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1830587 No.1830587 [Reply] [Original]

I want to be a writer.
By writer I mean artist and by artist I mean creating something that moves people. I do not want to lack substance.
But I've heard that everything has been said before and there seems to be some truth to that statement.
What do?

>> No.1830591
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>I want to be a writer.

First question:
>Do you write?

Second question:
>What do you write?

Third question:
>What is the message?

Fourth question:
>Why should I read it?

thank me later.

>> No.1830593

Am I meant to answer those questions?

>> No.1830596


>> No.1830603

If you can't think of anything new to say, or new words to say old things in, then you will write mediocre books. Try to expand your imagination perhaps. If you want to write an amazing book you have to have amazing thoughts.

>> No.1830604
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are you seriously? what do you expect? If you want to publish your shit, then you must answer these questions. To everyone. To the Editor, to your reader...

r u dumb?

>> No.1830606

rather than spend your time worrying about your MESSAGE and your IMPORTANT TASK OF MOVING PEOPLE, you should approach writing as a craft. its something you have to learn how to do. so practice and get better at it. write a bunch of shit, all the time, every day.

then, maybe, just maybe, if you work hard and hone your skill with the written word and learn the ins and outs of sentence construction, plot development, and characterization, you'll be able to eke out a living writing novels about gay vampires for teenage girls to schlick to

>> No.1830607
File: 17 KB, 400x280, tumblr_le0a5j9OuJ1qf6d1bo1_400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is nothing new under the sun.

pic related, it's the sun shining on the nothing new, having no alternative

>> No.1830609

Before you can move someone else, you must first move yourself.

>> No.1830610
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true that.

Now go on and answer just the first and second question, pls.

>> No.1830616
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>What is the message?
why is that at all important?

>> No.1830615
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>But I've heard that everything has been said before and there seems to be some truth to that statement. What do?

That didn't stop Tao Lin, did it? FUCK NO! STOP BEING A FUCKING PUSSY!

>> No.1830617

>I do not want to lack substance.

>> No.1830621

No, I just wasn't sure if you actually cared to read the answers. Yes, I do write. I write a bunch of shit which, as mentioned by someone else already, is kind of helpful. It's mainly observations, I've been trying to put all the beautiful things I've seen into words that are just as beautiful but it hasn't quite worked out, I can't quite measure up to beauty itself yet. I want to write a novel someday. It's meant to give insight on how to live at peace with the world. I don't really want to sell out, I don't care too much about people actually buying it, it's merely something I really want to do, because it's my own way of coming at peace with the world.

>> No.1830624

Please ignore the grammar mistakes, English isn't my first language.

>> No.1830625 [SPOILER] 
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>having a message = not lacking substance
>authorial intent matters!

>> No.1830627

*grammatical errors

>> No.1830633


Yes, at first concentrate on the process, not on the product.

The best way to ensure that your work has substance is to read a huge variety of other works. Otherwise you will end up with empty imitation, just because you don't realize that there even are other ways to write.

>> No.1830635
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The good version of Bret Easton Ellis.

Sounds good so far. What I like is the fact, that your primary goal isnt the outsell and become the next shitty twilight author.
But youre doing it right. Keep on working.

>> No.1830648
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>> No.1832845
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