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/lit/ - Literature

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18299557 No.18299557 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.18299571
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Consider suicide

>> No.18301259

What's a good temperature to keep my book room at? I have some rare collector's editions I don't want to get ruined.

>> No.18301274

Everyone who posts their shelves usually hides their funko pops to make their mindless consumerism less obvious, but I applaud your bravery.

>> No.18301434

Humidity is much more damaging than temperature, you don't want mold to grow.

>> No.18301467
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>> No.18301472
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rate quilted rats.

>> No.18301477

I really dislike Billy shelves. They seem to be omnipresent.

>> No.18301515

the RH% in my room right now is 53 is that too high?

>> No.18301536

They 100% fit the funco pops, genre/YA/'BECAUSE SCIENCE!' books, and drop ceiling, though. The only thing that is remotely surprising about OP's reddit picture is that the shelves aren't sagging, but they're probably relatively new, and it's possible that the backboards are nailed into the shelves, which probably helps provide some support for all the books (which are pushed all the way to the back to make room for the toys and shit in front).

Actually well made shelves - especially built in ones which would be the obvious alternative for a full wall/corner - are far more expensive than is likely affordable for someone who blows money on consumer shit all the time.

>> No.18301559
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>> No.18301654
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>> No.18301661
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>> No.18301700

based shaky hand
how did you find Park's essays and that Renault book?

>> No.18301866

Amazon, park has the full book online also

>> No.18301880

I think he was asking what you thought about the books, not literally the place/methods that you used to acquire them.

>> No.18301904

very aesthetic anon

>> No.18301906

10/10 good boys

>> No.18301927

I like those rats that your mom made. Tell her she did a good job :)

>> No.18301935

yeah sorry for wording it like a tard. >>18301866
i meant what did you theenk of them
not her rats but a handmade gift to her from someone

>> No.18301940

Those quilted rats are cute anon the santa one is kino.

>> No.18301950
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>> No.18301960

Oh in that case Roswell park can be divided in 2 parts one is historical and religious essays on the role of curses throughout history to the first concepts of higher education in the middle ages. Crazy that educational men would Duke it out in fights/hangings and that alchohol was a common sight near schools. The second is purely medical as rosewell is a surgeon who was in involved in the McKinley assassination. History of medical discovery barber surgeons were a common thing in the middle ages.

>> No.18301967

d-did you read all these stalin books

>> No.18301994

Mary Renault plays out like a greek tragedy. Her style maybe somewhat confusing at first if your not used to an older style. Nikeratos the son of an actor views the downfall of someone else in first person I'm trying not to spoil it for you give it try if your into historical fiction

>> No.18302005

Both were great reads

>> No.18302037

Is anything in ops pic literature or is it all trash?

>> No.18302320
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>> No.18302328
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>> No.18302334
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>> No.18302339
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>> No.18302344
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>> No.18302350
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>> No.18302359
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>> No.18302367
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>> No.18302398
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This is my dads place. Pic 10 will be my shelf

>> No.18302407
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>> No.18302424

Do you recommend those wordsworths?

>> No.18302428

i loved Yourcenar's Memoirs of Hadrian, figured Renault is similar. her prose was very fine in Persian Boy but i dropped it because it got too gay for my mood at that moment

>> No.18302433

Does she live in an office? Is that ceiling an American thing?

>> No.18302437

I was going to praise you for being ultra based until I saw that Robert Greene book. Unless you're twelve anon its so cringe you come from such a cultured family and are reading that self-help garbage

>> No.18302439

based lamp. >>18302398 holy shit anon im jelly. your dad must be an awesome guy. it looks like a perfect oddity collector academic schizo cave
have you found anything outstanding on his shelves?

>> No.18302443


>> No.18302509

I am on the first chapter of that book. I loved 48laws so I wanted to read this too, and it is different but I dont have an opinion on it yet.

My dad is like a captain without a ship. Super depressed. But he can be awesome when he has a good day. I wish he would write more or start a podcast or a youtube. Just anything to process all his knowledge. I always tried to motivate him to do youtube, but it never came to fruition. He is a cornucopia of knowledge but there is no audience. He mostly just sits at the beach and plays guitar. Imma go for a walk and call him now.
>have you found anything outstanding
I was always overwhelmed by all the books at this place. Only got into reading in the last 2 years. Next time I will be there I will take a much closer look at whats there

>> No.18302539

>Is that ceiling an American thing?
No, that's highly unusual for a residential space

>> No.18302671

Holy based.

>> No.18302686

I thought I remember you saying you were going to have to sell the place, have you decided otherwise?

>> No.18302782

there's an early soviet novel of a very unusual format - 24 authors write a chapter each, one after another, killing off tge characters they dislike, adding their own, changing the facts about the location and the genre of the whole book. called Big Fires, if there happens to be a translation.
you could suggest your dad to write a ping-pong novel if that sort, could be fun for you both. im jelly of good father-son relationship too.
i hope you can make him glow

>> No.18302792


>> No.18302811
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>> No.18303266

thanks for rotating the image anon, though for some reason I still tilted my head at first.
>edward yang

>> No.18303286


>> No.18303344

Words cannot describe how much I respect you for posting a non-shit picture of your books.

>> No.18303355

I applaud you for being honest about your interests and looking like you actually have fun reading. Out of all the fantasy what books would you recommend the most?

>> No.18303393

>Big Fires
Do you know the Russian name of the novel? Have never read a book in Russian but I do know the language fluently, this could be the one. It really peaqued my interest.

>> No.18303406

Give me your dad's number

>> No.18303693

Extremely underrated to say the least.

>> No.18303724

>I applaud you for being honest about your interests and looking like you actually have fun reading
This is such a fucking stupid thing to say. You think that the only way to enjoy reading is to read worthless genre-fiction slop?

>> No.18303800

I think most people on /lit/ don't actually enjoy reading so maybe they need a little more worthless slop.

>> No.18303835

Every single shelf thread is basically a collection of the same 100 or so books arranged differently.

>> No.18303905

For the price they are good.

>> No.18303947
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>> No.18303949

How did you get the bookcase to hover over the floor like that?

>> No.18303967
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>> No.18303972

>9 images of shelves
>all those books
>zero reading comprehension
anon it's a SHELF thread

post a SHELF of books, not a damn library

>> No.18304327
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My prized Everyman’s collection

>> No.18304573
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Thats a great idea, thanke. I will try to get the ball rolling on this. My dad and his dad were super into goethe. Granddad wrote books based on goethes works. So writing is in the family. I need to get the dude to produce something, anything before he dies.

No, I said eventually when he dies it all will probably disappear since we cant pay the rent at that place. Its a secret hippie hideout. 400year old farmhouse. The part where the library is in has been renovated but we dont own it. The dude that owned it also lived there but he died last year. Now his daughter owns the place. Who knows what'll happen.

You speak german? What would you want to say to him?

>> No.18304585

what the fuck is that shit are you 12?

>> No.18304597

>The Death of Virgil
I've been meaning to read that. How did you find it, anon?

>> No.18304600

Ahhh I misunderstood, regardless it looks incredible I'm super jealous.

>> No.18304637


>> No.18304642

How do you take the books off the shelf with all that crap in the way?

>> No.18304658

Those shelves look like they're gonna an hero one day.

>> No.18304692


>> No.18304754

One of the worst books I've ever tried to read. Perhaps it's the fault of the translation, but the prose is unfathomably abysmal. Seriously, it's some of the worst writing ever. 90% of the book is some sort of bizarre pseudo-philosophical mumbo-jumbo, the other 10% is about Virgil's final living hours. It's utter nonsense.

>> No.18304785

fairly good collection, i was missing a bit of fx. Deleuze in there - but quite based indeed.

>> No.18304840
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I'm happy with my collection, though there are many more books I want

>> No.18304845

based for Lookout Cartridge alone

>> No.18304859


Your feelings are wrong. Billy (and billy-like) modular shelving are objectively useful and reasonably aesthetic solutions, especially once you get some oversized volumes that you have to accomodate but whoops the shelves are permanent fixtures in the house as this anon >>18301536 suggests.

Although cheap, a bit of particle board or a slightly stronger material is just fine for shelving, provided it has a surface material that isn't hideous. The truly unaesthetic solutions are plastic shelves, and the ugly (but functional) metal shelving of real libraries. My bookcases came from Fleet Farm about a decade ago, Billy-like things, pretty much this, >>18301472 for example. To be sure, the shelves are sagging.

While on the topic of shelving, a long time ago I designed and hand-built a series of 14 stackable, modular cases for all my optical discs. Bought the material and used dad's shop to build. Dusty, but they're fine and still holding the shit out of my quaint, antiquated media.

>> No.18304930

Everyman's Library blows. The overall outward design is garbage and the typeset isn't comfortable to read. They're made the be display copies but have some of the worst jacket designs I've seen.

Garbage shelf.

>> No.18304944
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Unironically imagine being this comfy. Not having a bookshelf filled with challenging modernist literature. Indulging openly in immature delights like funko pops and mindless fantasy novels. I envy this Redditor, though I despise him as well.

>> No.18304962

>hurr durr I get all my taste from /lit/

>> No.18304967


>> No.18304997
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Trannies are all about creating false outward appearances. Seeing as you collect "Everyman's Library," I think you have a lot in common.

>> No.18305017

Sick fucking burn desu

>> No.18305122
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Why you've lied to me, /lit/? This book is not funny and after 200th pages it becomes boring as fuck.

>> No.18305136 [DELETED] 
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Fucking perfect.

>> No.18305148

I'm cumming

>> No.18305150
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Fucking perfect.

>> No.18305161
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>> No.18305180


>> No.18305191

Far too high. Your books are likely already unsalvageable.

>> No.18305527
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Lost my shelf and most books in the divorce

>> No.18305538

lit has good taste

>> No.18305553

You're projecting - YOU obviously find reading too difficult to enjoy

>> No.18305575

I enjoy the fantasy drivel, but by majority /lit/ is a bunch of miserable bastards. Why wouldn't their tastes be part of the reason?

>> No.18305971


>>18301536 here. I would just add that you can have built ins that allow for adjustable shelves; allowing adjustable shelves is far less work than most of everything else that goes into building custom bookcases.

The benefit to custom built-ins being having them *really* fit the space, and using nice hardwoods that don't sag (either through reinforcements or material). That said the cost is around 15-20 times the 'billy equivalent' depending on your woodworker.

If you don't have the budget for built-ins, there are nicer, sturdier options than billy cases. Or if you're just concerned about sag, you can reinforce the bottoms of billy shelves with a strip of hardwood or even metal, which will add additional stability. I did that with some super cheap walmart half-bookcases back in the day and it worked well enough.

>> No.18306033

ruined your aesthetic with such a basic bitch lamp

>> No.18306068

His dad's library is far nicer than anything you'll ever own, you whiney bitch of an anon.

>> No.18306185

Why lol

>> No.18306205
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Someone had to tell him.