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/lit/ - Literature

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File: 17 KB, 600x353, genie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
18318986 No.18318986 [Reply] [Original]

What other boards do you guys go on besides /lit/?

>> No.18318991

Reset Era

>> No.18318992

I used to go on /tv/ and post booba

>> No.18319017

I visit /out/ and /ic/

>> No.18319028

lit sci fit ic out s4s

>> No.18319044

I only go on /lit/ (and sometimes /s4s/ and /fit/) nowadays but I used to be a /mu/tant and before that I was a /v/irgin,

>> No.18319145

/b/ /mu/ /g/ /co/ /s/ /out/ /ck/ /hr/ /pol/

>> No.18319155

/tg/, I used to visit /co/.

>> No.18319165


>> No.18319168
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Used to go on /a/, mainly /co/, /v/. /pol/ if there's big news

>> No.18319176


>> No.18319185

/int/ /g/ /x/ /fit/ /tv/

>> No.18319189

/biz/ but just to sh!tpost
/x/ for greentexts

>> No.18319202

I'm a serial lurker
/an/ /wg/ /p/

>> No.18319223

the fuck is /s4s/?

>> No.18319225

/a/ and /vt/.

>> No.18319231

maybe /mu/ every once in a while for the chart threads

>> No.18319236

/x (my first), /vr, /v and /tv for the shitposts.

>> No.18319239

just /pol/, only two boards I need

>> No.18319240

/biz/ and /tv/ even if they're shit. I used to more frequently browse /co/ but there isn't much in modern /co/ media worth discussing and I feel like I'm kind of growing out of it.

/pol/ is entertaining during actual happenings but otherwise it sucks.

>> No.18319249

/fit/ so i can become ubermensch gigachad worldlover.

>> No.18319254
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/sci/, /lit/, /biz/, /tv/, /pol/, /fit/, /fa/, /r9k/
in that order

>> No.18319255

I don't get browsing /biz/ for long unless you literally have thousands invested in crpyto or are looking for the next bitcoin to get rich quick

>> No.18319260

I spend most of my time on 4channel.org on /co/
outside of /lit/ and /co/ I occasionally go to /mu/, /a/, and /vrpg/
/tv/ is purely a guilty pleasure

>> No.18319261

mostly /biz/ and /fit/
the holy trio of based

>> No.18319267

The memes on /biz/ are potently hilarious because one anons shitposting might lead to another anons financial ruin

>> No.18319275

>/tv/ is purely a guilty pleasure
>implying the whole of 4chan isn't a guilty pleasure

>> No.18319287
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>unless you literally have thousands invested in crpyto
Not this guy, but I make 15k a month waging (before taxes), so "making thousands" is not a barrier.
I have about 2 BTC, but I don't mind much if it's gone. I lurk /biz/ to get a vibe for what's hot or
or shill some stuff. Admittedly it's not the most intellectual of boards.

>> No.18319300

(or link to projects or algorithm discussions or repos, etc.)

>> No.18319317

>making thousands
Not what I said. Also I can't trust that place, I'm too green when it comes to stocks and crypto and everything there seems like scammy shilling, like that shiba coin or whatever

>> No.18319349
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Sure, you're not wrong. If you want to trade or invest in crypto, those places are more a source for sentiment analysis than for "information" in the peer to peer sense.
But /biz/ has been shilling Chainlink violently since sice 2019 and in that time it went from 25 cent to 25 dollar. I didn't buy any (because I dislike javascript), but it's good to have an eye on the market a little bit. I mean it's not more or less time wasting than the thousandth David Forster Wallace thread, let's say

>> No.18319380
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/x/, /tv/, /v/, /biz/ when some crypto shit crashes, /wg/ occasionally

>> No.18319391

Mostly /lit/, but I look through /tv/ and /pol/ during breakfast.
Also /sp/ to shitpost while I’m watching a sports game

>> No.18319542
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/tv/ to shitpost, /int/ to share my disdain for americans, /fa/ sometimes. Also /ic/ to pick references while not reading a single post because people there are 50% coomers and 50% crabs, the absolute worst and most depressing board.

>> No.18319547

>no one saying /mlp/
horsefuckers unironically have a better literature than any other board other than /lit/

>> No.18319549

>all these /tv/tards
No wonder this board is such a dump

>> No.18319584
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/pol/lit/k/biz/fit/ chad here.
Some would call me a renaissance man, a polymath.

>> No.18319595

just this one

>> No.18319614

We all have our vices.

>> No.18319621


>> No.18319647

Same here, also /sci/

>> No.18319681

/fa/ /int/ /tv/ /p/ /pol/ /mu/ /ic/

>> No.18319686

/biz/ made me get a six figure portfolio so I guess they contributed more to my well being.
On the contrary this board only feeds my neuroticism but I have keep coming back due to addiction

>> No.18319771

>because I dislike javascript
typescript is changing the game

>> No.18319817

/lit/ /sp/ /fit/ /biz/ /tv/ and sometimes /mu/

>> No.18319820

Seething europoor

>> No.18319822

just /lit/. used to browse /hr/ for porn but i went cold turkey on that and a bunch of other stuff about 6 weeks ago. lost 16lbs since then and have been reading a lot more in general. though i recently started delving into DFW after seeing him memed here for so long and find his outlook painfully relateable and sad so i'll probably just lose some more weight, fuck up some more relationships and then kill myself realising that it's all unironically so tiresome

>> No.18319985

/r9k/ - though only for /r9gay/ (mostly just to gather the pics of cute boys there)
very rarely also /g/, /po/ and /cm/
I used to visit /mu/ and /lgbt/ a lot but they're among the most cancerous parts of the site, lgbt used to be comfy and now it's tranny central, and mu was never good, honestly speaking
the only board I visit about as much as /lit/ is /int/, but on Kohlchan

>> No.18320013
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>> No.18320059

why are there so many /pol/tards here?

>> No.18320069
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An, p, pol, s.

>> No.18320071

My guess would be election tourists.

>> No.18320090

makes sense. explains the amount of Evola threads lately

>> No.18320115

/a/ (only for One piece)
/v/ (to see gaming news)
/vr/ (to see gba threads and some rare vidya)
/trv/ (to see cool stories and possible destinations)
/biz/ (to laugh at crypto guys)

>> No.18320120

/ic/ used to be my homeboard but it was taken over by furries, anime fans, and hornyboys and anyone with any shred of talent abandoned it
/int/ for the memes, /lgbt/ because reading about trannies sad lives makes me feel better
what can you possibly get out of pol? i’m only there after major events but i feel like i’d go mad if i went there on the regular

>> No.18320252

/pol/shit was at critical levels some 2-3 years ago, the current stuff is lemonade compared to that.

>> No.18320286
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/sci/ so beyond saving

>> No.18320304


I used to go on /mu/ and I guess I'm a /fit/ tard in the way I go about the gym but I've never posted or lurked on /fit/ and other boards don't interest me. I barely know how to post on /lit/ as is

>> No.18320350

God, it's so fucking bad. Remember when we used to have non stop IQ threads? They still have those over there

>> No.18320356
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>> No.18320368

Just post more and you'll get the hang of it

>> No.18320377

What do you do for a living?
there's a lot of scams there now which ruins it, but shib is not the best example as it's the only one I have had success with. If you invested $1000 in shib in January of this year and then sold it a few weeks ago, you'd now be a millionaire.

>> No.18320398
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Lit is my home board that I always come back to. Home base so to speak. It's also the one I actually post on the most.
Pol is my news site. Rarely post.
/vr/ and /vg/ are my recreational boards. I post when there's a game I'm familiar with like Dead by Daylight.
/jp/ is a mostly lurk but sometimes post board.
/vt/ I was highly active on, but burned out. I must have left an impression on that community because I still see references to stuff I posted and someone skinwalks using the pictures I used most of the time, but that's okay.
/b/ for when I have a book idea that's really out there and I just need to bounce it off of someone before it gets lost to the void.
/biz/ to browse but I'm not into coins and they rarely talk about actual stock performance so I just look for news on my brokerage. Wasted potential.

>> No.18320402
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Humans actually use that place?

>> No.18320411
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Doesn't feel like it, but here we usually focus on prose and such, not ideas.
If I just attach a silly pic and ask 'Okay, if you were to x a person in the woods, how would you do so?'
Then you get random answers you can peruse at your leisure and use in your books. I don't do it often but I don't know anywhere else you can throw an idea at a dartboard and have off the walls answers to it.

>> No.18320517
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/biz/ but also occasionally /jp/ for the kigurumi thread

>> No.18320547

Used to browse /his/ and /fit/ until tourists turned them into blue /pol/. Quality of 4chan was already pretty bad but 2016 was the biggest nosedive.

>> No.18320571

g, int/lang/, sp/heem/

sometimes i am in the mood for x and pol

i have a couple trolls i repost on fit every couple weeks too

>> No.18320623
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/r9k/ originolio

>> No.18320626

/v/ /vr/ and sometimes /toy/

>> No.18320631 [DELETED] 
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>> No.18320635

so /b/ then?

>> No.18320638
File: 105 KB, 1242x694, wojak.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that Robin Williams?

>> No.18320644


>> No.18320649

Looks like he was in a genie bottle

LOL :3

>> No.18320987

I mean that's /sci/ for you IQ threads, evolution discussion that are just race bait, scary AI, question about physics that are actually metaphysics, "how can science not explain consciousness", dumb pandemic related shit in the last year, "how can I learn math/physics by myself" and lot's of frogs, even as a frog poster I can say that's too many.

If you're lucky you'll catch the math general

>> No.18321005

/g/ and /rarely /int/

>> No.18321061

/g/ /k/ /a/ /out/ /fit/

/biz/ /f/ /tv/

Only when happenings
/pol/ /v/

>> No.18321077

None. I only come to this site to argue and you guys, while possibly the stupidest, are the most demanding and infuriating

>> No.18321156

The only boards I still recognize on 4chan are /lit/ and /tv/. Every other board feels like it's either filled with zoomers, like /v/, or they give me such an uncanny valley vibe that I'm actually filled with dread when browsing them.

I can't recognize or understand the minds of zoomers. Whenever I'm talking to one I picture him as a 12-14 year old kid who has been eating one of those jawbreaker candies with the rainbow pastel colors inside, and the pastel multicolor is all mixed with his spit and smeared all over and around his lips, and he's insane from the sugar high, and he has gelled hair standing straight up for some reason. And he can't stop telling me about shouting pundit faggots he watches on social media. I swear it gives me a contact high even over the internet, I feel like I'm on their adderall with them.

The other boards are worse, the ones with the uncanny valley feeling. I've never been a big /pol/ user but /pol/ since 2016 feels like it's 30% confused boomers who don't even know what 4chan is, 30% bots posting algorithmic lorem ipsum, 20% actual users, and the remainder I can't even figure out, it has aspects of both the bots and the boomers but it feels like something more sinister. It's not automated, it's real people, but the particular kind of engrish they use and their bizarre non sequitur posts really give me a bad vibe.

>> No.18321346

>can't recognize or understand the minds of zoomers
But you browse /lit/ and /tv/? Just how lacking in self-awareness are you anon?

>> No.18321498

mainly /tv/, /int/ and /his/
but I also visit a bunch of other boards less often like /an/, /diy/ and /sci/

>> No.18321518

/tv/ posters are still funnier and more bearable to be around than /a/, /v/, /co/, or /tg/ autists.

>> No.18321521

/his/, /co/, /sp/, and /mu/

>> No.18321524


>> No.18321525

I feel exactly the same about /pol/, just never knew how to put it into words, feels like a place filled with of unstable people unaware of their instability, its very unique in a creepy way
And it spews to other boards as well, but filtering a bunch of keywords fixes the board real fast

>> No.18321561

Just lit and gif

>> No.18321576


>> No.18321608

I lurk /pol/ but only post here

>> No.18321662

/tv/ crossboarders, how many of you have been here for over a year?

>> No.18321683

/k/ /o/ /diy/ /pol/ /g/ /mu/

>> No.18321699

/int/, /fit/, /vst/

>> No.18321708
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This reeks of a data harvesting thread

>> No.18321710

/g/, i only come here occasionally

>> No.18321948

Rate mine brehs
/ck, out, diy/
/wsg/ when i need a good laff
/adv/ when i need to put my life into perspective. Reading other people's problems makes me appreciate my own life

>> No.18321960

How about you stick to just pol, dear newfag?

>> No.18321967

if you plan to kill yourself after reading DFW then you are going to live enough to maybe change your mind. There's a lot of good stuff to read out there, anon, and it's one of the few things keeping me sane these days.

>> No.18321973

best post I've read all day

>> No.18322000
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Just for the news and entertainment

>> No.18322012

/biz/ for shitcoins and /ck/ for shitrecipes

>> No.18322024

/a/ /ic/ /sci/

Used to browse /his/ and /mu/

>> No.18322079

Currently: /tg/, /pol/, /v/, /tv/, /sp/
Occasionally: /a/, /m/, /fit/, /k/, /his/, /toy/, /biz/, /v/ offshoots
Formerly: /b/, /co/, /gif/, /int/, /wsg/, /ck/
I can't believe how much of my life I've wasted here.

>> No.18322359

but... why?

>> No.18322367

/his/, sometimes /int/, though the first one is plagued by shitposters and the second goes too fast.

>> No.18322380

/pol/ and /fit/

>> No.18322510

Because I want too?

>> No.18322518

>int/ for the memes, /lgbt/ because reading about trannies sad lives makes me feel better
I’m sure...

>> No.18322547

I go on there once in a while when there is nothing else to do. There might be a gem among the circumsision/tribute/porn of x threads

>> No.18322557

currently it's just /lit/ and /tv/ daily and /x/ and /gif/ semi-regularly. when i had more free time, i used to browse /his/, /sci/, /int/, /ck/ and /trv/ as well.

>> No.18322583

based s4s chad

>> No.18322591

/sci/ and /sp/ on matchdays

>> No.18322616

his, fit, vr, sci

I will occasionally go to v, vrpg, tv, k, or other boards. I used to go to /pol/ circa 2011 but it's basically /race/ now with /x/ tier schizoposting and spam. I did stop by for the salt when their God lost his office and both chambers in a once in a century rebuke, that was hilarious. They still have hourly Trump worship threads... sad.

>> No.18322630

You don't seem entirely sure about it, considering the fact you wrote that you want it in a grammatically incorrect question.

>> No.18323191

/his/, /v/, /int/, /r9k/

>> No.18323559

Instead of just paying Hiroshima to get way more data?

>> No.18323584
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/lit/, /c/, and /cm/.

>> No.18323933

Maybe because it’s the biggest board on the site?

>> No.18324220

i used to go to /biz/ a lot but it seems to have become total shit ever since the gamestop thing. i assume it's because of redditors but i'm not exactly sure what the precise cause was

>> No.18325414

Reddit tourists. It got even worse after GameStop because of Elon Musk’s Doge cult and the knockoff coins it spawned

>> No.18325468

/tg/ just for the chess thread

>> No.18325633

>he doesn't browse /v/ and /lit/

>> No.18326135

Hard disagree. Those /v/posters are a funny bunch especially during release streams. You're right about the others, /a/fags are fucking fartsmelling no funs and /co/ are too autistic to joke with. Never interacted with /tg/ much but they are awfully dry

>> No.18327190
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/a/ /v/ just to see if there's any news about upcoming games or threads about any manga or anime I like.
/pol/ whenever there's a shooting or "breaking news"( to laugh at the poltards of course)
/fit/ every morning to increase my body dysmorphia to motivate myself to keep working out.
/ic/ to download courses or shitpost in the /dad/ threads as Ramune and animal poster.
/tv/ to shitpost in the daily cumtown threads, and get reference pictures for drawing.
/biz/ to see how crypto is doing
/gif/ for the late night masturbation before going to sleep, although I'm going to try to reduce this since I've started to notice lately that I've become addicted to porn
/his/ for learning about cool historical events I didn't know about and download reference pictures.

>> No.18327227

/sp/artan checking in

>> No.18327244

These days it's mostly just /lit/ or /v/. Used to frequent /vr/ but "meh".

I never browse /b/ anymore, there's been no point to do so for years now.

4chan is dead, blah, blah, blah I don't give a shit.

>> No.18327254

/c/ /o/ /ck/ /out/

>> No.18327264

Also used to frequent /x/ for creepypasta shit and /tv/ on a rare occasion I find a show or movie I manage to muster giving a single fuck about.

>> No.18327288

primary: /ck/tv/
secondary: /v/mu/adv/

>> No.18327367

/tv/ /his/ /fit/ /gif/ /pol/

>> No.18327412

/int/ for the memes
/x/ for the memes

Besides those two, /lit/ is my main board but sometimes the "feigned" retardation is too much.

>> No.18327526
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Initially drawn in by b, frequented s
Kicked around mu and tv for a time, landed in news just as it was being invaded and left for here. Which corresponded with my falling back into reading. Lit really gave me direction back in the day. It’s trash now though
Peeked in on lgbt, s4s, fa, gif, mu, and currently browsing u some. Who knows what else, k or out, before I leave for good.

>> No.18327585

Butters... I wish you weren't a lesbian...

>> No.18327609

/biz/ destroyed me.

>> No.18327612
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/lgbt/, /int/, sometimes /co/ and /fa/, rarely /x/ and occasionally for shitposting purposes /tv/.
Pic related is my favorite book, I’m currently reading Perfume by Patrick Suskind.

>> No.18329006

adv int vg wg w g

>> No.18329756

/tv/, /fit/, and /his/ (though I hate it /his/)
Used to be on /pol/ a lot for news and /r9k/ cause it was sadly relatable some of the times, but I rarely go on them now. Also used to go on /sci/ a bit but it is shit.

>> No.18329846

/ic/ and /x/. Some days I'll wonder through half the boards on the site.

>> No.18329852
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>nobody mentioned /asp/-/pw/
looks like this is a dimeless board, brother

>> No.18329888

only /r9k/ although /lit/ is my main board since I'm almost in a relationship and I don't wanna hurt the robots

>> No.18330749

I visit it sometime to watch bretcucks and shawncels fight.