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18312911 No.18312911 [Reply] [Original]

When Stephen King dies. What will his legacy be?

>> No.18312923

quantity over quality makes you rich

>> No.18312926

A man who tried and failed to break the airport novel barrier

>> No.18312940

He should’ve died in the accident.

>> No.18312953

Best underage sewer gangbang ever

>> No.18312962
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>> No.18313173

>King Stephen is dead, long live the King.
He will be missed.

>> No.18313188

his legacy with be the movies made from his coked up shit novels.
for me personally it will be reading the short story where the elementary school teacher "sees his students faces changing" and takes each one of them into a cost closet to shoot them, which I read when I was 10 years old

>> No.18313330

Kings short stories trump any of his novels for me

I read the Boogeyman when I was a kid, around 8 or so, and the final part with the boogeyman saying “so nice, mr harper. So nice” freaked me out for days

>> No.18313339

Jews are master of psychological manipulation. That's why Stephen King's book are so successful. He knows how to exploit the biologically driven mental states of normies to provoke a wonderful combination of tension, interest and fear among his mostly female readers.

>> No.18313351

Not a jew, and it's not mostly women who read King.

>> No.18313363

you are mentally ill

>> No.18313534

Honestly what are the must read of this guy?

Only read Pet Sematary that someone here recommended me. Was not bad not incredible either.

>> No.18313587

he basically invented modern genre fiction and that will be his legacy
J.K. Rowling, GRRM, and John Green only exist because of Stephen King

>> No.18313599

prolific writer and very angry guy

>> No.18313600

>'Salem's Lot
>The Shining
>The Stand
>The Long Walk
>The Dead Zone
>Different Seasons
>Pet Sematary
>The Green Mile
>Dark Tower series

>> No.18313667

For me it'll be the Dark Tower stuff, and I'll try to forget about his faggy woke politics.

>> No.18313815

The Stand is awful. I'd replace this whole list with The Bachman Books.

>> No.18313838

Carrie was lame

>> No.18313841

He wrote some okay horror in his early days and the beginning of an interesting fantasy epic. He got off drugs and then got hit by a van and never really recovered his ability to put interesting words on paper.

>> No.18313913

His simian countenance.

>> No.18313921

Not him, but there is some circumstantial evidence Stephen King is Jewish:

>> No.18313945

There are no legacies, he was a big deal decades ago as a genre fic author but the content machine moves too fast to care now.

>> No.18313986

Stephen King books regularly have more ratings and higher ratings on Goodreads than many other genre fiction writers whether debut authors or established ones
just because you don't care doesn't mean normies don't

>> No.18314000

In fact I've read this article a couple weeks ago, putting Jewish characters in a book does not make you Jewish. If I write a book about my grandpa, I am my grandpa?

>> No.18314011

A glorified screen writer who created a good ambience of small town horror

>> No.18314133

Horror just works best in small towns

>> No.18314139

His son Joe Hill, I guess?

>> No.18314154

A sign of the times.

>> No.18314170

Obviously it'll be modern writing and the "successful" writer he'll be known for. He's the prototype of the unknown guy who suddenly becomes famous overnight because his books got popular. He's practically a writing trope made flesh.

>> No.18314180

King could hold down two jobs, a nuclear family, a mortgage and debt and with no computers or internet but still manage to get his books written, published, sold well and amass fame, fortune, fans and decent acclaim but what's /lit/'s excuse? I've never heard any writer in the last eight years saying they used to browse /lit/ so yeah?

>> No.18314195

Being a twitter unsufferable.
Nobody cares about his books anymore. They just want him to agree with them because he's epic and responds sometimes.
THEN when we die, maybe that book what with the car coming alive and killing people.

>> No.18314201

Replace the Stand with Swan Song

>> No.18314204

>In 100 years Stephen King will unironically be remembered the way we remember Edgar Allen Poe or John Irving
sad but true

>> No.18314205

He did. Everything written after was a ghost writer. Roland never made it to the tower.

>> No.18314208

Jesus Christ dude

>> No.18314214

>John Irving
Washington Irving, fuck, all those New England motherfuckers run together

>> No.18314261
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>> No.18314285

>I've never heard any writer in the last eight years saying they used to browse /lit/
What so they can ruin their career when they get branded as le ebil nazis? Only a borderline vegetable could be that stupid and most of them aren't publishing books. The vegetables that do use r*ddit obviously.

>> No.18314294

Greatest airport novelist

>> No.18314298

New Englander horror:
>complex, philosophical stories
>poetic language, vivid imagery
>holds to high ideals and sentiments even if just to juxtapose with evil horrors

Jewish horror:
>teenager orgy scenes
>child trauma, child sexual abuse

But there’s no trend here right?

>> No.18314310

Does GRRM fall into this trope?

>> No.18314329
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New Englander horror
>My grandmother copulated with a niggeur
>My fiance is a jewish frog
>My undulating tentacles have traces of horrid Irish ancestry

>> No.18314334

GODDAMMIT, I mean John Cheever, I can't tell any of these horsedicked bluebloods apart.

>> No.18314364

I think you mean John Updike

>> No.18314404
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No, he meant John Carpenter. He's a little lost but he'a a fan of Cosmic Horror from /tv/.

>> No.18314452

No, he was 5 1/2 inches tops.

>> No.18314462

the guy that made the book that kubrick's "the shining" was based on.

>> No.18314720

It will be a big circlejerk, people will rave about their favourite stephen king properties and culture journalists will try to make the actual case that he should be viewed in higher esteem than all those old problematic horror writers.

then inevitably when those headlines get tired, they'll start actually dissecting his oeuvre to condemn all of the distasteful bigotry and misogyny that likely lurks in the background if you look hard enough, then some stories from his boozehound years will probably come to light and he'll be cancelled by the lit vanguard. the same way you now can hardly breathe DFW's name around the most hip because he yelled at his girlfriend one time or something.

>> No.18314768

The only thing that makes him worthwhile is a handful of movie adaptations

>> No.18314785

James Patterson and Tom Clancy give him a run for his money there.

>> No.18315161

More successful than all of /lit/ combined. Which isn't that much desu.

>> No.18315177

>his legacy with be the movies made from his coked up shit novels.

Undoubtedly this. His stories have made for some excellent movies, and I think Kubrick was right to point out that the weaknesses of his writing make it easier to create good films out of it.

>> No.18315202

Most reptilian face i've ever seen.

>> No.18315210
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>> No.18315756


>> No.18315856
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i liked from a buick 8

>> No.18315877

Almost every modern "great" man is tainted by participating in reactionary culture. They've traded their immortality for fleeting gossip. Like this era, all of their work will be ignored for containing nothing of interest or value. The immortal survivors of this era will not be the rich and famous but as of yet unknown kafka types.

>> No.18315911


>> No.18315931

King will be remembered as the third major figure in American horror fiction after Poe and Lovecraft and his shitty work will be ignored or forgotten.

>> No.18315977

King is a New Englander though?

>> No.18316725

Only the long walk, Carrie, Misery and 11/22/63 is worth reading from that

>> No.18316741

Also Owen King

>> No.18316742

>will try to make the actual case that he should be viewed in higher esteem than all those old problematic horror writers.

Funny because there’s already black literature focused writing and blogs talking about his problematic use of the magic negro trope and his unnecessary use of racial slurs and weird tangents made just to use them. The tar baby one was especially weird

>> No.18316746

>Roland never made it to the tower.
I fucking hate you, really much.

>> No.18316754

I mean, I guess he is kind of genre defining. Just not in the cool influential way like Poe and Lovecraft were,

King just kind of influenced the rise of the horror paperback and airport novel

>> No.18316760

>they'll start actually dissecting his oeuvre to condemn all of the distasteful bigotry and misogyny that likely lurks in the background if you look hard enough
He's isn't bigot at all, you have positive religious characters and negative religious characters in his books. For misogyny, he wrote at least half a dozen books with women facing violence as protagonist

>> No.18316771

Stephen King wont have a legacy. He's white and multiple books of his have the word nigger in it. After he's dead those books will be pulled from amazon. Then people will pull the other books because he committed the cardinal sin of the no-no word.

The same thing is happening to H P Lovecraft right now.

>> No.18316772

>flips his shit over STANLEY KUBRICK changing parts of the shining and making an excellent film
>hated the movie
>to the point he made his own shitty tv miniseries version in the nineties
>big complaint he had was that Jack Nicholson wasn’t the right choice for Jack Torrance because he acted too obviously crazy

Yet when they made that Dark Tower movie that butchers it and literally changes Roland from a Clint Eastwood clone into a black man, he praises it and promotes the hell out of it?

Did he stop giving a shit and just start loving the money too much, or was he scared of being cancelled if he said Roland isn’t black?

>> No.18316775

He probably just gets off on writing about women being raped and abused. Same reason he wrote that obscene sewer scene in IT

>> No.18316783

>He probably just gets off on writing about women being raped and abused.
Nothing to do with being a misogynist

>> No.18317518

Randomly inserting Jewish characters where they don't belong and making nuanced references to their heritage does make one suspect.

>> No.18317742

Revival is actually one of his best

>> No.18318220

Kubrick once said it was better adapt a flawed novel rather than a perfect one and I think he very right about that.

>> No.18318250

King is just a fan of American pop culture which is extremely Jewish for ((obvious)) reasons.

>> No.18318845

He will be remembered as a second rate Dean Koontz.

>> No.18320094
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Watchers was trash, famm.

>> No.18320134

I'll give King another try.

Salem's Lot or Misery?

>> No.18320159

I liked Salem's Lot, but it was like his second novel, so a bit "unripe" yet, maybe?

Didn't read Misery
What's "randomly" in your opinion? And where do "Jewish characters" belong? Only in yeshivas?

>> No.18320287

absolutely, even Blaze I found amusing

>> No.18320523

>What will his legacy be?
The mysterious contours of that upper lip

>> No.18320633

Cocks and orgies

>> No.18320708

Many masterpieces and a twisted dark mind

>> No.18320879

>The Stand is awful.
I'm currently reading it for the first time and I really enjoy it. Does it turn heroic fantasy or some shit at one point? I saw that shitty book cover with peasants fighting + they say it's dark fantasy on wiki.

>> No.18321507
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for me its different seasons

>> No.18321527

why is everyone convinced Stephen king wrote a gangbang in It
It was a train; the losers took turns fucking Beverly like civilized men to show their outgrowing their childhood
>its the same thing you autist
just call it what it actually is, youre on /lit/ for fucks sake. pretend you’ve actually read please

>> No.18321763

bad books, good movies