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/lit/ - Literature

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18270436 No.18270436 [Reply] [Original]

F Gardner and the creator of &amp are the same person . . .

>> No.18270483

Haha that's ridiculous anon, this is a very funny *meme*.

>> No.18270502

Notice how you never see them together.

>> No.18270507

It explains the awkwardness and pointlessness of the F Gardner-&amp interview

>> No.18270531


>> No.18270608

He’s based and you’re a faggot. Lurkers take notice.

>> No.18270616
File: 494 KB, 1055x1306, Shill.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Question: "Have you ever heard of 4chan? Are you aware that you're somewhat of a cultural phenomenon over there?"

>F Gardner: "Yeah, I'm aware. I was surprised by all of the memes when it first happened. If you create quality art, the public will find and embrace you. That seems to be what's happened on 4chan, and with horror readers, regarding my novels. I'm glad people like my work, because I'm only just getting started. There's much more to come."

So fucking cringe. He implies people here other than himself make those memes... not only does he make the memes for his ad space on /lit/ but you can see in pic related that he also makes them to post on his "series" page on Facebook. It's so blatantly obvious that he is the one doing all of the shilling that I almost feel bad that someone could be so delusional as him.

>> No.18270640

Interesting strategy Frank. Unfortunately all you’ve done is guaranteed I never click on a &amp thread. Kill yourself

>> No.18270651

I love how he pretends like he’s never heard of 4chan, as if he just forgot about all the ads he paid for

>> No.18270693

Is there a video of this interview or something?

>> No.18270703

Shut the fuck up gardner you know there isn’t you fat twat

>> No.18270760

Yeah but it’s lost media now that they burned &amp to the ground.

>> No.18270769

ok how many posters do we actually have here.

>> No.18270780
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>> No.18270783

9 posters.
12 replies (13 now counting this one)

The samefag is

>> No.18270788

Did &amp replace Lit Quarterly? What ever happened to that one? I was published in the first edition way back.
How the fuck do you pronounce &amp anyway?

>> No.18270797

>So fucking cringe. He implies people here other than himself make those memes... not only does he make the memes for his ad space on /lit/ but you can see in pic related that he also makes them to post on his "series" page on Facebook. It's so blatantly obvious that he is the one doing all of the shilling that I almost feel bad that someone could be so delusional as him.
rent free

>> No.18270809

>What ever happened to that one
It went full r**dit in an effort to become more main stream.

>> No.18270825

That could mean any of a thousand different things. What did they do

>> No.18270890

Click the ad. You automatically get a few thousand dogecoin if your dick is already in your hand.

>> No.18270978

They more or less abandoned the place that they take there name from. I don't see them promote here anymore. They also have published some hot trash. I saw another anon post some screenshots once.

>> No.18271178
File: 19 KB, 499x249, Screenshot (66).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP here, I haven't posted again in the thread. I am not F Gardner, I'm just a guy who used to contribute to &amp. This is a theory I just realized after seeing that other recent thread he(?) made about his advertisements. And then the other evidence, as another anon mentioned, is that the interview was complete dogshit. This is not a thread supporting either publication, it's a thread meant to expose them.

>> No.18271469

Gardner’s just the biggest name author on /lit. Of course &amp interviewed him. Everybody here knows that fucking crocodile book. Why do you think it’s a conspiracy?

>> No.18271473


>> No.18271519

Did you read the interview? If you haven't, go read it and then you'll understand what I mean.

>> No.18271677

I just read it. What am I supposed to be seeing? It read like an interview.

>> No.18271718

It’s not a conspiracy if it’s literally just one guy spamming 4chan and self-publishing shitty books

>> No.18271749
File: 1.34 MB, 1080x1080, D4C95A47-3729-4FF6-9328-CBC106E67900.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Editorfag here. Him and I are different people. I can vouch for this because I’m not him. I told him that my conversation with him over Discord would remain private. Besides you faggot my prose is fucking gorgeous okay? Seriously. No disrespect to FG but my shit doesn’t even stink. Chupa mis hueavos.

>> No.18271870
File: 145 KB, 900x900, 1587037673611.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck. I hope so. That would be super neat

>> No.18271915
File: 279 KB, 1035x1021, LitGotPlayedLikeAFiddle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys are all so stupid. You got used as a billboard for months by this clown. You're the joke of 4chan.

>> No.18272029

Publisher-/lit/ is a farce. Are you familiar with how a janny published a shit book, spam-shilled it, and then began mass banning people and deleting posts and threads when he was exposed? Didn't happen that long ago either. I don't believe Gardner is close to as bad as that, but I'm just saying, anything that involves published literature from /lit/ is laughably farcical, as is to be expected from LITERAL 4CHANNERS.

>> No.18272179

I made the link for that ad connect to the rarely used website he never promotes because I thought it was funny.

>> No.18272183

At the very least, Gardner doesn't take himself seriously and is having fun writing. Which makes him better than the rest.

>> No.18272273
File: 58 KB, 790x675, usdir.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reply to your mail or he gets it

>> No.18272327

Did I get you? There are only like 3 submissions for 007 so far so if I didn’t answer you send it again.

>> No.18272470

The first two, maybe even the third, had quality sentiment, but it was clear they were using /lit/ as a springboard when by the fourth they were publishing literal-who Africans by their real names whining about Grindr hookups. Not a joke, I can post a story.

>> No.18272602
File: 88 KB, 640x610, 7B50A257-1C3A-4F9A-BB2F-6733F6C64FA3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got me

>> No.18273159

>I can post a story.
Post it.

>> No.18273459

What book was it?

>> No.18273566

Well that’s not true, if he didn’t take himself seriously he would t be shilling so hard. He might not take his writing that seriously, because he shits it out as fast as possible with so many errors, but that isn’t because he’s fun and happy go lucky it’s because he has no interest in writing and just wants to be a meme

>> No.18273849

We're on hiatus. Although the fifth edition in my opinion has some of the strongest fiction we've had, the publication as a whole has kind of lost its way. Not to mention the selection process became way too much work, so much so that I started hating to read the submissions.

Might do one more edition before the end of the year from the remaining submissions I have then call it a day. Too much time and money to produce.

>> No.18273971
File: 950 KB, 720x1124, 191750591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this was posted on an instagram page with lots of normie followers, he is getting more and more popular

>> No.18273975

Interesting. Hopefully we can send it off with a bang.

>> No.18273990

What the actual fuck? Who the fuck are those people?

>> No.18273995

He rapes his sister, Phoebe.

>> No.18273996

Don’t think you know what normie means, shill
Besides, I’d imagine the call series is actually pretty complex stuff for the smoothbrains that worship the fitlit meme.

>> No.18274002

Yeah. Maybe I'll make a couple threads over the next few weeks and request submissions...and to include something in the subject line denoting that you heard about it from here. And I'll just have 100% /lit/ contributors for the final issue.

>> No.18274004

Only 5000 likes barely anything.

>> No.18274006

>alongside BBC takeover smut lit
pretty sure this is a joke, Gardner.

>> No.18274013

I've seen my own posts get published on that kid's page. It's kind of sickening to know that there are underages lurking the board in search of harvesting from us for upcummies.

>> No.18274113
File: 883 KB, 1080x1080, 1FE9CE2D-BA94-49E9-91F6-5DA7FA2CE379.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That could be nice. Don’t go too crazy; you’ll have /lit/ call you a faggot either way. Like I’ve said before, &amp wouldn’t even exist without the influence of TLQ. Also these cats can talk smack but you’re here all the time.

>> No.18274189

Yeah, thanks, I appreciate that. And being called a faggot isn't even the hard part--I expect nothing less--but it's the sheer time it takes that broke me down.

>> No.18274265

does anyone find it odd that all of the shills who started derailing and ruining the forestanon threads showed up around the same time gardner started spamming the board?

>> No.18274278
File: 29 KB, 268x394, 1723151013202947g.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

F Gardner also served in the SS.

>> No.18274737

I think there’s only correlation because Gardner is such an obvious faggot and everyone expects shilling the instant they see the cover posted in a thread.
I mean this is like wondering if the police are working with the criminals because every time a crime is committed they show up afterwards

>> No.18274934

I haven't seen a forestanon thread in a very very long time. What happened to the guy?

>> No.18275059

I noticed it too. Can confirm all of the forest anon threads that were invaded by shills were all after Gardner started spamming.

>> No.18275161

>I mean this is like wondering if the police are working with the criminals because every time a crime is committed they show up afterwards

that could be it as well

>I haven't seen a forestanon thread in a very very long time. What happened to the guy?

there was a thread about him a couple of weeks ago that was up for a few days. he's thriving and has a few gardens now.

he just posted a passage from plutarch's lives 3 days ago.

>> No.18275209

>Too much time and money to produce
You don't have to pay people a 100 Canadian. You could get away with 20 or less. Some of us are third worders you know. To fix the time problem you could bring more people onboard to sift though the submissions for things of possible interest.

>> No.18275272

I had a team of volunteer readers for the last two issues. Still, production cost, paying contributors, the sheer time required, the administration required...it's a lot.

And even so, few people gave a shit for the end product, even when I did pay relatively well for the works.

>> No.18275468
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>> No.18275864


>> No.18275909


>> No.18276174

my dude, normies do know about 4chan, it's 2020+1

>> No.18276196

i admire the guy, he's a total schizo and has been shitting up this board for like eight months now. pretty based t b h

>> No.18276226

fitlit/greentext /= 4chan
>it’s le current year
Hey how about you fuck off and die you little shit; you must be some kinda fucked to think I don’t know what year it is, or that that’s an argument at all.