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18316335 No.18316335 [Reply] [Original]

1. You must post a book as a reply to the above previous poster to receive a book recommendation.
2. Post an image of a musician.
I’ll start, Death in June.

>> No.18316400
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Funeral Rites by Jean Genet, "In the fog of the world" is inspired in that book.

>> No.18316413
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Also, pretty much anything by Mishima, and Hagakure.

>> No.18316464

all gay nazis so far, great job
cloudy clouds

>> No.18316511
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The Ins and Outs of Gay Sex: A Medical Handbook for Men by Stephen E. Goldstone


>> No.18317113
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The Panther edition has such an aesthetic cover.
Boyd also did a reading list himself a few years back, might be interesting to somebody.

>> No.18317570

Boyd had his own reading list?

>> No.18317584
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Siekiera. Also nothing cyberpunk-y because that's way too obvious of an answer for an Eastern European punk group.

>> No.18317607
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Book rec for you: Robertson Davies - the Rebel Angels

Regarding my pic: don’t recommend his own books please, I take those as a given.

>> No.18317630
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Dubliners by James Joyce

picrel is Biz Markie

>> No.18317634

id suck those nips like they were cocks

>> No.18317647

Are you a lady?

>> No.18317665
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Naked lunch

Pic is Yamantaka Eye of the Boredoms.

>> No.18317727

Do you think they make milk or cum?

>> No.18317733

He wrote Amazon reviews for a lot of them too.

>> No.18317734
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>> No.18317743
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>> No.18317759

I have perfect reccs for both of these but you guys didn’t follow the rules of the thread so I will refrain.

>> No.18317856
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>> No.18317882
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Rose McDowall, Tibet, Death in June visiting Mishima's grave

>> No.18317893
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>> No.18317898
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Anything by RAW

The Tunnel by Gass

Musician is young Varg Vikernes.

>> No.18317921


Forgot to post in >>18317898 and haven't read it but maybe Ferdydurke by Witold Gombrowicz,

>> No.18317923

whomst've the fuck is this person

>> No.18317958

Sorry, Robert Anton Wilson, wrote the Illuminatus trilogy, and a lot of other zany stuff.

Recced bc I see him and Beefheart both fundamentally as hippies trying to break out and achieve something more unique, whether they fail or succeed is up to the observer.

>> No.18317979

This might be just as much a cop out as reccing his own stuff but I'd imagine anything by DFW or maybe Franzen.

>> No.18317990

Hm, I don’t see it.

>> No.18317998
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>> No.18318007
File: 479 KB, 1500x1868, 5D376DBF-973C-40DB-9C6A-1CCC3BCF5A5F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anything by Tom Robbins

Wyndham Lewis

Clarice Lispector

>> No.18318015

Overly self-conscious post-postmodern Americana. A lot of new sincerity stuff seems like 'literary indie' in that way.

Also the few people I knew in high school who liked Mountain Goats wouldn't shut the fuck up about DFW and vice versa.

>> No.18318061
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Some Virginia Woolf novel

>> No.18318063
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Dostoevsky's The Idiot.

Musician is Sylvain Houde from early Kataklysm

>> No.18318585

How can a bunch of literally LARPing faggots be so cool?

>> No.18319153
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call of the crocodile

>> No.18319190
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John maus is the love of my life
madame bovary

>> No.18319248

Kennedi? From RYM?

This Rhythmanalysis thing that his advisor at Hawaii was into looks like fun reading. Also there was that Badiou book he named one of his albums after.

>> No.18319268
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>> No.18319278
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>> No.18319292
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>> No.18319295
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A confederacy of dunces

>> No.18319311
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>> No.18319333
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Picrel is Jerome Reuter, from the band ROME
Radiant Terminus

>> No.18319379
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>> No.18319394

Did you not read the OP?

>> No.18319396
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The Picture of Dorian Gray

I don't know what I could recommend, but Biz Markie is based.

Ultra-based Zevonposter
The Plot Against America - Philip Roth

Happy Days - Samuel Beckett

>> No.18319412

i am not kennedi but she is a very cool person. thank you for those books.

>> No.18319421

I don't know half the guys being posted here

>> No.18319429

Reverse image search + Wikipedia + "These ideas remind me of ____"

It doesn't have to be personal and special, just something you think might work out.

>> No.18319431
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It has to be Man Among the Ruins by Julius Evola, or anything by Evola.
Based. Some of the Tatenokai members even went to a concert of Boyd Rice and Douglas.
Finnegans Wake

>> No.18319434

What's the point then if it's not something that I'm convinced of or personal?
At that point the other anon might just do it themselves. My input is unnecessary.

>> No.18319442
File: 445 KB, 640x640, bratty sneed.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've never talked to her tbf, I think I got a couple of albums from her slsk last summer.

Also fair warning I haven't read those. They were adjacent to John Maus' political philosophy PhD just based on some wiki surfing I did once. Happy hunting.

>> No.18319449

Journey to the end of the night
Industrial society and its future
Do androids dream of electric sheep

>> No.18319453

I was also thinking Mine Were of Trouble. I wonder if he will ever do an album or a few songs about Romania and Codreanu

>> No.18319480
File: 93 KB, 500x335, tumblr_mghjanYTZ31s0frybo1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Studs Lonigan - Farrell
Europe Central - Vollmann
Book of Numbers - Cohen
The Flamethrowers - Kushner

>> No.18319579

Ada, Part 4, "The Texture of Time"

>> No.18319622
File: 134 KB, 809x534, 09F820AE-B83F-4FCF-8061-B25D3F9B8157.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Octavio Paz

>> No.18319653
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Part 2 for

>> No.18319663
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>> No.18319808
File: 51 KB, 402x615, 093949378-0cc9461c-90ed-49e8-9f8c-4597174741ba.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Bible, obviously

>> No.18320422

Maybe Walden?

>> No.18321479
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>> No.18321516
File: 1.03 MB, 1354x1980, Hildegard_von_Bingen.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Boethius - Consolation of Philosophy

>> No.18321929
