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18274842 No.18274842 [Reply] [Original]

Any alternative to philosophy when you recognize that you're a midwit but all you like is thinking and writing?

>> No.18274877

Media ecology

>> No.18274882


>> No.18274895

Political commentary
Arts Criticism
Code monkery

>> No.18274898

Analytic philosophy

>> No.18274906

Continental philosophy

>> No.18274928

How predictable and unoriginal, why... why am I not surprised.

>> No.18274937


>> No.18274938


>> No.18274980

interesting but my dad does that so I'm pretty traumatized by sitting in on calls and meetings. I know a lot but it's just useless dogma to me.
I thought about it but you need a decent degree to be taken seriously where I live. Academically it has the same issues as sociology and commentary.
I did Sociology but found it unbearable; far too many theories to repeat and trample do death, pretty dogmatic in general also. There is no right but yeah-yeah there's a right way.
Political commentary is kind of dead and >90IQ, or again needs a good degree.
Art criticism is too saturated and I don't know people, unfortunately. I thought about doing photography and film but it's so oversatured by access to the perspectives and technology we have nowadays, making everyone a film maker, photographer etc.
I can code but I'm not the type of guy to work in that area.
Funnily smart enough for this, also did it for a while, but I don't want to work in academia for the rest of my life playing a researchers second fiddle; also, pretty dogmatic. And the only way you succeed there is first of all not today because analytics are done for, the whole gap between cont. and analy. is only existant nowadays in the names but no longer methodologically. Analytics won but got subsumed by continental.
In a sense dead academically. I've never seen a course on Deleuze or Derrida or generally anything concerning naturalism, signs and language which is not analytical or some heremeneutic circle jerk.
I do that but I've never had the chance to experience something, so everything I write about is pretty mundane. I think my prose is decent and sometimes great, but in generality pretty apathetic, empty and without intention to something; or so I've been told.

>> No.18274994

>interesting but my dad does that so I'm pretty traumatized by sitting in on calls and meetings. I know a lot but it's just useless dogma to me.
I don’t suppose you feel like saying who your dad is? I’d understand if that would make you uncomfortable but if he’s a media ecologist, even a very obscure one, chances are I’ve studied him so I’m interested.

>> No.18275083

He's not an academic but he implemented a lot of practically which was out there from the 90s and contributed in that sense. I just know a lot about media, marketing and business because of that. As far as I know it was all pretty innovative stuff in Europe from the late 90s to the 2000s and earlier 2010s. Present in the US maybe to a degree but new over here and different.
I don't think you've read /him/ specifically but probably, if you've read European stuff, stuff inspired by the practical stuff he did.

>> No.18275093

Not an answer, but stop classifying yourself like that, friend. The only thing keeping you fixed is the belief that you're fixed. You're not. Do what you want.

>> No.18275106

Political commentary essays
Political cartoons
Shit posting

>> No.18275137

well you're too smart for journalism.

>> No.18275142
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>tfw two stupid to find obscure academic sources

>> No.18275179

I would like that and I feel I sometimes can still think like that; I look at the stuff I write but then I sit in classes and I just realize that this isn't for me at all. I don't get half the stuff said or why it's said, while when I read a book it's all so clear to me, when I write myself it's all so clear, still never enough, but clear in a sense that it makes sense. People listen when I talk about this but those are people who are not concerned with philosophy.
Journalism. I know some head people working for a large newspaper in my country indirectly through somebody else. I thought about doing an internship there and proving myself in that way, but I've got so little time due to my studies; should I pursue that instead of Philosophy?--what do you think, anon?
Political commentary essays. Interesting but nobody will listen to me because I'm not a PhD or some influencer figure.
Cartoons. I can't draw, unfortunately. Also, from those journalism people I know, the cartoon section in newspapers is pretty elitist and dogmatic as well in their orientation towards philosophy. I'm more of an open person who wants to reconcile people instead of inciting them to be opposed more.
Shitposting. kek.

"WhaT yUo HaVe nOt rEaD StaHlnAKer, BReiTHolz; cARacTère, gÜrÜntüm, ShAng and LiNG?!? ArE yoU EvN aN Academic!?"

>> No.18275198

Literally just got to know what’s true and use it to ride the trends. Monopolize truth. Use it to defeat other people

>> No.18275376

Are you saying that one cannot simply dress up incoherent babble with stylish academese and pass it off in the most prominent Continental Philosophy journals?

>> No.18275881
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Philosophy of life/personal life philosophy

Its the most meaningful and accessible type of philosophy, directly relevant to one's life, so it is even beneficial for brainlets;

and it doesnt require ostentations of 'trivial, sterile, pedantic, irrelevant logic-chopping' found in academic professional philosophy.

>> No.18275965 [DELETED] 

Of course, I‘ve read the entire canon. Every idiot can read and know given time, and someone smart can do it quite fast. I‘m being a whiny bitch about not being able to construct philosophy myself. Thinking innovative and living well are two different things. We live in a world of capital and consumption and to live contently with your family (your actual family, not just your immediate wife and kids, which you might never have as a hermit) means to have a place in society and to have money. If the only things I (and many people here on lit) can do is think freely, write and talk and want to learn, then you will need to have a literary occupation to serve this. It is always an option to work a shitty job. I‘ve had shitty jobs and it’s bearable but not nice and not fulfilling and nothing to waste years on; you want something good which is not time spent for earning currency to work in something you actually want, to finance this, but instead do what you want and at least have a roof over you head and something to eat. I‘ve found that I‘m not at a point where I‘m able to continue what I‘m doing now (I summarised this with calling myself a ‘midwit’) so I’m asking: what can someone who has passion and conviction and love do when it’s not creating philosophy?

>> No.18277002

Are you talking about philosophy as a major, or real philosophy?

>> No.18277257

if your talking about your major just do something that makes money that you can find reasonable satisfaction in. philosophy as a major is something for silly rich people; it wont make you happy, contrapoints did a masters in philosophy and said the only job in the field is philosophy teacher so just read the material on your own, same with writing.
theres more than enough smart people on the internet or in certain cities/corners that you could join and shoot the shit with.
people who make their life about either of those passions generally end up burned out and dissatisfied, just write, submit to journals and work your day job.
It doesnt matter if your a midwit with philosophy if thats what you enjoy, just read deeply and reread books and you’ll be fine. no one ever really adds anything original to the field but you could start a podcast or otherwise broadcast presenting philosophical ideas if that will add something to your life.

>> No.18277454

Both. I would feel like a disappointment if I took some basic day job and stopped studying. I like the work but it is even less fulfilling and thankful than any I‘ve done in university.
I mainly used the midwit as an allegory for just not fitting in to science; playing the second fiddle of literature and art, something middle and ambitious to the crowned tower of the academy above, aloof, floating and hidden.

I love writing, I don’t have and issues with the material or stress, hell, I‘m doing more than 60 ECTS a semester right now (I got to this point for once to see what it would be like and to see how good I am; a serious person with serious potential would surely be able to deal with that, right?) and still keep up, reading about three to four hundred pages of very diverse stuff a week. And I still find the time to post on lit and even be bored sometimes.
What is important is that this all just pushed me to the point where I was sitting in class, looking at the people around me, and seeing nothing I could relate with. I almost hated these people in that Moment for their happiness; their stressed and depressed happiness of fitting in so well, of being content with what they saw and expected, getting along with each other just by virtue of them Being. It’s as if they spoke a different language, and I can’t explain my misunderstanding of the Why of this language but by calling myself the incompetent. They were eye to eye with the professor, not in knowledge or even thought, but in thinking and language. There was a relation and association. I never got along with them, or anyone that way. It’s not being an outsider or unfriendly or not well liked, it wasn’t so and as adults people are beyond this, but rather something different. I’ve felt alone since that moment. They were - and are - unreal to me in a sense; though such an accusation would be unfair to them.
Are they not the ones both speaking and understood, the ones content and working, the people who are just and useful and good people?
It seems to me reasonable to say that if I‘m the problem then I should leave. The question coming up with that would be where I should got then?—who‘d even listen to the literature of someone illiterate and mute who has nothing to his name but having listened and having read?
It’s all rather heartbreaking at this point, to me at least. Doing so much for so little, and even being punished for it in a way by just being a student and no one to be taken seriously, someone who at this point lost his confidence: I’m thinking about just going down to fifteen points and studying until they kicke me out, working on literature on the side, but that would be sort of disingenuous and dishonest to both myself and the people who helped me get to this point. Sorry for the rant.

>> No.18277685

honestly I appreciate this, i got to a very similar point in my uni expirence and just couldn't move forward. everyone i could see was a well adjusted city person and i was an edgy indoor weirdo and I just totally dissociated from reality and just drank in my dorm all day.
I’ve tried very hard to put myself back together and adjust to ‘adult social life’ but its so damn hard without guidance or friends but i just reapplied to uni and im determined to try again.
I wish i had better advice for you I honestly do but joining clubs and organizations, building up a friend + professional network, staying for office hours just to talk or make motivated friends, dating, finding gym buddies or just joining a sport is your best bet.
I had a ton of friends who came from advanced highschool programs who did that and turned out great. they went from outcasts to just normal socialized well liked well adjusted people remarkably fast (even friends from another country)
Its requires a lot of mistakes and a lot of awkward situations but its better to do it now before it becomes too late.
the bible says mistakes are necessary so dont beat yourself up about anything. just keep trying to adjust

>> No.18277727

digits and a zoomer girl gives me strange

>> No.18277737

Philosophy is the alternative for midwits.

>> No.18277759

i thought smart dudes liked philosophy

>> No.18277763
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>> No.18277793

i didn't read your shit jezebel thread, i won't read your shit jezebel threads, i'll never read the fucking SHIT you post next to pictures of whores, just fuck off and die!

>> No.18277845

Philosophy IS for midwits anon. You must be a dimwit

>> No.18277857


If you’re stupider economics
If you’re stupider sociology
If you’re stupider cultural studies

>> No.18278167

It's a labyrinth of self-referential bullshit that leads to nothing

>> No.18278248

Political Science
Women Studies
African Studies
Basically any social science

>> No.18278413

Who's the girl?

>> No.18278450

>muh dogmatism
Dude, every academic field is dogmatic today. The best you can do if you want freedom is either play the game and work your way up to tenure, be a freelance writer, or write for a right-wing publisher. Look at Jason Reza Jorjani, his books are published by Arktos and he's a progressive Luciferian.

>> No.18278504
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What are you talking about "midwit" anon? Have you fallen prey to 4chan ad-hominems? Are you this much of a child? Don't come back until you have mentally aged to 18.

Do you really believe you're a faggot when I call you one? Do you go back when others tell you?

But if you indeed what to know the value of your knowledge, then it should already be obvious to you. In fact, if you actually read philosophy, then you'd never have posted this in the first place

Your answer is this: ALL KNOWLEDGE IS POINTLESS. Especially the uselessness of philosophy, it's just armchair thinking.

Understand your death will render anything you do as useless. All of it is. And what of it? Nothing. You don't do anything about it because you are just a feeble human that can't change society, much less his local city. So you live with it.

>> No.18279089

Learn to tolerate consistently reading and read with variety

>> No.18279904

checks out