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/lit/ - Literature

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18276540 No.18276540[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Is 4chan esoteric?

>> No.18276607

Well yes, but also no. On the whole - maybe.

>> No.18276624

Well no, but also yes. On the whole - maybe.

>> No.18276636


>> No.18276638

>are edgy teens who've read at least 9000 books esoteric?


>> No.18276639

4chan is like a DIY depersonalization machine, after several years of posting here you start to entirely lose any sense of identity with the random shit you say here, and you can't tell what you actually believe about anything, the idea of having like actual genuine beliefs that you associate with an actual genuine self just becomes ridiculous

>> No.18276655

Yes, there is a certain retardation absolutely impenetrable to anyone even slightly normal cloaking every single interaction.

>> No.18276665

good, very good

>> No.18276671
File: 58 KB, 976x850, 1618508447153.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The staring frog is back on the frontpage. There are at least 4 threads with that pic on right now.

>> No.18276675

post2016 /lit/ is shit-cunt rubbish

>> No.18276677

why didn't you save us from this hell

>> No.18276693

The frog is a form of jungian archetypal symbolism.

>> No.18276700

it looks deeply into your eyes

>> No.18276708
File: 601 KB, 1200x863, 1611945270449.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do tell

>> No.18276722

4chan is very esoteric, although whether it is intelligent or worthwhile is another matter entirely.

>> No.18276774

Froposting represents the community, a frogposter feels validated knowing that he is part of the "archetypal" tribe, that he belongs somewhere and the fact that he posts frogs reinforces that belief since everyone else is posting them too.

>> No.18276784
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>just herd behaviour
shame, I was expecting more

>> No.18276820

the frogs are also a symbol of being outcasts though, inherently weird and 'other'

>> No.18276938

All internet groups, all friend groups even, are somewhat esoteric because the longer the group interacts the more self referential it becomes.

In friend groups this takes the form of an “in-joke” which can be invoked with only members getting the meaning. An “initiation” takes place when the group explains to a new member how the in-joke (or “ritual”) originated.

In fraternities, a larger and more complex social body, this takes the form of hazing, which may be confusing and unpleasant to the one being hazed, but afterwards becomes a point of humor, with the hazee having been accepted in and “gotten the joke.”

The rituals get more fantastical the more clever their originators. And the more time passes, so long as the group coheres, the more absurd the rituals become. Thus you can see how occult orders develop.

Normies are utterly lost navigating 4chan. If their newness is perceptible to anons they get viciously hazed. This filters some (if only momentarily) but others “get the joke,” or otherwise recognize the ritual to be a ritual for the purpose of hazing. They then pass the initiation and garner respect from others who “get it.”

This occurs all over the internet all the time but 4chan is more esoteric than most places because it is older and, especially on /lit/, the average poster’s intelligence is above average.

>> No.18277041

Whats /lit/'s initiation rite?

>> No.18277047
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>especially on /lit/, the average poster’s intelligence is above average.