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18302934 No.18302934 [Reply] [Original]

Has anyone read this book?

>> No.18302939


>> No.18302962

What is National Bolshevism (nazbol) and why are there so many memes about it? What seperates it from fascism and national socialism? Why do communist countries seem to have nationalist tendencies?

>> No.18303013

To me it seems like a subversion, which is why I am interested interested in the book as potentially revealing of this.

>> No.18303063

I think I heard alt right people comment that Dugin is trying to reconcile Russian Nationalism, which has had a dominant European majority and various Asiatic minorities due to its sheer size with Communism. Basically applying nationalism to a recent ex communist country. There were figures in Russian/Soviet history that argued that the Soviet Union prolonged Russia's Russia's power, as it was a waning empire. Communist nations have an interesting relationship with nationalism.

>> No.18303182

Dugin is in my opinion just a subversive pragmatical opportunist, flirter with satanism, crypto-communist closeted homosexual. Yet he is also intelligent, well read and well connected man. The result is an antidote to the justly despised American globohomo hegemony. The antidote is laced with shit. Whether just a subversive, misguided victim of Kali Yuga who thinks the world can improve by shifting the seat of power to Russia or some esoteric tiger riding accelerationist, he is no good.

>> No.18303264

Very clever. Occult controlled-opposition. Reminds me of Sumerian designs.

>> No.18303314

You mean Dugin?

>> No.18303367

Can you link it if you find it?

>> No.18303420

I would if I could, but I have not found it. My intent was potentially getting a quick rundown from someone who read it to see if it is worth the cash and wait to get a paperback.

>> No.18305470

Should be on arktos

>> No.18305472

The author has a youtube channel where he made a 4 videos on Dugin. I don't know if the book has more or different arguments.

>> No.18305795

The fact that you have to justify Dugin's existence while garbage like Rupi Kaur is being praised, tells you everything you need to know about this board.

>> No.18305808

>Rupi Kaur is being praised
People here hate that brown bitch. Stop trying to support your cringe wannabe Rasputin by making shit up

>> No.18305823

>People here hate that brown bitch.
No, we don't. Back to /pol/ with you.

>> No.18305839
File: 412 KB, 1024x843, 1613941671968.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rupi Kaur is based

>> No.18305854

Is that old white guy a muslim? Fucking youtube is weird

>> No.18305869

Of all the great powers in the world, Russia seems the most screwed. On one hand the West is beating down on it, on the other China is an "ally" but it has eyes on the Far East. When Putin dies or loses power, I expect some of the Russian republics (Chechnya for one) to break away from the country. I think when all is said and done they will be consumed by the West sooner or later and made part of the EU, maybe stripped of nukes.

>> No.18305878

another to my list of fringe intellectual old muslim youtuber.

>> No.18307599


>> No.18307820

yeah I was surprised too, I knew him from the book about ayyy lmaos.

>> No.18308223
File: 380 KB, 832x622, Евгения Дебрянская.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Dugin is an antidote to the justly despised American globohomo hegemony.
Fun fact: Alexander Dugin's ex-wife is a lesbian activist. She told a funny story once about being arrested by the cops at a demonstration and thrown into the back of a van, and the cops also threw one of these Eurasian Youth Union guys (or whatever Dugin's youth group is called) into the back too, they were counter-protesting the globohomo demonstration. And he was calling her a dyke and all this, and she started talking about Dugin, and he was like "how did you know all of this" and she said "he's my ex-husband" lmao

>> No.18308243

Yeah. I think it's very Russian too, in the sense that it trying to resolve questions and problems in a particularly Russian way (very geopolitically-minded) and in a Russian context, although I don't even think he's that popular there from what I've heard, and considered kind of a goofball.

But Russia is a hard country to defend and Russians can be insecure and paranoid about that fact (not unjustifiably), so I see his idea of a Eurasian Union is an attempt to reconstruct a protective cocoon around Russia in the wake of the USSR's collapse.


>> No.18308330

I think China taking the Far East in that way is like a Tom Clancy novel. That's not the impression I get from them. I've also read some Chinese critiques of Dugin (what little exists, he's practically unheard of there) and while there are some points of agreements -- critiques of Western liberalism -- these critiques considered his thinking to be very "Russian." One term that was used is that Dugin is a "geopolitical head," which for the Chinese is a Russian vice, to the neglect of business and economy. Also the Chinese are wary of "spheres of influence" thinking which both the U.S. and the Soviet Union engaged in. China's goal is to integrate Eurasia into a big trading bloc.

Russia right now mostly exports resources, and it partially de-industrialized after the fall of the USSR. It still has industry but a lot of it closed down. But I think Putin sees Russia's future as a conduit of trade between Europe and China. The communists in Russia today meanwhile seem like they critique the government and the system for being almost like a semi-colonized country once again -- just a zone for resource exploitation that doesn't benefit average Russians. But it was curious to see who was sitting next to Putin at this thing:


>> No.18308343

Oh I forgot another thing. Dugin contrasts a traditionalist Eurasian "rootedness" with a maritime Atlantic cosmopolitanism. But the Chinese don't view it that way, because while China is traditionally a food-growing society, they're building a land-based trading route and also balancing it with a maritime route with Belt and Road. These twin routes are designed to balance each other.

So that's how the Chinese think: balance. It's like yin/yang you could say, and dialectical. The Russians think dialectically too, and I think Dugin does, but he reaches different conclusions. I think that's also true in terms of social issues and culture. The Chinese government doesn't promote or encourage LGBT, but they don't vilify it either like conservative religious societies, while Dugin demonizes it. So that's another difference.

>> No.18308766

Western leftism was basically created in a neutered form in the 50's and 60's to be easily controllable goofs who stole the spotlight from proper Marxism-Leninism. Notice how the goals of the left went from helping the working class, land reform, industrialization, and providing people with housing, healthcare, and education to some vague, impossible system where no one owns anything or has any authority. Look how in the 2020 U.S. election the left ignored the pro-working class candidate in favor of the candidate who explicitly wanted to make people poorer by depriving them of meat, cars, travel, and houses. 90% of all modern Western political thought is just controlled opposition set up by the elites. They're war drones set to self-destruct just before victory so that the war goes on forever. I don't think anyone could seriously imagine the average "Marxist" with a poly sci degree getting along well with an ex-KGB agent. Nazbol is a reconciliation of the Soviet tendencies of the Russian "right" and the developments within that country's ideological sphere and the realities of the Soviet Union's collapse while also clearly differentiating from the Western controlled-left.

>> No.18310315


>> No.18310988

From the videos on his channel he seems to be condemning dugin's use of chaos. Why is that exactly bad?

>> No.18311050

>Our western proper post-industrialism
>their communist barbarian de-industrialisation
Lol, if you say that Russia now is mostly de-industrialised stade - you should said the same about Britain for ex
Where is their aerospace, coal mining industries? Car industry seems like fully sold to fucking indians except Roll's Royse, all the facilities are in China and so on
Even their essential power - shipbuilding are struggling. Look at the Royal navy, they have so much problems with their new build aircraft carrier

>> No.18311871
File: 210 KB, 1200x1800, black-wind-white-snow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This will give you a good rundown on history of Eurasianism in Russia and Dugin as a part of it.

>> No.18311960


dugin wins

>> No.18311971

europe might give russia a run for fading into irrelevancy.
future is all between china and the us

>> No.18311985

Yeah but a resource-extraction based economy is unsustainable, and their shrinking population makes things worse.

I dunno, the EU seems to be an attempt to federalize and become a China/US-tier superpower. Personally, I suspect that most of Europe will be embroiled in ethno-religious conflict within the 21st century, so attempts to remain relevant are doomed to fail.

>> No.18312270
File: 44 KB, 800x530, Angela-Davis-and-Erich-Honecker.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't think anyone could seriously imagine the average "Marxist" with a poly sci degree getting along well with an ex-KGB agent.
I'm not so sure about that.


Vladimir Putin:

>It's a fact that African Americans constitute a stable electorate, one of the electorates of Democratic Party. The Soviet Union also supported African Americans’ movement for their legitimate rights. Back in the 1930s, Communist International leaders wrote that both black and white workers had a common enemy – imperialism and capitalism ... People of my generation remember when huge portraits of Angela Davis, member of US Communist Party, an ardent fighter for rights of African-Americans, were on view around USSR. We believe that it's something we can talk about, that can be used as the basis for mutual understanding.