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18290413 No.18290413[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

If I do shit that the Devil enjoys, would I suffer less in Hell? Maybe join them in their torture sessions give them some ideas idk

>> No.18290424

This is the most retarded thread I have seen in a while. Kill yourself, fuck off, how can anyone be so thick?

>> No.18290425

You can easily find out what the prophets have said regarding hell, and no.

>> No.18290439


>> No.18290453


>> No.18290484
File: 38 KB, 749x478, 43D371B0-9C0E-4716-9660-CE68DCA1F9C8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what about witches and so on? They have tea with him and they share ideals
Its a thick tentacle indeed

>> No.18290496

What's the source on the witches drinking tea in hell story?

>> No.18290523

Old English superstition that witches were in league with Satan. They never actually drank tea with him, that would be daft. It is probably a figure of speech

>> No.18290528 [DELETED] 

You can worship the Demiurge directly and He will grant you wishes, look at Hollywood.

>> No.18290600
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>> No.18290940
File: 99 KB, 825x463, D8350E5C-D89E-4E1C-8FEA-DB1194B820F3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hell with Satan is like a nice VR game you get pretty much all to yourself or go multiplayer mode. You can do stuff christians don’t approve of so they call it the bad place where the bad people go.
If you act like a little shit to the others Satan separates you, maybe limits your options or something. He’s the moderator, but pretty cool otherwise. Better than the other place. You just sit on a cloud bowing to yhwh forever

Wouldn’st thow like to know

>> No.18291271

I'd fuckin smash that dog. octopus is delicious
fun fact for this shit thread, people used to throw octopus into the air and crash down upon the rocks of the shore to tenderize the meat. Tenderizing is very important for octopus or else it will be very chewy. Acidic marinades work well

>> No.18291282

>Kill yourself, fuck off,
why are the trad caths on /lit/ like this?

>> No.18291286

I will be the first to admit that I often do bad things (and if I deny that, does that mean I have to acknowledge the fact that I smoke), and that most of those things could be considered pretty shitty by many people, but I do feel bad about a lot of them and will often try to make amends for them.

But this one, I think, if I were sentenced to Hell, I think I might just get away with.

I would watch as the Devil was tortured and killed, but I think he'd get a very special diet

>> No.18291294

Hell doesnt exist in the bible and the devil is an agent of god who is trying to test the mettle of man. Non believers will simply be left behind on earth at the end of days while the souls of the faithful will ascend to heaven, and yes, that means you will not go to heaven immediately when you die.