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/lit/ - Literature

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18274057 No.18274057 [Reply] [Original]

which philosopher could have said this?

>> No.18274069

Me, I can say it, you can too.

>> No.18274076

Every enlightenment philosopher.

>> No.18274080

>how to leave a society in ruins in 30 years

>> No.18274082


>> No.18274100
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Me, I did.

>> No.18274111


>> No.18274115


>> No.18274127


>> No.18274132
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Я дeлaл

>> No.18274136


>> No.18274610

>replace neologism with quotients of extensions of monoids by a set of unknowns and definition with monoid congruences
which mathematician could have said this?

>> No.18274635

Someone who has no understanding of basic human nature.

>> No.18274765


>> No.18274821

Who is Joe?

>> No.18274991

Joe biden

>> No.18275000

>makes statement
>doesnt explain it

>> No.18275513

Joe Mama

>> No.18276261

>replace religion with culture
... Matthew Arnold or Herder.... maybe
>god with great men

>> No.18276295

>... Matthew Arnold or Herder.... maybe
Sounds thought through, who did they influence?

>> No.18276373

I think I should have said Humboldt. Matthew Arnold seconded what Humboldt said about culture: not an untamed growth, but a cultivation. Not everyone posses it, given that not everyone has the disposition or the capacity to learn what is necessary. Even among cultivated (cultured) people some are more cultivated then others.
Amongst Matthew Arnold, Humboldt also influenced T.S. Eliot, F. R. Leavis and Ezra Pound.
As for Herder, he was against Kant's universalism; for he thought that his universalism, threatened all that is most precious to the human soul, namely, local belonging, affinities to community and ancestral roots. The universalism goes against that particular culture's indentity and their mode of thought. Herder influenced a bunch of people, I'll be taking them form wikipedia:
>Ľudovít Štúr, G. W. F. Hegel,[16] Friedrich Schleiermacher,[16] Wilhelm Dilthey,[16] Friedrich Nietzsche,[16] August Wilhelm Schlegel,[17] Karl Wilhelm Friedrich Schlegel,[16] Wilhelm von Humboldt,[16][18] Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,[16] Johann Christoph Adelung,[19] J. S. Mill,[16] Franz Boas,[20] Walter Rauschenbusch[21]

>> No.18276382

Carlyle. And most German romantics.

>> No.18276578

ur just saying this because he is a meme

>> No.18276590

Thank you very much

>> No.18276664

His "Hero Worship" book applies quite well to what OP asked.

>> No.18276756

Looked him up, youre correct

>> No.18278050

Nietzsche. Now fuck off frog

>> No.18278218

It's literally the entirety of Nietzsche you fucking mongrel

>> No.18278232

Auguste Comte

>> No.18278644

Listen here fat. I'm here to kill God and eat ice cream. And I'm all outta ice cream.

>> No.18279125

It was Hegel for sure, in Encyclopedia of the Philosophical Sciences

>> No.18279140

Pretty good impression
In what part did Hegel argue for 'culture higher then religion'

>> No.18279333

Carlyle literally couldn't get it up. It's entirely unsurprising that you worshiped great men.

>> No.18279548
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>It's entirely unsurprising that you worshiped great men.
Thats literally what everybody in the modern-day post-theist society does, seems like its the most natural instinct to deify people.

>> No.18279584
File: 1.93 MB, 4000x3570, HistoryOfSkyPeople.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>replace religion with culture and god with great men

That's fucking Martin Lucifer.

He preaches that "The Word of Man is superior to the Word of God", tames the White Wolves of the North with the warmth and temptation of hell, then proceeds to conquer the crumbling Christian nations who are sick with apostasy and sloth. Belphegor is empowered by the sloth, godlessness, and general indifference to the commandments of God that is displayed by the White Wolves (Now dogs), and provides them the benefit of "ingenious inventions that make them rich".

That's literally the one major plotline of the West post-1500. Pic related.

>> No.18279605
File: 179 KB, 1030x1300, ImportanceOfAbrahamicFaithToEurope.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's some supplementary info. If you want to say "ooga booga spooky bois" or some bullshit, look at the evidence all around you. This argument has legit hard evidence such as semantics and the resulting behaviors and ideals of people. Philosophy has nothing beyond "This is what I want to feel because I want to feel this way"

>> No.18279662
File: 418 KB, 768x3200, ContextOfJesus.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the historical context of Jesus. The Christians always refuse to accept the full background story of their God for whatever reason, even though it's pretty necessary to understand why God has his beliefs and why Jesus does what he does.

I wrote this in order to educate people willing to learn. Don't listen to "the church" because it has been a bastion of apostasy since the collapse of the Inquisition and the summoning of Martin Lucifer. Without Crusades the the Inquisition, the mutilated and neutered faith of the Catholics is heresy because they tolerate Canaanite rituals, which means that the Church is invalid.

>Even if you hate Jesus or Christians
>at least learn the actual history so you can hate Christians more

Don't put faith in the animals, the White wolves of the north, to save you. These are literally dogs, tamed by Martin Lucifer, Son of Lucifer, and used as weapons of war by the Children of the Devil to further the aims and ambitions of Lucifer.

>Hell-hound howling in the darkness
>"Wow, this dog is very insightful!"

>> No.18279700

schizophrenic episode

>> No.18279991
File: 61 KB, 1040x786, FuckParagraphs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>comes to /lit/
>refuses to read
>ad hom

"Lol, fuck words. Words are for schizophrenics." - Allegedly literate person

>> No.18280003
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>>comes to /lit/
>>refuses to read
>>ad hom
>"Lol, fuck words. Words are for schizophrenics." - Allegedly literate person

>> No.18280016

Except Carlyle only believe in a culture which followed religion, and great men who followed God, in action or in word.