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File: 415 KB, 564x796, Søren_Kierkegaard_(1813-1855)_-_(cropped).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18319376 No.18319376 [Reply] [Original]

What's his magnum opus? Is it Either/Or or Sickness Unto Death?

>> No.18319406

Early Kierkegaard is underrated

>> No.18319448

i don't know

>> No.18319603

find out then faggot

>> No.18319608

why don't you figure it out?

>> No.18319610

This song ruined the phrase "Either/Or" for me https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=VtJFb_P2j48

>> No.18319643

I like Works of Love cause he dabs on retarded poets

>> No.18320675

Either/Or. That collection is a trip

>> No.18320693

I prefer Sickness Unto Death. Whenever I feel like shit, I read it and it helps me get a hold of myself. The fact that he was able to cover despair so thoroughly was amazing. He even split it into feminine and masculine despair. I'll never be able to understand how he managed accomplish that.

>> No.18320952

seducers diary, just that, its fucking top tier.

>> No.18321252

Which edition of Either/Or? It seems like the penguin classics ver. is abridged

>> No.18321255

What does he say?

>> No.18321737

Fear and Trembling

>> No.18321764

I love this nigga

>> No.18321781

He didn't tough himself at night, like you. FAG!

>> No.18321824

Fear and Trembling for me

>> No.18322051


>> No.18322452


>> No.18322619


>> No.18322702

If you don’t have an ebook, Kierkegaard’s unabridged books are notoriously expensive and hard to get a hand on. I’d say the penguin version is good enough.

>> No.18322710


>> No.18322712
File: 65 KB, 1100x618, 513952.twister.lede2x_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.18322778

The signed Kierkegaard. Pseudonyms are just that, pseuds. Only made as conversation with the real deal.

>> No.18322917

Not OP, but he essentially calls out earthly love as being selfishness incarnate. Even the least selfish form of earthly love, the love of the family and the community, is just group-selfishness. In order for it exist, you have to keep others out, and any attempt at being selfless and sharing the love is considered a breach of the love. This is in contrast to love as defined by God, because God asks us to make no distinctions. As Jesus states in Luke 14:26, in your pursuit of God and God's form of love, "you must, by comparison, hate everyone else - your father and mother, wife and children, your brothers and sisters - yes even your own life." if you want to be a true disciple of Him. This doesn't mean that you aren't allowed to have those things, you just can't prioritize earthly love over Spiritual love. Love, as glorified by the poets, cannot be remedied with Spiritual love. But I'm only halfway through the book so I might be missing something. Its really good so far, though.


>> No.18323026

Concluding unscientific postscript

>> No.18323108

He's the one bearable existentialist and not because of the Christianity

>> No.18323116

the center left is so fucking unbearable

>> No.18323204
File: 47 KB, 933x707, 1B38B066-D8AE-4F2A-B27D-AD8D6EFFB1FD.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I stop

>> No.18323235

>This song ruined the phrase "Either/Or" for me
I'm not even listening to it, just say Aut-Aut like educated people.

>> No.18323264
File: 15 KB, 733x544, 1620136076520.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't stop, anon. You keep on going until it becomes second nature for you. You won't need to think about lifting yourself up, you'll lift yourself up automatically.

You may think that you're a weakling, but remember that Marcus Aurelius kept a diary and wrote in it everyday. He needed to remind himself to keep going. You never stop toughing yourself up bro, you never stop.

>> No.18323413

based nigga poster
Everytime someone makes a post with the word nigga I assume it is the same black guy posting on lit trying to subtly communicate to everyone that he is black. It’s always the same syntax with no capital letters and simple language. Am I right?

>> No.18323451

That’s not centre left that’s the liberal left.

>> No.18323641

I went with penguin. Admittedly I first started reading him pretty early and didn't do research into translations. That being said, I reread it often, especially the Diapsalmata.

>> No.18323662

Why would you show this to me

>> No.18323729


>> No.18323766

Have some real Kierkekino

>> No.18323783

I’d bet big money this singer is a fan of Van Morrison

>> No.18323789

Either/or, his exposition on both types of lifes and on how we ought to live is truly brilliant, mastering the duality of life and making it a novel, is there any philosopher who holds a candle to Kierkegaard? Truly THE philosopher on the topic of identity

>> No.18323803


Anon, I fear you've missed the point.

>> No.18323805
File: 249 KB, 720x1018, 687CC6E4-3031-4774-8898-59237F84AE54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He’s really fkn good.
I’ve read him directly but haven’t found good commentary. Lots of shit commentary out there, yes.
Any recos /litbros?

>> No.18323808

This is what my Existentialism professor thought back when I was in college. She was an old hippie though, the only Continental specialist in an Analytic department.

>> No.18323810

Probably. They have a song that lifts the riff from Springsteen’s “I’m on Fire” so they definitely have an appreciation for boomer rock

>> No.18323832

fik I love that song too. saw an insanely hot girl sing along to it once and the image is seared in my mind

>> No.18323909

He is really good, if you want more Kierkegaard I recommend "The concept of anxiety" and if you want other philosopher I like the analects of Confucius. Its a travesty that we don't have more Kierkegaard commentary.

>> No.18323954

I should have phrased that better i meant both superficial lives (the aesthetic and the ethical) and how we ought to live (the religious/self sufficient life)

>> No.18324236

My man, there we go.

>> No.18324280

I ain't no nigga I is brown
I talk like thees to get karma on reddit you knaw what I be sayin dawg

>> No.18324287

I mean stop jacking off

>> No.18324328


>> No.18324501

Fuck off back to r*ddit then.

>> No.18325379

I'm reading him as a native speaker, and it's probably the best Danish I've ever read - highly poetic with a fantastic flow. (Quite) difficult, but not nonsensical. I wish more of our writers wrote like this.