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/lit/ - Literature

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1829045 No.1829045 [Reply] [Original]

Yo /lit/, can you recommend me some books that have bad ass main characters in it? I have been reading The Legend of Drizzt series and I really enjoy how fucking alpha Drizzt is. He is like a fucking assassin and his morals and train of thought resembles my own.

>> No.1829048

I really hope you're underage.

>> No.1829050

No bro, I enjoy his character even though Salvatore's writing isn't that great.

>> No.1829053

This thread is what's wrong with fantasy.

>morals and train of thought resembles my own.
yo I live at my parents, who are white middle-class, pay for everything I do and I do not have a care in the world. Yet I despise all of these shallow phonies around me etc. pp. Instead of improving myself and the lives of people around me, I bitch and moan and disappear in worlds of fantasy.

>> No.1829054


Then this thread is even sadder.

I mean for a 14 year old to say that his "morals and train of thought" resemble a fantasy character? That's a little strange, but it's kind of okay.

For an adult to say it? That's just... pathetic.

>> No.1829057 [DELETED] 


>> No.1829063

Wow it's brilliant how you deduced that but sorry to say that you are completely wrong. Fantasy books are meant for escape.
What's wrong with that? People do it everyday, it's called religion.

>> No.1829066


>He is like a fucking assassin


>> No.1829068


>What's wrong with that? People do it everyday, it's called religion.

Two things:

Religion is quite silly.

You've just equated Drizzt with Jesus Christ, Buddha, Muhammad, etc. If you think of him this way, you're really a sad, warped individual.

>> No.1829073

When an author is creating a character the goal is to make him appeal to people and to make him appear human. So for me to say that I share his views and to accept his morals is nothing that special. Instead of criticizing me why don't you give me some suggestions then of good books with good main characters.

>> No.1829074


But you obviously don't like good books or good characters.

>> No.1829078

I was using religion as an example, not specifically calling out specific religious figures as an example. I was stating that people relate to and accept morals of fictitious characters in religion.

>> No.1829081

/Lit- A hand made of middle fingers

>> No.1829086

just because it doesn't fit in the Top 100 Fantasy Novels of All-time it doesn't mean that a person can't enjoy a book. Why don't you show me that you're capable of independent thought instead of going with whatever /lit/ spews.

>> No.1829093


And that's quite unhealthy. At least with religion they've got social excuses, and they don't actually believe the character is fictitious. What are your excuses?

>> No.1829096


No, of course you can enjoy it. It just shows that you have awful taste.

>implying any fantasy is good

>> No.1829097

My excuses is that I want to read a book that doesn't revolve around a shallow 1 dimensional character. I want to read a book with a great Main Character that isn't a bitch. Peopel are blowing my post out of proportion.

>> No.1829101


>he thinks if it was one of the top 100 fantasy novels it would be good.

Protip kiddo. Fantasy is SHIT. period. The fantasy that people who enjoy the genre describe as 'bad' is beyond shit.

Everything about this thread is awful. It actually physically sickens me. Everything from the OP pic, to " I really enjoy how fucking alpha Drizzt is. He is like a fucking assassin" to your arrogant anti-religion quip. It all screams moron. I'm not mad. I just want you to know, I want you to realize, if only for a second, if only subconsciously, what a terrible waste of air you are.

Now if you don't mind, I'm going to go back to pretending that this thread doesn't exist.

>> No.1829103

>implying I don't read anything other than Fantasy

>> No.1829107

go back to reading french lit you fucking pseudo-intellectual imbecile.

>> No.1829114

you are what's wrong with 4chan.

>> No.1829119
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Yeah, I'm obviously such a dilettante. I'll go back to reading Collete and leave you real academics to your discussion of third rate fantasy.

>> No.1829121


4chan is what's wrong with 4chan.

>> No.1829125

doesn't matter what rate the book is. You don't have to be a fucking douche bag about it. You should go to France, it's full of faggots. You'll fit right in.

>> No.1829130

Sorry you're running into all this hostility, dude, but
>He is like a fucking assassin
>his morals and train of thought resembles my own
does indeed look... unlikely. I'm not familiar with the character but I suspect he probably wouldn't (a) go on 4chan or (b) read fantasy novels about other bad-ass characters, and marvel at how bad-ass they are. Add the fact that you presumably have never killed anyone and it's a pretty strange claim.

Anyway, literature is full of bad-ass characters. Just looking at my shelf at the moment I see White Tiger by Aravind Adiga, which is a cool book starring and narrated by a likeable, intelligent "servant, philosopher, entrepreneur, murderer."

>> No.1829139
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>mfw I've lived in Paris and have nothing but the deepest possible disdain for anyone who would consider "go to France" an insult.

>> No.1829140

Thanks bro, I should have worded my post more carefully since it attracted a lot of hate. I'll do so last time. I don't usually post on /lit/ since it's full of faggots (no offense).

>> No.1829142

Oh, you're still here?

>> No.1829146

no im pretty sure it's you. you and everyone like you but i've said it before and I'll say it again- you are the essence of 4chan.

>> No.1829153

also I don't know if yr ripping on collete or just trying t make a joke and how you read French "trash" literature and thus are trying to say you aren't a psuedo intellectual but just a regular guy who likes to read French lit but anyway have you read The Ripening Seed? It's really good, kind of got me into french romance. Def one of the cutest books I've ever read. So far all else I read by here was Claudine Gets Married which blowed but I guess it was one of her first.

>> No.1829158

No problem... another bad-ass (in a very different way) narrator is Oskar in The Tin Drum. He's spectacularly amoral and kind of insane.

>> No.1829163


I haven't, but I probably will at some point (hopefully). The only Collete I've read is The Pure and the Impure. I suppose I was making a joke of sorts, but I actually think Collete is underrated and doesn't (entirely) deserve the 'trash' label - at least on the very limited basis of what I have read thus far.

>> No.1829166

Anyways, let me reiterate my question. What are some main characters that posses similar attributes of Drizzt Do'Urden. It doesn't have to be in the fantasy genre since I am open to every genre. If you don't know what Drizzt is like here is a link:


>> No.1829175

You have no basis in looking down on "third rate" fantasy novels. It would equal someone calling an author you prefer to read "trash". I personally like the Drizzt series as you like Collete. You didn't have to be an arrogant prick about it.

>> No.1829186

In Cryptonomicon Shaftoe is pretty badass (the WW2 one I mean, can't recall his name atm).

>> No.1829191

>Cryptonomicon Shaftoe
Neal Stephenson

>> No.1829194

Thanks for the recommendation. The plot looks brilliant!

>> No.1829199

>Thoughtful and sensitive to others, Drizzt holds himself to the highest ideals but does not expect the same of others. He credits Catti-brie for imparting cultural awareness and tolerance upon him.[7] Ever alert for treachery and danger, he speaks little but is apt to be polite (if terse) in his dealings. A perfectionist who yearns to be accepted into places and groups and to make friends widely, Drizzt is haunted by the danger he brings to those he befriends thanks to the scrutiny of the clerics of Lolth and his other foes (notably the demon Errtu and the human assassin Artemis Entreri). Those he meets perceive him as having a grim manner.

There's, uh... there's nothing to go on there. He's a nice but kind of grim dude I guess?

>> No.1829210

sorry I really didn't read the link xD. I fucked up.


Under Publication History is give more of a background on his past. If you want me to summarize him I will.

>> No.1829216

haha no I meant which Shaftoe. I know Doug is the one in the more modern era, can't remember his father's name right now.

>> No.1829219


first time in /lit/ and I found elitist faggots and delusional nerds

you are exactly like /tg/ with the nazi mods and no fun

you deserve a raid full ponies and rainbows

>> No.1829225

thanks for NOT contributing to the thread with a good suggestion because anything you would suggest would probably be shit.

>> No.1829228

>Implying the internet doesn't entirely consist of elitist faggots and delusional nerds
>Implying that you calling people elitist or delusion isn't both elitist and delusional
>Implying that anyone care's what you think

>> No.1829236
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>didn't read the link xD
>the link xD

>> No.1829240


implying, implying everywhere

looks like I am /g/ right


>> No.1829241


yeah, you guys are so cool

you have sex with a supermodel each night, right?

>> No.1829242

Think whatever you want, no one cares.

>> No.1829245

Yes, actually I do.

>> No.1829268




>> No.1829270
