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18284101 No.18284101 [Reply] [Original]

>”Colonialism bad”
>”CIA good”

>> No.18284116

Fanon didn't say that

>> No.18284126

But he lived it.

>> No.18284269

unironically correct.

>> No.18284271

what's this meme i hear about fanon being connected with the CIA, is it fake or was one of the left's religious icons actually close to them

>> No.18284274

Everyone is close to the CIA anon.

In fact, Im applying this fall.

>> No.18284278

Colonialism good
Cia really good
Fbi hella gay

>> No.18284286

wasnt this guy a fag? or was that some other negro "intellectual" type of the era?

>> No.18284662

Probably thinking of Baldwin.

He linked up with the CIA. They contracted a plane to have him flown to Bethesda for chemotherapy for leukaemia. Someone on Twitter interviewed his CIA handler not too long ago and published it.

>> No.18284687

Why would the cia support communists, anarchists, decolonials, trans, and liberals? What even is the purpose of the CIA? Subverting conservative values domestically and liberal values abroad? I don't get it. They spend so much money trafficking weapons and drugs and children and toppling democratic regimes only to undermine the US?

Please, someone direct me to some answers, I want to understand the CIA's endgame.

>> No.18284697

Only the second part is wrong desu

>> No.18284704

>What even is the purpose of the CIA?
Money for moneyed interests.

>> No.18284712
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Lel, CIA confirmed that it also gave the July 26th movement conspirators (Castro’s tiny circle that was exiled from Cuba but returned later and became the Cuban Revolution) 50,000 USD in the 50’s despite also bankrolling Batista.

>> No.18284714

No tranny, I will not support communism so my tax dollars can pay for your surgery. Shouldn’t have taken out all those student loans

>> No.18284724

The CIA sponsored a bunch of efforts to dismantle remnants of European colonialism for America's economic interests. Fanon had a glownigger handler as >>18284662 says
*first part

>> No.18284726

CIA also supported Maoist groups in Africa and even the fucking exiled Khmer Rouge AFTER the killing fields when Vietnam invaded.

I believe the idea isn’t that they necessarily support these groups but rather by lending money to fanatical fringe and ideological hardliners (Maoist types) it fractures and destabilises a movement.

>> No.18284737

So, basically it starts with the FBI was all the US government had to collect info for the military and president and etc. But it became pretty clear after J Edgar Hoover arrested like %12 of New England on the basis of being commies that this was becoming an overfunded private army for this cross dressing psychotic, so a couple of his lackeys got Truman to give them a bunch of money to start the CIA with the promise that they’d discover truth serum and assassinate anyone the president wanted, so they got a fuck load of money and started dropping acid like it was going out of fucking style and they were like like ‘wtf do we do?’ so they just started spending money and making connections all over the world with random people all over just to hedge their bets and then they fucked up bay of pigs and shit wasn’t fun anymore for the boys :(

>> No.18284740

Yeah, it’s been memory hole’d and leftists would rather not discuss it but many of the anti-colonialist heroes reached out to Washington for help during decolonisation. Where America worked with UK and France in parts of the world they were undermining their authority in others. It’s all very pragmatic. It’s not as simple as “Revolutionaries sided with Moscow and Washington sided with imperialists” although that did happen.

>> No.18284744


I get the part where they destabilize foreing powers using any means necessary, but why are they so intent on subverting the american government or at least american conservative values? this would seemingly be against their own interests

I mean, what's the point of decolonizing the CIA itself? there is no real ideology in the CIA? just money interest all the way down?

>> No.18284752

J Edgar Hoover was probably the single most powerful man in America in the 20th century. Far more powerful than Dulles

>> No.18284755

>this would seemingly be against their own interests

>> No.18284780

It's weird because it should just be another thing for them to celebrate but instead they have to pretend like it doesn't exist because it conflicts with their stupid Chomsky "the CIA ruined everything" conspiracies

>> No.18284799

I'm assuming the US gov has nothing to gain from socialism rising when capitalism has a firm grip on consumers worldwide

>> No.18284807

American hegemony. That’s it. They will subvert any group of people as long as the most powerful people in America profit from it.

>> No.18284808

Uh I wouldn’t say decolonisation is anything worth celebrating. Africa is a shithole, by and large. Some states like Nigeria show promise I guess. I’m not saying French, Germans, or Brits were benevolent rulers and it’s a modicum better to rule yourself instead of people a continent away who think you’re a subhuman but Africa still hasn’t caught up with the rest of the world. Whether that’s the fault solely of Europe or Africa I don’t know and this board isn’t the place for that discussion.

>> No.18285177

the real truth is that the cia are commies

>> No.18285340

Any organization that requires their workers to be college educated is more or less a communist sleeper cell at this point.

>> No.18285370


>> No.18285383

The common belief is that they tried to subvert those commie groups by infiltrating them, not subvert America by supporting commie groups.
They were all over the place though. The CIA also bankrolled modern artists like Pollock because such art was thought to express individualism as opposed to communist state-approved art.

>> No.18285389

>but why are they so intent on subverting the american government or at least american conservative values?
How are they doing that?

>> No.18285529

it's pretty clear they don't support any effective form of socialism or anticapitalism. every aspersion of "communism" cast on them never turns out to be effective socialism or anticapitalism but does invovle various weird international power groups. read isgp-studies.com

>> No.18287248

truth hurts huh lil man

>> No.18287655

>why are they so intent on subverting the american government
What do you mean the CIA is "subverting the government"? The CIA *is* the American government, insofar as the people who are really running America are not "politicians", but a conspiracy of intelligence agents and financial elites.
>subverting the american government or at least american conservative values
I assume you mean CIA support for all the counter-culture shit in the 60s, 70s, 80s. This was very much in their interest in terms of promoting a left-wing Marxism which was anti-Stalinist, and in essence friendly to American (and capitalist) interests.

>> No.18288273

CIA has notably shifted over the decades, the only constant is being cancerous. It shouldn't be surprising to see them going for very different angles in the 70s and today. Post-cold war CIA has little to do with what happened before.

>> No.18288324

>I assume you mean CIA support for all the counter-culture shit in the 60s, 70s, 80s. This was very much in their interest in terms of promoting a left-wing Marxism which was anti-Stalinist, and in essence friendly to American (and capitalist) interests.
Okay sure, but at this point it's obvious to everyone that identity politics is the greatest threat to national integrity that exists today. Why are they pushing things that will lead to America balkanizing.

>> No.18288371

Weren't all leftists more or less bankrolled by the CIA?

>> No.18288408

Fanon was not "tied with the CIA". They paid for his treatment at the end of his life- this was his first contact with them. This is corroborated by the only interview we have with his point of contact at the CIA, where the CIA man explicitly says Fanon was mistrustful of CIA motives but went along because it was his only chance. That does not make anticolonial movements ops, or say anything about Fanon's work

>> No.18288437

I'll also add: Foucault was not a CIA puppet either. The only CIA docs that we have on Foucault are approving of him as part of the anti-Stalinist left, but do not suggest any connection. This being said, other actual CIA ops did recruit from the international anti-USSR left, such as the Iowa Writer's Workshop which tried to shape American literary culture with some degree of success (it's one of the original MFA programs and served as a model for many of the others that came after)

>> No.18288531
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>”No actually it’s okay when the people I like work with the CIA”

I guess Pinochet was fine too. After all, he only talked to the CIA over the phone.

>> No.18288572

i guess they learned from their mistake in vietnam. ho asked washington for helped ejecting the remnants of france, that whole war could have been avoided and communist kept out of south east asia thus saving millions of lives if they had just said fuck france.

>> No.18288782

>grrrrr i hate abc’s no matter what!

We wouldn’t have the best way of life in history if it wasn’t for governmental agencies.

>> No.18288951

Please turn down your light, I’m going blind

>> No.18288965

Until they were destroyed by them.

>> No.18288997

He had that exactly backwards.
Colonialism good (and based). CIA bad (and cringe)

>> No.18289000

>he doesn't know
should we tell him bros? start with Kantbot

>> No.18289023

Give him a small introduction and let him find out the rest on himself.

>> No.18289045

Every country needs an intelligence agency

>> No.18289442 [DELETED] 

cia = gods

>> No.18289525

Except they literally did not work with the CIA, whereas the CIA was actively involved in Pinochet's coup. Literally everything Fanon did took place before he was ever in contact with the CIA, and they only reached out to him literally right before his death. Nothing about his works or deeds has anything to do with them. There is also no record of the CIA having any contact with Foucault, only documents approving of the fact that non-Stalinists were coming to positions of influence.

>> No.18289570


Not that anon you are replying to. But The finacial overlords and technocrats want nothing more than a neo-feudal state of being for every single country.

We need to rise up and kill them all 1918 style or capitalist globalization will kill us all. Either through endless subversive proxy wars or global warming.

>> No.18289589
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lmao just try to ponder the sheer amount of cocaine these glow niggers were doing in the 60's and 70's.

Fucking elite wasp anglos and their creepy skull and bones pedo shit is the biggest cancer in human history.

>> No.18289620

Breaking down all traditional identities to create a single consumer identity. No race, no religion, no gender, no sex, no culture, no nation just a consumer. Of course this could easily back fire and may already have.

>> No.18290801

Yeah I'm sure the Central Intelligence Agency decided to pay for his medical treatment because they were feeling charitable and he was just a random guy they felt bad for, that's definitely how it works
Kantbot is a schizo

>> No.18291795

A whole bunch of continental philosophers were bankrolled by CIA cut outs that funded intellectual projects all over the world. They didn't actually tell them what to write though, they just gave money to anyone that wasn't openly Marxist-Leninist to fuck with the USSR party line and muddy the waters. A lot of them were Maoists or Anarchists and switched around throughout their life or even moved to the USSR anyway.

>> No.18291807

Chomsky is CIA you doofus. He helped program missiles at MIT.

>> No.18291826

>This was very much in their interest in terms of promoting a left-wing Marxism which was anti-Stalinist, and in essence friendly to American (and capitalist) interests.

its the next level of the joke about leftist infighting and splitters.

>> No.18291860

This has to be bait kek

>> No.18291869

Strange but the country was founded by and for those crazy fucks. The only real Americans.

>> No.18291894

they hoped to make him an asset, I'm sure. But the treatment was their first point of contact- there is literally no evidence to the contrary. Maybe they also hoped that even if Fanon died it would convince retards like you that everyone in the world is CIA. If you think algerian independence was a CIA op, whatever (unless you have evidence)

>> No.18292075
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>tfw you're the last white man in America and thought the CIA would be a based old-boy's WASP club but now you spend 8 hours a day trying to promote homosexuality in afghanstan by putting subliminal messages on candy-bar wrappers.

>> No.18292101 [DELETED] 

it's prob cuz to get into the cia you have to confess all your gay experiences while attached to lie detector so they can be sure you can't be blackmailed, so it turns out that kind of hiring process filters for ppl happy to talk about gay stuff, who then go on to promote gay stuff worldwide.

>> No.18292270
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>> No.18292710

Cocaine is the rich man drugs.

>> No.18293765

Wasn't this guy a Communist sympathizer who hated colonialism but still wanted Africa to embrace western technology?

>> No.18293782

He's capable of dialectical thinking, unlike you.

>> No.18293818

cope nigger

>> No.18293829

literal npc

>> No.18293852

no u