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/lit/ - Literature

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18312109 No.18312109 [Reply] [Original]

This book is officially in The Index Librorum Prohibitorum of /lit/

Any thread about is deleted

>> No.18312131

Jannies are part of the global elite. They reset threads about the great reset (for free).

>> No.18312150

I dont doubt

>> No.18312151

Fucking disgusting. It's a book and yet we can't discuss it on the literature board. Fuck this world.

>> No.18312179

Huge if and only if true.

>> No.18312183

Tell the jannies

>> No.18312193

FUCK the janny state

>> No.18312196

The intentions are true, but they won't succeed.

Anyway this book alone is enough to prove every conspirary theorist right about everything.

>> No.18312203

See this thread, deleted recently. Another one was subsequently deleted as well.

>> No.18312215

This has been the worst year for renegade jannies I have ever seen. What the hell is going on?

>> No.18312234

Damage control?
I dont really know

>> No.18312274

it's almost like this is a reverse psychology psyop to get us to read the book.
that'd be kind of schizo though

>> No.18312283

4d chess

>> No.18312307

>OP deletes own thread to fuel conspiracy theories

>> No.18312319

Probably because every thread you make isn't actually discussing the book but is just you autists flinging shit around.

Unironically this.

>> No.18312325

shut up fag I've seen butterfly and post your feet threads hit the bump limit, I want to gut every /lit/ janny like a fish FOR FREE

>> No.18312338

Wow, I post positive things about my personal hero Adolf Hitler all the time and the jannies rarely delete it. Really shows you who's running the show here in 4channel.org.

>> No.18312351

Doesn't matter. Tocqueville threads get deleted full of quotes and effortposts.

>> No.18312375

I created the first one and can guarantee you i didnt delete shit

>> No.18312401

Necrobumping is against the rules.

>> No.18312410

What is necrobumping and how is it distinct from any other kind of bumping?

>> No.18312510

It's when you reply to a thread that's months, or even several years old. It doesn't apply to 4chan since replies are disabled once a thread is archived.

>> No.18312537

The part where he talks about having to implement one single global top down power structure or else is truly bone chilling. And when you hear the guy talk he sounds like he is practicing lines for a role as a bond villain.

>> No.18312655

My family tried to have me committed to a mental institution because I went off once on a rant about how Siri records what people are saying and keeps it in a database. I literally worked on product dev for Siri and saw this with my own eyes but they treat me like I'm saying that space aliens are using ray guns to read people's minds. The other day my dad went off on some rant about "Q-Anon conspiracy theorists" and "satanist cabals" and kept looking at me like he was trying to bait me into revealing my 'real opinions' because apparently making a joke about Jeffry Epstein is an alt-right 'wolf whistle'.

All they want for me is to take out a bunch of debt and go to university. I told my mom that most of academia and the exciting internships she sometimes hears her boomer friends bragging about for their kids is a pay to play system and not meritocratic and that paying for accolades isn't a real accomplishment, and she looked like she was going to cry. I've translated several books since COVID started but my parents just get upset because 'why aren't going to school and doing important things' and 'China's a failed state genocidal dictatorship why do you care so much about what some philosopher there thinks'. Meanwhile yesterday my mom was telling my sister how proud she is of her getting a credit card and "don't get in to too much debt buying cappuccinos tee hee".

They've put spyware in my phone, they tried to make me take a CT scan, and when I try to confront them they just gaslight me or treat me like I'm being a huge asshole for making such a big deal out of it. I have no one to trust. I'm so tired of all this shit, the whole world has gone crazy. If a fascist NWO global dictatorship got rolled out tomorrow nobody would give a shit and my own blood would turn me in for thought crimes.

>> No.18312677

>my own blood would turn me in for thought crimes.
This is the scariest part, I've revealed my power level to my family but wish I hadn't

>> No.18312698

open enrollment
hiro doesn't care, mods don't care, "manager" is a fed

>> No.18312711

I don't understand. It's a book published by the very author promoting the great reset. How can it be controversial? Or perhaps you are supposed to buy it, read it, but never talk about it?

>> No.18312726

>Wow, I post positive things about my personal hero Adolf Hitler all the time and the jannies rarely delete it. Really shows you who's running the show here in 4channel.org.
Adolph Hitler?

>> No.18312748

I don't even have much of a power level other than some edgy memes, I've been a social democrat my whole life, but just saying things like "medical information is protected by HIPAA and allowing private companies to demand access to medical information and discriminate as a result of it not only sets a dangerous precedent but is also illegal" is considered far-right conspiratorial nonsense now.
It's so fucking stupid. Like if you're not perfectly towing the right political line then you're immediately part of "the extremists". I'm just tired of this shit and I feel like I constantly have to be on guard talking to anybody about anything that could even be interpreted as remotely political.
I'm not a flat earther. I'm not a racist. I'm not an antivaxxer. I just think that crises are used to roll out permanent changes to society and I like the rights and freedoms I've been taught since I was a child that I'm entitled to. It shouldn't be treated like saying that is completely beyond the pale of what's socially acceptable.

>> No.18312766

GPT-3? Or human paid shill or normie lost here.

>> No.18312772

That's exactly what you would say if you had deleted it.

>> No.18312778

>Like if you're not perfectly towing the right political line then you're immediately part of "the extremists"
Well this is how "far right extremists" (really just people with common sense - saying I don't want any more mass migration to my country is considered hate) have felt for years but it's all been ramped up to new extremes the last year. It is scary.
>I just think that crises are used to roll out permanent changes to society and I like the rights and freedoms I've been taught since I was a child that I'm entitled to. It shouldn't be treated like saying that is completely beyond the pale of what's socially acceptable.
They always change the rules while playing. Let me tell you this is not the first time this is happened, just the most obvious. Hopefully it gets you thinking. But good luck anyway mate, we're going to need it.

>> No.18312780

Which rule?

>> No.18312781

Because you act like facebook boomers coated in layers of tinfoil.
It's tiresome anon. It's why nobody in your family talks to you.

>> No.18312784

Privacy is dead faggot

>> No.18312790

I dont care if you believe or not
But as i said, i didnt deleted

>> No.18312797

What are you trying to say? That it's not happening?

>> No.18312801

Someone is trying to discredit this thread with high schizo posts

>> No.18312814

The hidden rules

>> No.18312826

No, all I'm saying is that you look like cretins while discussing it and it's highly annoying.

>> No.18312834

Also: it's not literature.
You just want to shitpost about politics.

>> No.18312835

>human rights are cringe stop having opinions

>> No.18312840


>> No.18312844

Go somewhere else then, faggot. Facebook, twitter, reddit will all tell you what you want to hear

>> No.18312856

Thats a pretty retard assumption

>> No.18312863

No you got fucking facebook. That's where retards like you fester.

>> No.18312870

>no u
Fuck off faggot, all the major sites such as facebook insta delete stuff like this, this is one of the few places you can actually discuss, if it weren't for trannies like yourself crying about it

>> No.18312888

It's not literature nigger, at least go to fucking /pol/ instead of whining and shitting up /lit/.

>> No.18312892

>Well this is how "far right extremists" (really just people with common sense - saying I don't want any more mass migration to my country is considered hate) have felt for years but it's all been ramped up to new extremes the last year. It is scary.
I can't believe this is a political opinion you now have to defend or justify.

>> No.18312904

Some of you need to operate more discretely within your social circles.

>> No.18312905

Half of the threads here aren't literature retard, are you crying about those as well? Or is it just this specific subject you got your panties in a twist over? Got vax regrets already?
At least it's a fucking book, faggot

>> No.18312910

all art is political

>> No.18312921

That's because of the cult of woke, and the fact that our elites will do anything to get cheap labour
But we're all autistic here, it's hard when you have no filter

>> No.18312932

Why? I want to meet people who I can actually have an intelligent conversation with, not suck up to retards who will turn on me the moment it becomes politically convenient to do so.

>> No.18312936

That doesn't mean that your thread is legitimate you retard.

>> No.18312942

>That's because of the cult of woke, and the fact that our elites will do anything to get cheap labour
I get that. I just hate that when I said that to my family I got accused of being a white supremacist. Apparently not wanting your wages to bottom out is now white supremacy. Wanting your neighbors to look like you is now white supremacy.

>> No.18312950

You want to discuss illegitimate things? How about the incoming new world order, about which the book in OP was written?
Also it's not my thread, faggot

>> No.18312952

How much do you get paid to defend the honor of the jannies? It can't be less than them.

>> No.18312954

No you fucking brainlet, I want to discuss literature.
Fuck of to /pol/ if you want to discuss your theories about how the world works.

>> No.18312960

I don't have time to read schizo /pol/ threads. What is The Great Reset supposedly resetting?

>> No.18312975

Just read the book
Its short, easy and simple

>> No.18312979

go away conspiricy shills

>> No.18312985

I hear you, I run into the same issue. They've been brainwashed and will do anything to virtue signal. I've found the only thing that helps with some people is to show them /pol/ tier videos of what the behaviour of our new surgeons and lawyers is really like. Most people live in a bubble and only seeing is believing.
But it's going to get way worse, believe me.

>> No.18312990
File: 1.20 MB, 1366x768, A billet outside Paris.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Great Reset is the BandAid fix that the globalhomo are trying to push through after they realized that SHTF for them in 2016 (Trump, Brexit etc)
The major problem is that it fails to address the core issues that plague western civilization right now, and instead aims to secure and maintain power for themselves.
Even if it did manage to go off and be implemented without a hitch (which is already starting to unravel thanks to lower then expected vaccine rollout and plummeting government trust.), it wouldn't last more then a generation.

>> No.18312997

Go to another thread then, retard, what are you doing here?
This is a philosophical book, it's perfectly fine to discuss here. Go put in some actual effort and make a literature thread.
What's the issue?

>> No.18313001

>But it's going to get way worse, believe me.
I know. Its getting harder and harder to flight. My childhood neighborhood is becoming dangerous.

>> No.18313010

How to join CIA designated schizo squad?

>> No.18313020

I feel you, bro.

>> No.18313032
File: 1.03 MB, 4000x2667, full moon on St Issac's.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is classic despotic authoritarianism.
The Soviets under Stalin did something similar, where everyone had to go to these local groups, like the Scouts.
Except, it's intention was psycho indoctrination for Communism, and taught the children that went there to report their parents or loved ones for "Anti-Soviet Behavior".
It is like that, but backward. I suffer from the same issue, wherein my parents have drank the Covid KoolAid and are forcing me to get the vaccine.

Fear is a hell of a drug, eh?

>> No.18313033

And then one day, with no reason whatsoever... you know how it goes.
The time is coming when flight is no longer an option.

>> No.18313049

>taught the children that went there to report their parents or loved ones for "Anti-Soviet Behavior".
It's already happening in schools. I used to be a teacher but I dread to go back now.">my parents have drank the Covid KoolAid and are forcing me to get the vaccine.
And yeah I always looked up to my father but seeing how fearful and easily maniupulated he is really put a damper on that.
Can you refuse?

>> No.18313055

Join ANTFIA then.

>> No.18313066
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>> No.18313073

Tranny jannies have shadow slided this thread

>> No.18313080
File: 214 KB, 1024x702, Canal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And get kicked out and publicly humiliated as an antivaxxer (despite my signing the praises of properly tested and researched vaccines all my life)? Sure.
I feel the same with my dad. Seeing an otherwise intelligent and thoughtful man be reduced to a violent, irrational husk when the vaccine is mentioned is sad to see.
It's to the point where I've written most of my family off, and plan to move far away as soon as I'm financially independent.
Fuck them. They deserve whatever they have coming to them.

>> No.18313090
File: 2.48 MB, 1440x1080, image.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The future of capitalism is, in fact, communism.

It was predictable even 30 years ago, if you think that everything capitalism devours actually becomes part of it, and most often in a darker version. Pic related.

>> No.18313106
File: 113 KB, 313x778, Empire.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kek, no.
It's collapse and Yugoslav levels of civil war and violence.
We're fucked. And the Great Reset is just icing on the shit smeared cake that is our future. Have a nice day

>> No.18313109

>And get kicked out and publicly humiliated as an antivaxxer (despite my signing the praises of properly tested and researched vaccines all my life)? Sure.
Would they really? I mean it's that or getting injected with something you have no idea what the long term consequences will be, possibly exposing you to even worse risks.
But I feel you, over christmas my step mom who is normally a very composed person went into a screaming fit when I said I wasn't getting the vax. Haven't seen them since.
I'm lucky I have some family members that see through it but we're the minority.

>> No.18313124
File: 1.73 MB, 500x708, dreams.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes they would.
It is insidious. Also your fear about being labeled as a flat earther, anti-vaxxer etc?
It's called poisoning the well. Read up on the Protocols of the Elder Zion, and you will see exactly what I mean

>> No.18313175

Yes they've called me an anti-vaxxer even though I've taken all vaccines previously. I really don't care anymore, I've been called every insult by now, you know them all. They all come down to "unbeliever" or "heretic". I have remote family that care more for me than my own parents just because I have the wrong opinion. Do you have other people you can trust?
>Read up on the Protocols of the Elder Zion
Yes I'm well aware sadly. It's like Evola said, they may be "forged" but what they describe is very real.
Just don't get the death jab. Better to go down fighting than live on your knees. Or however the saying goes, I probably butchered it.

>> No.18313194

The Great Reset is a plan for implementing antihumanist communism. The globohomo top down power structure that is supposed to provide you with everything (but you will own nothing) is quite literally the definition of soviet communism, maybe with a touch of Chinese stink.

Fuck those subhumans. Why don't they apply for a job on reddit, if they hate freedom of speech so much?

It's not only a problem of what the long term consequences will be, but also that it's exactly a fake vaccine. You can't develop a vaccine if you don't even have the virus fully isolated. Which is the reason why a vax for HIV has never existed. A mutant virus changes until it becomes endemic, that's all. You can not run after it. They probably want you to take that shit as part of a global scale experimentation on RNA technologies. (This is not madman's conspiracy, it's literally what the actual science says).

>> No.18313249

They want an eternal Kali Yuga

>> No.18313251

Yeah fair enough, that wouldn't surprise me. Best case scenario it's all a push to implement medical social credit system of some kind.

>> No.18313307

>where everyone had to go to these local groups, like the Scouts.

>> No.18313320

Humanism was bad enough but this? I shudder

>> No.18313359

>I've found the only thing that helps with some people is to show them /pol/ tier videos of what the behaviour of our new surgeons and lawyers is really like.

>> No.18313428

Yes, which is why it will fail.
How the fuck are they meant to pull that bullshit off in providing every need, even if it's basically slavery 2.0.
It also fails to address the issues tearing Western Civilization up already, like racial tensions, decreasing intelligence, and exaggerating other issues, like class divides and decreasing spending power in the population.
No. It's the opposite, they want eternal peace so that they can maintain their dynasties.
I think so

>> No.18313454

You know, nogs and sandnogs chimping out, acting like hyenas

>> No.18313537

>And get kicked out and publicly humiliated as an antivaxxer (despite my signing the praises of properly tested and researched vaccines all my life)? Sure.
Just do it. My life has become immensely better since I moved out and mostly cut off contact with my family/old friends. Its not worth it to constantly have to second guess yourself and be told you're selfish/crazy/bad over basic stuff like not wanting to take an untested vaccine for a virus that presents little risk to you personally.

>> No.18313612

>Americans protect their psychological security at all times. As you can see from the previous analysis, this is only a "psychological feeling" because the police department has full access to information through the computer system. But the eternal idea of this "psychological feeling" should be seen as an enduring force in political life. The real question is how to make the people feel at ease and how to make the government manageable.
>It is clear from the procedure for obtaining such "identity cards" or "driver's licenses" that what is important here is not which department issues them, but that each person has an "identity card". The government's computer system has data on the citizen's situation. Any government department can still use this data whenever it is needed. In short, although apparently uncontrolled, society is naturally under strict control of the government.
>The government has woven this network without deliberately emphasizing that it is the responsibility of the police department, but rather that it is a service to the public. The issuance of a "driver's license" can be used as a driving license and an "ID card", killing two birds with one stone. At the same time, in all aspects of social life, the "ID card" is indispensable at all times, so it is also a convenience provided by the government to the public, so that people will voluntarily get the "ID card" and join the network, because it is indeed useful.
>Another feature of this approach is that it unifies the various document systems and makes one card multi-purpose. With one "ID" card, such as a driver's license, no other documents are needed, simplifying the process. The "identity" system is formally depoliticized, but it has the same function as the politicized "identity" system.
From Wang Huning's America Against America. Huning is on of the architects behind the Chinese Social Credit System.

>> No.18313975

I don't have the means to live on my own yet.
Poorfag suffers the wrath of the toxic family

>> No.18314021

He spelled it with an "f", and you know it. Don't be so disrespectful to the greatest man who ever lived.

>> No.18314223

> worked on product dev for Siri at Apple
> still listens/lives with his parents and takes their shit

Something doesnt align here very well

>> No.18314226

This book will turn /lit/ into /pol/, thats why jannies are like that

>> No.18314442
