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18322811 No.18322811 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any books that talk about CIA involvement in modern spirituality movements and what that implies?
Recently I've been interested in things like the Gateway project and the work done by the Monroe institute (including Robert Monroe's books about out of body experiences) but the CIA having been involved in that research gives me a bad feeling.
Has anyone bothered to look into this? How can I separate valuable information from disinformation and psychological manipulation? Is it even possible for anyone to write comprehensively about this without getting v&?

>> No.18322973


>> No.18323293


They're probably involved in Falun Gong from what I know

>> No.18323299

Yeah, and in various New Age religions. But why, what's the purpose? Why was the Gateway document declassified, wuoldn't they want to keep such things away from the public?

>> No.18323310

falun gong has potential for destabilizing china. they are literally and basically single-mindedly focused on being anti-communist. I don't know if the CIA are or are not involved but this one is not a hard nut to crack

>> No.18323324

you'd fare better by posting this on /x/, anon
i know that the cia has created the perverted spirituality that is advertised everywhere through cults and rampant drug abuse, but that's all i'm aware of. if the sixties kids were supposed to be the spiritual generation, and that era is infamous for cia psychological operations, you can put two and two together.
i'm curious about the spiritual weight of the subversive art though. warhol and the other types of glowies must have had some sort of goal behind that. the reduction of art into material circlejerking.

>> No.18323335

Are there any books about CIA? What is their endgame? It seems like they've been on the side of US Gov't at least as many times as on the opposite side

>> No.18323340

>let's streamline enlightenment to harness the power
ngmi desu
the thing of it is that the "truth in the larger sense" is that love is the only thing there is. I'd like to see the CIA be more loving but by a margin unquantifiably large the more likely tihng to happen if someone does break through is that they would leave the CIA immediately.

>> No.18323345

>Yeah, and in various New Age religions. But why, what's the purpose?
I guess>>18323324 has a point

>> No.18323349

>why do muh heckin cia run cults?
>why do muh heckin cia prop up talentless losers as cutting edge artists?
they're informants

>> No.18323358

/x/ has a lot of brainlets and /lit/ knows more about spirituality anyway.
>perverted spirituality
Yes, but it's muddled. Some things are obviously nefarious, but in some cases I struggle to figure out if it's more nuanced. The whole psychedelic movement for example saw heavy CIA involvement (Leary was obviously a spook, and he wasn't the only one), and the recent revival with the whole DMT craze being mass marketed (podcasts and celebrities, cartoons) seems fishy to me: what is the purpose of the CIA endorsing such a thing? At the same time, I don't know if this means it has to be entirely dismissed.
Similarly for spirituality: I don't know if any of you have read Monroe's books (Journeys out of the body, Far journeys, Ultimate journey) but they present interesting possibilities that seem to be corroborated (by the CIA in the document I posted, but not only them) and the tapes released by the institute are also puzzling. But I'm reluctant to go too far with what is presented in those books because I know better than to dive head-first into parapsychological research for which every involved party has ties to the CIA. I wish I could know what their exact aim was.

>> No.18323511

Against whom?

>> No.18323534

Trend control for the most part

>> No.18323541

What do they gain from launching a trend that concerns out of body experiences and psychedelic use for spiritual purposes?

>> No.18323558

>what their exact aim was.
Of course I have no clear idea, I can just throw a stone in the dark

If you believe in some magical love that connects everything in eternity, then the current political situation is not that relevant. Even if you start a war, or there are riots, We are All One in RamaKrishaDharmaPutriSutra ---> No need to protest or revolt, dude, the world is not real, just the love that connects everyone is.

[Btw, this is also true of Christianity: No need to revolt, peasant, even if the feudal lord is bad, there is a larger Lord that will punish him and reward (You) in the afterlife - but ONLY if you don't revolt! If (You) revolt, that means killing people, and that means punishment. Just obey the lord and The LORD, and you'll be fine.]

On top of that, if you're drugged you're less likely to (accurately or not) plan anything that could be disruptive to establishment. What can a druggie do? Piss on the street, rob my grandma, burn his home - these are unimportant compared to an (hypothetical) large network of terrorist cells doing various acts, both violent and non-violent, throughout the country to undermine the Power.

>> No.18323581
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>> No.18323582

I am not exactly sure, but there are several possible reasons: helps fracture society more by making spirtiual experience more sporadic and disconntected, cults being a good place for potential recuriting for certain jobs, good testing grounds for certain theories etc

>> No.18323600

Okay, so basically, foster a kind of detachment and disinterest towards current events and issues by pushing people towards spirituality i.e. exploring "other" worlds (whether within or beyond) rather than focusing on this one.
I guess that makes sense, although I assumed the CIA actually had an interest in applying parapsychology and not just getting people into it to distract them.
So you think it's unlikely that the methods they are pushing are actively harmful to the individual that starts getting into it and researching?

>> No.18323607

>So you think it's unlikely that the methods they are pushing are actively harmful to the individual that starts getting into it and researching?
never said that, but my impression is that if it is, they would not be too concerned as long as it fuffils its intended purpose

>> No.18323625
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Modern art is for money laundering, pic related.

Spirituality because they weren't sure if it was real, so they had to investigate and potentially protect themselves from remote viewing and other parapsychological shit.

>> No.18323627
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>o basically, foster a kind of detachment and disinterest towards current events and issues by pushing people towards spirituality i.e. exploring "other" worlds (whether within or beyond) rather than focusing on this one.
This is likley a major reason

>> No.18323702

Schizos anonymous at last, I have arrived. Can you summarize the picture in 20 words or less? I can't read that much.

>> No.18323712

>they would not be too concerned
Of course. But I am.

>> No.18323715

Cool pic
As I said, I have no idea to know for sure. Probably nobody even in CIA had the whole full picture, at some point stuff becomes just too big for a single human to understand. At some point false-flaggery would be just too convoluted.
I read somewhere that maybe the CIA is producing its own fake dollar bills to sponsor secret operations, just to blame the fake money on NK or Iran.

>A superdollar (also known as a superbill or supernote) is a very high quality counterfeit United States one hundred-dollar bill,[1] alleged by the U.S. Government to have been made by unknown organizations or governments.[2][3] In 2011, government sources stated that these counterfeit bills were in "worldwide circulation" from the late 1980s until at least July 2000 in an extradition court case.[4]
>A superdollar (also known as a superbill or supernote) is a very high quality counterfeit United States one hundred-dollar bill,[1] alleged by the U.S. Government to have been made by unknown organizations or governments.[2][3] In 2011, government sources stated that these counterfeit bills were in "worldwide circulation" from the late 1980s until at least July 2000 in an extradition court case.[4]
>I guess that makes sense, although I assumed the CIA actually had an interest in applying parapsychology and not just getting people into it to distract them.
Well, you can't be sure if it's parapsychology or not before studying it, in the first place. And as >>18323625 points out, IF there are actually people out there able to read the mind of the President, well, it would be a good thing if we had them, too. After all, if you're a security agency you have to consider every single possibility, doesn't matter if it looks far fetched. In fact, if you a secret service, you probably did some far fetched shit yourself, so why couldn't [random thing] be?

>> No.18323725

>But I am
Is new age spirtuality something you are looking to get into? If so, may I ask what about it appeals to you that you might not find in a more traditional form of spirtuality?

>> No.18323733

I don't care about new age as a whole, I'm just very interested in the Stargate project (https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/CIA-RDP96-00788R001700210016-5.pdf)), Monroe's own experiences, and in the tapes released by his institute for the purpose of achieving OOBEs.

>> No.18323738

Ah that is fair. is your interest in them purley intellectual, or are you trying to investigate them directly?

>> No.18323745

Directly, which is why I'm concerned. Wouldn't want to jump into some kind of spook mind trap or whatever.

>> No.18323754

Secularism and atheism (nihilism) are far more effective in this regard. They push this harder than religion. Furthermore anyone who has done psychedelics knows full on that they make you see through things; questioning authority. When I did LSD one day because I was bored the Biden Vs Sanders debate was on, I had enhanced perception in that I could almost see puppet strings coming out of both of them. Obviously the CIA doesn't want this. Then again LSD was used during MKULTRA for mind control purposes so who knows

>> No.18323760

Yes I do hear voices, but they are telling me not to talk to you.

>> No.18323761

>nobody even in CIA had the whole full picture
It's amazing how tentacular that organization is. Nobody knows what's going on on a larger scale, but it still functions (as a rogue organization, but it functions nonetheless).
>fake dollar bills
Room 39 is run by the CIA? I wouldn't even be surprised at this point.

>> No.18323771

I see. You are probably the first person I have come across attempting to do this, which is why I would advise deep caution, and to investigate the phenomenon you are interested in via other areas, specifally those who have old and dedicated methods for it. I personally trust that over anything done by glownigs

>> No.18323779
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>You are probably the first person I have come across attempting to do this
I know there are a bunch of people on this website interested in it, but it's hard to get concrete information. Pic related, it's even been made into a meme.
>investigate the phenomenon you are interested in via other areas
I do that too. There's some overlap, which is reassuring, but I was drawn to Gateway in the first place because of how hands-on, concrete and extremely factual it seemed in its presentation of those phenomena.

>> No.18323824

If you want to see them trying to hijack the emerging spiritual trend in real time, just look at all of the ufo bullshit they are currently pushing.

>> No.18323830
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>> No.18323834

Yeah, there hasn't been such an UFO craze since Roswell. Is their endgame really >>18323830?

>> No.18323844

it's well documented that the cia relied on freud's research for a while (bernays' propaganda breakthrough are built on uncle sigmund's research), but is there any documentation proving that they used jung's research and more specifically, his later spiritual endeavors ? surely a large valuable manuscript like liber novus wasn't ignored by the intelligence agencies.

>> No.18323884

Well they did develop their own personality testing system but I don't know if that's even related to Jung's personality theories

>> No.18323898

You think atheism does not make you question authority?
Btw I made a mistake in previous answer. I also wanted to copypaste this

>The CIA has been accused of printing and using counterfeit notes to fund off-the-books foreign operations.[36] Doubt concerning the nature of these supernotes arose on January 10, 2008, in the McClatchy Washington Bureau. The article makes mention of the increasing doubt of testimonies and sources, and of the CIA's involvement. Klaus Bender, an author of works on counterfeiting, claimed that the notes are of such high quality that they could only be produced by a government agency such as the CIA.[17]

And instead I pasted the same paragraph twice

>> No.18323905

To your first point, the mechanism already exists and has profoundly permeated the social fabric and the vast majority acquiesce. That is of course, work. Work is translated to slavery through usury. It's an invisible chain, but binds nonetheless, and few people have the scruples to combat it, and I suppose that their numbers are increasing due simply to economic powers.

To answer your question, they don't need to have an aim. Their job isn't necessarily disruption, it's intelligence. They could simply act as bystanders, people set to observe the developmental features or the process of radicalization. Of course given the opportunity to systematize an empirical experiment, as in they assumed a role of power in the organization, I suspect they would effect that end, which would almost inevitably require driving a schism. In any case they can work to multiple ends, and the role of observer or effector are both dynamic and can manipulate the underlying whichever direction they find to benefit their end dependent on the magnitude of force they can apply. Which means attributing anything to them is a guessing game and is wont to inspire a false narrative. And of course, even considering the fact that they're present in any given extremity of society is food for paranoia.

>> No.18323920 [DELETED] 

Exactly. The LSD does however

>> No.18323930

I read wrong. Yes of course it prevents it. Your faith now is solely in the state. You can see it today during the pandemic. It makes people subservient to the state. The only authority they question is that of a conceived God. It is easier to control a population that does not have the faith in a higher power than the state. Of course the USSR or China from the 50s is an even better example of this

>> No.18323987

>that you might not find in a more traditional form of spirtuality?
As far as I know new age is the only movement to have played with the idea that this reality is some kind of school or place of learning
iirc Bob Monroe described it as a god factory, I've never seen that anywhere else, maybe in gnosticism if you really stretch it but it doesn't quite fit

>> No.18324120

>Your faith now is solely in the state
Uhh, it is not, though?

>> No.18324136

i don't think the CIA is involved in the DMT craze, it's just a product of the vaguely liberal media latching onto something novel and edgy

>> No.18324156

Why wouldn't they get involved in something like this?

>> No.18324163
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Read this

>> No.18324172

Quick rundown?

>> No.18324175

Recall that splintering the self is a major goal of mkultra

>> No.18324187

If this is their goal then it backfired. The only people I've known who have read these documents were big time conspiracy theorists who ended up in some kind of neognosticism. They view the cia as archons who need to be fought.

>> No.18324200

Isn't it also a major goal of esoteric traditions?
Also ego death and similar experiences aren't a guarantee during OOBEs, so-called astral projection doesn't seem to affect it, people retain their lucidity and intellectual faculties

>> No.18324208

The religion of the future is basically a one world religion being established for a new world order. Things like eastern mysticism, ufos, and the paranormal are being deliberately introduced into society to create a big time syncretism as a means to achieving the new world religion. It also aims to undermine Christianity and will lay the groundwork for the antichrist.

Now I know that summary makes it seem like an alex jones tinfoil hat shit book. But it actually examines each one of these phenomena individually and academically from an orthodox perspective.

>> No.18324216

>these documents
The gateway stuff? I don't see why it would make you a gnostic, there's nothing in these documents that indicates this world is evil or needs to be escaped at all costs, and Monroe's books go against that idea as well.

>> No.18324217

I doubt astral projection ever leads to any real mystical union with the Monad. It just induces dissociation from what I've seen at least.

>> No.18324224

Isn't this a biased interpretation, viewed through the lens of Christianity under the assumption that it is correct?

>> No.18324238

I'm just observing what I've seen. I've spent a good bit of time in conspiracy theorist and occultist circles. They all tend toward a neognosticism and they've all looked into these documents. Maybe its incidental though.
Yes. It has some good viewpoints though. Especially regarding the UFO phenomenon. Even if you're not Christian it's worth a read.

>> No.18324245

Again, Monroe's research went pretty far. The usual dissociation experiences is what he called Locale 2, which corresponds to a dreamlike state (limbo, the bardo, etc) but Locale 3 appears to be a genuine "true reality" that could correspond to Abrahamic depictions of heaven, the pleroma, or whatever you want to call it. He seems to have encountered entities that explained a little bit how things worked (>>18323987), and also coined the term loosh which neognostics like to use but isn't actually a bad thing per se.
In a sense I think you're right, true reunion with what he called the higher self or the source was not possible during his OOBEs, and he did encounter higher forms of existence which suggests that union with the Monad is not just a single step up from this existence but that there are other, higher forms of existence that come before it. But his reports are extremely interesting nonetheless

>> No.18324255

I wonder what draws people to gnostic viewpoints specifically, I just see it as fear mongering but it's very popular on /x/ and similar communities

>> No.18324259
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Lagacy of Ashes is a good start. It's s a history of all the directors and overseas operations through 2007 when it was published. Shit is 900 pages and still just scratches the surface but it's definitely worth the read.

>> No.18324269

In conspiracy theorist circles they see evidently evil forces governing the world and will often see they belong to nasty cults, so the assumption is that the authority of this world is evil. Plus all the new age shit about simulation theory and UFOs and whatever makes it easy to come into neognosticsm.
Well thanks fir clarifying anon. I'll look more closely into it

>> No.18324281

Read 'The System of the Antichrist' by Charles Upton, deals with similar topics

>> No.18324301

>makes it easy to come into neognosticsm.
Makes sense. Still, I don't think it's entirely accurate. What's your own take on it?
>I'll look more closely into it
There's the Far journeys pdf for you or anyone interested: http://blog.hasslberger.com/docs/Far_Journeys.pdf

>> No.18324305

Well, Christianity after all was a synchretic religion meant for a new world order, wasn't it?

>> No.18324334

The spooks have already won if you think they're an omnipotent nonentity that has exacting control over every aspect of human endeavor.

>> No.18324346

I highly doubt there isn't a black site somewhere in which they're currently testing DMT's effects on the mind and possibly trying to understand and map out the things, places and beings people see while under its influence. It's too interesting to pass over.

>> No.18324351

I opted for conventional Christianity for a variety of reasons. Not all of them even had to do with politics or conspiracies. It was a very organic conversion. CS Lewis wrote something about how our era would see a fusion of magic and science. Most neognostics talk about brain waves and higher dimensions, simulations, and UFOs, so I think it's fair to say Lewis was correct in his prediction. When caught up in pseudo science and the most basic takes on Platonism its easy to turn into one of thise people. They all talk about Philip K Dick and the cave allegory.

>> No.18324352

maybe, but the problem with this new world religion is that it's even more deceptively rooted in materialism than those that came before it. it's still built to add more cylinders to the already firing economic machine. the spiritual side of it will just be an empty cycle.
to put it in other terms, it's going to be a distillation of all major schools of thought, and if pay attention to this past century's history, the cia is pretty damn good at distilling ideas to get to their ends.

>> No.18324376

What did you read that made you interested in converting (aside from the Bible)?
>basic takes on Platonism
Pretty much. What I liked when reading the aforementioned books was that I could definitely see callbacks to a platonist way of thinking, but at no point was there this contemporary tendency to go "this world is fake and evil, we need to get out".
If anything I think Jung's take on gnosticism is the most accurate one.
As for PKD I actually haven't read any of his books, was he also big into this neognostic oversimplification or was his take more nuanced?

>> No.18324379

Oh. If you say so.

>> No.18324393

>As for PKD I actually haven't read any of his books, was he also big into this neognostic oversimplification or was his take more nuanced?
His take was more schizo desu. He's a real funny character.


I cant find his full press conference on the subject right now but yiu should look for it. It's really funny

>> No.18324404

>What did you read that made you interested in converting (aside from the Bible)?
Sorry I missed this part. My conversion began prior to me reading anything about it. There was a lot of life circumstances that all came together. It wasn't an intellectual decision to convert.

>> No.18324431

>His take was more schizo desu
Well apparently he believed in literal simulation theory, do some of his beliefs actually present valuable information or is it just worth looking into for amusement?
I see. Was it synchronicity then?

>> No.18324483

Amusement is the main point with him in my case now. His books and movie adaptations are good too desu. I especially liked The Adjustment Bureau.
But if you are interested in neognosticsm, synchronicity, simulation theory and related ideas then he could be worthwhile. It really depends. At least watch his full press
>Was it synchronicity then?
To some degree i suppose. I couldn't get into it without givinf you an autobriography. Its not a special conversion story though. I'm sure you've heard some very similar to mine.
Anyway I need to get working. Gonna have to leave the thread for a while

>> No.18324557

>neognosticsm, synchronicity, simulation theory
I'm interested in whatever gets me farther, not in dead ends, but I'll check him out in case, thanks.

>> No.18325715

By framing those experiences in a way that is entirely material and superficial.

>> No.18325747

You saw the puppet strings because you are clear minded. Normies wouldn't see the puppet strings, they'd just be tripping and laughing to themselves like a clown. And then come out afterwards with nonsensical cover all statements like "bro everything is one".

>> No.18325859

I'd like to add to this thread that Joe rogan and the rest of the "intellectual dark web" are a driving force of this new wave of psychedelic culture and it's heavily rooted in psychoanalysis.
The big goal of the psych use isn't to achieve a nondual state, but to fully immerse ones self in the mercurial water and open themselves to natural influences. A big misconception being that the experience of phenomenon such as this as the experience of a higher principle, and not the experience of the lower realms of nature.
For example, my friend and I have been doing a lot of lsd since covid started. I've experienced what I need to, anymore psych use is just a waste and distraction imo. Yet he still trips every week, just so he can psychoanalyze himself and his surroundings. And has the full belief that the logismoi running through his head is supreme truth, logos.
Hippies like to talk about how psychs take you to a higher level of conciousness. I'd argue the exact opposite

>> No.18326285

the high quality of that set of images makes me think it was made in a spook meme farm

>> No.18326374

Yeah, it's obvious especially when they shoehorn in the racial nonsense and call aboriginals unconscious. Complete ignorance of the spiritual practices of the indigenous Australians.

>> No.18326444

Warhol wasn't a glowie. A hack, yes. But his stuff was in direct response to the retardation of modernism and abstract expressionism. Jackson Pollac, Nueman, and those guys are the ones were glowies.

>> No.18326463

This. Also the fact that it is relativley common on /x/ when such discussions take place. I have seen threads spam them for weeks

>> No.18326465

Terrance Mckenna literally admitted that he worked for the CIA. Its midway through a long video, but when I'm back from work I'll try to dig it up with a timestamp

>> No.18326570

i really hope you find it, anon

>> No.18326585

Do try to find it anon, it is worth investigating

>> No.18326623

I feel like a big part of these psychedelic cultures, spiritual movements, etc. etc....is that they are based on feeling "good" rather than being truthful or whatever.

I've noticed that a lot of the folks involved in these things aren't legit, most of them are charlatans or hypocrites, and the ones who are legit have baggage with them that they don't work on getting rid of and instead carry it with them as they carry out their "work"

However just because lies exist doesn't mean the Truth doesn't....in any case even tho I see a lot of Charlatans and the like...I still have met folks who were legit and REALLY legit. They work on themselves, seek and have found Truth, don't let it blind them, and so on.

Of course in the esoteric Truth isn't the only thing out there..you could have other goals...but well that's my two cents.

>> No.18327054

I have another 3 or 4 hours left, but assuming this thread is still up the first thing I will do when Im back is search for that video again.

>> No.18327068
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>> No.18327075

Devils Chessboard

>> No.18327084

Miles, I like your art. You should look into Minoan civilization...

>> No.18327155

How would a project like that even get started? Where are they getting the budget? Who are they reporting to? Who is even the 'they' that is conducting the research (as in, what were their previous positions, how were they selected?)

>> No.18327173

Programmed to Kill is the book you are looking for

>> No.18327196

if the cia realeased anything, even under the freedom of information act, then it probably turned up a dud or dead end. this includes their documentation of spirituality, astral projection, remote viewing, etc.

>> No.18328086


Okay, skip to 4:22:10 and watch it for about a minute or 2. Here is the video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oj1yFZRmFsw&t=15710s

Also, I slightly misremembered. He doesn't specify if its the CIA or FBI (but lets be honest, it was probably the CIA). I also recommend reading this article since this is how I found out about it: (https://logosmedia.com/McKenna-Agent))

>> No.18328106

Alex Jones had a schizo rant about military scientists hooking university students up with a dmt intravenous and using them to communicate with other-dimensional beings.

>> No.18328119

>everyone is laughing

>> No.18328132

The CIA has almost certainly infiltrated the Catholic Church as well. Or, at least, they've tried.

>> No.18328267

as above, so below

>> No.18328385

Is psychoanalysis bad?

>> No.18328393

>a dud or dead end
But AP works. The method described in the documents works.

>> No.18328458

Maybe they were made for ulterior motives but the basic information provided about AP is useful, at least it was what got me interested in the first place. I never payed much attention to the /pol/ stuff and automatically assumed it was bullshit

>> No.18328491

>Truth isn't the only thing out there..you could have other goals
Such as?

>> No.18328700

Several theories here. They had specific goals in mind and they werent able to reach those goals as easily as planned, making those methods infeasible. People in positions of power were upset by the experiments, told them to quit. They were successful in their attempts but had to release data anyway because the CIA/Military involvement had been known publicly since the 80s, but not any in depth information.
Reading through the documents you can find a lot of information is still classified. paragraphs, pages, chapters all blacked out or excluded.
Autobiographies and politicians, military officials and (maybe a different pres) President Carter detailing the success of these programs.
Not to mention the soviets had been working on this stuff from the 20s right up until the 70s (not much is recorded after that).

>> No.18328867
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nope, none.

>> No.18328873

>Reading through the documents you can find a lot of information is still classified. paragraphs, pages, chapters all blacked out or excluded.
I don't think anything is blacked out or excluded in the Gateway process document. Everything was released.

>> No.18329510


>> No.18330164

The White Visitation...and I do hope you know who They are, a-anon.

>> No.18330549

isnt it quite possible all that was faked? or rather, entire sections are missing and have not been announced as such? i remember reading on how something similar happened with what edward snowden discovered surrounding domestic civilian spying - where they had a completely seperate document that they gave to the public, while the real document was witheld. theres no way they havent done the same thing twice, the infastructure for that to of happened already existed or at least completed development at the time snowden discovered this, imo this extremely likely to be practiced in the CIA also

>> No.18330568

It's possible. But have you read the document? I don't see what they could've modified. The information that's been released is fairly exhaustive. It's possible they're just hiding data from things they've discovered through the Gateway process, but I have no idea what, considering a lot of ground is covered by the official documents.

>> No.18330709

>have you read the document?
fraid not, only very lightly skimmed it so cant really comment on it specifically, is it possible much the released documents are red herrings or stuff they found didnt affect their ultimate goals? sorta like an infohazard

>> No.18330734

>is it possible much the released documents are red herrings
It's always possible, but I find it unlikely. Firstly because everything in the document is corroborated by the Monroe institute, Robert Monroe himself in his interviews and books, his various collaborators, and most importantly, the people who've applied the Gateway Experience and saw for themselves the things that are described in the CIA document.
I could believe Monroe to be a spook, and I could definitely believe his institute to have been infiltrated as well, but the tapes seem to work, and the people who've used them generally confirm what is found in the books and documents.
So at the very least, I think the information contained in the documents is mostly true. Which doesn't mean it's exhaustive, nor that some parts of it couldn't have been deliberately intended to lead people astray.
> stuff they found didnt affect their ultimate goal
On the other hand I'm almost certain of this. If the CIA released this information, it's obviously because they don't believe it can be used against them, so the information contained there is, at the very least, not dangerous to the status quo.

>> No.18330784

They forced Benedict XVI to retire and installed Francis as a globohomo agent.

>> No.18331484

>Terrance Mckenna literally admitted that he worked for the CIA
Joe Rogan, someone who was named here and there for his dmt comments, is best friends with Bryan Callen, someone who has appeared countless times in the jre podcast. Callen Sr. is a known CIA asset.

>> No.18331499

It’s not hard to imagine a CIA-backed big pharma company testing drugs on feel good hippies who think they are doing something good for the world

>> No.18331510

Does anyone have the posts or remember the anon who claimed to be some sort of Pynchon scholar and was about to post the many occult/intelligence related references in Pynchon’s work? I vaguely remember it from time to time

>> No.18331514
File: 137 KB, 1280x720, happy times.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The intellectual dark web is dead anon...

>> No.18331540

Caleb Maupin(pbuh)made a video about this

>> No.18331551

>Callen Sr. is a known CIA asset.
Source? I'm intrigued.

>> No.18331589

Why do the glowies push dmt
If anything it leads you to question everything around you and reality itself

>> No.18331597

Just read Guenon, since he was a CIA asset

>> No.18331610
File: 288 KB, 1600x1200, billy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what a trip

>> No.18331655


>> No.18331663

It's obvious when you read more than five pages of hime that only a glowie could write this

>> No.18331691

>If anything it leads you to question everything around you and reality itself
It really doesn’t. I have two theories about it, though.
Number one is dmt and other psychedelics have the same end result as Zen Buddhism and eastern thought: they make you a better wagie, a nothing matters bro we’re all energy middle management kind of man. Those who go off the reservation after taking dmt are a small minority, and part of a small subset of those who actually take it instead of just believing it and carrying on with their day.
Number two is more schizo but bear with me: demons are real, in charge of the CIA, and this kind of shit is a clear push away from God. Even the most outrageous nonsensical shit makes sense from the lens of an ongoing perennial spiritual war. I have no way of backing this up unless you like “coincidences” and, at best, anecdotal evidence.

>> No.18331707

Look up who he is, his ties to Citibank, the role Citibank has in funding CIA ops worldwide, and the role Callen (Sr) had in certain countries during, if I recall correctly, the Arab spring

>> No.18331711

>It really doesn’t
Ever tried it?

>> No.18331722

Haven’t and won’t. I know plenty of people who have or intend to, and it’s not the kind of person I want to be.
I can also tell you those who have tried it don’t change as much as they believe they have. I’m sorry if that happened to you.

>> No.18331726

I could tell.
Also demons are fear-mongering christcuck bullshit.

>> No.18331743

Peace, apotheosis, Struggle, etc. etc. as some examples

>> No.18331745

Well, thanks for proving my point.

>> No.18331751

What about freedom?

>> No.18331757

>it’s not the kind of person I want to be.
Meaning what?

>> No.18331761

>they make you a better wagie, a nothing matters bro we’re all energy middle management kind of man.
No risk for me, I'm a NEETchad

>> No.18331807

From my personal experience, your average psychedelic enthusiast is a smug cocksucker who truly believes the answers to any question is somewhere in a joint or a bag of mushrooms. Stoners on steroids. Joe Rogan driving every fucking conversation towards “have you tried dmt, bro?”

>> No.18331821

Sounds like a brainlet problem, not a psychedelics user problem, although those two groups tend to heavily intersect
Either way this kind of black and white thinking is stupid

>> No.18331838
File: 548 KB, 477x620, 1590860343112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Definitely the second, God killed my dog and made me watch while I was on LSD to make me never do it again last week (after I prayed for it essentially). I feel psychedelics entice you initially but over time and use they grab hold of you and lead to ones ruination (just look at that insecure body builder guy all over this website recently). Then again it was psychedelic use that lead me to God in the first place so who knows.

pic rel is from Evelyn Underhill which I read yesterday
Demons are not exclusive to Christianity. They are in every religion, they are just more fleshed out in Christianity. Exorcisms exist in all traditions too.

>> No.18331850

Demons are inside you
Jung understood

>> No.18331874

>that pic
How can you read this and not immediately notice it's blatant fear-mongering though?
>nah bro don't explore anything or seek things of your own accord, just pray, everything else is deception and evil
It's tiresome.

>> No.18331914

That too, like I said plenty of other goals

>> No.18331920

How do those out of body experiences relate to mystical/spiritual experiences? I see people on this board often say that stuff like AP is bullshit and not actually spiritual and that true spiritual experiences are different, but doesn't one lead to the other? Are out of body experiences meaningless? How would anyone know?
Is there a hierarchy to goals or is it all relative and dependent on the individual?

>> No.18331931

>Is there a hierarchy to goals or is it all relative and dependent on the individual?


You have to understand that belief in itself impacts reality. There's a whole set of connections and stuff that change things just by how we view them. And add in how we act, what we say, etc. and it gets even more complex.

>> No.18331934

Buddhas like me see the Sabbatean-Frankist Jews pulling the strings though.

>> No.18331938

This interests me, can you recommend further reading? Finding a goal has been a primary focus of mine for some time

>> No.18331967

>nah bro fuck them evil people they don’t want you to explore just grab that fork and put it in the electrical outlet
midwits and their hubris is tiresome

>> No.18331968

To be honest I have no recommendations other than start reading.

Each book contains with it's author their own set of values, goals, information, knowledge, etc. etc. and it's gonna be up to you to discern what you want, what you take, discard, etc.

>> No.18331983

Coward. Stay terrified of everything since you lack the balls to trace your own path.

>> No.18331987
File: 1015 KB, 900x4100, How to become Greenpilled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Here's a chart that might help but keep in mind what I said about how it's up to you to discern

>> No.18331989

Thanks anon

>> No.18331992

Tell me what you know kind billposter

>> No.18331998

Sure thing, buddy.

>> No.18332001

Prove me wrong, dumb faggot. You can't. You're scared of everything and want everyone else to be scared too.

>> No.18332003

Here's a personal book of mine as well

anonfiles com/51f8pcy6uc/The_Chronicles_of_Anarchy_pdf

>> No.18332007

Great, I'll take a look

>> No.18332008

Don't forget the book I've linked as well in >>18332003

>> No.18332045

Any books by Robert Anton Wilson
Timothy Leary
Anton Lavey
Process church
Books on satanic ritual abuse and mkultra like Colin Ross, Dave McGowan.
Also remember Crowley was a glownigger

>> No.18332050

>prove my subjective experience wrong
Are you retarded?

>> No.18332053

>pretending not to understand
I accept your concession.

>> No.18332069

Please, fucking stop with this retarded shit. You clearly have no idea what you're talking about.
Either learn something or STFU

>> No.18332166

go back, you seriously have to go back, you write like a fucking r ddit user stuck in peak 2014 atheism, you insufferable cunt

>> No.18332171

Imagine seething this hard when called out on being a coward. Looks like I hit a nerve kek, cry more

>> No.18332191

>it's another christcuck meltdown
Why does this have to happen in every thread tangentially related to spirituality?

>> No.18332210

Gateway project and hemisync are retarded. Probably either a psyop or just a few ciatards reading too many new age mags.

>> No.18332213

Why are they retarded?

>> No.18332279


>> No.18332386

Could say the same for lsd and mushrooms but normies still trip and spend 4 hours laughing.

>> No.18332389

How can a literal meme chart be so based? don't forget to do the exercises in Prometheus Rising.

>> No.18332400
File: 1.05 MB, 740x1112, 1621401188149.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Keep in mind that despite what anyone says, there's no cabal of people controlling anything. When you're working with massive systems like modern governmental institutions, their sheer size and complexity means that no one person or group can control the whole thing. Instead, it's usually a collection of groups, and the decisions of said institution are a result of their various wills and concessions, their wants also a result of their membership's wills and concessions. Likewise, when they do want to carry out their will, they don't rely on certainties but on probabilities. They create circumstances and arrange people in such a way that the probability of them doing what is desired is as high as possible.

So, why the CIA might want to fuck with spirituality isn't really answerable. The calculus that goes into it has so many variables. More than likely, it's just to hamstring large populations of people, as most New Age spiritual systems lack coherence, and if they have coherence, their foundations aren't secure, they have no tradition.

Think of a salesman, how does he sell to people? The first thing he does is create uncertainty, tells them about a problem they might have not foreseen, or new information that only he's privy too. This uncertainty is what gives him leverage to feed information to that person to act in a way he wants. To do this to a large population, you must first destroy their tradition, and there is no stronger tether of tradition than mainstream religion.

>> No.18332403
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>> No.18332405

Is pic related on reference to the cloud of unknowing?

>> No.18332409

Contemplation is seeking on your own accord lmfao. It's entirely an exercise of the self rather than forcing yourself into a chemically induced altered state of conciousness.

>> No.18332413

OOBEs are an exercise of the self as well

>> No.18332423

True. Same with dreaming and hypnagogia.

>> No.18332428

All of these are meaningful experiences

>> No.18332431

And I've experienced more profound moments laying down half asleep in bed than I ever have almost shitting myself on 500ug.

>> No.18332437

the set was like $800 back when they were released
imagine if your tape got eaten by the tape player

>> No.18332465
File: 443 KB, 868x672, reality shifting.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is the CIA pushing these rehashed and repackaged spiritual practices to zoomers on tik tok, or is it organic rediscoverings of old knowledge? There's been a boom on tiktok and other zoomer apps about so called Reality Shifting. Could these be another Psyop to purposefully misdirect younger people through media consumption and willful dissociation?

>> No.18332467

There's a CIA doc about reality shifting? Where is it?

>> No.18332490

not reality shifting per se, but Gateway Trascendence or whatever you want to call it. some people say this is just lucid dreaming, others have some more thought out metaphysical theories about it.


>> No.18332492

Oh yeah that's basically AP. I don't know how people are linking this to reality shifting, it's not the same thing.

>> No.18332526

Isn't prometheus rising basically about deprogramming yourself from all forms of dogma?

>> No.18332732
File: 62 KB, 640x360, pop_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Francis is a godly, Christ-like man, u worthless heathen. Show him due respect

>> No.18332735

>implying they arnt both globohomo agents

>> No.18332744
File: 26 KB, 400x300, steve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bingo. idiots on here actually believe they would release anything that could empower anyone other than themselves and their masters

>> No.18332763

You would be amazed how incompetent they can be

>> No.18332808

He never wanted the job. He just wanted visits to that secret passageway to the alter boy club

>> No.18332860

Zoomers don't understand the terms they are using or the phenomenon they are experiencing
Seems what they mean by reality shifting is just suggestive dreaming
But it's all very superficial and is basically consumerist escapism

>> No.18332865

>why don’t you take drugs I know only by reading other stoners online, you coward
welp dare was real after all

>> No.18332882
File: 208 KB, 275x365, The_men_who_stare_at_goats_book_cover.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is about glowniggers and their more "unconventional" experiments trying to learn jedi mind tricks or bend spoons by staring at them.

>> No.18332883

Don’t do this to me

>> No.18332908

Thoughts on this theory?

>RAW buried Pynchon in disinformation"
>Pynchon is drawing your attention to atrocities and encouraging you to look deeper. Wilson is mystifying and misdirecting your attention.
>Whether Wilson was intentionally/knowingly part of a "conspiracy" or not his work had the outcome of serving imperial, not liberatory, ends.


>> No.18333391


>> No.18333509

Errrmm umm for greed. They just want to control all illegal underworld activities to get money to just have. Remember that people want billions of dollars just to have them.

>> No.18334204

>it's all very superficial and is basically consumerist escapism
How? At least they're trying

>> No.18334358

they wouldn't care if it weren't a tiktok trend
they wouldn't care if they couldn't larp in bikini bottom or hogwarts

>> No.18334408

This is plausible. For Leary's experiments with his parties, if you started having a bad LSD trip he would inject you with like 50mg of DMT intravenously. No reason for MKUltra not to be doing similar things. I'm not saying they have no possible interest in DMT, just that there is no reason to believe they are behind the current fad.

>> No.18334425

The pdf there is missing the page in OP

>> No.18334664

Anyone read The Adam and Eve Story that is on the cia archives? The archive version is missing a couple of pages but the full version is available on libgen last I checked.

>> No.18334771

Someone post the rest

>> No.18334797
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>> No.18335287

What's it say?

>> No.18335313

That the earth goes through cataclysmic cycles every 20,000 years or so, wiping out majority of peoples and hitting civilization with a hard reset.

>> No.18335327

I'm going to go full morlock when it happens. My kids will eat your kids if you have any

>> No.18335367

Lel sounds fun.

>> No.18335406

Crowley was a secret agent
Evola too
Founder of wicca too
Founder of witchcraft museum too

I doubt guénon was one but they seem to be using islamisation as well.

>> No.18335421
File: 878 KB, 2018x1512, E4DD614F-6117-489D-A76F-D560D5B2DA1D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

imagine getting a job at the cia and getting payed to make up fun and interesting ideologies that your boss uses for psyops.

>> No.18335427
File: 57 KB, 1242x401, 399FD504-ABB7-4FFA-83FE-A984ED284C14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine working at the CiA where you get payed to make cool and interesting ideologies that your boss uses for psyops.

>> No.18335454

Link it?

>> No.18335465

I'm not sure how the newspaper scans are related. Can be ignored.

>> No.18335524

I read it

>> No.18335701

DMT is puzzling, testimonies make me think it's more than just the ego confronting the unconscious, but I'm reluctant to try itin case it actually is spiritually harmful

>> No.18335716

Is there anyone who isn't a fucking glowie

>> No.18336110

Evola a secret agent of what?

>> No.18336209

pynchon and delillo

>> No.18336238

Ratzinger was a V2 architect.

>> No.18336523

Completely yes.

>> No.18336699

And what am I? I.e. what are these demons inside?

>> No.18336703

>what are these demons inside?
Archetypes of the unconscious

>> No.18336759

I thought she was glownig as was all of theosophy? Also, esoteric chart with no Guenon et al. Kinda cringe honestly desu.

>> No.18336812

Sounds so plausible. Ties into all the shit about cycles like the yugas and atlantis shit.

>> No.18336874

No it's not. There's no support for the status quo or even western civ in there

>> No.18336998

Guenon would have thought the whole chart was bullshit. He really doesn't fit there.

>> No.18336999

there´s no demons but the existence of beings outside of this 3D dimension is real, you can project your religious neurosis on this but it´s cope

>> No.18337005

i don´t want to sound pessimistic but there´s a possibility that Robert Anton Wilson was a CIA asset because of his connection with Timothy Leary and by extension Lee Harvey Oswald

>> No.18337013


>> No.18337017

Quite clearly, yes.

>> No.18337019

Even so does that detract from the contents of Prometheus rising? It's a great "anti programming" book

>> No.18337027

Getting into such things without the guidance of a tradition is exposing yourself to dangers that could lead you to being destroyed rather than ascending.

>> No.18337034

operation mindfuck was a project by discordians (including RAW) as useful idiots for US Intelligence Community, without them knowing about it

>> No.18337053

Alesteir Crowley was the mentor of Jack Parsons who was friends with the future founder of Scientology L. Ron Hubbard

>> No.18337082

i´m just saying, he´s a good bloke in my opinion but he was sometimes prone to be a useful idiot

see >>18337034

>> No.18337091

>prone to be a useful idiot
Who wasn't? >>18335716

>> No.18337098

Yes. Late Rome adopted Christianity as a means to appease pleb masses, since early Christians were having literal BLM tier chimpouts to the point of defacing statues.The formation Roman Catholic (universal) church as well as Paulian Christianity’s globalist and egalitarian outlook seal the deal.

>> No.18337169

Also Henry Steel Olcott, co-founder of Theosophy and the first well-known American to convert to Buddhism. He came out of military intelligence.
Also John Dee, 16th century occultist, was an agent. He was the inspiration for James Bond.

>> No.18337891

To him, only established spiritual traditions could claim to offer a connection to the suprahuman. Occultism leads to the infrahuman instead. He hated people like Gurdjieff and Blavatsky, and would have hated New Agery.

>> No.18337912

A lot of that chart isn't occultism, just esotericism, scripture, and general spirituality that isn't really occult or new age like Castaneda or Jung
Not to mention the political shit, and fucking Nietzsche
You're right about Blavatsky or Crowley though

>> No.18338442

What's that extract from?

>> No.18338490


>> No.18339269

So Christianity is bullshit?

>> No.18339883

Rome was bullshit and deserved to collapse

>> No.18340198

Demons are immaterial beings, seperate to the unconscious. Jungians may as well be materialists because they believe nothing exists outside of the psyche.

>> No.18340326

That cope lol. Christianity is ad hoc nonsense that made very shrewd political moves at an efficient time is all, get over it

>> No.18340339
File: 444 KB, 1172x1500, earlSneedSinclair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Definitely the second, God killed my dog and made me watch while I was on LSD to make me never do it again last week

>> No.18340367

>Late Rome adopted Christianity as a means to appease pleb masses
This is made up nonsense

>> No.18341458

Thanks reddit, very cool

>> No.18341953

>This is made up nonsense
Yes, we are talking about Xtianity.

>> No.18342036

It amuses me how you can't even say the name of Christ

>> No.18342218


>> No.18342240


>> No.18342427

Wow that must have taken a lot of balls

>> No.18342560

Why have practices like astral projection never been described in ancient religions? Why was it popularized in the 20th century?
I find it hard to believe the neoplatonists or hermeticists or even the Christian mystics would've been unaware of something like that, but it seems like they didn't give a shit. Why

>> No.18342672

>I find it hard to believe the neoplatonists or hermeticists or even the Christian mystics would've been unaware of something like that
Its mentioned in all those things. The alchemists work is done while astral projecting. But its just a tool and has no importance on its own.

>> No.18342686

I don't think theosis is astral projection. Which works talk about it? I should look into it more in depth.