i can tell these apart btw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why, yes, I am a consoomer cuck
>why, yes I would like to buy disposable Penguin(tm) books

>> No.18307378

Go easy on him, most kids around here don't even know what terms like "acid-free," or, "sewn-binding," even means. To them every book is the same quality as a thrown around Goodwill mass-market paperback of The Outsiders.

>> No.18307385

kek true

>> No.18307408
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My starting with Greeks shelf

>> No.18307418
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My politics/tech shelf

>> No.18307476

If my books are in danger of falling apart in 40 years then that's a risk I'm willing to take.

>> No.18307483
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>> No.18307500

Particularly cringe, but I know this is bait.

>> No.18307525
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We're the same person

>> No.18307545
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Ostensibly based.
Bougie, boring, and probably homosexual.
Penguins Classics are cool but not when they take up an entire wall, man...
Very based and I hope to start my Greek phase sometime in the near future.
I'm praying for your souls bros.
MEANWHILE my shelf MOGS all of yours (1/2)

>> No.18307549
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>> No.18307553

>not a single good book

>> No.18307564

Faggot. What do you know?

>> No.18307581

Nevermind. I just saw Storm of Steel and a copy of Age of Empires II. So you're alright.

>> No.18307608
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>> No.18307614

the graphics card makes this high comedy

>> No.18307752

suck my dick

>> No.18307767

Are you dutch or jewish?

>> No.18307824

You do know that it's a motherboard though. Says so even on the box.

>> No.18307938

t. shared house dweller
You will throw them away the day before your flight.

>> No.18308096

Don't skip Herodotus and Aristotle's Ethics my boy.

>> No.18308281
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>> No.18308288
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>> No.18308296
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>> No.18308298
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Around half of my books are stored elsewhere

>> No.18308395

Buying cheap books is pretty cringe. They’re a reason they all end up in landfills and thrift shops. Buy quality or pirate on an e-ink reader.

>> No.18308475

not the biggest collection, I know, but theyre almost exclusively good books

>> No.18308479
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forgot pic lel

>> No.18308487

Fucking Dutch Jew

>> No.18308516
File: 2.12 MB, 3660x2336, 9EC51866-18F0-4B2A-B47F-81A56D70150C.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just an under-desk shelf

>> No.18308587

It was bait retard

>> No.18308733
File: 1.44 MB, 4032x3024, shelfindastack.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my junger only stack is coming along nicely. once I finish war as an inner experience, copse 125 and fire and blood I'll probably get sturm.

>> No.18308758

>doesn't know that a based shelf would include just the Bible and nothing else (maybe some personal belongings)
never gonna make it

>> No.18308764

I'm moving to the Netherlands and I will personally rape your effeminate, shaved, shiny asshole and you will enjoy it

>> No.18308799
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Aute, die Guisan-Büecher, zu guet, 10/10.

>> No.18309462

Hoi smous, lust je wel spek?

>> No.18309545
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>> No.18309553

I posted mine last week

>> No.18309570

Not all of us live on daddy's creditcard, faggot

>> No.18309747
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Patrician tier, Checked and based

Pleb tier
-very left-wing

Patrician tier
+++Man, Economy and State.
-Protocols of zion (isn't this meant to be a hoax, whats your redpilled take on that?)

Pleb tier
-seems very fiction based

Patrician tier
+++WW2 super brain


Patrician tier and Ernst Junger Pilled

>> No.18309751
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>> No.18309769
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(only read up to Ubik, others are on the to-do list)

>> No.18309816
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>> No.18309825

Get ready lads, brace for impact

>> No.18309827
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>> No.18309841
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>> No.18309846
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>> No.18309856
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>> No.18309863
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>> No.18309876
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>> No.18309905
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Books with no or unreadable spine text.
Missed: Temple of The Golden Pavillion, Meditations by Marcus Aurelius, and Industrial Society and Its Future by Ted Kacsynski

Currently smoking a cigarette in my kimono

>> No.18309914

I've always found The National lame

>> No.18309936

Mirin that Cantos book. Nice.

>> No.18309950

I refuse to believe that anyone reads all that and enjoys it.

>> No.18309958

Those are all like 80 pages. And reading is not entirely about “enjoying” but more so learning.

>> No.18309997

I guess I should have specified shelves one through eight. I understand that reading is about learning but you have to read some fun trash as well.

>> No.18310028
File: 144 KB, 600x597, 8260364.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>paraiso LP
>cochin moon
>keiichi suzuki
I would marry you anon, no homo. Can't wait until it's summer again and I can get cozy listening to Paraiso, hopefully I'll find a cheap flight to Japan one of these days so I can ransack the record stores. Ordered picrel recently, banger of an album. As to my shelf it's not worth posting, most interesting books is just a century old set of encyclodpedias on Engineering and Allied Trades

>> No.18310080

Why are you moving here? If you wish to rape communist twinks you'll be wanting to take up a masters in some political discipline at Leiden uni. I've also heard computer science students in Gronigen or Utrecht have high rates of femboys

>> No.18310094

i was ready to denounce these shelves as pseud but by midway there were enough based volumes
>cantos hardback
>yeats hardback
>sexual personae hardback
that i just had to give up and admit it: based.

>> No.18310112

not that anon and i don't know nip music but i love picrel, drip dry eyes is beautiful

>> No.18310136

If you like to waste time and indulge in your need to avoid the reality of your own mortality, then yes, you must read to depart your life. I choose to embrace the human condition.

>> No.18310186

What's your endgame for all that knowledge? Personally, I'm not willing to cuck myself for some based knowledge. Maybe I'm filtered, who knows, but I am of the opinion that one can gain just as much from a novel like Catch-22 as one can from any book on your shelf, all the while enjoying the read. There's only so much theoretical knowledge you can apply in daily life.

>> No.18310206
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>Andy Ngo

>> No.18310226
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What are those

>> No.18310291


>> No.18310304

Ask yourself what the point of writing these books would be, and if you see that as also equally pointless, than you’ve been le filtered; goodbye

>> No.18310325

if your not a commie its worth a look.

>> No.18310437

>no republic
>no nicomachean ethics

>> No.18310478

No its not

>> No.18310526

>Albert Speer Architecture
I fucking kneel.

>> No.18310533

how come

>> No.18310543

This is a stout collection. I bet you are very handsome and erudite.

>> No.18310605

I don't have a shelf. Books are the things you use to prop up your computer monitor.

>> No.18310606

best place to buy quality books?

>> No.18311016 [DELETED] 


>> No.18311339

Vintage HC copies from pre-1970s

>> No.18311451
File: 488 KB, 600x800, 1553439435377.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it always Politics, Christianity and Nazi shit with you cucks? Is there nothing else you find worth learning about? Do you have no interest in reading unique books? I'm not even suggesting novels, you could learn how to identify clouds for all I care, but the majority of posters here are just as bad as the women they mock for using books as a social signal.

>> No.18311471

^ This nigga is the only one here that actually reads.

>> No.18311508

Protocols of zion isnt really regarded as a historical document, its more of an outline of jewish mindset/tactics. With that said, complete and utter schizophrenic waste of time.

>> No.18311665

Because the post-industrial revolution society that rejected spirituality/religion has been drastically reformed by mass-politics in the early 20th century and solidified by the post-war ramifications of global total war. This has metaphysical repercussions that is ultimately the most engaging and pertinent area to discuss in the 21st century as we progress into the final stage of capitalism and enter the ultimately dark neoliberal hellscape that we will hate but nonetheless deserve.

These are my shelves >>18309816

>> No.18311670
File: 1.02 MB, 3264x2448, IMG_0310.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Esoteric, postmodernist, marxist, and unclassifiable philosophy

>> No.18311671
File: 40 KB, 640x622, bateman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

very fucking nice

>> No.18311680

Nevermind its rotating. Fuck this.

>> No.18311749

Impressive, I kneel

>> No.18311867
File: 1.76 MB, 3024x4032, bookshelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Books should be ordered by size.

>> No.18311912

That's a risky way of storing large books imho

>> No.18311920

Very nice indeed, post pics of Manifesti del Futurismo please?

>> No.18311949

What song was it?

>> No.18311981
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Yeah I am based

>> No.18311988

Dead wrong. He has two good books: Farewell to Arms and 1984

>> No.18311999

I remember when you had 1 or 2 shelves, very impressive

>> No.18312043
File: 375 KB, 1280x958, 60F9A4BD-E0F1-40DC-A57E-CFBEFC3D20B7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know. Had to buy a quick $40 neolib particle board case so these wouldn’t be on the floor. I’m about to build a giant bookcase to house them all
It’s not a published book, but rather a collection of my favorite futurist writings, including the Futurist Manifesto. I converted the font and edited the layout to make them consistent with Author and date. It was bound by my ex, who used string and glue in a traditional bookbinding technique. I cut a $.50 paper folder for the cover, and hand copied the logo of the Futurist Political Party for the front

>> No.18312065

Thanks. Just got out of jail for storming the governors mansion with a loaded rifle. Spent 4 months meditating and reading books I had sent in while starving myself on water, rice, and beans only.

Glad to have my books back

>> No.18312097

google the quote and you'll find it.

>> No.18312116

Not sure if this is serious but if so what books did you read there

>> No.18312141

Surprisingly based. Which state?

>> No.18312187

The jail only let you have BRAND NEW Amazon paperbacks to be sent in. A good portion of these were in the tattered jail bookshelf.

The Africans
Serpent and The Rainbow
Gnostic Gospels by Elaine Pagels
No Longer Human
Marxism and The National Question
God and The State
On the Origin of Species
The Bible
Into Thin Air
Living Downstream
Food of The Gods
Architecture of Happiness
Common Sense
Snow Country
Sound of the Mountain
The Technological Society
Eros and The Mysteries of Love
The Glass Bees
Blood Meridian
Chaos (Charles Manson cia book)
A Seperate Peace
Economics in One Lesson
The Vedas in their entirety (had that sent in)
Dead Mountain
1Q84 (worst book I’ve ever read, and I finished it)
Masculinity Amidst Madness (dogshit conservative crap, hated it)
Brunelleschis Dome
Animal Farm
Anarchism and Other Essays (Emma Goldman is a stupid kike)

Could’ve done better reading but whatever

>> No.18312192

it's a b8 post you fucking retard

>> No.18312225

A Torah? Based jew I'm planning on converting.

>> No.18312226
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>The jail

>> No.18312231

The other anons are just jealous, I would love to have this collection

>> No.18312235

Meant to reply to this post number in this post >>18312187

>> No.18312313

Just want to tell you that you have great taste.
How did you manage to get "For my Legionaires"? Was it before Amazon pull it off their market?

>> No.18312341

Anarchist books in jail? I simply will not believe you.

>> No.18312408

Contrary to urban legend, they let everything bookwise come in so long as it’s paperback books. Can’t speak on prisons though.

Thank you. Codreanu is my saint and that rosary on my shelf is of him. I bought it from sanctuarypress years ago.

>> No.18312523

Really have to get my hands on Codreanu. I'm especially fond of you for attacking (or at least going against) the actual source of most of societies problems: liberal politicians. I wish you the best, anon!

>> No.18312647

Could have been much worse
You can still get it here

>> No.18312656

Must be Brit

>> No.18312747
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>> No.18312860
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>> No.18313344
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Why yes Im a tourist, how could you tell?

>> No.18313368


>> No.18313499

>Why is it always Politics, Christianity and Nazi shit with you cucks?
I like reading Nazi books.

>> No.18313558

Based the whole way through, nice.

>> No.18313668

kinda lame. i like traditionalism/hermeticism/perennialism but im not sure why the swastika. most of the political books are evola, who was a fascist (and not a national socialist).

>> No.18313678

based bloodthirsty butchers

>> No.18313713

can you tell by the way all the books are brand new?

>> No.18313900

>who was a fascist (and not a national socialist).
The two are inextricably linked, along with Francoism, etc.

>> No.18313943

are the leatherbound barnes and nobels books any good?

>> No.18314110

>Jordan (((Belfort)))

>> No.18314714

> Thinking "based" means right wing
OK guys

>> No.18314737

Sorry for buying new books instead of used books. I should've known that if I wanted to play pretend, I should've picked a more fitting disguise. Truly in this way you are my far more advantaged and cunning superior

>> No.18314738

>Politics, Christianity and Nazi shit
Somewhat this. There is however a lot of fiction. I have also seen a few Islamic readers.

But yes, there is so much nazi sperg shit. I'm not so fussed as to 'lITeraLLY FUckiNG NAzI' shit, but more that it overwhelmingly populates a lot of this. With that also comes the "new thing bad, old thing good" (unless it's Pynchon).

>> No.18314827

People misinterpret my exasperation with the Christianity/nazi/politics obsession as pearl-clutching or the seethe of a leftist. I really don't care that much about the content itself. If you're interested in that by all means read about it, but it reeks of a desperate, demented desire to fit in. There are a select few books that in content aren't anything remarkable, but have through the memes become borderline-pathetic virtue signals: "Guys, am I cool? I have the entire NatSoc chart from /lit/. Am I cool? Guys? Guys???". And let's face it, the moment anyone visits their house they are hiding those books like the cowards they are.

>> No.18314851

Thoughts on The Arabian Nights?

>> No.18314962


>> No.18314981

Ssss. You're forgetting a lot a lot that's there. This is my favourites shelf. Some of it is shlock but it's all good and personally I think you're being contrarian on purpose.

>> No.18314998

So, how many have you read?

>> No.18315046
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The yellow one is one of those cheap Indian facsimiles of 'The King of Saxony's Journey through England and Scotland' by CJ Carus.

>> No.18315054

Nah. Tribalism one way or the other is as far from based as it gets.

>> No.18315055

there's 1001 of them

>> No.18315126

It's b8 you fucking idiot

>> No.18315133


>> No.18315142

where do you keep the plastic book covers

>> No.18315149

How was Germany Tomorrow?

>> No.18315154

You're the based CHAZ guy

>> No.18315207


>> No.18315297
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>> No.18315313

Just realized that thing is blurry as fuck, in order of left to right is:
King James Bible, family heirloom form with art prints and a geneology in the back.
Spare King James Bible, large print
A Suggestive Inquiry Into The Hermetic Mystery by Atwood
Enneads by Plotinus
Theatrum Chemicum Brittanicum
Meditations in the Tarot
Assorted books on Alchemy by Jung, Evola, and Atwood again
The Hermetica (Scott translation)
Initiation Into Hermetics by Bardon
Brothers Karamazov
PTR91 owners manual
The Occult by Wilson
Mere Christianity by C.S. Lewis
A very old edition of Paradise Lost
Mystical Qabalah by Fortune
The Screwtape Letters, also by C.S. Lewis
Corpus Hermeticum (Mead translation)

>> No.18315322


>> No.18315325


Weird to see romanian authors valued by foreigners

t. romanian

>> No.18315333


>> No.18315375

Based. Hate that bullshit.

>> No.18315474


>> No.18316340

utterly tasteless

>> No.18316682

Kek thanks

>> No.18316843

you utterly dumb fucking moron

>> No.18316874

dogshit with a few litcore books that you bought after lurking here for a month. you are not allowed to post shelf again for one year.

>> No.18316946
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>> No.18316954
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>> No.18317899

Guess I'll die then

>> No.18318764

very cringe
- not left-wing

>> No.18318783

>gaming moth

>> No.18318813

How are the vintage clothbound books? Worth getting or are they meh?

>> No.18318875

It doesn't make you less of a consoomer to buy hardback

>> No.18318938


What version of illiad and odyssey is that ?

>> No.18319037

Great collection, needs more fiction.

>> No.18319069


Nevermind I found out, it's Barnes and Nobles. But shipping to my country is not available due to covid atm.

>> No.18319099

There’s plenty, look again

>> No.18319117

The Poe and Lovecraft ones he has are good, others are hit and miss, some with outdated translations of foreign works and typos from being scanned poorly (Dune and Sherlock are especially bad about this)

>> No.18319234

Based, if Nazbol. Cringe, if not. That "Mass-Psychology of Fascism" sounds like the mostly pseudo intellectual attempt to deconstruct Fascism ever made.

>> No.18319335

It's b8 you fucking retard

>> No.18319668

The only Romanian authors I read are Codreanu and Eliade
But Codreanu is just a very special man

>> No.18319787

>the national
i thought you said based?

>> No.18319830

Sublime taste except for Evola and Rand

>> No.18319835

Here is an extremely entertaining review I read not 3 hours ago:


>> No.18319860

The only alternative to tribalism is slave/master morality/existence which you’re living in. I bet you can’t guess which side of that pole you exist on?

>> No.18319887


>> No.18319914

That anon probably was a commie kek

>> No.18320106
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>> No.18320130

that's the joke

>> No.18320150

I would post my Math/Tech books but I can't right now.

>> No.18320214

Is R.G worth getting into?

>> No.18320660
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>> No.18321569

>If Nazbol
no Dugin, no Paetel, no Strasser (even tho he was a distributist fag) yaaaaa I don't think so

>> No.18321596

Of course

>> No.18321604

woah, both of the mindsets...

>> No.18321877

Now he just needs Iron Age Mindset up til right before the Industrial and he'll be set.

>> No.18321922

Hahaha. Hahahahahahaha.

>> No.18322126

Industrial Age Mindset comes out when?

>> No.18323014

my diary desu

>> No.18323031

kek, Leiden is the exact city too coincidentally enough

>> No.18323103

Based and BBCpilled

>> No.18323363
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>> No.18323949

Lol, sure it is buddy

>> No.18324094
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>> No.18324110

This is the second thread I've seen on /lit/ and I've seen Mein Kampf mentioned or posted about 6 million times allready. I thought you guys were /lit/

>> No.18324131

I kneel.

>> No.18324139

This would be better with one horribly obnoxious spine mixed in. The Million Dollar Extreme book or something.

>> No.18324151
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Oh shit sorry heh yeah here's my real stack

>> No.18324186

Enjoy, it's a lovely city, except for the beggars wandering around the station at night - once you give money to one of em you'll end up with inebriated fat fucks asking you to pick up their McDonalds tab

>> No.18324223


>> No.18324233

basiert jenseits aller vorstellungskraft

>> No.18324562

Paperwhite owner here. How are the tactile buttons? I got a Paperwhite partly due to its small size and light weight; do you think this one (idk which model) is heavier?

>> No.18325492
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>paperback bible

>> No.18325989
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>andy ngo

>> No.18325993

>I thought you guys were /lit/
MK is a notable piece of historical literature.

>> No.18326018

Are you Orthodox/Catholic?

>> No.18326090

It's pretty small and very light. Love the buttons. Save a lot of cash on books so might as well buy a good one.

>> No.18326201
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Sometimes at night my bookshelf glows in the dark.

>> No.18326355
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>> No.18326709


I thought the corresponding male garment wasn't called a kimono, but something else. The suggestion is that you're one of those cross-dressing crypto fascists, or else simply using the wrong word.

The collection is very good (note the old hardback of the early French Cioran book) but the strict ordering by height above all other considerations and front-stacking are both wrong. My dear old dad who I have a good relationship with, also uses both incorrect practices for his stuff. The Audubon stuff is nice to see as "general interest" reference. Consider having some Math/science texts, if you don't have any.

>> No.18326734


What did you think of Empire?

>> No.18326788
File: 6 KB, 224x225, worried.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based... on what...

>> No.18326977

literally do a reverse image search lmao

>> No.18326985

fuck off lolbert

>> No.18327248

weak bait

>> No.18327421

it's king james version, that's what it deserves

>> No.18327516

What the fuck? I didn't know people like you existed.

>> No.18327531

How old are you to have read all of this?

>> No.18327595

What's the Arno Breker book?

>> No.18328118

27. I smoke cigarettes and weed to keep me focused while taking notes

>> No.18328128

I order by height because it helps with clean lines for the aesthetic of my apartment and helps keep my visual space orderly and lawful. Front stacking is bad? Like putting them to the edge of the shelf? Why is that wrong? I’m interested to know.

>> No.18328249


Both ordering choices are wrong in a sense, the first because it places aesthetic presentation above practical use, implying a dead display case rather than a library that is actually used and lived. Not because of the mentioned ordering itself, but because of how it should look in the apartment, as you said. The major problem with front stacking is that it again suggests a dead shelf practice, and it's easy to bump things out of plane. Still, one keeps series together when they look nice (the Audubon stuff).

There are reasonable objections to these observations. If one's personal library is only a few hundred volumes, then one is free to organize as one sees fit, of course-you can make your own mental map. But this becomes untenable when a real library is amassed (a few thousand volumes or more), and then one must use real thematic schemas, not depending on the size of a given volume, except for the severest physical constraints (oversized books vs. tiny things). On this point, my art books and heavy books are on my bottom shelves out of practical considerations. You should do the same with your top-shelf heavy interesting looking Futurist books.

>> No.18328328

You’re totally right, although I could name where each book is if asked without looking. And I also hate my flimsy shelf bending with my giant art books, but they simply don’t fit on my temporary case, and I don’t want to keep them stacked vertically, as they’d be hard to access at ease.

As for not loving or using them, I love them immensely, but like everything I own, I take very good care of. I could read a book three times and it won’t even have spine creases

>> No.18328373

Do you buy ebooks or are they acquired some other way? I personally pirate all my shit but I have an old kobo with an sd card slot, so I'm interested in the kindle oasis.

>> No.18328530

where is the tp

>> No.18328557

>Mein Kampf
>6 million times
I see what you did there

>> No.18328649
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>> No.18328977

What's the Arno Breker? And is it any good/ How are the images?

>> No.18329047

You're also a schizo

>> No.18329170

based wordsworth chad

>> No.18329412
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My first two rows, containing authors from Austen to Homer

>> No.18329417
File: 667 KB, 2354x1481, Shelf2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next two rows, Homer to Musil. I really ought to trade the one hardback Knausgård to a paperback so the shelf would look more symmetric.

>> No.18329421
File: 504 KB, 2234x1481, Shelf3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Next two, Nabokov to Waltari. I am currently reading Infinite Jest so it will be included here.

>> No.18329434
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The final row, with Waltari and Whitman. It sucks to have such a small shelf – I have had to curb down my collection because the books wouldn't fit, and sent the rest of the collection to my mum. I would have much more room but the rest of the shelf is full of Donald Duck books (I have all of the Finnish editions) and films.

>> No.18329916

Damn son

>> No.18330403
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It’s really good

>> No.18330452
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>> No.18330453

I dunno anon, looks pretty gay to me.

>> No.18330490
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>> No.18330613

>Oxford paperback Bible

>> No.18331182

Should I buy and read hitchhiker guide to the galaxy, 1984 and Animal Farm?

>> No.18331199

Good job on the Aristotle translation

>> No.18331346

if you've not read much before then yes

>> No.18331370

bud you're all over the place. Can't tell if this is based or cringe

>> No.18331620
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>> No.18331687


>> No.18331732
File: 1.55 MB, 2419x1814, 20210310_041510.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My Japanese shelf, WIP

>> No.18331765

You can transfer it through USB if you want to pirate it but kindle uses their own proprietary file format and doesn't allow reading epub formatted books so you'll have to convert the file on your computer.

>> No.18332000
File: 406 KB, 1125x1276, 50BF3C30-7055-4643-8A09-C476F09DFD01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

used to mostly read japanese literature but im trying to read other things now

>> No.18332376

I see you gentlemen are fans of the mystery genre.

>> No.18332420

What book is it though?

>> No.18332761

Why do you have the wind up bird chronicle twice

>> No.18332904

i thought i lost my copy for a year and got another one for $4. found the lost copy a week after buying the new one

>> No.18333018

Read more Plato and Aristotle

>> No.18333030

Don't forget The Worker

>> No.18333084

No, start with the Greeks

>> No.18333196

Who's the author?

>> No.18333676

You can’t get this book. I had to contact a German bookstore and pay them to ship it personally

>> No.18333696

please don't ignore the playwrights

>> No.18333771
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>> No.18334095
File: 2.73 MB, 2148x3568, 20210527_194734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Make way

>> No.18334116

>t. materialists
What's wrong with buying a paperback Bible especially if you like translation and the cover art?? Stupid pseuds. I love you but you're wrong.

>> No.18334122
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excellent taste friend, both in author and publisher

>> No.18334124


>> No.18334148

You don't have your use your computer to convert to .mobi. There are lots of sites and Android apps.

>> No.18334199


>> No.18334412



>> No.18334424


The point is that an Oxbridge/Penguin/paperback edition is the type of edition which is purchased by atheists who want to "read the bible as literature" and choose that type of edtion in order to distance their personal consumption from the slightly different type of object which is actually used by adherents. You know what I'm talking about: black faux-leather cover, gilt title, that sort of thing. You know, what an actual fucking bible looks like. t. atheist who owns two KJV copies along the above lines.

>> No.18334813

where did you find almost transparent blue?

>> No.18335131

my ex gifted it. he bought it from ebay i think

>> No.18335226
File: 2.23 MB, 4032x3024, 2967983D-54CE-475B-A94E-DC0C347162C4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok but please don’t make fun

>> No.18335503

Not much to make fun of anon. You've got pretty good taste. The only issue one could say is there aren't enough hard covers.

>> No.18335521

I'm not really one to say but there's not really enough to make fun of anon, lol
Maybe someone will call you boring, idk

>> No.18335527

wtf, how are the books on the right floating?

>> No.18335560
File: 34 KB, 496x600, 1622034696903.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a baptized Anabaptist. I have several other Bibles and I bought this copy because I liked it and I like Oxford World Classics (the new ones) and I didn't own a KJV Bible, and I wanted a physical KJV to read rather than read it on my Kindle.
Your semantics are stupid and redundant, anon.

>> No.18335597

What's the problem with Wordsworths? They sell thick ass tombs for 2.90e where I live and the quality is good enough.

>> No.18335612

>Shity german bas relief

>> No.18335633
File: 2.07 MB, 4032x3024, IMG_0452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Also have Karamazov Brothers which are currently being read

>> No.18335722

Is that a Macmillan Don Quixote? I've only their Hamlet; how is their build quality on large books? Is it just the same as the small? i.e., the charming light blue oak-leaf patterns and gilded edges.

Also how are you enjoying The Karamazov brothers? Personally I'm more a fan of Dosto's other works.

>> No.18335735
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>> No.18335754

I totally disagree but holy based

>> No.18335758
File: 7 KB, 250x202, cringe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that bottom shelf
You must be 25+ to browse here.

>> No.18335777

pretty based. The peace badge on the army rucksack is nice.

>> No.18335782

i wish i had your iq

>> No.18335849

They're all good books, just have colorful covers. Exactly which ones apart from Murakami do you consider to be ass?

>> No.18335991

> Macmillan Don Quixote
I'll admit that I haven't read it. The book itself is lovely but I doubt that I would be able to read something of that length in a font that small. I'd say it's more like a collector's item than a practical novel to be read.
> The Karamazov Brothers
For some reason, I'm really enjoying the book. I was of the belief that I would dislike it and that it would be more boring. It's my first time reading anything by a classical Russian author and it has positively surprised me.

>> No.18336035

I can't deal with small fonts either myself.

Glad to hear you're enjoying it. Very few people start with Brothers, it's considered Dosto's magnum opus so they normally start with C&P or one of his shorter works. If you enjoy it I'd strongly recommend other Russian authors (especially Dosto); they all have a kind of similar 'bleak Russian planes' feel about them that's quite distinct from the usual western novels.

>> No.18336052

Really depends. Will say I tend to exclusively buy them for English-language writers. Anything translated I tend to pick up something very specific to what I need.

>> No.18336094

I saw it memed here a lot and decided to give it a read. Didn't expect myself to be drawn into it. Eventually, I'd like to try reading his works in Russian. Even though I am fluent in the language, I'm twice as slow reading it which discourages me from even picking something up.

>> No.18336403

why are your shelves all over the place like an idiot? Do you not own a tape measure

>> No.18336622

why is 2666 so damn thick

>> No.18336633

Bc Mexico is violent

>> No.18336641

this edition specifically...

>> No.18337815
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Not pictured:
More Jung

>> No.18338146
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1/4 of mantel shelf

>> No.18338153
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>> No.18338159
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>> No.18338170

have some standards
delete and take better pic

>> No.18338177
File: 1.53 MB, 3648x2736, 1608102761148.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is from wikipedia.

>> No.18338195
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>> No.18338328

They're not ass, but most of those are pretty quintessential "read in my late teens–early twenties" books.

>> No.18338499
File: 465 KB, 828x609, CC781E34-7FE0-4A72-8F20-D4416299283E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pls don’t bully

>> No.18338507


>> No.18338509

Nothing is more consumeristic than obsessing over which edition of a book to purchse

>> No.18338682

>15 books
>three are Joseph Campbell
>one is Mein Kampf

I hate to tell you this...

>> No.18338882
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>> No.18338945
File: 1.71 MB, 2939x3292, 20210528_230351.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

two more books bros and I have the complete collection

>> No.18339004

how many have you read

>> No.18339013
File: 2.79 MB, 2998x5240, shelf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're all going to die, OP

>> No.18339070

more than half

>> No.18339108


>> No.18339121

three so far, actually i only read half of the simple life book, so one and half of two

>> No.18339144

utterly based guenon(pbuh) chad

>> No.18339149

im assuming this is the actual anon who posted. pretty good man keep it up

>> No.18339158

Thank you. I found it and the Bible pin underneath it in a parking lot

>> No.18339204
